Prep Now for the Coming Winter Challenges

Not that we can prove it, but I bet Les is reading each of our responses and is not responding for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. He doesn't have a reply that allows him to hold on to his world view.
  2. The cognitive dissonance between his claims/deeply held beliefs and our data is too great. He's afraid his mind will be changed if he engages and that's scary. If the vaccine won't protect him, what will?
  3. We're pretty hard on him. After all, he is human and as we've learned the past 20 months, humans are vulnerable to mass psychosis. Perhaps all of us were lucky to have experiences that made us immune to this. In saner times we might be the ones at a disadvantage by being to much of a rebel.
  4. He's secretly laughing at how easy it was to trigger this onslaught from us.

Does anyone have a link to the webinar where Dr. Kory discusses using IVM to mitigate some of the post-vaccination sequelae? Have a friend who is being coerced into having her kids vaccinated by her estranged spouse as part of a custody dispute (heā€™s using the fact that the kidā€™s havenā€™t taken the GTs as leverage against her in court). Wanted to pass the video link along to her for reference.

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From 35 years of experience treating skin cancers. Aldera (an immune enhancer). limitations: nodular lesions (not so effective but will shrink them), requires compliance (the big limitation), incidence of allergic reactions, expensive (a lot cheaper than surgery), and smaller billing for docs (office visits only). By prescription.


I think heā€™s not reading for all of those same reasons. He doesnt want to hear it or read it or consume it in any form. I think heā€™s home with his hands over his ears yelling ā€œLALALLALALALLAALAā€ [ figuratively speaking, of course ].


Hey T2H. I take notes during the FLCCC Webinars, and it looks like Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, Dr. Paul Marik, and Dr. Kory talked about IVM and the shots on the FLCCC status update on Aug. 25, 2021. He said IVM reduced the symptoms caused by the vaccine within 24-48 hours. This was giving the IVM the day before the shot (0.2 mg/kg), the day of, and the day after. He said 80-90% of the side effects were reduced if you were on IVM.
Check it out; it starts a little after 47 minutes:


Sure looks like a scam to me. Good luck with it though.

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Thanks for your stories. Really helpful.
I think its good Les comes by and reminds us - by example - of just how effective it can be when Government and Pharma combine to mess with peopleā€™s minds.
I have friends in this same mental state too.
How it started: ā€œTake the shot to save grandma!ā€ (i.e. the shot worked vs infection)
How it is going: ā€œTake the shot - and the boosters - to save yourself!ā€ (i.e. shot only works longer term vs severe disease)
Paper below (large observational from Sweden - published in the Surgisphere-discredited Lancet) on how the VE (vs symptomatic infection) declines over time. And, in fact, being vaccinated makes you MORE vulnerable to symptomatic infection after 240 days.
[I did not see that one coming]
The ā€œmoney shotā€ chart:

Mandates make no sense at all given this chart.
Unless of course if you want to mandate a highly profitable ā€œvaccine hamster wheelā€ on behalf of PFE/MRNA/JNJ.
Run, little hamster, run.


Thatā€™s a cute figurine, brushhog. Does it have something to do with your post, or is it advertising? If you are selling some, I would love to purchase some for my nieces and nephews. Let me know. They collect elf and fairy paraphernalia.

I looked up Dr. Kory online and the articles said he caught covid. I donā€™t believe it but the judge in a child custody trial might.
His testimony in congress was that people who take ivarvectin wonā€™t get covid and I believe him. And Mr. Martinsin must too.

Thank you for sharing such practical advice.

Hi Alvez, If you want to purchase a troll for sale you might actually want to message Lesā€¦ ?


Thanks pinecarr! Thatā€™s the one, Iā€™ve forwarded it over.


ā€œIā€™m even allowed to explain my infection, home treatment and five day recovery, Iā€™m met with blank stares and a quick change of subject. A total human 404 error: File not found.ā€
Think it might be a ID-10-T errorā€¦lol
Verry sarcastic humor, I know, and probably uncalled for. But thatā€™s what popped into my head when I read that in your post.


Great post! Homeschooling with 6 childrenā€¦3 months - 12 years. wow! You are a saint!


Glad to help, T2H. I hope it helps your friend!


At the risk of being unkind, I just have to jump on the Les dogpile, hopefully humorously:
I think Lesā€™ clouded thinking could possibly be remedied by a coupla big juicy prime rib dinners, perhaps with a side of mashed crickets. Umm, animal fat and cholesterol- clear that nogginā€™ right up! Steve


Have the same setup. one for off road diesel, one for 87 unleaded. Both treated yearly with Pri-G or Pri-D.

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Continued from - A few items I'd add to that list

I'm very grateful for - and can recommend - a good thick wool pile fleece mattress topper in natural wool, to go between the sheet and the mattress. Mine can only be washed once a year on a very hot summer day, and that is the only downside. The rest of the time it generates warmth by conserving body heat. No energy input required whatsoever - it is powered by your own body heat.

Hereā€™s the latest weekly vax data from MI. Iā€™ve added in the boosters, which started in early Aug. ā€œBoosters: because the shots work just that well.ā€ (And - of course - profits)

And hereā€™s what that looks like in aggregate. Booster uptake looksā€¦lame, at least in context. Perhaps thatā€™s why they are ā€œsending in the trolls?ā€

From here:,9753,7-406-98178_103214_103272-547150ā€“,00.html

Mine can only be washed once a year on a very hot summer day, and that is the only downside. The rest of the time it generates warmth by conserving body heat. No energy input required whatsoever - it is powered by your own body heat.
Good one. We focus so much on fuel and etc that we forget the basics of good clothes and warm bedding.   I'm reminded of one of my favorite scenes in 'Christmas Carol', when Bob Cratchet is freezing in the office and puts a piece of coal on the fire. Scrooge chews him out for being wasteful. He rubs a piece of the fabric on his jacket between his fingers and says; "Do you see these, Mr. Cratchet? They are called "garments" you buy them but ONCE!"