Prep Now for the Coming Winter Challenges

Although it’s a big financial hit, we are going from a 40 hp. Kioti tractor to a 67 hp. Deere. One of the main reasons is lifting capacity. I buy 1 ton bags of organic chicken pelletized manure on a pallet and could not lift those with the Kioti. Actually …almost tipped it over a few times. I was surprised that my wife was on board but she understands that equipment may no longer be available in the near future.
The chicken manure is from Medina Agricultural products which happens to be headquartered 40 miles from my ranch. Stewart (the owner) has some brilliant soil activating products, and has brought devastated farmland back to health through his microbe rich formulations.


I bet my friend the peach guru is buying from the same place. He has a neat sub soil irrigation system for his pasture, he is raising Belties like Chris. Did you ever make contact with him? Thanks for the lead on poo!


One male friend almost immediately after Moderna got progressive paralysis, in wheelchair now, feeding tube; no one saying it is guilian-barre syndrome. Readers can find information about the jabbed being super-spreaders; thus, the unjabbed need to be protected from them not the other way around.


I’m not going to give up on good grassfed beef, but our hunter gatherer ancestors ate plenty of insects. They are an excellent source of animal protein. Not that I trust the crap being developed by big food. Grow or catch them yourself.
And I think it’s safe to say that our ancestors preferred meat from creatures with bones. So those insects are just a backup plan for hard times.


Thanks for the update from Dane county. UW was my grad school and I can honestly say I loved the school, loved the state, and loved the people. It truly is a special place.
But I have to say I am not surprised by your assessment of things. I wondered how the town was faring. I hope things cool down a bit covid wise. It must be tough being surrounded by all that angst and social friction.
It’s much different here in the heart of the Appalachians. Older folks are naturally concerned but most just consider it another thing to contend with. Like mosquitos and stormy weather. At the store today some were masked and some weren’t. But everyone had a smile and a good word. Lots of friend socializing going on.


My daughter in law bought an hydroponic system which she placed on their porch.


We live in a pretty temperate zone but even so the winter can get cold enough for discomfort. So these are the measures we’ve taken to keep warm without using a heater of any sort:

  1. We covered all the floors with a double layer of carpet – rugs on top of carpet/vinyl floors. Made sure the rugs overlap so no gaps are visible.
  2. We fitted very heavy curtains on ALL the windows. We hung curtains between the entry hallway and the rooms that open onto it. When we draw the curtains and close the doors to these rooms, the air in them is less cold. We make sure to expose the windows to the sun during the day, up to about 3pm, then draw the curtains. This traps some natural warmth.
  3. All the doors and windows are sealed VERY well. We air the place up once a day for 3-5 minutes during the warmest hour of the day.
  4. At home we wear cardigans/jumpers/longjohns, double (sometimes triple) layer of clothes. We wear a beanie all day to prevent heat loss through the head. We wear one also to bed.
  5. We eat more spicy food – ginger, chilly, pepper are naturally inner-heaters. We drink warm or hot drinks to keep the inner temperature up.

I’m from the 1980s. We had a word for people like you: Pussy.
I just got over my second round of Sars2, though this time it was the DeltaForce-19 variant. I merely took the FLCCC protocol minus Ivermectin. Whoobdeefuggindoo.
I’ve had hangovers that were worse. No ER trip was necessary.
Guess what? The Common Cold is alive and well.
It’s just that now, folks like yourself are frightened to death of catching the common cold. Bravo. Cheers. I applaud your impotent cowardice. Now you say that you and other hypochondriacs have cloistered away? Creating a stratified, segregated society of pussies versus us risk-takers?
I see no real loss, here. The rest of us will live genuine lives, kissing with our tongues and fucking without condoms. You will eat your broccoli shakes and wonder why you can’t stop farting. Your uncontrollable night-toots will be the choral accompaniment of your kind fading into obscurity.
If anyone has a problem with the way I’m talking to Les, I’d like to remind you:
Les is a cryptofascist. He gets on here to pipe up about the standard rote propaganda that state media is heralding at any given moment. Les bitches about how PP has moved away from the 3Es, but I’m sure he would be parroting whatever chickenshit got farted-out of Glasgow this weekend.
I’m onto your chickenshit, Les. In fact, what the fuck does your “vaccinated” diatribe have to do with Samantha’s preparedness essay?


I’m reminded of the October storm in NE 10 years ago. We were without power for 12 days. Before that we’d spent a week without power in a snow storm in VT when my son was 18 mos old. Preparing is great. Practice is even better and we’ve done it twice a year since. Winter and summer. Pick a random day to start but don’t prepare anything you don’t already have. You only have what you have. Then for 72 hours you are “grid down.” No phone, computer, power, heat or water. No car. Take good notes. How much do you drink in 24 hours in winter, summer, shoveling snow? The pets? Do you really want to take glasses, plates… out of the cabinet non stop or re-use one of each? Tuna cans, wow, don’t they smell? Coffee? French press? How much water for everything else. What’s the temp in your house? How can you change that (p.s. cardboard cut to fit windows is an extra layer)? Hat, scarf, blanket, sleeping bag - which to use - when, who needs it and who runs warm -or cold, and how cold? Who hauls wood? Who gets up early to reload the woodstove and do you want to switch off who does it? Which interior doors to keep closed, which opens to retain heat the best. Who boils water in the a.m.? What’s the best time to go outside and check in with neighbors, which ones? Best time to recon on your own? By day 3 of our 12 days we had an efficient system for 20ish degree weather for multiple days. We did have to assign tasks -with “must complete by” times (wood brought in and beds set up because we weren’t sleeping in our usual beds, all before dark, dinner done before dark as well, stage flashlights in needed locations but don’t use if you don’t need to, water and coffee or tea set up and ready to go in the a.m. to warm up) - all so as not to want to kill one another. The hand crank radio was so much fun. So is a scanner so you can hear what’s going on “outside.” Now that my son is in college, I’ve tried to anticipate how all this differs when I’m alone. It was different when he was 18 months old, 11 years old, 18 years old, last year.
I’m sure some of us have done this voluntarily or not. It is great fun with a good attitude and you learn a ton. It’s all in the little details you might otherwise overlook without practicing. They aren’t in any book or on any website because they are unique to your situation.

The 3rd post from the top lists state-by-state job boards

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No-Vax Mandate job boards.
Join Gab. It is free to join.

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Any reason not to buy home heating oil instead of diesel? When on a couple of occasions we’ve run our heating oil tank low, we’ve added diesel to avoid emptying the tank and needing to change the filters until the delivery arrived. I always thought diesel and heating oil were the same except for the road tax. And since you’re using the fuel for farm equipment, there shouldn’t be any moral, if not legal reason to pay road tax on your fuel.

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Any reason not to buy home heating oil instead of diesel? When on a couple of occasions we've run our heating oil tank low, we've added diesel to avoid emptying the tank and needing to change the filters until the delivery arrived. I always thought diesel and heating oil were the same except for the road tax. And since you're using the fuel for farm equipment, there shouldn't be any moral, if not legal reason to pay road tax on your fuel.
I might be wrong here:
  • I believe diesel can be used temporarily in a heating furnace (as you say)
  • I believe heating oil can be used to run a diesel engine - but - I think there is a risk of damaging a diesel engine when running on heating oil, so not advisable
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a job I had in the seventies was,repossessing farm equip. my otr tractor burnt alotta heating oil. Not any longer!! Been in a bit of,
if over the road! No pink! Not at all! Not even the fuel filters are free from inspection! Then you pay the fine, which includes the taxes that aren’t paid on off road diesel for all storage tanks on the farm. (We can store 2000 gallons)


I am also looking into solar, and I was wondering about going with a whole set up, or getting components? And how about portable versus fixed? Has anyone used the GoSun packages?