Peak Personalities: James Kunstler

Ive read and digested JHK for many years, maybe particularly his podcasts. A few years ago I began catching hints of his swing to the right. The first item I recall was some comments about women as chaos agents in society.
The story became much clearer as he latched onto the ‘stop the steal’ mentality. I went to his blog the other day and he was still going on that topic, following the whole Arizona audit. I doubt that the Arizona exercise will lead anywhere further than the past 60 challenges and maneuvers, however I dont expect that this will make any difference.
Sad as JHK always claimed to be immune to conspiracy theories, but now appears to have fallen for one himself.

Jturbo68, Kinda premature to post such comments until his “conspiracy theory” is fully vetted. About about the “conspiracy theory” that the virus was created in a lab?

I think and hope that JHK doesn’t believe the new right stuff you mention. IMHO since his Patreon-paid blog seems to be his main source of income, he sacrificed some authenticity for a subject which drew crowds. He has a rich imagination.

You can prolly do that with any number of conversion sites.

So you interview someone and have a civil conversation with them and that means you support them? What does that even mean, outside the fantasy land of Woke?

I believe that the quote attributed to Malcolm X was a MLK Quote, and actually against White Moderates who find that they cannot abide by radical actions taken by the minority group.

The Lab leak theory has been gaining traction since it was introduced, and had significant evidence supporting it from the start. And has been broken open fairly easily. Personally, I am happy that this was so easily broken, and at some level it restores my belief that hiding nefarious stuff is hard to do. And im always happy for corruption, hubris, insulated buracuracy, and media band wagon to be embarrassed when they screw up.
The stop the steal movement has been reviewed at all levels for 8 months so far, and evidence has been reviewed by many courts, including Trump appointed judges. Nothing has been show after all that time. Each time, the stop the steal crowd, just claims the lack of evidence just means that the cover up is another level deeper.
The AZ Inquiry is just another step towards weakening our democracy and destroying the tatters of belief in governmental systems. Things are bad enough as is without further committing to untrue ideas.
Im perfectly happy to accept a fraudulent election if indeed something like this happened. I welcome fraus to be proven where it exists, no matter who or what is destroyed. The evidence of STS has failed to date and is now damaging our democracy.
When the lack of evidence is proof of the conspiracy, that is a good definition of being trapped in a conspiracy. Hopefully, once the AZ thing fails, you can give up on that belief and work hard to repair belief in the overall soundness of the US elections.

No evidence has been presented in any court… all of the court cases have been shut down on technicalities like “standing”. I am not going to waste time arguing with you… but you should know that many of us understand that the election had many questionable elements going on which were inexorably tied to the pandemic and keeping observers at a distance. Never waste a pandemic, right? So now we have a highly suspicious national election in which a sitting president wins nearly every traditional bellwether county in the nation by double digits, grows his popularity with women and minorities, and increases his vote tally by over ten million new voters from his first election — all feats that would normally indicate an electoral landslide. And, instead, after the miracles of mail-in balloting, privatized elections bought and owned by Facebook, and vote counts conducted in partisan secrecy, Joe Biden wins three disputed states and the national election by a measly 40,000 votes. Uh, sure. A majority of the American people didn't buy the lie in November, and they don't buy the lie now, and once again, the same liars who pushed the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes are angry that Americans won't simply accept the lies they are fed. Right now, Maricopa County, Arizona, is conducting an audit of its 2020 vote, and county officials have already admitted that an outside vendor illegally operated the election for them. Michigan election officials likely broke state law by manually disabling the scanned image function for ballots, and election attorney Matthew DePerno alleges that modems were connected to Michigan voting equipment, an election violation that NBC News reports would render the election "no longer federally certified." After revelations that Facebook and other Big Tech players who had no business interfering in local election precincts paid government election offices in battleground states to become "turnout machines for Biden," the state of Wisconsin has finally authorized an audit of the election. And an election audit in Windham, New Hampshire shows "ample evidence that voting machines favored Democrats, are not reliable, and cannot be trusted."

Sounds like you have missed or avoided looking at the world not just from the liberal point of view, and deprived yourself of the advantages of having another point of view. Having tow eyes in our head is how we have depth of field judgment, how we can estimate distance from feet to miles.
I suggest these You Tube channels: The Officer Tatum; Good Luck America; Think Like a Horse; Thomas Sowell; Mat Christiansen; Romainian TV; Garland Nixon; and Richard Grove.
If you take off the ideological patch which you wear over your right eye because it’s in fashion with the people you know, you do face the danger of increased ambivalence. Uncertainty can be uncomfortable, not everyone can manage to maintain the state for long stretches of time. You will loose some friends who will insist you wear the patch. There are some advantages though.
You can take the path less traveled.
You can figure out where you leave off and community begins.
You can see the depth of experience other minds have had and how they think.
You can see what is fundamental to your life, and what is superficial.
You will write better poetry, and you will get William Shakespear, and William Blake, and history more deeply.
You will develop more compassion for others, for yourself, for the world.

If what is being said about the 3 E's in the crash course is actually going to come true (I believe post-oil is real and quickly approaching), you may not be psychologically prepared to have your entire paradigm destroyed while it occurs.   Germany is the metafor.

Of course they have. I guess the conspiracy is just one level deeper.
How many millions more votes do you need to be spotted next time to be able to take a loss and not crater your democracy?
CNN can go f*** itself, btw. Whatever media you are digesting that is keeping you in the STS game, is not doing you any favors at this point.
Pretend its the year 2000 and take the loss like the dems did. You’ll get another chance here shortly.

It sounds like you need to recite your comment in front of a mirror. I dare you.

Not sure what the source of the quote is. Maybe a speech or maybe written. But I found this with a quick Google search.
“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man.”

Thanks for the quote. Appears that Malcolm X didnt trust white people conservative or liberal. Interesting to ponder where we are 60 years on.

Not sure what led you to draw that conclusion. This sounds exactly like what we’re seeing now with corporations and politicians pandering to Black Americans and claiming Black Americans need help from white people (remember when Joe Biden said Black Americans who don’t vote for him “ain’t Black”?):
“The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us.”

How many Boomers died or were injured in Vietnam. How easy it is to forget.

Admin: Post removed for promoting racist ideas and racism, user blocked.

I’m not talking about cultural differences, but the economic and social conditions that directly impact people’s lives. Black people were forced to come here, forced to stay here and forced to live under deeply oppressive conditions for centuries. That’s a completely different conversation that what you are offering.

His main comment was that as a whole “Black America opted out and lost itself in a quandary of its own making” and that Black American declined “a challenge to compete on common ground”. I don’t see any substantive evidence of that and do see plenty of evidence of the establishment creating structures that bar or make it very difficult for black and brown people to compete on common ground. I do think it’s completely possible that the white liberal elite created more problems.
Yes as you say “It seems some of the largest corporations are using “wokeness” to profit.” I think that is just a craven marketing ploy. It has been my sense that PP’ers are generally in agreement that our economic system has fostered massive and increasing economic inequality. Which affects all races but black and brown people more profoundly. I don’t think the corporate mindset is actually rational because history shows that extreme income inequality leads to the downfall of the system. Peter Turchin, anyone? Short-term greed rules a lot of ultimately irrational economic activity. Including of course individual consumers taking on huge debt to get the next shiny thing. If corporations actually wanted consumers to have more disposable income, then they wouldn’t breaking unions and paying crap wages.

Frya has said we must not admit amongst us any but free people; but what have they done? They have imitated our enemies, and instead of killing their prisoners, or letting them go free, they have despised the counsel of Frya, and have made slaves of them. Because they have acted thus, Frya cared no longer to watch over them. They robbed others of their freedom, and therefore lost their own. The Oera Linda.
Yes. Freya was deadly serious about the primacy of Freedom as a Value. She warned us not to mess with Lyda's people and if we did it would rebound upon our heads. And it has. (This too was Adolf's sin. He made slaves of the Jews. And look what happened to him.) Squeeze out your ulcers and learn wisdom.