Private Profits Vs Public Health
"The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

  1. The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  2. The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  3. The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  4. The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020."

And Gerald Celente had the guts to say it out loud.

"The Trends Journal is giving its annual top trends for 2021 soon. Celente has one very ominous trend coming for the global economy. Celente predicts, “One of our top trends is the ‘Greatest Depression.’ Lives have been destroyed around the world. This is unprecedented. There is something bigger than politics about what is going on. . . . To me, this is satanic. What they are doing to people’s lives and destroying their businesses is unprecedented in world history, and it’s not only in the United States, it’s worldwide, except China where the virus allegedly began. They are wide open.” So, are the dark powers wanting to destroy the global economy on purpose? Celente says, “We are living in hell on earth. This is the ‘Great Reset.’ It’s in black and white. The guy who wrote the book, that Davos creep, it’s there. The multi-nationals are taking over. . . .They want to destroy small business and raise up the corporations. You got it, it’s right in front of your eyes. How much more proof do you need? They are putting the mom and pops out of business. They are gone. The streets are dead. At 10 o’clock at night, it’s a ghost town up here. New York City, it’s dead. Mid-town is gone. There are no neon lights shining bright on Broadway.” In closing, Celente says, “They are selling fear. . . . Look at the freak show in front of you. When are the people going to stand up for freedom, peace and justice? That’s our only way out of this. If you are going to listen to these little slimy lowlife bureaucrats . . . then all aboard the next train to Auschwitz, and don’t forget to put on your mask.”"
There, did you hear it? In case you missed it, here it is again: "There is something bigger than politics about what is going on. . . . To me, this is satanic." Yes, this is bigger than money and politics but both of those are its tools. This is about the ultimate battle between good and evil. Celente is right. It is satanic. It is becoming hell on earth. And we haven't seen anything yet. This is not imagined. It's not hyperbole. It's not conspiracy theory. This power supercedes political party, supposed religious affiliation, gender, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc. and all the other things that supposedly divide us. It has been whispered about, hinted at, written about, and operating behind the scenes for millennia. And now it's coming out into the open, big time. But if you say this, you're obviously a kook detached from reality. Oh yeah? Wait and see.  

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Woodrow Wilson      

Gerald Celente also says “when people have nothing left to loose, they loose it”!
People are getting angry, and with good reason. After their lives are destroyed they will be angry, frustrated and bitter. That anger will become seething rage and contempt. Cryptocurrencies, vaccine cards and portfolios will be useless in the dark.
Remember I said the motto seems to be “I am okay but it sucks to be you”? That won’t fly for long.
Katness Everdeen to Panam - (Hunger Games)
“If we burn, you burn”.
or perhaps - hell hath no fury as a people scorned
Are we ready?

Yes ignorance is getting more popular, but is still way behind stupidity.
You can fix ignorance

2020 has taken a lot of the wind out of my sails. I’ve gone from being pretty skeptical of all-things-corporate-and-governmental to being completely flabbergasted at just how transparently self-serving and power/money-hungry they actually are.
You and millions upon millions of other people. I wish I had a number to point to, but I'd like to think the great awakening is happening in an exponential fashion.
These new vaccines could be the next amazing development in vaccine technology since the first cowpox stick magically protected people against smallpox.
Are you sure about that?: Click on the image for more info.
A vaccine will help to prevent contracting the virus at all.
Only theoretically. If history is anything to go by, they'll do the radical opposite of that. If they healed people, there's no money to be made, and without any legal liability, the incentive is to put toxins in them to main and harm people to generate long-term customers. In several countries, old people in homes are starting to fall like flies again after return to vitamin D deficiency + flu vaccine campaign by criminal governments even though flu is gone. The desired vaccine effect is achieved with high/optimal vitamin D levels, and optionally prophylaxis of ivermectin, chlorine dioxide, and (to a somewhat lesser extent) zinc+ionophores.
It’s looking like we’ll all have important decisions to face soon: Should I take the vaccine or not?
If the answer to that isn't obvious by now... Good luck. I guess you're bridging belief systems here though, recognizing that we have to move from decades of vaccine propaganda brainwashing into the understanding that they're being used as bioweapons.

BTW Chris & everyone, about melatonin and tryptamines that you mentioned in the other blog post…

@Chris Martenson I know about melatonin and how that works. Same story as for Vitamin D. Who knew all the things it did? I certainly didn’t.
And melatonin is just one of the magical tryptamines worth knowing about that underlie/modulate all other neurotransmission processes/brain-mind states. The endogenous tryptamines from most to least interesting are:
  • DMT (N,N-dimethyltryptamine): the frequency neuromodulator and interdimensional gateway to the higher densities of existence; dream inducer; astral projector; strongest hallucinogen known; the "Spirit molecule".
  • 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine): a trace neuromodulator and one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, can produce powerful internal visions and nondual/infinity perception, comparable only to DMT in intensity; the "God molecule".
  • serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine): the neurotransmitter with the widest range of functions attributed to it, serotonin is associated with regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, memory and learning, and "is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness". Chronically increasing its levels using reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is one of the worst ideas ever, but increasing levels using triple monoamine releasers (e.g. MDMA) is one of the most important experiences one can have (used once e.g. in a party setting or in psychotherapy to heal traumas).
  • melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine): the sleep-cycle-regulating neurohormone, released when no light is entering the eyes; sleep inducer; strong antioxidant & neuroprotective.
  • normelatonin (N-acetylserotonin; NAS): long assumed to be just a precursor molecule, but "known to have anti-depressant, neurotrophic and cognition-enhancing effects"; "NAS is distributed in some areas of the brain where serotonin and melatonin are not, suggesting that it may have unique central duties of its own instead of merely functioning as a precursor in the synthesis of melatonin".
  • 6-hydroxymelatonin (6-OHM): major active metabolite of melatonin; full agonist at MT1 and MT2, antioxidant and neuroprotective.
  • 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MT; mexamine): a full agonist ligand of serotonin receptors; "biosynthesized via the deacetylation of melatonin in the pineal gland".
  • tryptamine: neuromodulator and precursor molecule that forms the backbone of the tryptamine class of molecules.
  • N-methyltryptamine (NMT): precursor to DMT synthesis, as two methyl groups have to be added to tryptamine to create dimethyl-T.
I could not possibly stress enough how relevant it is to research the optimal use of these most fundamental tryptamine neuromodulators, produced by the pineal gland (Anja chakra, Descartes' "seat of the soul") in the center of the brain, beyond just melatonin (chiefly the first 4, I added the others for completeness and to show that I've done the full research). Especially if you're at all pessimistic, sad, depressive, anxious, concerned, doubtful... i.e. experiencing persistent lower-frequency emotions (which are natural to experience but only for short periods, as emotions are supposed to be temporary fleeting experiences, you don't have to hold on to negative definitions that make you experience the undesirable emotions which then make you more likely to manifest parallel reality scenarios of negative polarity).

Thought you might enjoy this one:)

Respecting this is an evidenced based site, I refer to two public ceremonies which to me, are extremely odd at the very least. These are not recommended for bedtime viewing. These big ticket events are not high school productions and they are as technically superb, as they are creepy.
In the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 Military Games video, in my opinion, the most interesting part starts at 1:48.30. Sparks of Fire -This is said to be from “Chinese Folklore”. I guess a plane spreading chemtrails is from their folklore also . 2:09:20
I also noted the nuanced Great Reset jargon. “Community of Shared Future for Mankind”.
This next one is an “oldie but goodie”. The Gotthard Tunnel Opening.
I am aware that there have been certain measures to debunk the Tunnel Opening Ceremony claiming the theme was from Swiss folklore. I lived in Geneva for five years and I could not really see a connection to traditional swiss culture and this production. Maybe that both have goats and perhaps the bit with the watches…
I simply put these out as “dots”.
Thank you
NB Anyone who has a hobby of studying the symbols of odd masonic tangents and Babylonian Luciferianism may indeed find these productions of special interest.


These big ticket events are not high school productions and they are as technically superb, as they are creepy.
In the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 Military Games video, in my opinion, the most interesting part starts at 1:48.30. Sparks of Fire -This is said to be from “Chinese Folklore”.
Yes a depiction of decimation by fire with white doves of peace flying forth in the aftermath. Nothing creepy about that?
Holy cow the amount of thought, planning, people, practice and money to create this event of a lifetime. No wonder it wasn’t front and center. The global coordination, hard to comprehend.
As reflects the disappearance of 227 million Americans by 2025. Makes perfect sense now. The best way to win a war is to never fire a single shot.
I wonder if Chinese is offered at my local university?

Agree, AO.
Archibishop Vigano says the same thing (see letter to Pres Trump):
It’s right out in the open now. What’s surprising and extremely discouraging is the masses of seemingly well educated people who just follow along as they are told when contrary evidence is staring them in the face.
The U.s. has always been a nation of, by and for the corporations and is now an oligarchy. The corporate oligarchs are now in league with evil, and government, universities (and I hate to say the Catholic church) have been co-opted by and are controlled by money - and central banks provide the fiat capital. They must be neutered or we are done. They will just print and buy anyone and everyone to accomplish their rest and top down control.
“The greatest trick the devil ever played is to convince people he doesn’t exist”. How many PP members fall into this camp? After all, science has liberated us from that “superstitious nonsense,” right? I would suggest that the recent atrocities of the 20th century, Nazi genocides, Armenien genocides, Stalin’s purges, Pol Pot etc, cannot be explained without recourse to evil.

Anybody with sufficient knowledge and expertise would care to go critically go through this study to verify its validity.
I wish I could do it on my own, but unfortunately I lack the expertise. Said study was sent to me by a cousin in an ongoing debate about effectiveness of HCQ against COVID.
Thanks in advance

I can answer that in two quotes from the paper;

1) "Results for hydroxychloroquine are dominated by RECOVERY and WHO SOLIDARITY, two highly pragmatic trials, which employed relatively high doses and included 4716 and 1853 patients, respectively (67%of the total sample size)."
Relatively pragmatic studies? How about, criminally negligent (in the case of Recovery) by using such high doses of HCQ
2) We found that treatment with hydroxychloroquine was associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients, and there was no benefit of chloroquine. Findings have unclear generalizability to outpatients, children, pregnant women, and people with comorbidities.
The included studies are for hospitalized patients.. that's why they at least admit that the findings may not be applicable to outpatients, i.e. EARLY TREATMENT!!!! We have known for quite a while that HCQ is effective as early outpatient treatment, and early ONLY. Explain that to your thick-headed friend and include a link to the peer reviewed version of the Dr. Zelenko paper here; 80% reductions in hospitalization AND mortality... using EARLY TREATMENT when symptoms first appear. Best regards, Jim edit.. also see this site which shows clearly how the early treatment data falls out as always positive vs. the late treatment data which is more ambiguous;  

Thanks Jim. Just the type of information I need.

Can’t find it anywhere - anyone have a link?

I just found it here:
And embedded:

I am trying to spread the word so it helps to have the video here to link to.
Thanks for your help!

Agreed there has been too little time to test the vaccine, and I personally will wait to take it, but one of the guys who wrote that article / petition has an agenda.
Such a drag because I would really like solid data on the vaccine (Chris?) and it seems there’s no one who’s neutral in this story.
(And don’t go off on a fake news rant on me people, I’m about facts. Distortion and agendas on both sides is killing us. Literally.)

We have to be careful about how much we are biting off when we confront someone with ideas that are outside their current experience.
When I think of why I obtained these medications (as well as supplements and antibiotics mentioned here countless times) it comes down to “risk adjusted decisions”.
Westerners as a group are so desperate for an authority figure to tell them what to do that for sure is gonna work, that they are unable to process an argument like “HCQ is nearly risk free/side effect free unless you are an idiot with dosage so taking it during early covid symptoms or as prophylaxes is a good bet because there is both a theoretical basis for suspecting that it works and there are tons of studies of varying quality that show promising results.”
If you offer the evidence to the science direct site, you are liable to be met either with a smart ass who wants to be pedantic with the site copy or by someone simply throwing up their arms and saying, “If its as good as this, then why don’t real experts promote it?”
BTW, my answer to that question is, “I don’t know”. I’m not gonna start down the road of explaining my alien (to them) conception of how politics works on top of trying to sell the idea of malaria drugs and horse dewormers as covid treatments.
I try to keep a simple concrete goal in mind when I engage someone. Even that often fails, but at least there is a small hope that way.
Someone in my family is in a care home and has many comorbidities. I told their son about vitamin D and mentioned “There are some pretty surprising studies out there and in the end, its $4 worth of vitamins that she should have anyway, whats the downside?” I just gently pointed out that people stuck indoors are gonna be even more deficient than regular people who everyone knows are also deficient.
After that I just said flat out, “I also have HCQ and Ivermectin if you ever decide you want those, but Ill leave that up to you.” I didnt say, “You wont believe what those fuckers are hiding from us!!!”. I didn’t say, “Your mom is going to die unless you ignore her doctor and listen to me and my internet friends, heres a link to studies you can’t read because you never went to med school”.
I just want to help people around me, not alienate them with radically different thinking.

Private Health Care System:
Profit maximization is the core value.
Bonuses paid to hospitals who record deaths as from Covid19
New YorkCity: Population 8.77 million
Corvid 19 official death count to date: 24,387
Public Health Care system:
Cuba: Population 11.34 million
Deaths from Corvid19 to date: 136
Free medical care for all
No vaccines
2.8 times the # of doctors per capita
Source: WorldOmeter 12/7/2020
Tired of my posting this stark contrast? Tune out reality or learn from the failure of the medicine for profit model.
Assume that the Cuban official numbers are lies just as the US testing and death statistics are manipulated for political ends. Do you really think that accounts for such a stark contrast as two systems confront the same pandemic?