Pharma, Food and Big Ag: Working Against Your Health

Nice to now have a “uni-party”… I feel some hope and can see a vision. Amazing that Means got RFK and Trump together.

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There were many steps in the process.

First was Vitamin B12. Credit to Joe Scott (Answers with Joe) to whom I will forever be grateful. Apparently, canker sores aka mouth ulcers are basically cured with B12. For years before my digestive collapse, I had suffered them. I’d get a new one every 2 weeks, and they’d last for 3 weeks, resulting in 1-2 of them at all times. When I first took B12, the first thing that happened was my gut degassing within hours. Then my facial redness (diagnosed as seborrheic dermatitis) lightened up over a day or so. Then my ulcers went away over the course of a week. I no longer felt that I was dying, and the bloating ended, but the constipation continued.

The next major step up was adding magnesium. To this day I don’t know if it worked because I was deficient or if it’s just that it has laxative properties. But I still had a “cold/flu” at least 4 days every working week. Coughing, sniffling, some fatigue. With young kids, we thought I had a new virus every week.

Then when the WuFlu hit, I locked down with my family properly - not this “only go to the supermarket during the daytime and stand six feet apart” - we got our groceries delivered, disinfected it and handled it with gloves. It had a 10% CFR, maybe, and we could handle things until the data resolved. After 5 weeks of this, my having a “cold/flu” all the time had not changed, and viral exposure was now implausible.

I eliminated my diet. I ate only boiled beef, salt and a soylent product that I knew made me feel better called Jake. It was simple and boring, but the illness stopped rapidly, and the “cold/flu” went away completely.

After a month, I decided it was time to reintroduce foods. I tried milk, since I’ve always loved it and would drink it daily. I drank almost a litre, since I didn’t want to miss the effect. That was excessive - the experience gave me the worst hangover of my life, with day 1 being torture, and a total of 4 days required for me to return to normal. Milk was the worst allergy, but I discovered that I was mildly allergic to most meals, with the results being a runny nose, coughing, fatigue and maybe a headache.

Leaving it alone for enough time, the allergies have faded. Now I can eat “normally” again, and even drink milk. I suspect I may still have a mild allergy to sunflower oil, but I can’t really fault my body for that one. There’s enough chemical junk back in the diet that the beef driven efficiency isn’t functioning anymore, but I still feel pretty good overall.


Quite a journey.
Looks that diet fatigue/boredom is not only your impression.

Watching Dr Chaffee u-tube presentations that all he eats is beef and drinks water, have hard time event think about it.

On the other hand possible health improvements are tempting.
I change my diet making baby steps and hope that one day I am going to develop new habits and food variety will not be needed.


The diet fatigue would also be an excellent way to lose weight. No way to get fat eating strictly beef.

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One of the happiest memories of my life is playing around the pond at my friend’s house when I was young. It was the coolest thing.

…tbh, if I wanted to make a pond, I would just do it :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
