Pink Suits and Political Puppits

Only the security of the people who ran that operation is threatened, and that’s who Bondi is really working for: Israel

Israel being a synonym for the closed loop circuit of Western power.


Oh Boy, the Leftists are not going to like this and it’s about damn time. It should have been shutdown a loooooooong time ago

Edit: WH Press Sec issued a statement saying the WH is not shutting down the Education Dept. It was a fake news started by the WSJ.


I have long wondered about the connection between Evangelicals and Zionists (was it money, was it infiltration?). I tried to do a little research and it would seem that all the ideas prevalent among Evangelicals stem from the Schofield Bible, which a biased translation with annotations by Schofield (who had no religious training). The annotations are based on his feelings and personal interpretations. For some reason these ideas were promoted by Evangelicals, particularly in the US South beginning in the early 20th century.
Unfortunately I cannot find the article that had seemed to me to be the most helpful, with specific refences to the texts.
Here is one to start with:

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I thoroughly enjoyed Trump’s speech. He cleverly exposed the Democrats as evil narcissists.

One thing I wish he had done is to explain why or how the national debt and resulting interest payments are a true existential threat. If nothing is done to reduce growing deficits, there will come a time when it will be not just government workers whose jobs and livelihoods will be threatened.

If we run $2 trillion deficits annually, at 5% interest rates, amnual interest payments will be over $2 trillion by 2030. They need to tell us what will happen when things break.

On a 2nd item - the CBS poll. It is a poll of speech watchers. The poll discovered that the audience was:

51% Republican
27% Independents
20% Retards. Sorry, I meant Democrats.

So extrapolating this poll to US public opinion would be a mistake

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I have not seen the Sheffield referenced with regard to which folks are considered Jews and whether they are converts or not.

I have seen it referenced with regard to having a large influence on how American Christians, and more specifically how Evangelical Protestants, believe with regard to Eschatology and the interpretation of the book of Revelations.

Without running the math myself, I believe we’ll hit 2T in interest payments before then. Plus, SSI goes negative revenue, IRC this calendar year, and be completely broke around 2035.

Can you explain what that connection means?

What ideas?

Neither did any of the disciples, Stephen, Amos the prophet, and the diaspora Jews who attended the pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection and neither do I. When Jesus told the disciples in the upper room He was sending a Helper whose function is to make God’s Word understandable and applicable for personal spiritual benefit “He will bring you to ALL truth” I noticed he didn’t add “and Scofield, along with a crap ton of other scholars.” Not that scholars are bad. Probably the majority are not. Many are very excellent and beneficial. But my bottom line is, I just accept the fact that the same Holy Spirit who indwelled Christ and the same Holy Spirit who indwells me and every other believer in Christ, can and has helped make the Bible pretty clear for my rebuke, correction and instruction. Other subjects like the rapture, dispensations, the millennial kingdom, Israel being resuscitated per Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones and hints in the gospels to come back at the beginning of the millennial kingdom, etc are all interesting and might bring some understanding of future things but they don’t produce much of Galatians 5:22-23 fruits of the spirit. (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control). I missed “support the nation of Israel no matter what” in that list, although if believers want to do that, be warm and be fed.

More than you can imagine. Apparently, every US senator and Congress person has an Israeli minder, AKA, financial bagman. Only Thomas Massie forgoes this trap. Vote the wrong way and voila, no money no re-election.
It’s sick but it’s reality!

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I’ve heard of the Scofield bible but have never been in a church that referenced it. I’ve referenced the NASB, the NIV, the NKJV, and the ESV, but never the Scofield.

Can’t argue with your point. I will only say you will never get a leader that you 100 percent agree with. If you like things he is doing, commend him but also call him out on things like Gaza if you wish. I don’t like what is happening there either. But I say the pox on both the Israelis and the Palestinians at this point.

The Scofield Study Bible uses the KJV text, and perhaps others as well, and adds the cross references and study notes by Scofield.

It’s not it’s own version of the Bible.

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Thanks for your reply.
My purpose here is not theological debate (as per guidelines of this forum) but just putting forward my recent discoveries that might help others pursue this rabbithole if they are interested.
For present purposes, the issue is the massive influence of Israel on the global political and economic scene, particularly through American Christian Evangelicals, specifically with the interpretation of the role Israel has on the return of Christ.
To your comments on the lack of training of Scofield, in fact my expression is not apparently very exact. He seems to have been ‘selected’ ‘incited’ and ‘trained’ to produce the Scofield Bible. It sounds a lot like grooming by Zionists for a political agenda (see link) funded by Rothchild.

Well, thank you. I learned something new.

I have personal pet peeves regarding a lot of Christian ideas that are traditional or based on gross out-of-context verses, ignoring clear biblical passsges and biblical illustrations demonstrating evidence against it. I’m no scholar and certainly no genius, but man, I can read and comprehend clearly written context in a passage. It ain’t that hard if I can do it but it does take time and thinking. And like you said, this ain’t the place for theological discussion. (I’ve had those on Baptist, Progressive Christianity sites that quickly leave discussion and devolve into ad hominems. I’m both a heretic from the Baptist site and I want to dash babies on rocks-a reference to Psalm 137- from Progressive Christian sites).

I like to stay inside the aircraft in flight and not get out and push on the wings. There’s a few stories in the Bible about guys who tried, one guy who got chewed out by an ass, one group of 5,000, one guy who lopped off an ear, one guy who did it for some silver, and a married couple who did it for some attention. Didn’t work out too well for most of them. I find that God made it real clear in both old and new testaments that He’s going to “bring in the kingdom,” with a specific condition all by Himself, not AIPAC or credit card receipts (and I believe there is much biblical evidence showing dispensations and believe it’s a real thing). But I come dangerously close to the edge of the theological discussion cliff so I better leave it there.

Thanks again. I learned something new.

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Thanks @preppy. This gets to the dispensational vs. covenant theology, which is a big divide in western Christianity.

Along the lines of what Evie has said in the last two Signal Hours about friends and family on Facebook on the opposite side of the cultural divide: I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, and wondering how, or IF, the two sides can ever reconcile. Earlier today, I had one of the most bizarre conversations of my life with a friend who I originally met via libertarian politics, but who has, for whatever reason, caught the mind virus to some extent. We were having a perfectly friendly chat, when out of the blue she said “Are you so pro-Trump that…” Now, I have never, not once, posted on Facebook or said to her privately that I’m pro-Trump! She clearly just assumes that I am.

But then it got weirder. Then she said this: “Us liberals are a very friendly and reasonable bunch, and you’re among the most reasonable and DATA-DRIVEN I’ve seen in a totally palatable way”

Ummmm… I honestly think she was trying to be nice, and not being passive aggressive. But didn’t she basically just give me a variant of “hey, you’re pretty cool, for a _____”, where _____ is a detestable group of people?

And for her to describe her side as “friendly and reasonable”, whereas from my perspective my Facebook feed has become an endless stream of whining, moaning and sometimes quite nasty commentary from my leftier friends (while my non-leftie friends, for the most part, don’t even talk about politics on Facebook, probably because they’re desperately trying to avoiding triggering their leftie friends and family)…

I don’t know where we (I mean, our society, not she and I) go from here. :confused: