Physical gold market "on fire"

For those still following this trail and want to know about my Monex delivery, all is well and I’ve gotten my package.

The delay was caused because Monex used a 3rd party drop-shipper to ship the products to me. They got payment from me, sent payment to them (wire I guess) and days later, my package was shipped. Thats all good, I now understand the process. However, Monex will protect it’s interest and won’t tell you where they buy from but I later found out when I did some research over Google from the senders address in corralation to Monex and now I’m one happy camper now!


bullionboy - how are you holding up?

Just wanted to add my 2¢ regarding Monex.  I just opened an account for my first (small) bullion purchase.  I then read all the negative comments posted at various sites regarding Monex and was ready to cancel my purchase.  My (very persuasive) account rep talked me out of my fears, so I made the wire transfer - but I was still very nervous about wiring a large sum of money to them.
Long story short - although I was told that delivery could take several weeks, my bullion (Au & Ag) arrived only 4 days after I wired the money.  I don’t know anything about their leveraged accounts, but if you want to purchase bullion for personal delivery, these guys are totally legit!