Pfizer 6-Month Vaccine "data" Is In...

Can’t say for certain why the CDC revoked the EUA for the PCR tests, however I don’t think it coincidence that Gates and Soros in a “humanitarian effort” bought Mologic a testing company manufacturer in the UK just weeks before the CDC revocation. No doubt it will be an FDA authorized company.
CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”
Why is the entire Covid plandemic seeming more and more like a controlled demolition?

Yes, variant can arise in both populations… but the vaxed are the ones that are applying the selection pressure against the spike protein itself. This paper explains it; Abstract: The spike protein receptor-binding domain (RBD) of SARS-CoV-2 is the molecular target for many vaccines and antibody-based prophylactics aimed at bringing COVID-19 under control. Such a narrow molecular focus raises the specter of viral immune evasion as a potential failure mode for these biomedical interventions. With the emergence of new strains of SARS-CoV-2 with altered transmissibility and immune evasion potential, a critical question is this: how easily can the virus escape neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) targeting the spike RBD? To answer this question, we combined an analysis of the RBD structure-function with an evolutionary modeling framework. Our structure-function analysis revealed that epitopes for RBD-targeting nAbs overlap one another substantially and can be evaded by escape mutants with ACE2 affinities comparable to the wild type, that are observed in sequence surveillance data and infect cells in vitro. This suggests that the fitness cost of nAb-evading mutations is low. We then used evolutionary modeling to predict the frequency of immune escape before and after the widespread presence of nAbs due to vaccines, passive immunization or natural immunity. Our modeling suggests that SARS-CoV-2 mutants with one or two mildly deleterious mutations are expected to exist in high numbers due to neutral genetic variation, and consequently resistance to vaccines or other prophylactics that rely on one or two antibodies for protection can develop quickly -and repeatedly- under positive selection. Predicted resistance timelines are comparable to those of the decay kinetics of nAbs raised against vaccinal or natural antigens, raising a second potential mechanism for loss of immunity in the population. Strategies for viral elimination should therefore be diversified across molecular targets and therapeutic modalities. ..... Going forward, our work suggests strategies for designing SARS-CoV-2 prophylactics that are more resistant to viral evolution. First, nAbs should be used in combinations, preferably targeting more than two non-overlapping epitopes. Strategies for the design of prophylactic antibodies and vaccines should involve combining nAbs that bind to non-overlapping escape mutant regions, including those from smaller, distinct clusters outside the RBD. Alternatively, if antibodies from the same cluster are used, escape mutants must be carefully characterized to ensure they do not overlap [21]. Similarly, vaccines should be evaluated based on the number of SARS-CoV-2 point mutations required to disarm the neutralizing antibodies they generate. Second, the evolutionary pressure on the virus will determine the speed at which resistance to nAbs emerges. The more widely a given epitope is targeted by biomedical intervention, and the more effective it is, the more rapidly it will generate resistance (Fig 4). This is a potential weakness of focusing on only a handful of vaccines (or epitopes) for global deployment. The effectiveness of nAb-based interventions for disease control will depend on how many different interventions are deployed, how many mutations are required to evade each intervention, and the extent to which their escape mutations overlap.
And here, also from the same paper, is the section that exactly describes which population is driving the selection pressure, noting that Naive (immunity) = unvaccinated;
These kinetics suggest the immune response in naïve individuals exerts limited selection pressure on the virus, consistent with direct genetic evidence from deep sequencing showing little to no positive selection [6]. Hence, the evolutionary rate prior to the widespread deployment of vaccines or development of natural immunity (based primarily on neutral genetic drift) may underestimate the evolutionary potential of the virus to evade nAbs deployed as active immunity (vaccines) or passive immunity (nAb prophylactics). When nAbs are broadly present in the population, population-level selection for antibody-evading, infection-competent viral mutants may result in a rapid resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 infections.

I have to say, I really can’t disagree with anything she says. Nits here and there but perhaps 95% agreement.
The Great Reset for Dummies
A War on (Free) Natural Immunity

Wow you asked a lot of good questions!
First let me be clear that I am a research scientist. I don’t work in diagnostic testing, have never worked as a med tech. But, I do understand the technology. I will also try to be very clear in what are facts vs strong opinions based on my experience.
I have no idea why the EAU is being revoked for the COVID test. All I remember reading is that the covid test was going to be replaced by a test that could do flu and COVID simultaneously. I can tell you why that is a good thing. In my work, some of my supplies overlap with what are used for covid testing. For example, disposable gloves, pipet tips (used to move small amounts of liquid from one small container(such as a microfuge tube) to another tube. And, I use those tubes as well. So… guess what else gets backordered? Yup, those gloves, pipet tips, and microfuge tubes. The small company I work at has had those items on backorder for a long time. Sometimes we pay a very much higher price to order them from a place that can get us what we need when we need it. I suspect covid testing places have priority. So a test that can use fewer supplies (such as the multiphasic one) is a good thing for us research scientists.
No idea if there is a cheaper test. But, I would guess no to that. I’m also guessing without looking into it that the test is still basically the same (still a PCR test). Were you asking about Kary Mullis? PCR was invented back in the 1980’s. His comment about not using PCR for diagnostics…as far as I know he never worked in diagnostics so I don’t think that comment means much. Also, there have been a lot of improvements in PCR technology since the 1980s. In my opinion, it would not have been a good test in the 80’s but I think it’s a good test now. Highly specific, quantitative, robotic, can do a lot of samples, fast and cost effective.
I think we will be seeing Covid circulate for quite some time, unfortunately. I sure as heck want things to be “back to normal” . I would be delighted to be wrong.
Do you have information that you can link to saying that the new test will not provide a Ct? I was not aware of that. Do you have info that the number of cycles run on a covid test has been changed that you could provide? I have read numerous times that the cycle number had changed on posts but have never seen the documentation to support that. I wouldn’t be surprised if that were true, but would like that verified.
I know that there have been very few flu cases in the US. That one seems easy to explain. Flu starts in the southern hemisphere about 6 months before we get it up here. Travel was vastly reduced so much less came up here to begin with. Secondly the R0 of flu is between 1-2. Substantially lower than Covid. R0 (the number of infections generated by 1 infection) can be changed/lowered. So, the lack of kids in school, people masking up and staying home probably kept the R0 at 1 or less.
I would be really, really, really surprised if the Covid test did not distinguish between Covid and flu. When a pcr test is designed, 2 primers are used to amplify the gene of interest. A primer is a small fragment (about 20 basepairs in length). I would expect that whoever designed this would have searched genomic datatbases for a possible match to other viruses. Maybe that didn’t happen. We have certainly seen a lot of strange sh@#.
We all know that there has been a lot of misinformation from media, Fauci, higherups. But, I also believe there are likely other sources of misinformation. Russia, Iran, China etc. That’s another reason why I don’t necessarily believe what I read (such as pcr test not distinguishing between covid and flu). This is why I like Chris! Data! And Dave F because he usually puts in links to support his info.
If you have more comments/questions please pm me if you post again. Some of these threads get so long it’s really easy to miss. I tend to quit reading them once they get older than 1-2 weeks.
This is an alternate view stating that things are not as they appear or as indicated by Patrick King, who is claiming victory.
One thing I certainly agree with: people desperately need hope!

Thanks for the response!
I have no information about the new tests that are replacing the PCR test. So I don’t know if the new ones will have a CT or not. I think that even though the CT can be used inappropriately, it can also be used to great effect as shown in Chris’ video. I guess it is like any other tool.
Best Regards

Thanks for the follow-up.
Ezra is a weird guy to me. I’ve always looked at him as a “professional shit disturber” but I also thought he was a hero for the way he handled himself with the Human Rights Tribunal that came after him for reprinting the cartoon of Muhammad.
He recorded his deposition and may have been drinking a beer while doing it. At one point the prosecutor asked him what his intent was when he printed the cartoon and his answer was (paraphrasing):
“I did it for whatever reason makes me guilty in the eyes of the judge. I did it to incite. I did it to make people feel bad. I did it to hurt feelings.”
Watching that deposition was one of the more transcendental moments of my youth.

And furthering the niacin thing. As your body fights covid it uses up the stores of niacin leaving the body low and causing the anxiety.

(Give This To Your Doctor)

Based upon the best available evidence currently being collected, the
fundamental goals for treating potential complications from drug vaccine delivery of
genetic material, includes first blocking the Nuclear Protein Complex (NPC), to minimize continued entry and re-entry of this genetic material into the cellular nuclear region where reverse transcription (RT) could occur; protecting the native human DNA.

The next step is to remove any circulation spike proteins, minimizing the potential
harm they might cause including Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) disease and
Prion diseases. The next logical step would be to interfere with any reuptake of spike
protein by host cells that could serve as potential new sources of prions, mRNA or DNA, with potential RT, or any other potential sources of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material or any other genetic or non-genetic material circulating from the injected drug vaccines.

The fourth goal is to minimize any potential damage caused by the prion-like
domains (PLDs) including reducing the potential longer term neurologic, cardiac, and
other organ tissue damage.
This sequence of steps will hopefully reduce the genetic load introduced into the
body by these drug vaccines. By interfering with the entry and re-entry of this genetic
material through the NPC through this series of steps, this will hopefully provide
adequate time for sufficient glycosylase enzyme removal of genetic bases or nucleotide
excision - repair mechanisms - of any damaged DNA; through continued
encouragement of transcription of the viral and other genetic material, increasing the potential for these DNA repairs to occur.

In essence, by reducing the active viral or spike protein load through these steps,
the increased transcription required for maintenance of the genetic code or protein
products, will increase the potential for DNA excision repair and exhaust or at a
minimum fatigue the viral genetic load.

Step 1: Stop the Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Block the Nuclear Protein Complex

(A) Ivermectin 0.2-0.4 mg/kg body weight by mouth (PO) every two weeks.

Step 2: Remove Spike Protein in circulation that could cause ITR or prion-like initiated amyloid or equivalent plaquing.

(A) Casirivimab 1200 mg & Imdevimab 1200 mg pr ovided intravenously
together as a single infusion over a minimum of 60-minutes.

Step 3A: Reduce further uptake of Spike protein by cells throughout the body including transmission across the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

(A) Primaquine 200 mg orally given once Targets ACE2 receptor.

(B) Clindamycin 150 mg orally every 6-hours for 7-days Targets
transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) receptor.

(C) Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally twice a week Targets ACE2 receptor.

Step 3B: Reduce further translation of mRNA to spike protein.

(A) The Primaquine from 3A also inhibits viral protein translation (production of
spike protein from mRNA).

(B) The Clindamycin from 3A also inhibits viral protein translation; reduces ITR
by reducing tissue necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β).

(C) The Hydroxychloroquine from 3A enhances zinc entry through the zinc
ionophore; enhances the production of type 1 interferons, interferes with
ribosomal translation of the spike protein, reduces interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels; increases cellular pH thereby decreasing viral antigen (mRNA or spike-protein) major histocompatability complex (MHC) presentation of the spike
protein to Β-cells reducing antibody formation and ITR.

(D) Zinc 10 mg orally (po) daily. While this may also interfere with the ACE2
receptor, it also interferes with RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP).

(E) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 2000 mg orally (po) daily to reduce ITR.

(F) 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 1500 IU orally (po) daily to
reduce ITR.

Step 4: Address potential amyloid production and neurologic sequlae resulting from
prion-like domains on spike protein.

(A) Either heparin 5000 units subcutaneously every 12 hours OR Enoxaparin
1mg/kg body weight subcutaneously every 12 hours.
(B) Aspirin 325 mg tablets (once or twice daily as tolerated),

(C) Treat ApoE through dietary and lifestyle factors; HMG CoA-reductase
inhibitors or Probucol [An ATP-binding transporter A1 (ABCA1)].

(D) Niacin (Vitamin B3) 15 mg twice daily.
This treatment recommendation is the best known as of June, 2021.
The proposed mechanism
The first injection will induce the expression of spike protein, and the formation of specific antibodies to it. Re-vaccination will lead to a second round of spike protein production, including in endothelial cells. The antibodies, now already present, will bind to these spikes and will direct attack of the complement system to these cells. Neutrophil granulocytes, too, will be activated by antibodies bound to the endothelial cells. Vascular damage and leakage will ensue.

Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented.

In the new study, the researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.

The conclusions drawn in this video are not correct. The Alberta man did not ‘win’ his case - it was dropped, which is different; and the fact that the Medical Officer of Health did not produce evidence of ‘isolation of the Sars-Cov-2 virus’ doesn’t equate to Mr. King being able to take credit for Alberta changing their health restrictions. Viva Frei is a Canadian lawyer who has a Vlog where he comments on current legal issues in North America. He explains in this video that the reason the ‘evidence’ asked for was not produced was likely because there was a problem with the subpoena received from Mr. King, rendering it invalid. People who represent themselves in court often don’t know the proper procedures and formalities necessary, and it seems this fellow is an example of that.
An update to his comments is in this video, in addition to his observations on the current polarized thinking of people in our society.
Viva Frei is a character and fun to watch, in my opinion. The little dog which accompanies him in his videos joined their family as a puppy this past winter and it will go blind within a year due to a hereditary disease, but he chose it in order to try to give it a nice life.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms also doesn’t believe Patrick King won anything. It seems they are politely laughing at him. I think the issue is that he was in court regarding a $1200 ticket but demanded the provincial health officer to come to the court to show proof the virus has been “isolated”. That’s not relevant to the issue at hand, that being the ticket. So no proof was presented.
I listened to King ramble on in that interview and wondered why more people can’t hear it for what it is. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about!
Where does this idea that the virus hasn’t been “isolated” come from? What does “isolated” actually mean? I have been hearing this accusation thrown around from the get go. But there’s all those videos of Chris and others looking right up close at the guts of the coronavirus from last year. It gets studied continuously all around the world.
The 'conspiracy theory" crowd come off sounding really unsophisticated a lot of the time, which isn’t helping anything!
Why Alberta decided to drop all restrictions is a mystery to me. It’s kind of a relief to hear it, but it also seems a little extreme. I live close to the border with Alberta and I bet residents will freak out about them coming to our town (more than before)!

Ezra Levant posted on this.

Did a regular guy from Red Deer, Alberta really figure out how to dismantle all of the lockdown laws in Canada? Patrick King is that man. And he says that’s exactly what he’s done. And in a viral video interview with an American commentator named Stew Peters, King says his July 21st court hearing was the reason why Alberta is now lockdown free — there isn’t even a mask rule anymore! It sounds incredible. Dozens of experienced lawyers haven’t been able to do that. But is it true? If you haven’t seen the video yet, click here — I show you the first ten minutes of it, and I take you through the transcript of Patrick King’s first court appearance: REALITY CHECK: Did one man from Red Deer, Alberta figure out how to stop the lockdowns? I wish Patrick King had found some secret way to stop the lockdowns. If he did, we’d immediately have lawyers across Canada doing what he claims he did. But it just didn’t happen. The lockdowns in Alberta were lifted on July 1st, as a result of enormous political pressure combined with falling hospitalizations. King’s court appearance wasn’t until July 21st. How could it be responsible for lifting a lockdown three weeks earlier? By King’s own admission, none of his homemade tactics succeeded.
  • He tried to subpoena Deena Hinshaw, the public health officer of Alberta, but he didn’t do it properly — the subpoena he served was invalid.
  • He tried to challenge the constitutionality of the law itself, but he didn’t do it properly — he didn’t give the government the required notice to raise those issues.
  • He tried to get Hinshaw to testify in his case, about his $1,200 ticket, but he didn’t do it properly — she had no material knowledge about his ticket, and that’s what was on trial, not the entire lockdown itself or how the lockdown laws were written.
Patrick King doesn’t have a secret strategy. Every one of his homemade legal tactics failed. But he managed to convince a U.S. pundit, who knows nothing about Canada, that he is the reason Alberta is free, and that if only others follow his method, the rest of the country will be free, too. I wish that were true, because then we’d be out of this mess. But that’s quackery — it’s like he’s selling a magic potion. I can understand why people desperately want to believe him, because nothing else seems to be working. I should tell you, in our lawsuit to challenge Trudeau's airport quarantine hotel “jails”, our lawyers have in fact cross-examined the public health officials at Health Canada. Those officials made dramatic admissions that there was no science behind them. The Federal Court still upheld the quarantine. In the prosecution of Pastor James Coates, Alberta Health Services officials were cross-examined by his lawyers. They admitted under oath that they brought police to the church just to impress the media. They still convicted Pastor Coates. In our defence of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, we are cross-examining every public official, including the police officers. That hasn’t stopped the government from prosecuting him. The idea of grilling public officials isn’t something that everyone else just forgot about, until Patrick King thought of it one day. It’s hard not to like King’s style — he comes across as a happy warrior, a David who defeated Goliath. You’ve got to like his fighting spirit. But every word he said is either wrong by accident — or misleading on purpose. I’ve thought long and hard about why his interview on that American channel has gone so viral and why so many people are angry at me for pointing out that King did not do what he claims to have done. It’s because Canadians want hope so very badly, and we don’t see it coming from anywhere else — not from any political party, not from the courts, not from the medical professions and certainly not from the media. And along comes a colourful character telling you a secret trick that he claims he just figured out. He didn’t. I wish he had. But he didn’t. Yours truly, Ezra Levant P.S. There is no easy way out of this. Every system has failed us, from politicians to judges to journalists. Maybe a solution will come through hard work or maybe through a miracle. But Patrick King is not a miracle-worker — he’s a false prophet.

For those looking to buy bromhexine or brontex here it is . Just received my parcel, took around 10 days to arrive.

Thanks Paul, I ordered bromhexine from them last week. What dosage do you expect to take?

Nice! it is crazy couldn’t find any to buy on ebay. It used to be many post of bromhexine on ebay like year ago or so, but luckily I found them. It looked suspicious at first but I took a risk. The products are good though and it’s not a scam. Back to the question, It says 8-16mg 3 times a day. But what are your thoughts on dosage? By the way did you receive yr order yet? What’s yr experience with them?

I have no experience with this supplier. I haven’t received it yet but only order it last Wednesday. I have been thinking maybe 8 mg twice a day.

Nice to see governments having to work harder to keep people in line; this fellow seems to have struck a nerve somewhere, also buried in the text of the justice centre release:

There is no indication that Mr. King’s case is connected to the relaxing of Covid restrictions in Alberta which fully opened on July 1, 2021. The Government of Alberta states they have opened the province due to achieving the government’s stated goal of 70% of Albertans receiving their first vaccine. Whether that is the reason, or there are other reasons, remains to be discovered in future court hearings.

On October 22, 2020, about 6 weeks prior to the first COVID vaccine being administered in the US, FDA held a meeting regarding vaccine side effects monitoring.
Page 16 shows a list of potential side effects they were proactively considering. Notice they are not “garden variety” effects like soreness at injection site, but many are characteristic of COVID, e.g. cardiovascular effects. The list of symptoms implies FDA must have anticipated that spike protein exposure might mimic features of COVID illness absent exposure to the virus itself.
Of particular note to Maddie’s case is the reference to Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). Not previously described in the literature until the advent of COVID, children present with severe abdominal pain and distress, cardiac dysfunction, and shock. It seems related to a cytokine storm. Not sure why children at at risk.
Maddie felt like her heart was coming out of her neck, a symptom of pericarditis. No child invents such a specific and characteristic description. Furthermore, Her symptoms initially were gastrointestinal. Is there a possibility of vax-induced MIS-C in her case?
The VAERS entry for her experience (can’t find it at present) separates the symptoms individually rather than considering them as a group or syndrome.
Given the foreknowledge implied by the list of symptoms in the October 2020 meeting, the possibility of such side effects should have been disclosed at least to study participants and probably to the public at large. And given that the typical approval process was not followed, there should have been active, prospective surveillance of vaccine effects.
FDA’s own guidelines on EUAs, issued 2017, stipulate that people be informed of

“the significant known and potential benefits and risks associated with the emergency use of the product, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown.” [emphasis mine]. Telling Maddie that she had anxiety and that her GI symptoms were due to an eating disorder seems a cruel form of gaslighting.