Pfizer 6-Month Vaccine "data" Is In...

If this is a result of Gates being an insider in this whole thing (wouldn’t be a bit surprised), you have to wonder what his mindset is? Insane, evil or will do literally anything to be the world’s richest person? It boggles the mind.

Kat43 had already posted the link to Healthypill, my post is redundant.

is quite easy to make, safe, and did clear my lungs. I was taking 10 drops (300 milligrams) two or three times a day but after a month it started to taste metallic which is a sign to discontinue. For me it and hydrogen peroxide just gave temporary relief. Nebulized silver colloid is what seemed to eliminate congestion altogether.

What a prescient investor Gates is!

'investors' are following the 'winner'.
Though the vaccine
it's a vax????

­Regarding the recently released: Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine
I’m similar to their study group (median age 51 and healthier than a typical American). My go­al is to avoid death and any severe health events. Death was approximately equal between the groups (15 vaccine and 14 control). Using their data from Tables S6 and S3, the occurrence of severe health events (severe covid + severe adverse events) is 263 (1+262) for vaccine vs 180 (30+150) for placebo. Thus, if my goal is to avoid death and severe health events, I am better off not getting the vaccine!
As in any medical decision, each individual needs to determine the risks and rewards of various courses of action as they pertain to their particular circumstances. For contagious diseases one also has a moral obligation to consider how their actions could impact others. Thus, I use a prophylaxis proven to prevent transmission in those exposed to infected patients.
If the goal of the FDA is to help people, like those in the study, avoid death and severe health events, they will not grant full authorization based on this data. If the goal of the FDA is to use our bodies to mandate profits for big pharma, then they will grant authorization based on this data.

Note: On first read, the paragraph below implies that reporting differences are responsible for imbalances in adverse events between vaccine and placebo. Fig 2 doesn’t show what is stated in the supplement: Reactogenicity subset of participants ≥16 years of age (ie, participants who used an electronic diary for reporting local reactions and systemic events). This needs to be clarified.
“Adverse event analyses during the blinded period are provided for 43,847 ≥16-year-olds (Table S3). Reactogenicity events among participants not in the reactogenicity subset are reported as adverse events, resulting in imbalances in adverse events (30% vs 14%), related adverse events (24% vs 6%), and severe adverse events (1.2% vs 0.7%) between BNT162b2 and placebo groups.”

Factor in the unknowns around the vaccines (spike protein dangers, biodistribution, ADE, etc.) and the knowns regarding effective treatments (not widely used in the United States) and the answer to your question which is a better or worse public health outcome; 0.5% with vaccine SAE’s or 0.13% with serious Covid becomes clearer.

Throwing out a wild guess here but perhaps anxiety and fear-related disorder are not a disease - but are actually a symptom of something underlying – like, for example, niacin deficiency? So the co-morbidity that is so high on their list is not emotional at all, it’s a deficiency of something else. (hat tip to Davefairtex for all his contributions to this site about niacin).

Change **** to free

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings. ......

Hi Chris and others,
I have relaxed a lot since your videos about how safe being outside is, Chris, and that generally masks are not needed. But given how contagious the Delta variant is and I believe you said in a video that we don’t know how it may spread outside, I am concerned again. I have a couple of risk factors, but want to be able to be outside with friends and family. I would really appreciate input about this, even best guesses appreciated. Thanks.

I’ve heard knowledgeable people talk about virus carrying aerosols being much like cigarette smoke. Yes, it’s possible to get a whiff of someones second hand smoke outside, but nothing like having someone light up inside.
I feel it also matters if you’re sitting with a group for an extended period, or simply passing people on the street. If you’re sitting next to someone at a baseball stadium, & he’s hootin’ and hollerin’ the whole time, he will be generating aerosols.
I’ve heard that vocalization generates 10 times more aerosols than simply breathing, so I have no worries about people who are not yackin on their phones or chattering away with a friend.
I have no worries about passing by dozens of people on the street. Sometimes I’ll inhale as I approach someone and pause my breath as we pass if we will be in close quarters. By the time I inhale again, we’re over a dozen feet apart.
Bottom line… Nothing is zero risk if you’re going to be rubbing elbows in public, but being outside, the next best thing to being alone.

I just watched your video last night. I think two observations would show that not only was this study shoddy as you stated, but it is entirely worthless.
1-The vaccine side was unblinded and the placebo side was vaxed, as stated in their FDA meeting for the EUA. This relegates any comparison useless. It has been stated in these blogs that this may be why they are so frantically trying to get everyone jabbed; so there is no one to compare to when the ADE really takes off in the fall.
2- The CDC admitted that the PCR tests cannot differentiate from COVID and Flu in their recent announcement to labs that the PCR EUA would end on December 31, 2021. They stated that they recommend that it be replaced with multiphasic tests that can differentiate Covid from Flu implying that the PCR cannot.
I think both of these points make the 6 month review irrelevant. The other data that you reviewed from the EU was great though, although it may also be questionable due to point #2.
One other point that may just be semantics but they call this a 6 month review, but the phase 3 trials started in October 2020, so 6 months would be in April, not June. Maybe they meant 6 months from when the placebo group was jabbed.

At the start of the pandemic, Amazon was the first amongst the tech companies here in Seattle to announce work from home directives. The others followed that same week and the government officially locked the country down two weeks later.
Amazon has just internally extended its work from home period to at least January 2022. I suspect the rest to follow suit, and by september 1 we may see more lockdowns in WA. We’ll see but the WFH period is being extended to fight Delta and its terrifying cousin: the common cold!

Yeah I think “anxiety” is just the symptom of niacin deficiency, driven by stress, or inflammation, or - who knows what else. And of course Pharma tries to sell you addictive substances which ruin your life to fix it.
The only COVID trial I could find with a NAD+ precursor on it:
Niacinamide was associated with a lower risk of RRT or death:
KDIGO stage 2/3 AKI HR 0.29, 95% CI 0.13 to 0.65, p=0.03;
Total mortality: HR 0.17, 95% CI 0.05-0.52 in KDIGO 2/3 patients, p=0.002.
Basically one hospital gave patients who qualified has having “acute kidney injury” (according to some test metric) niacinamide. If you were at stage 2/3, if you didn’t get the niacinamide, you died. Even if you did, your chances of survival were only (estimated) 38%.

Currently, there is a test for Covid as well as a separate test for influenza. Since there is overlap in symptoms, both tests may be run. This is two different samples to set up and run in 2 completely separate assays.
The multiphasic assay will test for both Covid and influenza simultaneously. Easier set up (saving time/money) as well as only one set of reagents(saving money).
Definitely not that the Covid test can’t distinguish between Covid and flu?
Me? Just a lab scientist who had run many, many PCR assays.

Average pcr ct over the last 2 years is 40 to 45.
PCR over 20cts is meaningless. Any PCR test does not confirm infection at any cts.
Why are we even still talking about this?

I do quantitative PCR assays. I run a standard curve with every assay. My Ct numbers for the standard curve go from 11-29. I run 40 cycles. 40 cycles seems to be the standard number of cycles. It’s been the standard since sometime in the 1980’s.
My samples, as well as my negative controls, never generate Ct numbers of 35. (Or 36, etc).
You may well be correct that high Ct numbers are worthless. I’m only saying that I personally do not see them. But, I am not doing Covid assays either.

Q: Do the variants arise from the unvaxxed, or the vaccinated? What is the data showing? If variants arise from the unvaccinated, I can’t logically or safely remain unvaxxed. OTOH, if the variants are a result of ‘leaky’ only partially effective vaccines (being used on a massive scale) then we have entered an Orwellian Hell hole and your only options are 1) die from the inevitable variant that kills young people without co-morbidities, or 2) jump on the endless hamster wheel of vaccine > variant > booster > mega variant > triple vax > double killa variant, ad naseum. And by the way, Pfizer will probably profiting soon at rates of $100 billion per year not counting medications targeted at vaccine side effects. I don’t see good outcomes in this at all.

Q: Do the variants arise from the unvaxxed, or the vaccinated? What is the data showing? If variants arise from the unvaccinated, I can’t logically or safely remain unvaxxed. OTOH, if the variants are a result of ‘leaky’ only partially effective vaccines (being used on a massive scale) then we have entered an Orwellian Hell hole and your only options are 1) die from the inevitable variant that kills young people without co-morbidities, or 2) jump on the endless hamster wheel of vaccine > variant > booster > mega variant > triple vax > double killa variant, ad naseum. And by the way, Pfizer will probably profiting soon at rates of $100 billion per year not counting medications targeted at vaccine side effects. I don’t see good outcomes in this at all.