Our New Endorsed Solution for Purchasing Precious Metals

Well put Travin. I heartily endorse your view!   thanks Chris and Adam et al for your critical service, including this HAA endorsement, and I am glad it may bring in some revenues to keep this service going and relieve financial pressures on you and your families which no doubt are being sacrificed to some extent by this great labor or care.

Speaking of Gold, what is going on with the best podcast around, Mish and Chris? Two weeks now and no explaination that I have seen as to why I/we didn't get our Thursday fix. Soon to be 3! Yikes! Is this not a feature any more?
Thank you


Robert -
Not to worry: the series is still very much alive & kicking. Given travel schedules, we couldn't get Chris and Mish connected over the past two weeks - but this week is looking good :slight_smile:

Below is the comparative matrix delivered by the HAA today. A more detailed comparative analysis will be released on the HAA website later this week and we will link to it from this thread.

Chris's explanation of when HAA does and does not make sense for investors makes all the difference as far as making a responsible endorsement. Thanks for that. It's often too much to ask, but with any endorsement or positive review, it's helpful to hear about the limitations of the product or service. As your advisees, we then don't feel shoehorned into something that doesn't fit for many of us.
I make my living off a website that sells information, and it's a tough row to hoe in a world that expects content to be free. Hats off to Chris and Adam for putting such great information out there, and investing in such a high-caliber site supporting that information, to boot! I hope you make some money off it through this kind of arrangement, as well as others—besides making the service possible, it provides a model.

Thank you Adam, I am thrilled.BOB

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but this conversation is a perfect example of why I sold my gold holdings. I've never seen a market so supercharged with emotion and subjectivity. This is not going to end well for most players and I fear that many here are going to unfairly blame Dr. M when it's over.
Wake up people. Nearly everything that you read in the financial blogosphere is just marketing, and everyone is "talking their book". If Dr. M (or anyone else) personally owns gold and recommends others do the same, then he stands to potentially profit from convincing you to join him: 

  • First, he profits from building traffic to his site (through on-site advertising).
  • Second, he theoretically profits by you joining his side of the trade.
  • Third, he profits if you use the services and companies that he recommends.
  • Fourth, he profits if you buy information from him (a subscription).
If you think there is something wrong with this then I have to ask "Do you work for free?" It's just a viable business model, not a conspiracy. Be your own man and take responsibility for your own decisions.



Nobody works for free but many many many expect so… to their benefit hopefully.  To me it's understandable.  It's scary out here…  who knows what's next…  leaders (not charlatans) are hard to find.the blogsphere is rife (there, I told my wife I'd use that word today!  ha) with potential  fraud and all manners of false prophet.
to expect all to have the werewithal (a bonus for you Paula HAHAHA) to do their own diligence (which most wouldn't know how to do anyway - how can you with no expertise in this environment?) is a pipedream.
face it… the herd is doomed and the fringes are the only ones in the know (and more of a target) - and probably guessing for reassurance.
Physical gold, silver, bullets, and planning - that's the ticket!!

Didn't realise till now that John Maudlin was part of HAA. 
Can you imagine Chris, Ricards etc. boasting about how much the earn in speaking fees? 


Just one example of many, but I do not trust that guy one inch. 

Thanks, this is very interesting. BV requires 4% value of gold for anything below 400oz is really a lot. Which is why I am now looking at HAA. But with BV you can go and take the gold, while with HAA you need to have it shipped to you, which sounds dangerous and very costly. Plus if you want not to have it all in one go, it might result in rising the price much more. Is there are option with HAA to go somewhere in Europe (maybe in Switzerland) and take the gold?

My price comparison this morning shows HAA to be 2 percent higher on American Eagles 1 oz.

I am near retirement age, and much to my surprise I lost a large bundle of my retirement savings over the last six years.  Fear colored my investment moves too often.  But, on the other hand, we have seen monumental failures like MF Global where little guys like me did not get their hard assets returned.  Since the coming crash has been so long delayed, I fear that it could be so large as to bring down many reputable companies.  Does that mean I should store my metals in a local bank safe deposit box?  Any reasoned guidance would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi Adam
Have you got a link to the more detailed comparative analysis of HAA, BV and GM ? I cannot find it on the HAA website. 




We personally buy gold at Hard Assets Alliance and have written about them extensively. Our full HAA review is on our site.
In particular, though, HAA accepts Trust accounts (GoldMoney - fuhgetaboutit), is VERY EASY to work with, US based (can be a disadvantage, but for many it just makes things less complicated), and the gold we choose to store today can be delivered quickly with little cost or hassle should we choose to in the future.




I can't find any discussion of Sprott Physical Gold Trust or Sprott Physical Silver Trust on this site. Yet Bob Fitzwilson recommends it highly. Is there some reason it is not included on the Where to Buy Gold & Silver page?

Hi Everybody,
I like a lot of what I'm reading about regarding HAA, although I do have one question regarding the apparent benefits of vaulting gold overseas and therefore reducing jurisdictional risk.  Because HAA is still technically a US company, is your gold truly safe in their overseas vaults in the event that the US government ever forces citizens to give up their gold as FDR did in 1933?  I fully understand that at any given time people who store their gold with HAA can have it shipped to them, but what about in the event that an FDR-like executive order is ever passed?  I'm assuming I might ask HAA to send the gold and be told sorry, even if it's located overseas.  Does anybody have any thoughts or opinions on this matter besides the obvious answer of just taking delivery as soon as you buy it?  Thanks.

  • Aaron

does anybody have sdbullion.com comments or experiences to share?
they seem to offer good pricing…
many thanks!