Pharma, Food and Big Ag: Working Against Your Health

Originally published at:

When I say “cult” what I mean is an organized system of thinking that works against your interests.

By every measure, we live in a dangerous cult, but most people are unaware because they think of it as their culture, as normal life, or just as ‘how things are and should be.’

But Consider the evidence. Are most people happy, content, healthy, and living into their best selves? Or are most people obese, unhappy, anxious, diseased, distracted, and/or possibly even depressed or demoralized?

The answer is clear, it’s mainly the latter set for most people.

Infuriatingly, most of those substandard outcomes are actually by design. Our trio of Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Medicine are all merrily conspiring to make us that way and they have been for many decades. It’s nothing personal, they really don’t care or ever think about you at all, but they do care about the money you will spend on their ‘offerings.’

The Tucker Carlson interview with Casey and Callie Means is the starting point for this conversation today, but I build toward the conclusion by suing Dave Fairtex’s Easy-Hard framework.



I’ve been hunting for the Hard vs Easy table mentioned towards the end of the video, as it’s a great framing. Could someone please direct me the post/article?

This one is a great post on Easy Hard table. Not sure if there are others.

Credit to @davefairtex

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Re: Portugal being at the upper right corner of the graph of happinesss - I traveled to several European countries between 2012 and 2019 and the people in Portugal looked the least like the other Europeans. They looked like Americans with an average BMI of >25. Maybe that’s significant.

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Lead us not into temptation

I am not a religious person but I was raised Catholic including attending church on Sundays and bedtime prayers. I have always liked the Our Father. When things feel overwhelming, the line “Give us this day our daily bread” reminds me that I have always had what I needed to get through the day.

Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Look at the second to last line in the prayer. Lead us not into temptation. This line in the prayer is not being answered. As Chris explained in this and other videos, our lives are totally surrounded by temptation. Unhealthy food, caffeine, nicotine, dopamine, video games, streaming services, social media, debt, gambling, the list goes on.

I think anyone who is not fighting at least one of these daemons is a rare person indeed.


@cmartenson Can you please post the link to the Obesity Map?

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I am in total agreement. I was fighting for all of it since the early eighties. Learning, experimenting, standing. Have most of our adult kids, eating better, using the right foods and avoiding meds by using God given herbal remedies. Seven grandchildren are vaccine free.
When people understand they are all about the “love” of money and don’t truly care, they will be shocked. But truth is truth. We are all fighting for our lives. One good company selling raw milk had 90,000 dollars of raw milk products destroyed by the government recently. Ugh!
Thanks for being a purveyor of truth.


The 1985-2020 obesity map is in the article. Derived from CDC data.


I stumbled accros this. To showcase insanity that is right in front of our eyes, subtle/not subtle. Note what ‘Health’ means for emojis.


I finally got through the whole Means/Carlson video and what an eyeopener. Tons of great information in one place!

I’ve struggled with weight all my life, but one incident in my son’s childhood really stood out to me. Both sons were US swimmers from 5 years old on, but my oldest, in the one of the few years he went to public school, begged me to let him eat school lunches during the year. I relented and he gained a tremendous amount of weight despite swimming 2 hours a day! Talk about terrible food the schools feed our kids!

I’m currently doing the GAPS diet (remarkably similar to what Mercola recommends and not far from the autoimmune protocol) and have begun to lose weight (hallelujah!). I buy all grass-fed beef and organic produce when we can’t grow out own. This video was a game changer!


There’s a lot of belief out there that Hep B is only spread through transfusions and sex. The Chinese will tell you that it’s also spread through saliva from communal eating (chopsticks to mouth then to shared food). I have extended family with it, both carriers and solid natural antibodies. Wiki lists “Living Together” as a risk factor, even though saliva is not. A very curious pair of assertions.


Before retiring as a surgeon doing lots of trauma work, I thought at the time Hep B vax came on the market, it would make sense to get it. Afterwards, I found out the sero-conversion rate was quite low (your body induced to producing the right antibodies) and most hepatitis was non-A, non-B, (it wouldn’t have been effective anyway)
duped again


I took my vaccines when I was younger. Not the same mess as what’s on offer today. It doesn’t seem to be necessary for the most part and it seems to be making people sick and becoming customers rather than patients. I was so pro-vaccine that at the age of around 12, I searched out the health Canada vaccine clinic and took the Yellow Fever vaccine - you know - just in case I happened to go to the jungle one day. I still have the vaccine certificate 45 years later.

I’d avoid vaccines for the future (definitely I’d never partake in an mRNA experiment) and recommend against them for infants and children. Perhaps rabies vaccine would be recommended if bitten by a wild animal but maybe nothing else.

When I was at university I took a few doses of Recombivax-B for Hepatitis B when it was first offered in the late 1980s. I never developed antibodies from the vaccine. I’ve lived a moderately dangerous life and fortunately I’ve also never developed any of these diseases either.

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Yeah well, when I was to spend time with the extended family, I got the Hep B vax. I didn’t realise for years later, but it ruined my digestion, which ruined my sleep. I had the blood markers for Crohn’s disease. Permanent suffering. It kicked in about 2-3 weeks after the second shot. I didn’t connect it, and took the third. I thought I was dying, with only years to live.

Saw some gastroenterologists. The first tried to sell me low FODMAP. I saw that the plan was to get me onto it, note that I suffered slightly less, then leave me on it for the rest of my life. The second was more scientific. Neither were very interested in the acute onset.

Some years later I tested and had no antibodies. Started again, then realised what I was doing. They were lying hard about covid and I had started asking questions. Anyway, I’m all better now, probably healthier than before the saga.


What helped you to improve your health?

Our organic farm and raw milk dairy is literally a mission to our community and is my deliberate choice at how to spend my retirement days.
The Tucker interview heartened me and gives me new energy to put health and good living practices above financial incentive.
We live in a complicated time and all choices must be looked at with a discerning eye….and made in a prayerful manner.


Hep B is most commonly transmitted through contact with blood or body fluids (so including saliva, semen, etc.) of an infected person, as well as through childbirth (if the mother has the virus). Sharing needles (drug use is one example), but also needles that are not sterile (medical use, tattoos, etc.) can also cause Hep B.

There is acute and chronic Hep B. Acute usually lasts for about 6 months and an adult immune system can handle it without much of an issue. If it goes on longer than 6 months, it’s considered chronic, and may eventually cause liver damage.

I’m not for vaxxing infants. Just sharing.


I am still allergic to eggs from the flu vaccine taken in 90’s. Ate eggs all my life after that they triggered 3 day migraines. Egg albumin used in all vaxxes.


Much as I do not like RFK’s policies, his vax and med beliefs are good. He could roll back the raw milk healing to us all, working with Trump. He is a good friend of Dr. Mercola.


This article is disturbing. Get them addicted to sugar at an early age!