Prefab Root Cellar

An interesting design for a prefabricated root cellar that might provide an easy turnkey solution for helping folks establish a food storage room for their garden produce.

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A beautiful root cellar at a fantastic price, I am sure. I plan on a conventional 1,500 gallon septic tank. This set in the ground about 4 feet and covered over with that soil is larger than the one in the article. A little extruded polystyrene on top and sides, but not the bottom. A local septic tank caster makes mistakes from time to time and sell these new for just 100 plus delivery. It is not too hard to cut out a doorway in the green concrete and install a few steps down. I hope to post a picture when finished. The finished size is 5 ft tall by 5 ft wide by 10 foot long. My shorter half will be going out there more than me.