Profit Suppression, Free Speech Violation, Mental Health Concerns

In the realm of technology and science, there’s a growing concern about the suppression of promising solutions that could potentially threaten profit-making. This issue has been particularly highlighted in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where alternatives to vaccines, such as ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, were allegedly sidelined. The author of the report also delves into the strategies adopted by the vaccine industry to protect their interests, including legalizing direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising and exempting vaccine manufacturers from liability. The author suggests that healthcare authorities may be aware of potential harm caused by vaccines and could be covering it up.

In a related vein, the Biden Administration has been accused of violating the First Amendment by pressuring big tech companies to censor political speech. The court ruled this as a serious violation, with independent journalists revealing the creation of a sweeping censorship plan by US and UK military contractors. The goal was to control speech on the internet and justify censorship under the pretext of combating disinformation. The court found that the government had directed big tech companies to censor content, despite their claims of independent decision-making.

Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns and social distancing measures have had a significant impact on people’s mental health. A UK study found a decline in executive function and working memory among older adults during the first year of the pandemic, which persisted into the second year for working memory. The study raises concerns about the potential long-term risk of dementia, especially in those with pre-existing cognitive impairments.

In New York, a mid-level appellate court has reinstated a rule that allows the state Health Department to order involuntary isolation or quarantine for controlling highly contagious diseases like COVID-19. This decision overturns a previous ruling by a state Supreme Court justice who found the rule to be a violation of the constitutional requirement for separation of powers.

On the international front, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a new BRICS member, is looking to settle oil payments in local currencies and sideline the US dollar. The UAE is considering renewing oil and gas trade agreements with 15 countries that are willing to pay in local currencies. This move could potentially put the US economy in jeopardy as the dollar will find it difficult to fund its deficit.

In New Zealand, a whistleblower has claimed that over 20% of the country’s vaccinated population has died after receiving their Covid mRNA shots. However, many people are skeptical of the high death rate, as it would be widely obvious if 20% of the population had died. Some believe that the whistleblower’s claims are part of a disinformation campaign or an attempt to discredit vaccine resistance.

In Maine, illegal Chinese-owned marijuana growing operations have been increasing over the past three years. Law enforcement shut down an illegal marijuana site located behind a licensed cultivation facility. Over 100 illegal marijuana facilities allegedly operated by Chinese nationals have been identified in Maine. These operations often occur in homes near schools and child care facilities, causing frustration among residents.

Finally, there’s skepticism towards the “New Zealand Whistleblower Data” that has been circulating. The author of the post analyzes the data, which includes information on individual IDs, vaccine types, batch numbers, vaccination dates, and more. They find that the data is missing significant information that should logically be present, and they believe that the data may be misinterpreted or intentionally leaked to sow confusion.

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