Peak Prosperity Launches "Informed Consent" Livecast

I apologize. I’m just a monkey. I’ll stop commenting. I think…

Military power backs the dollar.


Just fyi I have known patients who refused vent and died. Covid is a very complex issue. And govt policy has confounded it.
Sometimes when it comes to medical issues some people are just not lucky, of course there are things we can do to live better. But guilt and shame have no productive role in my mind. If they did there would not be childhood obesity (terrible diets given to children?) or childhood cancers.

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The dollar is a belief system. It is real as long as citizens/subjects believe that it has value. When citizens/subjects believe in their system of government, and the government doesn’t obscenely print money and devalue the dollar, all is relatively well. But as soon as people feel the government is against them and/or inflation runs wild…then POOF! back it turns into green paper.

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3% huh… come on man at least for veggies if your gardening you probably need to buy very little. I think you aren’t being honest with yourself… come on Chris give yourself credit

Another winning book by Mr. Kunstler is the “Geography to Nowhere” a wonderful analysis of what inputs a community needs to live in a place worth caring about. Some of those inputs are critical in supporting a community. .
We’re all soft… as I procrastinate not doing my exercises.
Speaking of easy and soft. While I am still converting/organizing a nasty storage space into a working she-shed, I found my water filtering systems (3 different sizes) purchased years ago for the on-the-go scenario, and thought, hmmm, we need to practice living outside and actually using those water filtering systems!
We need something along the lines of a hardening up protocol.


They have a new name now, TPTB, Oligarchs, policy makers are now called “stakeholders.”

Commenting along with the discussion… Just thinking outside the box here, what if our understanding of the dangers of nuclear radiation is not accurate? I follow SuspiciousObservers, where I found this gentleman:
Mr. Galen Winsor worked in the nuclear energy industry intimately, and gave a lecture, which is linked above. The other consideration that has needled at The Narrative re: nuclear bombs, in my mind involves just common sense. How many nuclear bombs have been discharged in the world? Why haven’t we haven’t we suffered that catastrophic nuclear winter yet? How long was it before Nagasaki and Hiroshima were thriving again? Is the “Fear” of nuclear weapons the real weapon?
Why is the real danger of a nuclear bomb exploding above the ground the EMP blast that takes down the grid and not the radiation? Has anyone read an EMP assessment of the nuclear fall out from a government agency?

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Had to stop the podcast at gardening towrite this. Although people may not need to be 100% reliant on the food from a garden this year. They are 100% reliant on the
-failure knowledge they’ll gain this year.
-the biannual seed crop that they’ll need to start planting now.
-practicing the preservation of food methods.

  • understands true yeilds and deveopling their garden microbiologist.
    Simply waiting or not scaling up even if its just for learning will be absolutely detrimental especially if a food scarcity event hits in fall or winter. You can always give produce to others and increase social capital.

Veggies don’t have a lot of calories…baseload is 2k calories per day, say, which is 365*2k = 730,000 calories.
If there are 31 calories in a cup of chopped broccoli, and there are 2 cups per head of broccoli, then I’d have to grow 11,774 heads of broccoli to meet my caloric needs. We grew 12.
Potatoes are another matter. At 150 calories in a medium potato, you’d ‘only’ have to grow ~4,900 to meet your needs. At a net gain of about 5 per plant, that’s about 1,000 planted potato plants to meet your needs.
At ~1 plant per linear foot, and 2 feet between rows, you can entirely meet the caloric needs of one person on 1/10 of an acre, give or take.
Therefore, to meet the needs of 50 people (our minimum goal here) you need about 5 acres. Just for potatoes.
Of course, one does not live on potatoes alone, but this sets the starting point for the conversation as to how the other portions of the land should be used if not used for potatoes.
The same calculations for wheat show that you can entirely meet the caloric needs of 4.5 people/acre, so slightly less than half that of potatoes.


Guns and oil, not in that order.


Free Floating Anxiety

That background energy noise is extremely depleting, so is lamenting for all the people suffering. A favorite curative is a daily devotion, helps to gird the constitution. When I miss my daily devotions, I feel a lot more free floating anxiety.


What Is Community

I loved the discussion regarding community with the active ingredient being “need.” We have a community that right now, after a decade of failure mind you, is the most helpful group of people I’ve had on the homestead all at once. I have never been surrounded by so many helpful people, and we’re living in a situation where we need each other.
I’ve had a lot of association with the younger generation - the 25-35 yr crowd. The genuine young people I’ve met are rejecting the mainstream lifestyle and wanting to live in a very small footprint with few ammenities. They have few places to plug into. It’s essentially illegal to live offgrid or with a compost toilet or in a tent or a converted shed. Hells bells, you can’t even live in your own travel trailer on your own property for more than 7 days in my jurisdiction.
In some ways, I’m living the days of the depression where the ‘farm’ has been turned into a boarding house and a place for gardeners to work in exchange for the bare minimum.
Even so, right now everybody is happy.

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I’ll put some effort into this in the next week or so and see about getting this feature turned on.


Hi All,
The correct answer is, since March 9, 1933 the dollar has been backed by the labor of the U.S. citizen defined in the 14th Amendment and put into VOLUNTARY SERVITUDE as prescribed by the 13th Amendment. Go back and read it for yourself. It’s called “legal by admission”. Voluntary servitude is both legal and lawful. But you don’t know that you have done it to yourself every time you answer “YES” to the question, “Are you a citizen”? And you go about you life as a citizen of the United States thinking you have Constitutional Rights but you don’t. You voluntarily give them up in trade for watered down Civil Rights. It all comes down to jurisdiction and Commercial Courts are what you deal with as a citizen, not a Constitutional Court. You see it’s all a big fraud. We aren’t told the real rules of our lives and that we all have been sold into slavery at the time of birth and we don’t even know it. It’s down by birth certificates of which there are two: A Certificate of Birth and a State Birth Certificate which is the Bond that assigns you into BONDAGE and all your future labor is what backs the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. There is a remedy on how to stop volunteering and to regain your freedom and you Constitutional rights back.

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Banality Of Evil

Thank you for talking about the banality of evil, and, Grace, for talking about the loneliness that stems from losing trust. It has been such a journey, probably over the past 15 years to get to the place where I realize I don’t trust anything coming from the Federal Government, corporations, State Governments, County and Local Governments, Nonprofits (even the small local nonprofit on whose board I still sit), many people in my life and more. It’s been a long journey of acceptance and I still get angry about it.
For example, thinking about my local nonprofit where I have taught nature immersion classes each spring summer and fall for maybe 8 years, I realize I have probably taught my last class there. Last fall the board approved a vaccine mandate for staff at a location that is entirely outdoors. I was the only one in opposition. They were planning on one for the kids too, which has gotten obviously derailed by the low vaccine uptake among 5-11 year olds. I have twice tried to initiate an email conversation about the value of a vaccine mandate for the staff who compose about 15-20% of the population at a large entirely outdoor facility. Both of my emails have gone unanswered.
During the debate on the adult mandate, I slammed them with a whole bunch of data and got back several ad hominen attacks and a “Some Guy in His Basement” cartoon. I went as far as to ask people just before the vote if they knew anyone personally with a health issue that just might be a vaccine injury. I got an intense and angry reprimand from the president telling me how inappropriate and “irrelevant” this was to the matter at hand.
It’s time to send one last gentle reminder email and then let this go.
Finally, thank you for the weed admissions. I have a habit of slacking on the weeding in midsummer too. It’s good to have company!


Informed Consent

didn’t learn anything new. grace couldn’t get a word in edgewise. at least in pt 1 have not watched pt 2

I like the approach here to estimating acreage. What does it become if you aim to include food that walks (say, chickens)? Some acreage could be dedicated to growing food the chickens would transform into delicious eggs.


Informed Consent

In federal prison, they trade postal stamps. That’s the unit of barter.

My partner and I were discussing this same topic the other day. We are in the millennial generation, and we’re fortunate enough to be able to afford property and build our tiny house. The major issue right now is that people of our generation are being priced out of being able to walk away from a conventional life to one of off-grid resilience.

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