Pfizer 6-Month Vaccine "data" Is In...

This is a good question. My limited understanding is that mutations are caused by the virus making copies of itself. So, as long as this can happen, we get mutations.
Leaky “vaccines” shouldn’t be much different then no vaccine as far as preventing copies from being made.

Vaccination is now being propagated as the only pragmatic option people have to guard against coronavirus infections. Pfizer is one of those vaccines authorized by the United States. However, while writing my paper I found that vaccines are not fully effective against these viruses. The side effects are also not ignorable either.

Q: Do the variants arise from the unvaxxed, or the vaccinated? What is the data showing? If variants arise from the unvaccinated, I can't logically or safely remain unvaxxed. OTOH, if the variants are a result of 'leaky' only partially effective vaccines (being used on a massive scale) then we have entered an Orwellian Hell hole and your only options are 1) die from the inevitable variant that kills young people without co-morbidities, or 2) jump on the endless hamster wheel of vaccine > variant > booster > mega variant > triple vax > double killa variant, ad naseum.
So The Stakeholders definitely want this to be your choice - either The Endlessly Profitable Hamster Wheel, or death. That's a false choice. There's a third choice that literally no "health" official talks about. Namely, preparing your terrain, early treatment, natural immunity, and living your life. So far there are 23 compounds that have varying degrees of efficacy against this virus. Fauci only acknowledges one: Remdesivir. Boy is it lame. But it makes up for its terrible performance by being patented, really expensive, and part of the NIH guideline. The fix is definitely in. As for preparation: there is activity (> 50% risk reduction), vitamin D sufficiency (maybe another 50%), and a normal BMI (say 66% risk reduction BMI=24 vs 35). So I'm going to skip their hamster wheel, AND I'm going to skip the "death" part too. Why would I play their fixed game? Early Treatment For Me. My plan is that I'll live my life, eventually I'll get an infection, I'll treat it early, and then I'll have natural immunity. As for where variants arise from: you answered this one already:

Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.

Variants come from mutations that occur when the virus makes copies of itself. This occurs if the virus gets inside our cells and our immune system doesn’t effectively neutralize the virus to keep it from replicating. Leaky vaccines do not stop this from happening. What we need is an immune system response that can keep the virus from making copies of itself. None of the current vaccines available do that. So whether you got the “jab”or not, variants can be created. Here is a website that attempts to map out the mutations.

Yup, the narrative is focussed on narrowing down the “choices”, and then lying about the only “valid” choice. Maybe we should ad a short summary for new PP visitors members giving an overview of the choices, the assumptions, the related risks, if right or wrong, and some links, something like this


Choices Assumptions Potential benefits Potential risk of following this strategy
No vaxx, no other interventions There is no virus Not living in fear - If virus does exist, you might get sick, suffer long haul effects, or die - Our society is pandemic focussed, you will be sidelined
Vaxx, stop whining and take one for the team - Vaxxination is the only way to end this pandemic - The benefits of the vaxx outweight the risk - The vax is a classical vaccine, thoroughly tested, and there are no ulterior motives - The vaxx doesn't drive mutations Go with the flow, travel, enjoy life and the 'old normal' again. Avoid the anti-vax regulations - If the medium and long term risks, as per EUA, materialize, then it could be that the risks outweigh the benefits - More and more data is available about the risk factors, like age, certain comorbidities, serum levels of certain substances. For certain groups the risk could outweigh the benefits - Ulterior motives could range from monetary motives (Industrial Pharma Complex) to global government aspirations (WEF) - If the vax drives mutations, the probability of more severy vax evading mutations is non-zero, add to this the potential side-effects of the vax, the risks for the vaxxinated could outweigh the benefits
Vaxx, but take supplements to avoid nefarious effects of spike protein The supplements can negate all the negative side effects Go with the flow, travel, enjoy life and the 'old normal' again. Avoid the anti-vax regulations The suspected toxicity of the spike proteine could be such that the long term negative effects could not be negated, e.g., the suspected "mad cow" disease
No Vaxx, other interventions - I do not fall in the high-risk category - Repurposed drugs and supplements could reduce the risks, and they could buy us time to await the results of the current medical experiment - Natural immunity gives a better protection agains corona virusses than experimental vaxxines Avoid medium and long term potential risks - sanity does not return soon, the livelyhood, and potentiallt the life of non-vaxxed will be threatened - the long term risks of the vaxxines do not materialize
Edit: my apologies for the horrible format, I tried to make a nice HTML table, but I failed miserably  
"A Canadian citizen from Alberta just won a court case where the government was unable to present evidence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which would be needed to provide scientific proof underpinning all the pandemic regulations put forth in that province. They are in the process of reversing all emergency sanitary measures".
  Perhaps it is overkill to establish the virus' existence, but maybe not, now that the question of this has been raised. You really need to establish Koch's Postulates, namely that 1. the virus is found in abundance in all those suffering from the disease, 2 the organism can be isolated and grown in pure (cell) culture, 3 that the virus causes the disease when re-introduced into a subject (ferret? cat?), and 4, that the organism can be re-isolated and shown to be the same as the original isolate. There might be some special considerations for viruses. From an electron microscopy perspective, perhaps showing that the virus particles light up with gold labelled specific antibody would help with postulates 2 and 4. Of course it would be nice to show that the antibodies produced by those who have been inoculated with vaccine, actually bind the virus. If they don't, there is a problem. You sure can't trust big pharma! Does anyone know if any of this fundamental work has been done? If it hasn't then maybe the guy from Alberta had a stronger case than he realized, and that his example can be used and quoted elsewhere with greater finesse. Does anyone have access to a lab and/or electron microscope with the ability or interest to do this? It would also be very interesting to see more mainstream people check the contents of the vaccine.


Of course this work has been done (link, link, link, link, etc). But we are past the point of no return. Some people believe we are lied to and viruses do no exist at all. They will not believe the pictures in the link, I’m pretty sure many of the PP visitors won’t believe them either. Similarly, some think that the vaxxines are totally safe and all other data is fake news, i.e., facts are irrelevant from the viewpoint of policy and personal risk. This is nicely illustrated in the Netherlands by the difference between the politics and the RIVM, say, the Dutch CDC. The RIVM has a very nice overview of the groups at risk (link). That doesn’t matter because politics are starting to “bombard” the unvaxxed with “data” about the risks of not vaxxing; facts don’t matter.
However, from a pure observational point of view, there is something going on which “sends” some groups of people to the hospital where they were initially killed due to the wrong crisis handling approach, btw, no-one is to blame for this imo as we have to learn right? Wether it is a virus, “bad air”, or a psychological reaction due to fear is not relevant at this stage, again, we are way beyond the point of no return.
Facts do not matter for the next 10 years or so. I suspect there will be progrom-like mobs this fall and winter, at least, I consider it possible, very low probability but possible. Given that many anti-vaxxers are also preppers, this is also a nice incentive to “raid” these rats responsible for the mutations, and take what is theirs as reparation. If people already plunder stores and shops during mass protests; plundering the “rats” gives profit, plus a good feeling, and it saves humanity! Think of this forgotten piece of history:

100 years ago, New York City declared war against polio and killed 72,000 cats (and 8,000 dogs)

Logical thinking has never been a treat shared by the majority of humans in fear, i.e., education is wasted, it just delivers useful drones, no chip needs to be implanted for that. I would propose to place the priority on risk mitigation. The scientific debate is important, but given the politicized situation it should have a lower priority for people who are not protected by fame, wealth, or visibility to a large group of supporters. I hope I'm wrong, really, but I prepare for the case I'm right, I would advice you to do the same. Scientific debate is great, not before, but after risk mitigation imo.  

Can anyone provide links to paper that help determine individual COVID risk?

Here is a Covid risk calculator
Now if only we had vaccine risk calculators.

This article by Mercola is a must read.  Do it soon as we know it will be pulled down within 48 hours.

Be sure to read the comments on the article as well as there is interesting information pertaining to masks, etc.

I am once again reminded of the following excerpt of events which played out in Germany (from 1933-1945) and are now manifesting here.

It is interesting to me how, in my battle against cancer, so many measures that are effective against cancer are also effective against COVID19.  I sent the following to friends to give them an update on my condition and decided to share it here to give hope to those who may be fighting cancer, COVID, or a host of other diseases.

I thought I'd share with you a minor miracle I experienced after almost a full year following my cancer diagnosis.  We had a south wind today which is usually an offshore breeze and means cold water at the beach but when I drove to the beach to check out conditions, the waves were quartering in so I decided to go for a swim.  I swam 1 mile down the beach with the chop and then 1 mile back against the chop.  On the way back, it was obviously slower going at first but then my second wind kicked in and I was plowing through the chop like a destroyer going after a submarine.  I swam 2 miles with no shoulder pain, no calf cramping, no fatigue, and finishing even stronger than I started.  In the past, at anything past 1 mile I will get some cramping in my left calf and sometimes the right (that I have to stop and stretch out while floating in the water) but I had none of that at double the distance.  My left shoulder (which has a torn rotator cuff, torn labrum, and pec major tear) will also tend to get a little sore but I had none of that.  Also, I had no spinal, pelvic, or hip pain from the bone cancer.  And I simply did not fatigue.  It was quite amazing.
I would definitely attribute it to the plant based mostly raw vegan diet but I think the recent adoption of the green smoothies is a significant factor as well since I can feel a definite difference in my body with drinking them.  I had about a quart of such a smoothie today as part of my breakfast about a hour and a half before the swim.  Today's smoothie had baby spinach and baby kale from the grocery store, cultivated parsley and cilantro from the garden, and weeds from the garden including lambsquarters, purslane, and a little bit of dandelion and clover.  Fruits included a peach, apple, banana, two clementines, and a little bit each of blueberries and blackberries.  Additional ingredients included a scoop of organic, non-GMO plant protein powder, and a tablespoon of chia seeds soaked in a pint of water.
To learn about the benefits of green smoothies, the book I recommend is "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko.  I have the original version but there's a newer updated version.  The blender I use is an old Vitamix 3600 Juice/Blender/Mixer Model 479029 made of all stainless steel that's at least 35 years old and still runs perfectly.  It's built like a battleship.  Unfortunately, the newer ones use more plastic and are probably not as robust but they still have a 10 year warranty.
So things seem to be going very well on the health front.  The question is now, do I dare get off the two cancer meds I am on (one oral and one injected).  I am leaning towards risking it.

The virus is like a river flowing steadily through the population. Eventually it finds a path of least resistance and carves it’s natural path given enough time. If you drop a giant rock in the path to block the river (i.e. a vaccine) you don’t stop the flow upstream so the river builds and builds until it finds a path around the boulder (immune escape). Eventually that boulder no longer holds back the water and it fractures and crumbles and the water flows more violently when the dam finally breaks (Dr GVB’s hypothesis). Had the flow not been impeded, the destruction would not occur as violently, it would simply maintain its course until it reached bedrock and we could find safe treatments to bridge the flow. Unfortunately, the policy is to dam the river without controlling flow and we will have a series of devastating washouts as a result thanks to the vaccine and boosters.
So you can see that the immune escape can ONLY come from the vaccinated. Otherwise the virus finds it’s path of highest efficiency and becomes less deadly over time to the vast majority of the population as it is no longer a flood plain finding the easiest path, but a carved and mostly stable channel balancing co-morbidities and infectivity to acheive its main objective of genetic survival.

Thanks for the info about Green Smoothies ao - I will definitely look for the book you recommend.
I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you are, so it’s such a pleasant surprise to see your name appear here. So happy for you that you are feeling great! I think you are an inspiration to others who are coping with health issues. Positive thinking is also very important, as the body reacts to what goes on in the brain… May you enjoy continued feelings of health and well-being.

Thanks for the feedback. It is good to hear, and be corrected, by someone inside who is working on this in the lab. I do have a few questions:
Why do you think that the CDC is revoking the EUA for the PCR tests? I thought that the lack of differentiating Covid from Flu was the reason since it stated that multiphasic tests should be used going forward. Is there a cheaper test? Is it the statements from it’s creator? Do you think that the pandemic will be over? I am wondering because it is strange that it is being pulled when, as Chris has shown, it does help determine viral load in addition to Pos/Neg results. Maybe that is the reason? I do think that TPTB have played shenanigans with it over the last year. In 2020 they reported everyone with a CT rate up to 40 as positive then on January 21, they changed that to 35 and later to 28 for the vaccinated.
What do you think happened with the flu? The flu has pretty much disappeared over the last year. Here is a link to this weeks Flu report from the Maine CDC:
MaineILIweek2130.pdf (
And here is the report from 2019:
Weekly Surveillance Reports | MeCDC | Maine DHHS
use August 4th file for 2019 to compare.
I had been thinking that the disappearance of the flu coupled with the PCR test not being able to differentiate between the two fit together nicely and explained a lot. What do you think is going on with this dynamic?
I am not being disingenuous, I really want to know your thoughts on this since you are an insider and probably have a better view into these issues than any of us do.

That scathing opinion on Mercola’s site on the war against all things natural was penned by Tessa Lena, who also wrote:

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction—and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.” (The Great Reset for Dummies)

Chris, you have been a treasure throughout all of this. Could you please post a video on the data as it pertains to Kids (particularly under 12 that cant be vaccinated) and Covid and the new Delta variant. Alarmist news headlines are suggesting the situation has gotten a lot worse for them. Thank you!

I appreciate your thoughts and sentiments.  And yes, positive thinking is very important or, as I used to express to my patients, having a positive expectancy of healing.  Again, I want to give a shout out to Olive Oil Guy for his encouragement and the information he provided.  I truly feel that he saved my life by giving me hope.  I try to pass that on to all who will listen. 

Also, credit is due to LesPhelps for his efforts in presenting us with the virtues of a plant based diet despite some disparagement here, including, at one time, from myself.  My apologies Les and thank you for being persistent in your preaching.  It has paid dividends.

I realize, however, that I neglected to include something of vital importance in my post.  

Above all, I have seen God’s hand and the power of prayer through all of this.  For example, my wife will find a book in the church thrift store where she works and bring it home saying, “This looks interesting. I was wondering if it might help you.”  And it will have just the information I need to take my health to the next level.  That has happened so many times that I don’t believe it’s coincidence.  I don’t believe in coincidences but I do believe in God.  

This is a spiritual battle we’re in folks.  The physical and psychological are indeed important but the spiritual cannot be neglected and, indeed, in the long run, it trumps all.

Excellent article, but was it written by Mercola or Tess? There is a link at the bottom to where it was originally published and its to:
edit I see someone else spotted that it was written by Tessa

Jorj_X_McKie ...If variants arise from the unvaccinated, I can't logically or safely remain unvaxxed.... ... your only options are 1) die from the inevitable variant that kills young people without co-morbidities, or 2) jump on the endless hamster wheel of vaccine > variant > booster > mega variant > triple vax > double killa variant, ad naseum.....
You are forgetting about natural immunity from recovery from the infection that studies suggest is working GREAT. The recent variants are so infectious that everyone is going to get exposed in the near future. That's why Pharma and friends are so desperate to cash in asap. Remember many vaxxed people also have natural immunity. ZERO out of 11,000 healthcare workers in the UK reinfected. ZERO out of 1350 at the Cleveland Clinic reinfected. Amazingly positive report out of Israel that Chris covered recently Think about what benefits the virus as it mutates. Better replication and being LESS harmful allows the virus to be transmitted to more people. Being more deadly does not benefit the virus. When people become quite sick they quarantine and so the virus has reduced opportunities to spread. A virus that spreads during mild illness while the infected person is still mingling in public has greater opportunity for spread. You will learn that variants can arise from vaxed and unvaxed. That's not the primary issue when deciding whether to roll the dice with the vaccine. How many high risk factors do you have? Did you fix vitamin D insufficiency? Do you have a plan with your doctor for outpatient treatment--Ivermectin along with the items in the FLCCC outpatient protocol? etc.