Prep Now for the Coming Winter Challenges

Every time I hear from a doctor or health care professional, they indicate that virtually all people requiring Covid care are unvaccinated. Maybe it’s just me, but that is inconsistent with vaccines not working.
Where I live, most of the anger is coming from the unvaccinated crowd.
As for me, I simply avoid unvaccinated people to the extent possible. For now, I don’t donate blood. I have a new hairstylist. Only vaccinated people are invited into my house. I only visit people who are vaccinated.
I went to my first post Covid concert in Madison a couple days ago. Proof of vaccine was required. I was thoroughly surprised. Virtually everyone in the crowd kept their mask on when not enjoying a beverage.
There are ways to respect other peoples health during this pandemic.


Surprised this one isn’t on the list - but to prepare we want to transfer some of our cash assets into a more stable asset. Should we transfer it into physical gold - or physical silver? Please share your reasoning. Thanks!


We purchased a used electric golf cart 3 yrs ago, and had it outfitted with a 24V solar panel for the roof. We haul vegetables, water buckets for 600+ chickens in the summer, and more. We chose EV over a gas-powered ATV, and while an ATV might have more power, the EZ-Go has knobby tires and enough power for most things, and we haven’t spent a dime on gasoline. When TSHTF for real, we will use the golf cart to transport our vegetables 15 blocks to the local farmers market (which we currently do by truck). We discuss what may happen when replacement batteries are no longer available, but for the short term we are happy with the solar-powered “ATV”. And it resembles the Fred Flintstone car!

Every time I hear from a doctor or health care professional, they indicate that virtually all people requiring Covid care are unvaccinated. Maybe it’s just me, but that is inconsistent with vaccines not working. Where I live, most of the anger is coming from the unvaccinated crowd. As for me, I simply avoid unvaccinated people to the extent possible. For now, I don’t donate blood. I have a new hairstylist. Only vaccinated people are invited into my house. I only visit people who are vaccinated. I went to my first post Covid concert in Madison a couple days ago. Proof of vaccine was required. I was thoroughly surprised. Virtually everyone in the crowd kept their mask on when not enjoying a beverage. There are ways to respect other peoples health during this pandemic

USA is in 16th place, behind only low population countries, with 2,290 deaths per 1M. Israel is in 84th place, with 836 deaths per 1M.
USA has 2.7 times Israel’s death rate.

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USA is in 16th place, behind only low population countries, with 2,290 deaths per 1M. Israel is in 84th place, with 836 deaths per 1M. USA has 2.7 times Israel’s death rate.

Short answer: Yes.
Longer, more nuanced answer: They each have different properties and uses. Gold is more compact and, at a current 75:1 price per ounce ratio, a given amount of wealth is more easily moved or hidden. If you’re trying to (to take a favorite movie reference) hop a flight out of Casablanca, it’s going to be a lot easier with a pound of gold hidden in the lining of your suitcase than with a 75 lb roll-around.
On the other hand, silver has two obvious advantages. It’s easier to have small(er) denominations of it to, say, buy a week’s groceries at your local post-collapse farmer’s market. One-ounce gold coins are just too big for that. The other advantage is that the current 75:1 ratio of silver to gold is way off from the historical 40:1 average. This means that either gold is seriously over-valued (I doubt it) or that silver is presently seriously under-priced. Because of this, silver may be the long-term speculative investment winner.
They both have their upsides and downsides, and there are probably a lot of them I didn’t mention above (and I’d appreciate any additional ideas people have on this, post’em below). The real answer is going to depend a lot upon your circumstances.


Les stop posting crap, get back to me after you break that down by before and after vaccinating. Also please offer alternative countries case/M as comparison. Also please break it down by age.
There is no doubt , the US has mismanaged the disease. or counting there of. We have used faulty tests, we have people dying with covid vs of covid. ( all admitted )
If you are going to state stats, do you have point and argument? and how does this relate to back up your convictions?
Hey also , you know you can mix and match vaccines too… why dont you give pfizer a try and j&j too. You should have plenty of chances. I mean you dont eat the same thing every day , so why not…


You wont get an answer, he’s trolling. This is what he does. He posts inflammatory shit and then runs away. Doesnt bother discussing or learning from anything anyone says. Also the fact that he posts this on a thread about preparing for winter and coming challenges shows you his mind set. He’s just trying to get people angry, he’s a troll, nothing more.


First what you got right with a few caveats: Unvaccinated individuals are at much greater risk of hospitalization and death than individuals who are within about 6 months of their second dose or their booster dose (although it is unknown how long the booster will remain effective). However, this is only true if they do not proactively attend to their own health by: maintaining or aiming for a healthy weight, exercising, ensuring adequate blood levels of vitamin D, taking a whole range of other supplements (vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, NAC, etc.).
And another caveat: It also assumes we ignore early treatments and that individuals do not make every effort to start on one or more of them upon known exposure or early symptoms.
I would bet that the vast majority of those unvaccinated individuals who require covid care are doing little if any of what is available to them to minimize their risk.
And a third caveat: you also ignore vaccine injuries and the real downside they create for vaccination. This is where the data is hardest to track down, but there is certainly some out there. A prior post of mine aggregates several of them here. And then there’s personal experience: 11 known or strongly suspected long-term vaccine injuries and counting. I observed 5 in the hospital and know of 6 in my circle.
Second, how are you so sure that all of those unvaccinated individuals present substantially greater risk of transmitting covid to you. More and more data including this one discussed by sand_kitty as well as the UK NHS weekly vaccine effectiveness reports suggest that it not at all true and that as the months go by, the vaccinated are at higher risk of a mild or asymptomatic infection than the unvaccinated. This is just the kind of infection that can be passed on due to overconfidence in the vaccines and lack of precautions.
Here’s some data for you. Charts I prepared using data from the UK NHS weekly reports.

Note how the vaccines seem to offer negative protection against infection and protection against hospitalization and death is waning. Since UK is about half vaccinated with the less effective Astra Zeneca vaccine, it’s probably not quite that bad here in the USA.
Finally, find me some good research that shows cloth and surgical masks actually work in preventing transmission. I haven’t seen any.
If you’re going to reply with any claims not supported by real data, don’t bother. Show me you’re perspective is correct. Show me good data that presents a case that the unvaccinated are a risk to the vaccinated. You’ll need good data. The separation and othering your personal choices promote have serious long-term consequences for social stability and therefore need some seriously good justification.


Dont waste your breathe, he’s not listening. We’ve all been down this road with this guy many times.


In most of the USA, Europe and anywhere the winters don’t get much below 10 degrees F or -15C, you can actually grow a tremendous amount of food outdside, but under cover. Unless you live in an extremely cold area, even a “low tunnel”, a tiny greenhouse perhaps 4’ wide and 4’ high can let you grow lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, kale, arugula and lots of other food all winter long.
Most people don’t realize that many plants can freeze and thaw and continue growing. For example, lettuce will survive temperatures down to around 13-14 degrees F, thaw back out and pick right back up growing, so long as you don’t touch it while it’s frozen. Cabbage, kale and others are even more hardy.
If you have more room, a high tunnel, big enough to walk into, opens up even more options and can extend your growing season even further by options such as using row cover / low tunnels inside the high tunnel. Using this technique, pioneered by Eliot Coleman, folks are growing produce in unheated tunnels all winter in Maine.
I have several high tunnels and garden all winter, September is like April for me, busy starting transplants and planting the second season of the garden, and I’ll be eating out of the garden and tunnels all winter long. Also, we had our first frost 3 weeks ago, and I’m still picking tomatoes, eggplant and pepper out of the high tunnels and will for several more weeks.
If you have the room, adding a high tunnel is the greatest addition to your gardening you’ll ever see. BTW, a “greenhouse” is an enclosed structure where you grow plants in containers, a “high tunnel” is a structure where you grow plants in the ground inside the structure, a “low tunnel” is just a smaller version too small to walk into.
Check out “Four Season Harvest” by Eliot Coleman, it revolutionized winter growing in the US.
Another fantastic gardening book is “Sustainable Market Farming” by Pam Dawling. She’s been the lead gardener at Twin Oaks Community for the last 30 years, growing most of their own food, and writes from experience. Even though it’s called “Market Farming” it’s also probably the best single book I could give a serious home gardener to get going, and after gardening and market farming for almost 50 years I still regularly re-read it and often consult it on details of various crops. A big chunk of the book covers winter production. Combine that with Carla Emery’s “Encyclopedia of Country Living” and you pretty much have a survival library in two (large) books.


Physician notes from the trenches - found on Telegram I have highlighted important parts in bold.
Jen Mac, [29.10.21 08:25]
[Forwarded from WAYMAN412]
From a medical group, PCP:

"IM Doc October 27, 2021 at 2:33 pm I feel like I need to give an update from my world. Many things are happening all at the same time.In brief, I feel that the “troubles” have started in earnest now in medicine in ways I did not see coming just weeks ago. What we in medicine are simply not going to be able to abide right now is a surge like we saw last winter.First of all, as a PCP, I have always had the ability to zap small non-invasive skin cancers. We do that with liquid nitrogen. We have been out of this for a week or so now. Sourcing a new supply is now virtually impossible. And the amounts being asked for what is left are so astronomically high that we simply cannot afford it. Medicare reimbursement (which is most of these patients) will not even come close to recovering the cost. I understand from the supplier that the same issues are occurring to some degree with dry ice and more ominously liquid oxygen (used in hospitals of patient oxygen). I heard from 2 different suppliers the reason why this seems to be happening – but the reason is so “tin foil” that I am not going to repeat it here until I can confirm this more reliably.I know there are lots of biomedical folks here in labs that are frequent commenters….Are any of you having the same problems?If this becomes a pattern, I would recommend to all to get your derm visit scheduled ASAP – my understanding is this will not be temporary.Our hospital staff is so diminished that my clinic employees are constantly being pulled to cover issues there. Outpatient clinical medicine is no longer organized here – it has become a frantic triage. Right now, I would urge all Americans to not take their anger and temper out on medical office employees. They and their physicians are absolutely overwhelmed.That problem however is minor. The hospital system pre-COVID was a disaster area – it is now officially a shit show. The discharge process is now turned into a complete cludge. The problem in brief is that the companies that do home health and home oxygen and nursing home care have had their staffs now vanish to unworkable levels. Much of this has to do with exhaustion. But it is also the vaccine mandates. These are all national corporations – so they instituted mandates weeks ago. And promptly lost large segments of their staff. Enough time has now passed for the remaining employees to experience complete exhaustion. You can only do so many 80 hour work weeks after all. So now – there is nowhere for these discharging patients to go that is safe. They are having to stay in the hospital – but that is simply not going to be workable for long. The hospital too has had its staff decimated.I have sat through a whole 4 months or so of patients condescendingly tell me they would never allow an unvaccinated HCW to touch them. Over and over. My constant refrain was to be very careful about that feeling – you may have NO health care workers to touch you if you keep that up. And we are slowly but surely arriving at that destination. At least two of these patients stuck in the hospital are two who could not bash the intransigent HCWs enough. They have now received their wish. Payment in full. My niece just graduated from nursing school in June. Immediately hired on a COVID unit in a major hospital in one of our big cities. She has been there three months as dozens and dozens of nurses, MAs and RTs have left. My mind was completely and totally blown when she called to ask my advice last night – THEY HAD JUST OFFERED HER THE JOB OF FLOOR CHARGE NURSE in her hospital – a 3 month nurse – a job that in other times was given to grizzled veterans. I am not sure we are going to have to wait for judicial input into these vaccine mandates. The slow motion implosion has already begun at least in medicine. I am hearing the same stories if not worse from colleagues everywhere. I am not trying to alarm or scare. I am presenting my world as it is. I do not believe most Americans understand how dire this situation really is."

Yesterday I had a UPS delivery and instead of the Big Brown Truck a U-Haul van showed up, with my regular UPS driver inside. I asked him about it and he said someone had broken into their garage and stolen a bunch of catalytic converters off their vans and it would take 2-3 months to get replacements.
I’m sure UPS would be willing to pay a LOT of money for those catalytic converters to avoid having to rent U-Haul trucks for all that time, and they’re still not able to get them, despite their size, market influence, etc.


I would like to voice agreement with Les’ impression that in the USA, right now, most of the people sick enough to require hospital admission in the US are unvaccinated. People working at bigger hospital’s emergency departments are telling me this consistently.
This is a source a big gap between myself and my traditional medical colleagues who are admitting mostly unvaxxinated people to the hospital with serious COVID.
How to reconcile this?

  1. The story is still evolving. The fat-lady is still in her dressing room…
  2. Those that they are being admitted in the US are mostly unvaxxed AND untreated (mostly). Many studies show aggressively treatment is quite (but not completely, effective.
  3. The US is later in the curve than Israel and Sweden and the UK. Israel got started much before the USA in their vaccination program and have had time to see the a) waning of vaccine effectiveness.

    Figure: Sweden’s curve for “severe COVID” based on days since completing the second dose plus 14 days.

    UK data, recently discussed by Chris and others here, showing increasing numbers of COVID infections in the vaccinated with time. from this blogger.
    The US just isn’t to this stage yet. Give it a couple more weeks and lets see how this develops.
  4. These analyses are not including vaccine harm.
  5. Repeated risk versus from multiple vax boosters versus single risk episode of illness. With waning effectiveness, those who go the repeated vaccination booster route will be exposed to vaccine risk repeatedly (and possibly escalating?), whereas those who go the route of getting the infection have their risk focused into a single episode.

Excellent post.
What you wrote was very close to how I felt about it. I think that there is no doubt that the vaccine initially suppresses hospitalization. That effect just doesn’t last. Moreover, saying that the unvaccinated are more likely to be hospitalized at this time only tells half the story. The other half of the story is how many people are being injured by the vaccine. I just saw one of my neighbors who is probably in his late 40’s or early 50’s. He was walking with the assistance of a walker. I was a bit shocked by that since he always seemed to be in robust health as well as being active and energetic. His hair had turned much grayer and he could barely get about. I did not ask him what happened but it was suspicious to me. It was especially suspicious since one of my cousins had an adverse reaction and still - six months post vaccination - he is significantly diminished in his strength and mobility.

As for me, I simply avoid unvaccinated people to the extent possible. For now, I don’t donate blood. I have a new hairstylist. Only vaccinated people are invited into my house. I only visit people who are vaccinated. There are ways to respect other peoples health during this pandemic.
Poor Les. He doesn't know about natural immunity. Nor does he know about early treatment. But I respect his choice. If I didn't know about early treatment, about activity, maintaining a normal BMI, about vitamin D, about melatonin, and about ivermectin, I'd probably be all into vaccination too. I'd subject everyone I met to an interrogation first thing: "are you vaccinated? No? Then STAY AWAY because I'm JUST THAT TERRIFIED!" Les represents a big chunk of the country. Pharma has done a fantastic job terrifying half the country, keeping them ignorant - while becoming obscenely rich in the process. And they've framed medical issues as moral ones too. Of course, everyone I know who got COVID, and used early treatment, got over it in a few days. And now they've got natural immunity. Which Les doesn't know about! Its really sad. I blame Pharma, and the Oligarchy. Not Les.
Poor Les. He doesn't know about natural immunity. Nor does he know about early treatment. But I respect his choice. If I didn't know about early treatment, about activity, maintaining a normal BMI, about vitamin D, about melatonin, and about ivermectin, I'd probably be all into vaccination too
Les does know. I know he knows because I was listening when you and at least 15 other people told him....repeatedly, in many different ways. Les doesnt want to process things that undermine his opinions. You'll notice Les isnt responding...he's not reading your replies either. In his mind, Les has accomplished what he set out to do. He doesnt want to stick around to hear things that make him feel uncomfortable. Les feels uncomfortable about your choice not to vaccinate yourself, so he comes here to make YOU feel uncomfortable...that is all. That makes him feel a little better. If he sticks around to hear what you have to say about it, then he feels bad again. Thats why he comes in, blurts out things that he knows will trigger you, then disappears. He is a troll by definition. Im not just saying that because I dont agree with his position. He's not engaging anyone, he's not having a discussion. He's here to verbally backslap you, and then run before he gets it back.

… and Dane County is a very unique part of Wisconsin life.
Demographics show the largest median income, education levels and overall vaccination rate in the state. Yet we have the third largest case rate and death rate per capita (7 day average is like .5 deaths per day now). And we’ve been under a mask mandate going on three months now.
All Madison music venues are only allowing vaccinated attendees. Most of the “highly educated” people I know only believe in vaccines. There is NOTHING else to be done but get vaccinated and boosted.
Whole lotta Les-type folks around here.
I have a list of businesses that I will never buy from or patronize again now. Because they discriminate against my natural immunity and require presentation of personal medical information to give them money or to work for them.
It is disgusting and makes no sense except to coddle the ignorant masses and their feelings. Not one of the “highly educated” people I know will even allow any conversation outside of “are you vaxxed or getting a booster” when it comes to strategies for handling COVID.
If I’m even allowed to explain my infection, home treatment and five day recovery, I’m met with blank stares and a quick change of subject. A total human 404 error: File not found.
There are about 100,000 people like Les in my county of 250k. And they are foaming at the mouth to get boosted, jab their kids, hate on the unvaxxed…
Makes me glad that this disease is over for me and mine.
What’s truly weird is how many bars have been open this whole time, how no one wears a mask in any of them, and how few people (zero) I know who hang out in these bars have gotten sick or dropped dead. Even the super fat folks. Lotsa that in the land of cheese.
The final thing that is weird is all these vaxxed folks wearing masks at Walmart, the grocery stores and work yet just don’t care when at restaurants and bars.
The same folks who give me shit about not being jabbed, talking up my natural immunity and never wearing a mask anywhere anymore will sit next to me in a bar for an hour without a mask talking and laughing ~24” from me and my unvaccinated/unmasked face.
FYI, I’m not a big drinker anymore. I run an open mic twice a month and I am friends with a few bar owners and a winery/cidery owner. Don’t want to portray myself as a lush, just a man who enjoys live music and a robust night life in my town.

Don’t laugh! There is a lot of research listed there. It seems to be working for me, time will tell.