Pink Suits and Political Puppits


I read briefly about dispensationalism but don’t know how you see things. Please explain. :slight_smile:

If the democrats are trying to co-opt the color pink maybe the republicans should lean into it and start reping baby blue? Then they can do a full on switch come the next election!

In any red vs. blue contest, regardless of context, I think the West tends to associate “good” with blue and “evil” with red. From star wars (light saber color) to entrepreneurship (blue ocean vs. red ocean) to old political rhetoric (red scare, evil red communism). I could probably come up with more examples if I thought about it more.

Never forget. Just plain evil.


Fortunately for the Dems/Neocons/Progressives/Wokesters they had the Lame Stream Media on their side. Can you imagine if that was Trump?


Here’s what people are getting tired of especially Democrat voters. Forget giving kids a solid education that prepares them for a better life. Nah, just handout condoms. Teach them to party before they get to College.

Hi C&E and fellow PP-ers, I really enjoy the Signal Hour even when I can’t watch it live. That’s the situation tonight. I find myself wanting to comment that any politician not accepting/loyal to the US Constitution - which is easy to read and in plain English - should be removed from office. The Venn diagrams of “oath to uphold the Constituition” and then “opposing key pieces of the Constituition” do not overlap. It seems silly to have to state this, but then again people’s brains are broken on the left and they just don’t understand things like the misogyny of allowing men in women’s sports. Such people must be disqualified from office for that behavior. It’s like saying “long live to King” while chasing him and trying to kill him with a clever - doesn’t make you less of a traitor. These people clearly cannot be in office. I believe that is how you solve the divide; they must be formerly removed.
Thanks for all you both do to keep me informed and encouraged on so many topics, Tania.


Check this out - more on the cut-out shell company that Kamal/Biden funneled $7 billion to. It’s…really bad. Infuriating.


Love your gub’ment!

Update on the sob story for arrested husband. The wife worked at the sheriff department and has now resigned. The stories write themselves.
RSO Deputy Sheriff Investigator resigns following husband’s arrest


The jist of the post below is that the price for Trumps Golden Visa is too high. At $5 million there aren’t enough people with that kind of money to get more than a couple hundred billion. At $1 million, perhaps paid in installments, we’d probably get considerably more revenue.


In regards to the tarrifs on China, a rumour is that Chinese manufacturers are moving their operations to Cambodia, which currently has no tarrifs.
Wonder how long before Trump & Co. cotton onto it and add Cambodia to the list.


Being both a poor and reluctant typist, I’ll be brief.
I’m agnostic on how the bounded relates to the eternal.
Dispensationalism gives humankind influence over the G’dhead, such that the eternal has to change its relationship and its plans as a result of human behavior ( ie. we’re sorta god when it reacts to us. it’s neither omniscient nor omnipotent) Mankind has made it in its own image such that relationships to it change.

Covenant theology is G’d giving instructions and limits to a creation that, although made in G’ds image, has lost itself and needs directing towards an acceptance of the need for reconciliation. The covenants point towards a gracious savior who came to redeem the chosen fallen.

My armchair take


I love the phrase:

If a man wants to pretend he’s a woman - well that’s his choice.

But if a man wants me to pretend he’s a woman - well that’s my choice.


The comment during the podcast struck me. How do we share this country with these people. That’s the rub, isn’t it?


I don’t mean to be provocative as I love this community, however I have to get this off my chest.
Firstly regarding Trump. I never gave him the time of day during his rich boy NY days or his time as a TV reality star. I bet a friend a million dollars he would lose the 2016 to which I’m still in hawk.
I thought his first term was pretty lackluster and his handling of Covid dreadful. His big tax cuts for the rich were devastating to the poor and middle class. He was not the peace nik he was portrayed as, albeit 100% better than other Democratic presidents.
Perhaps Chris is right and the attempted assassination in Butler PA may have given a better vision for America.
He seems like a somewhat changed man, willing to listen, more compassionate and not as egoistic.
Full marks for putting the hammer down on Zelensky and ending the bloodbath known as Ukraine. His efforts to attempt some kind of financial reality is to be commended.
Firing/shuttering CIA personnel/cutouts like USAID and NED, dismissing useless lying Generals and CIA cretins, wonderful.
At this point I think I’ll quote Caitlin Johnston to best express my feelings,
All of Trump supporters’ reasons for supporting Trump are invalidated by his positions on Israel.

“He puts America first” — he puts Israel first.

“He’s making peace” — he’s assisting Israel’s mass murder and tyranny.

“He supports free speech” — but not speech that criticizes Israel"

His position on Israel negates any positive stances Trump has taken that I admire. The Gaza Casino AI video he apparently posted to his Truth Social is despicable beyond words.
From last night, "“A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD!” Threatening an entire civilian population with extermination is a bridge way too far me.
On a side note I am somewhat disconcerted by some of my Jewish hero’s like Bret Weinstein, Jim Kunstler not taking a stance against this atrocity.
Brave secular Jews like Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, Norman Finklestein, The Due Dissidence boys are trying their best to separate Zionism and the current version of the Israeli from the the Jewish faith and culture.
Short of nuclear war or a techno-feudal slave state, Gaza is the most significant issue of our time IMO.


In the Speech to Congress I saw ‘lack luster’ RFK and ‘Kash’, and I was concerned they may have their hands tied by complex elements. I have a felling (and its only a gut feel) that Israel may hold very strong financial reigns on United States, and Trump is not free to cut ties, which could burst all bubbles. Trump may have his hands tied, and may need to make a sacrifice to drain the swamp. Just a gut feel.


Aloha Squasdoc,
I pretty much see thing as you do.
Trump may be doing incredible things but, he needs to cut off Israel.
I believe the Zionist are the ones controlling the deep state. They are pure EVIL!


I watched Trump’s speech this morning and was just discussing with my brother what a bad look it is for the D party. I think everyone on earth has experience with a partner or friend or relative who came grudgingly to an event they didn’t want to attend and intentionally made their misery manifest to all observers. It is so unbecoming to show up in obvious ill humor, peevish, pissy, morose, glum, truculent and unpleasant. The adult play is to behave civilly and with grace, but the D’s sunk to the occasion…as they can usually be counted on to do…and sulked, frowned and sneered their way through it. You would think that all Americans would celebrate a child cancer survivor, and feel compassion for the families whose children had been murdered, but in that you’d be wrong. Very poorly done. Very poorly done.

On the other hand, after years of D gaslighting and DARVO, manipulation and contempt it was schadenfreudish fun to watch. Could they behave any awfuler? Why yes, they could! And did! Could their faces become any more dramtically suffering…why yes, they could! And the black ping pong paddles of protest were equally entertaining. “Musk steals” complained the group that raised graft and corruption to an unparalleled art form.

On occasion when I’m feeling blue I’ll watch re-runs of the first Trump election results. The hosts and talking heads smugness and contempt giving way to the shock that Trump was winning and the later, actual win…is great theater and the tears and blubbering at the end pure gold.


I don’t want to derail today’s topic, but I’m using chlorine dioxide (ClO2) now with good initial results and have learned to make it at home - it’s not difficult or expensive. Maybe a good topic for a new thread. For another resource look up Andreas Kalcker and his book “Forbidden Health”. It’s excellent.

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On the theme of this election proving that X (Twitter) is the signal, here’s news that the once-respectable polling aggregator 538 is decidedly not signal.

I knew 538 had lost its accuracy, but I was not aware it had been bought by Disney. Of course it makes sense that it went down the truthfulness hill as a result. Now it has crashed at the bottom: Disney announced - during Trump’s address to Congress (when no one would notice, I suppose) - that they have axed 538 altogether, at the same time that they are cutting 6% of the Disney Corporation’s total employee roster, including at ABC.

Such a shame.

Here’s a short article on the cuts.

Here’s a half hour conversation about this news with Rasmussen pollster Mark Mitchell. Rasmussen was cut from 538’s roster of aggregated polling firms for failing to meet the aggregator’s internal criteria for a reputable polling firm. In return, Rasmussen continued to operate according to their own standards, and now survives 538 while also coming through the latest presidential election with among the very best predictive polling.

I confess to having enjoyed a half hour of guilt-free schadenfreude while consuming this conversation. I am that done with the propaganda net that dominates our public information space and consequent conversation.