Pfizer 6-Month Vaccine "data" Is In...

What is your source for this please?

“The 'conspiracy theory” crowd come off sounding really unsophisticated a lot of the time, which isn’t helping anything!" I think it is all part of the gaslighting. QAnon did immense damage to many people’s motivation: why do anything yourself when the Power Rangers are going to show up any minute to set things right! Better to stand around the campfire telling each other scary and impossible stories instead of read a history book and maybe a book by Bernays.

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How can reverse transcription occur without reverse transcriptase? Unless you have HIV infection I don’t see how the mRNAs will alter DNA.

I reviewed the study:

  • 44165 participants, vaccine: 22030; placebo: 22030, rest lost.
  • 77 covid cases in vaccinated group; 850 covid cases in placebo group
    -15 in the vaccinated group died; 14 in the placebo group died.
    The confusion here is that you assume the people who died came from the population of covid infected individuals: 77+850= 927 people. The reality is that the people who died came from the population of the study participants: 22030+22030= 44060 people.
    The CORRECT death rate comparison is:
  • Vaccinated group: 15/22030
  • Placebo group: 14/22030
    You should NOT have compared it using the Covid individuals:
  • Vaccine group: 15/77
  • Placebo group: 14/850
    (This interpretation WRONG.)
    I did not go into the supplementary appendix which these data are further elaborated, but I see no need to.

I’m sorry, being thought of as unsophisticated is really low on my list of concerns. I keep having to come up with new conspiracy theories because the old ones keep coming true.
Honestly, I am looking at the price of gold drop and trying to figure out who is in big trouble and is having to liquidate their gold to meet their margin calls on monday. So I have something to chew on for today’s new conspiracy theory.

Kim L Law-
Maybe I missed what you were complaining about. To me, my interpretation of those statistics were, there was no “all cause mortality benefit” to being in the vaccine group.
That’s what I’m looking for in a vaccine for a deadly disease. An all cause mortality benefit. That’s the first, and easiest stop along this particular bus line.
No all cause mortality benefit -> not a very good vaccine product, especially for a deadly disease that’s killed 600,000 people in the US alone. Especially when adverse effects are double in the vaccine group vs the placebo group.
“Same amount of death, with twice the number of adverse events!”
You will, of course, find this in the appendix, pages 11 and 12.

Yes, according to the pfizer study their vaccine does not improve all cause mortality. PhilH interpreted the results as vaccination INCREASING mortality compared to placebo. This inference is incorrect from the data provided.
One must also take into the account of the atrocious sample of the study. It is almost impossible to make any conclusions based on the pfizer study because it was extremely manipulated. The sample used for both groups DOES NOT represent the average population anywhere. Therefore it is a useless study as one cannot make any inference on any real populations worldwide.
One could read the pfizer study as: pfizer vaccine do not change all cause mortality to really healthy people and will give them some vaccine reactions.

PhilH interpreted the results as vaccination INCREASING mortality compared to placebo. This inference is incorrect from the data provided.
Ah. This wasn't clear from your post. Yes, in that case, I agree with you. No better and no worse, in terms of all-cause mortality. (One more death isn't statistically significant - although the trend doesn't exactly look all that great.) But that's a pretty awful result if you're actually trying to reduce mortality with your product, right? As for the company - if they decided not to pick people who would benefit from this treatment in their trial - well the burden is on THEM to show me that this will make a difference in my life. They have utterly failed to do so. At least in my eyes. Same mortality, with double the adverse events. And who-knows-what 3-year effects. This we'll know - 2 years from now.

Here are a few papers which might interest you, regarding RT of SARS COV 2:
There are lots of them…

I work in population health and long term care. I speak with providers at dozens of nursing homes every week. I can report anecdotally that the vast majority (90+%) of hospitalized elderly patients had been vaccinated. I suspect, from the stories I’m hearing that this “vaccination” is having an adverse affect on the innate immune systems of elderly patients. I would be interested if anyone else is observing this trend?

Thank you for the analysis

I would love to know which artist belongs the music that Mr. Martenson uses on the beginning and end of his videos PLEASE!

I’ve really been perplexed by the 14+15 death count. (First it took me a long time to find the supplemental appendix… it’s not in the provided link in the video but you can find it here)
Looking at the average fatality rate in the US here and assuming the demographics are close enough to the average (it’s sloppy because demographics of the study are not average and the 44k are not all US citizens etc. but I’m looking for a ballpark #) would give a typical mortality of 44k people over 6 months in the 350 area… so how can it possibly be right that there are only 14+15 deaths during this period in the trial?
Checking back in the original article: “During the blinded, controlled period, 15 BNT162b2 and 14 placebo recipients died;”… It’s not clear to me but I believe I understand from the article that ‘unblinding’ occurred 7 days after dose 2. If so that would make the blinded period only 28 days… and the average mortality of 44k people over 28 days would be closer to 50… 14+15 is still oddly below that… but not as outrageously so.
The data we really want to see is if there is any indication of increased mortality from any cause in the vaccinated group. I’m pretty sure that data is not being shown in the article.

Yes Ision, who wrote these recommendations? I’m excited to have several of these substances already but as a non-expert the names behind the recommendation mean a lot.
This list looks like exactly what Ive been looking for!

Wow, that is a concise, rational 7-minute summary of everything we have done wrong in dealing with this virus. Pure gold.

OK, so looking at this 6 month study, how do we get from this to full FDA approval? I don’t know of any rules that allow an EUA becoming full approval before the phase 3 studies are even completed. Not that they are following any of the rules so far. They have alternative treatments, so the EUA should not have been put in place to begin with. If these were actual vaccines with a track record maybe, but these are not that at all. They are gene therapies that before this never made it into human trials because the animals all kept dying from ADE.
I think that some doctors should call into the public comment part of the approval meeting to complain and put them on notice that they are committing crimes against humanity, in those terms so that anyone on that approval board cannot say “we didn’t know” once the trials begin. Although our Just-Us system has been pretty pathetic lately as well, allowing companies to mandate vaccination down in Texas (Methodist Hospital) and elsewhere.

I’ve anecdotally observed similar phenomenon. In my quiet suburb I see almost every other day when I get home from work, ambulances drive into the town lights blaring, and then casually driving off… as if nothing more can be done medically.
I’ve called funeral homes too. They say they are at max capacity.
Every vaccinated friend or colleague I have too is starting to tell me how their medical problems are manifesting. They say they’ve always had it though but in the last few months more drastic medical procedures need to happen.
None of this was happening last year but its nothing to do with the vaccine though. They’re certain of it…