Peak Personalities: James Kunstler

Chris, could you please advise all of your followers to NOT get the covid vaccine for their children, including those headed off to college? There’s no upside for them, but the potential downside is enormous. We just don’t know what may happen, a year after. I can’t sleep at night because of this. I feel like I’m screaming into the wind.

Jim Kunstler is a loud and proud racist. I used to read his blog and buy his books without fail but lost interest completely over the last two years due to his emotionally unhinged rants about people who aren’t white. He is clearly a misogynist as well.
Chris if you genuinely want to reach out to a wider group of people (beyond the regular PP crowd), that just won’t happen if you feature guests who wholesale discount large segments of the population. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just go read his blog. Pretty hard to miss.
PP has been an incredible resource for me for years but it really concerns me to see JHK as your first featured guest in the new series.

If you read further into the book, you will find that the minister who couldn’t make love to his wife had a psychological problem that was eventually “fixed” and he came back to his wife with full turgidity. You probably won’t like how that happened, but it happened.
I’m going to play armchair shrink and devil’s advocate here by stating that your “one man, one woman” sensibilities are just an ingrained and trained belief that you hold, but that nature laughs at. The main character in this novel lost his wife, the minister’s wife essentially lost the physical aspect of her relationship with her husband’s mental impotence which manifested as physical impotence.
People need a physical connection in their lives to emotionally survive, and after the world fell apart and the flu killed off a large portion of society in the book, that physical connection could only be found in those characters’ situation as it happened. Eventually that temporary relationship dissolved and each character found a more monogamous and in your estimation, a more “suitable” situation for physical love.
I don’t want to attack your sensibilities and how you react to a fictional portrayal of people surviving the fall of civilization, but as a farmer (my presumption on the hay comment) you have to realize the universe is indifferent and unintentionally cruel at times if not constantly so.
Being physically/emotionally disgusted at a fictional character dealing with loss and love in apocalyptic end times is actually a programmed response and symptom of “easy living” in a world where it is trained that monogamy is the only way to be.
Your first world upbringing and bias has prevented you from observing the many messages being sent by JHK throughout the rest of the book and series due to this reaction.
If what is being said about the 3 E’s in the crash course is actually going to come true (I believe post-oil is real and quickly approaching), you may not be psychologically prepared to have your entire paradigm destroyed while it occurs.
The morals and norms of the “happy motoring” society we grew up in are not definitive natural laws, they are man made. The true essence of human or almost any mammalian evolution is polygamy or the ability to adapt to polygamy when needed. Best way to ensure survivability is to cast the seeds wide and deep and find love where it is available.
Monogamy is not the natural state of sexual beings, it is actually an imposed concept on humans that most probably widely began with the advent of the printing press and the mass distribution of the 10 commandments by the Church. It was used to control and stabilize society for the benefit of the rulers if not the societal growth itself. If the serfs were fighting over each others’ wives and property, they would unproductive to the needs of society and the rulers. Surely the leaders weren’t and aren’t held to the same rules.
The Christian belief of the all powerful 10 commandments as being permanent rules for humans could not be more wrong. Especially in modern times.
Our esteemed leaders (and a massive percentage of citizens) continually lie, cheat, steal, murder and covet others and their property. It is actually the true essence of capitalism and empire building. Complacency is never enough to the capitalist or emperor.
Capitalism is all about taking from others at a profit. Ideally it would be a mutually beneficial exchange, but that is almost never the case. In order for one person to profit, someone else must pay. Simple laws of thermodynamics that energy/mass cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.
“Creation of wealth” is a misnomer, especially in the western world. We only win in first world economies by having losers - sweatshops in Asia, the true price of oil never being paid, toppling of regimes that don’t fall in line. For the US et al to get rich, poor countries need to be paid slave wages, have resources ravaged and the environment ruined (all 3 E’s are in that sentence BTW).
We can see that playing out internally also in the dwindling central bank interest rates which are necessary for a system that feeds off itself. Borrow from Peter (at a loss) to pay Paul (for his profit). Repeat that for 100+ years and you have zombie corporations and interest rates continually falling to prop up the system, with proposals of negative rates being floated lately.
Or similarly with the increase in divorces as populations approach the 7 and 8 billion marks. This is indicative of the true human nature. To frolic like the animals we are. And we covet other mates.
Animals literally eat each other to survive or mate with many vs. one - humans are merely animals with language. We just rationalize our actions in the modern world by hiding or pretending we don’t partake in these actions.
SUMMARY - I know I make some massive leaps in my statements above, but the essence of my point is your sensibilities are societal programming which only “work” within the framework of our imposed and wholly unnatural modern “moral” framework.
Once cheap oil/energy goes away, all modern day norms will revert to survival of the fittest. Meaning that polygamy may actually benefit the individuals and groups that practice them whereas monogamy and the grieving widow(er) may just crumble emotionally and not thrive or even survive.
In this particular context of the novel, when the world has ended and 90% of all humans are dead, your trained instinct to be appalled by infidelity could become a weakness and not a helpful factor in your emotional as well as overall species survival, depending on the situations presented to you.

Looks like you’ve been a PP member since 2015. Were you not aware Chris is friends with Kunstler? I realize broadly condemning someone as racist with no evidence cited is all the rage these days, but can you at least cite a specific blog post or quote?

We agree! It would be great to download Peakprosperity talks as an mp3 file - much like one can do at the Please make this available for subscribers - thank you!

Wow. That’s a lot of spewage going every-which-way at once. I couldn’t follow any of it. None of it seemed to apply to the person being spewed against. As far as I’m concerned, Brushog didn’t miss anything by not reading further. No sense but visual. No sound, no smells, no taste. The dialogue mostly grunted. Boring. And none of the characters described as female seemed even human - more like desperate dogs begging to be fed by Great Master.

No evidence? You’ve got to be kidding.

Non-monogamy only “works” for the male. Historically, women have seldom, if ever benefitted.

Seems like you were predestined (or programmed) to dislike what I wrote, just my take on that. So be it.
I hoped to impart a deeply philosophical and extremely disciplined (for me) collection of non-aggressive verbiage as my mode of communication to forward my thoughts based upon decades of human and natural observation, study and living.
You responded with “spewage” and that JHK writes terribly boring and grunting.
I will save my critiques as they won’t be as benign and polite as my original post.
Again, the universe is indifferent and unintentionally cruel.
I am trying very hard lately to not be cruel if I can help it. Your response is literally triggering all of those old reactions I am normally used to actually spewing. You would not like who I’m trying to evolve beyond if I devolved as a reply.
Deep breath for me and a realization that I have been served well by my experiences and learning I’m trying to share from my life, you’re free to blow it off as an attack and utter nonsense at your own discretion.
Regardless, I’m at least glad you attempted to read what I wrote and wish you good day.

I’m well aware that Chris and Jim are friends. I referred people to Kunstler’s blog so that I wouldn’t be accused of cherry picking a quote. However, I’ll mention this from “History Lesson” posted on July 3, 2020.
"the unfinished business of the civil rights movement… was the full participation of Black citizens in American life. The main grievance now is that Black Americans are still denied full participation due to “systemic racism.” That’s a dodge. What actually happened is that Black America opted out and lost itself in a quandary of its own making with the assistance of their white dis-enablers, the well-intentioned “progressives.”

Further he claims that "Altogether, Black America remained ambivalent and anxious about all that. That full participation implied a challenge to compete on common ground." That's a very bold claim about an entire 13% of the population and he certainly did not support his idea that blacks as an entire group opted out of trying to enter the economic mainstream.
Elsewhere, for example in his June 5 post, he sneeringly makes fun of the idea that systematic racism exists in this country. Besides the fact that this country was founded on enslaving black people and deliberately destroying the indigenous population and its culture, we have a rich history of lynching, race riots by white mobs, redlining, massive employment discrimination and an enormous wealth gap as evidence.
Does anyone really think that black people as a whole chose to be impoverished? Isn't it just a teensy bit more likely that the entrenched money interests in this country have a strong interest in keeping large groups of the population out of the profit streams? Don't they also gain by pitting white and black people against each other and distracting them from who is really benefiting from the way our economy and society are structured? In my mind, that's what this is really about and it disappoints me that an interesting thinker like Kunstler would take this line.

I’ll add that I have enormous respect for Chris and actual gratitude for his information scouting skills and critical thinking, which have helped me in making some big life decisions. I just don’t understand the continued support of JKH, there are plenty of other interesting thinkers out there.

Calling JHK a racist is a pretty harsh assertion against someone. It is the misdiagnosis of the term racist that seems to be the issue these days. Looking at the definition of racism there is the following:
“a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”
I’ve been following JHK for years and I’ve never sensed he believes that the problems or successes of any group is due to an inherent issue or capabilities of race from his writings. He does write about government policies that may contribute to disparities in outcome between groups. I think we can agree that policies create incentives as Chris’s often says. Policies that incentivize actions have nothing to do with racial matters.
We all have opinions and whether he is right or wrong with these opinions, discussing potential policy as the whole or partial cause of trying explain a complex topic of which is currently being used to pit one against the other doesn’t indicate he is a racist. With that said, his willingness to at least maintain the overton window range and discuss potential reasons for disparity that are constantly being shut down by the term “racist” is needed at least from a ying/yang standpoint.
Hope you reconsider your opinion of him.

Almost none in my loose social circles hear me when I talk about Ivermectin and my grave concerns about jabbing youth. It does feel ridiculously futile. I am currently reaching out further, with decidedly mixed results. Thank you, thank you, Primary Care MD, for your efforts. Screaming into the wind may be all that we can do, but if so, I believe it’s what we must do.

I have printed the I-Mask protocol and keep copies handy so I can give them to anyone who will listen, with a copy of the link to FLCCC. I also give them addresses to the best recent interviews of Drs. Kory and McCullough.
I have found that my most receptive targets are those in the building trades and attendees at the WorldWide Demonstration in May. Financial types, lawyers, and doctors generally are not interested.
With the press refusing to cover this, I realize most just think I am a crank. My own brother will not listen. No one can believe the national health institutions would fold their hand and let people die, so there MUST be a good reason for their recommendations.
It’s discouraging. Still, step-by-step…

Week before last we had a little exacerbation nearby that made the news… The town of Ridgefield, WA, North of me, was busing high school kids to a central location for a vax day for the kids. They were supposed to have permission from parents but this was being poorly enforced. One young girl was being pressured by her teachers and peers and called her dad crying to please pick her up. The dad had done so and there were anti-vaccine proponents picketing outside the location… so there ended up being quite chaotic scene that was caught on video.
I ended up walking next door to warn my fellow working-at-home neighbor that this was happening nearby - he has two high school age daughters. I tried my best at the time to blather all I knew about the vaccines. He begged off for a work call and I felt bad that I had not done justice to the conversation… or that he would simply write me off as a conspiracy theorist of some sort. In the meantime I have been printing out a bunch of supporting documentation and just earlier today I got a chance to talk to him again briefly and hand him the stack of doc’s (which now included the FOIA’ed bioaccum data that shows the Vax accumulating in ovaries). He was interested and noted that he felt scientific debate should be allowed… so I felt much better about the second conversation.
At the end of the day, it’s hard to hold the knowledge that we do and not act on it. I literally feel like being one of those nuts who puts up a big sign in his yard saying, “Don’t vax your kids” and “Ivermectin stops the pandemic”.

Jim H wrote:

At the end of the day, it's hard to hold the knowledge that we do and not act on it. I literally feel like being one of those nuts who puts up a big sign in his yard saying, "Don't vax your kids" and "Ivermectin stops the pandemic".
I have so many times, especially in the last few months, felt like I am bursting at the seams to the point I started thinking about how to make my giant sign and where the best place to stand would be! It is so very frustrating to feel this stifled on what is literally a life and death matter! If we consider the red-blue pill meme from The Matrix, it would seem most in the PP tribe are red pill takers. We go about life interacting with others, the majority of which seem to be blue pill takers. I have had moments where I long for that kind of blissful ignorance, but then I give my head a shake & remind myself that ignorance and not wanting to get involved is why we are in this mess. For non important matters I would say who cares, their ignorance is only hurting them. But in this instance their ignorance is hurting all of us. That does not sit well with me, at all.  

I don’t think he’s discounting black Americans at all. I think the idea that black people need help from white progressives is far more discounting than what JHK has said. I believe Malcolm X said something to the effect of white liberals being the greatest threat to Black communities. I think he makes a good point in the quote you shared. Who are we (white Americans) to decide black Americans must conform to every aspect of American society? It seems some of the largest corporations are using “wokeness” to profit, so I’m not sure how keeping Black people in poverty is benefiting moneyed interests. These corporations want to welcome all races, genders, sexual orientations, etc., into the fold of mindless consumerism. So, the more disposable income minorities have, the better for corporations like Nike, for example, who have used the SJW movement as an advertising campaign.
I don’t think he’s wrong to suggest that Black Americans in general have opted out of the mainstream economy. I don’t think he means all Black Americans. Unfortunately, there is a sub-culture in Black communities that seems to disapprove of Black individuals’ success. Black students who do well in school can be ridiculed by peers as “acting white.” He’s pointing out some harsh realities. I don’t think crimes against Black Americans in the past really amount to some kind of ongoing systemic racism. This country was not founded on slavery. A minority of Americans owned slaves. I understand he’s not politically correct, but that doesn’t make him a racist in my opinion.

There are a People who are Zulus, there are a People who are Inuit. Is it “Racist” to point this out?
How well would a Zulu fare in Greenland? How well would an Inuit fare in Zululand?
Does a Zulu born in Greenland automatically become an Inuit?
So many questions, such unnecessary anguish.
We are warned by Jessos circa 1000 BC to recognize and repudiate faux guilt. This whole “racist” schtick is an attempt at social engineering using Pavlovian guilt tripping.
It must all be rejected.
It is for this reason that the Masters reduced everything down to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Being uncouth is not a Sin.

  @brushhog I could not sympathize with the character the woman with the long black veil?

Are we all finding ourselves completely as fish out of water in this rarified air of certainty? My political perspectives have previously typically formed from submersed vantage points in unclear swamps with confusing cross-currents, enlivened occasionally by high minded brightfish. Now, I am certain that we face great evil that most are unable to see. This evil now preys on children. I have no choice but to grow legs and stand.