Peak Insider Tickets Now Available for Honey Badger Gathering 2022


I have signed up and we are looking forward to coming. That said, we have a 93 year old ailing mother who could complicate our attending. Will refunds be available if circumstances dictate we are unable to attend.


All travel topics seem to be covered except for food. Is that covered by the fee, or are we expected to bring our own? And if provided, will it be keto/paleo friendly? Thanks!


Date Conflict With Nomad Capitalist Conference In Mexico

There’s probably nothing that can be done at this point, but just want to make you aware that unfortunately this gathering overlaps the dates of the Nomad Capitalist Conference in Mexico this year.

Uv Canadian

I so wish I could go . But I am not sure if I can leave or return . Other than it being a huge disapointment it would also be a rather large financial loss if I got turned around at the border on the way into the states or out .
Are there any other UV Canadians here who are going to give it a try ?


I’m also curious about this.

Sounds good! Thank you for your answer! Bbq sounds good. Sandwiches, salads, veggies with it would be great. Not sure what is possible logistically. Thank you for making it available, it is much appreciated.

I’m in Western Australia and “trapped” no one in unless you are double jabbed, will be triple soon. I would go if I could leave and come home safely, be so cool if we had an Aussie there.

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It would be great to go along. As a Victorian I can now once again leave the state and get back in no questions asked like normal times. We recently did a week trip into far North West NSW. However should I leave the country unvaxxed I’m not sure I can re-enter. And even if I can re-enter I may not be able to re-enter Victoria. It all depends on the rules of the day our tin pot dictator has in place. Crazy times we live in.

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Hi Guys,
The plan for this is to have at least 3-4 food choices on site available for purchase from the respective (vetted) food trucks. The goal is to have options as everyone will have their own preferences.
If anyone knows a food truck that might be interested in coming to our event, please email us at
Hope this helps!


Glad I was able to help via email. If anyone comes across this message, the gist is that refund parameters are typically case by case, That said, we would never hurt our tribe. If circumstances become dire for you, just email us and let us know what’s going on, and we will make sure you are taken care of.


Hey there,
I took a look, and it looks like you are now good, with a camp site registered. I sent you a direct email with the registration image too.
Hope that helps!

Start Time

about what start time are things get going on thursday? morning afternoon or evening… since im west coast all my flights are over night and im landing early morning , plus the rental pick up drive ~2 hours wanted to see if id mis half the day or arrive at the perfect time?

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Tell us about the Nomad Capitalist organization. It looks like they have ripped off many people from their reviews.

Hopeful To Attend

I am new here; looking at my account profile, I am failing my engagement points ? Didn’t realize it was being scored- sorry, I’ve been out of the social media game for a while. I am planning to attend this event with my husband. I get so much value and benefit from my membership here. Really enjoyed the crash course and looking forward to learning more (that type of info is foreign to me- I’m a total newbie so it was hugely beneficial). This event seems like a wonderful opportunity to meet other like-minded people and learn some really important actionable steps to take to better prepare for the upcoming crises. We are (unfortunately) Illinois residents, but we’ve been working on preparations and resiliency for a while now. I am a seasoned gardener, looking to further my knowledge base on homesteading. Thank you for offering a community building event like this. Really grateful for all the information you provide.
P.S. to the other commenters who mentioned paleo/keto food options, I am another paleo/keto-ish member so we can possibly connect on food options. I will likely stay at a hotel/motel or airbnb, but I always come prepared with other food and/or cooking methods to prepare food if need be


Any word on Thursday start time? Need it for planning flight and accommodations.

Please don’t stress the points. That is for you, as only you can see them, and have no negative effect what so ever. Down the road the system could be used for a reward based system for engagement, but at the moment is there for you =).
If we can help at all as you are on this amazing path, just let us know. Welcome to PM any time.

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HI Guys,
Looking at 2 or 3 pm set up for Vendors, and evening camp fire likely ~7pm. Obviously not in stone, but likely not earlier. If you plan around that, you wont miss anything. This will hopefully provide enough time for people to show up/set up camp ?.

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Perfect. Thank you!

That’s what it started out for me too…I just went with it, and eventually it changed…at least I think it did!!!

It isn’t showing my campsite registration either.