Propaganda, Resonance, Resistance

The following are excerpts from Mr. Verdun’s book, “Mass Formation: 2nd Look: Propaganda, Resonance, Resistance”


Insights from the Goebbels Diaries

An insight into the dead end of reality-denying totalitarianism comes from, perhaps inadvertently, Joseph Goebbels, the stalwart Nazi propaganda minister—and, for the last day of his life, Chancellor of the Third Reich. (His chancellorship was greatly abbreviated by his suicide.)

By autumn 1943, despite carefully managed propaganda promising eventual victory, the Nazi leadership knew that the war was lost. The invasion of the USSR was in its second failing year, having lost Stalingrad in early 1943 and steadily losing ground; the seasons were turning again, and the coming Russian winter would be no friendlier to Hitler’s troops than it had been to the Grand Armée of Napoleon over 130 years earlier. The Russians were a rugged people in for the long haul, defending their country in what they would come to call The Great Patriotic War.

In western Europe, the news was also not cheerful for the Nazis. America had entered the war nearly two years earlier, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Perhaps unnecessarily, Germany had declared war on America later the same day, so Hitler was now fighting a distant enemy, an industrial giant protected by thousands of miles of ocean, and which had thrown itself into military production at a pace that the world had previously never seen. The USA was rapidly deploying weapons, warships, troops, trucks, fuel, and heavy bombers to all spheres of war. In 1943, the war of the Atlantic had turned decisively against the Germans, who were losing U-boats to radar-equipped Allied airplanes far more rapidly than they were sinking enemy ships. In an air campaign that would only escalate, American and British bombers were raining down hundreds of tons of explosives in near-nightly raids on German cities.

By contrast, Germany was losing allies and its armies were shedding soldiers daily to injury and death. In early September, Italy entered an armistice with the Allies, who landed in southern Italy and fought their way north through the German-defended middle of the country. In time, Italy would be completely lost.

In May 1943 Germany suffered total defeat in North Africa, where the charismatic tank commander Erwin Rommel had already lost his touch two months earlier, and the Axis surrendered a quarter of a million soldiers. Coming just three months after the disastrous loss at Stalingrad, the humiliation in Africa spelled the end of any realistic German ambitions. Anyone looking soberly at the prospects would know that the war was unwinnable and Germany should try to negotiate a peace while still holding captured territory and before it got any weaker.

The Wehrmacht generals knew the war couldn’t be won, as did Goebbels—and as did Hitler when he wasn’t caught up in a Hail Mary fantasy of how everything could be won if he could just pull off X, Y, and Z. But he’d have no more stunning successes as he’d had from 1939 to 1941.

But at the same time that Hitler knew the war couldn’t be won, he also knew that he couldn’t sue for peace, he couldn’t stop the war. And this inability to stop the killing was not due entirely to the Allies avowed policy of unconditional surrender (which they would end up adhering to—but there’s no saying what they might have done in 1942 had the Germans signaled an earnest willingness to negotiate a peace).

The principal reason why the Nazis couldn’t, or wouldn’t, stop the war—which would, of course, end up destroying Germany—was that the regime had gone too deep into crimes against humanity—in particular its systematic slaughter of the Jews, gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, cripples, Catholics, and other “undesirables” in its project of racial “purification.” To this impossibility of escaping justice—and the sudden tug of a knotted rope—was added in October 1943 the new Nazi decree of “total war,” in which the German people were asked to sacrifice even more for the increasingly desperate cause, even if it meant the complete and utter destruction of the nation.

Like mafiosi who couldn’t back out of criminal life, the Nazis had no choice but to grind forward, knowing full well that they’d eventually hit the wall sealing their fate. But pain and disgrace deferred is motive enough for those on the wrong side of a gamble, and so they pushed on, hoping too for the wild card that the Allies would fall out with each other, tire of the war, or make some catastrophic blunder that would grant Germany a luft, a crack in the wall through which they could escape.

At the time of Hitler’s “total war” communique of October 7th, 1943, the message was clear: “The whole German nation knew that it was a matter of life and death. They had burned their bridges behind them. Their only alternative was to go forward.”[i]

This type of hard reckoning cropped up continually for the remainder of the war, and the Nazis continued to double down even harder on their genocides, even picking up the pace as the German empire crumbled. In 1944, when defeat was practically in sight, the death camps murdered more people than in previous years. The annihilation machine had its own crazy too-late-to-stop-now momentum, as if the criminals were trying desperately to escape past crimes by committing new ones. Insane, of course, but history is full of such unhinged attempts to escape the inevitable.

What was true for the Nazis was also true for their most bloodstained allies. In assessing the Axis late in the war, Hitler had little faith in conquered or strong-armed countries that had resisted or slow-walked the deporting of their Jewish citizens, but had confidence in others like Hungary, which in 1944 avidly embraced the Jewish genocide and in a mere three months railroaded 437,000 Hungarian Jews to the death camps. Hungary, like Hitler himself, had gotten in way too deep, and would not be able to withdraw from its fatal alliance with Nazism. “Now that the Hungarians have begun implementing our Jewish policy,” reads Goebbels’ summary of Hitler’s 1944 remarks, “they can no longer back out of it. After a certain point the Jewish policy gains its own momentum.”[ii]

In Too Deep: 2023

The relevance to this book of resolute Nazi self-destruction—which swept along with it the extinction of millions—should be obvious enough. We are not going to see any apologies or mea culpas from our so-called leaders. We are also not going to hear many soul-searching ruminations from “true believers” who got caught up in rapturous hysteria and hostility. We are never going to hear our “leaders” admit:

You know, People, we have a confession to make: we did wrong, we did very wrong, we did evil; in some few cases, we might have started out with good intentions, but soon enough we were just gaslighting and lying to cover our asses. Even when we knew our policies were stupid or harmful, we persisted in ramming them down your throats.

We attacked doctors, patients, journalists, whistleblowers—anyone who was telling the truth, or even seeking it.

We lied about just about everything—the virus: its gain-of-function origins, its lethality, the lab escape; early treatments: their efficacy, safety profiles, and inconvenience to EUAs; we lied about the “vaccines”: their safety, efficacy, and wild profitability to Big Pharma, to power brokers in government and “charitable” foundations; we lied about masks, lockdowns, and school closures: their inutility, their harms, and long-term collateral damage; we cynically enlisted in our anti-freedom campaigns the most aggressive and even violent brownshirt activists by granting them an outsized platform for their divisive and self-serving agendas; we lied about the wrecking of our own economy, currency, and energy infrastructure; also the undermining of our election, judicial, and educational systems; the wholesale upendings of history, biology, law, and any other discipline of consequence; we lied about our reckless warmongering in foreign lands where we have no business (other than kickbacks, money-laundering, and powerlust); we lied about the assault on civil liberties regarding speech, religion, search & seizure, due process, and the right to bear arms; we lied about pipeline explosions and insurrections; we lied about the rampant state-directed censorship in mass and social media: the hotlines between the CIA and FBI and Twitter, Facebook, and Google, and so on…

We know that our crimes and willful blundering have killed and injured millions, and has perhaps fatally destroyed the already threadbare credibility of the government at home and abroad, so we plead guilty, guilty, guilty. Please skip the trial and hang us ASAP—and of course confiscate all our ill-gotten wealth for just and proper restitution …

No, we are never going to hear anything like that. Instead, what we’ve seen, and will continue to see, through a blizzard of evasions, denials, and mind-scrambling propaganda, is something closer to a Hitlerian drive to the bitter end—though perhaps without the crematoria. (Ukraine, however, the pet project of the globalist neocons, is beginning to resemble Germany, 1945.)

Despite increasing evidence of vaccine injuries and the government’s own (long-ago) admission of the vaccines’ failure to prevent contraction or spread of COVID—we’ve seen a doubling down on mandates, continued urging of outdated vaxxes on the public, unanimous FDA approval of mRNA vaccines for toddlers; the continued compliance-theatrics around masks (long after they’d been proven ineffective or even harmful)—even when it became undeniable that the highly contagious (but relatively benign) Omicron had made the world safer than vaccination ever could; even when, despite fervid attempts to continue fanning the flames of fear, it became obvious that COVID was rapidly becoming no more than a slightly odd seasonal cold.

Even after all that, we saw the laughable attempt to launch a new hysteria around monkeypox (“epic fail,” as the kids say) and the attempt to link climate change with every other item on the progressive agenda. We also noted the quiet dropping of various compliance requirements without explanation or apology—just a whimsical change of course from the mysterious and unaccountable gods.

What was the message we got above all? Know your place, little people, and deal with it.


Ideologues and propagandists for Power relentlessly push the narrative that All These Changes Are “Inevitable.” All this brazen steamrolling over our rights and health and human heritage is “Progress.” All this unwanted sweep of destruction is the grand tide of history—it’s Destiny rolling in, and it can’t be stopped. It’s Inevitable. That’s the gospel of Goebbels and Lenin and Mao right there.

The rhetorical strategy of the overlords is to peremptorily knock the heart out of the people—to demoralize and defeat them before they even think of resisting; to convince them fully and forcefully of the futility of all resistance—so that they meekly submit without a fight. After all, says the shoulder-shrug, it’s Inevitable.

And all this shaking-up and sorting out is for our own good, too, claims the Narrative: if we weren’t so selfish and stupid and “­—ist” we would perhaps see it, but luckily our Betters (and the vast Armies of the Anointed) have superior vision, so perhaps we will be thrown a few FEMA crumbs now and again if we learn to behave. Otherwise, we will be roadkill on the progressive highway—opossums flattened in a tyre-zagged frozen grimace.

That’s the Narrative. We’ve been hearing some version of it all our lives. It’s powerful—but it’s wrong. It’s a fiction. While it is true that some sort of change is inevitable in the world (e.g., entropy, death, plate tectonics), these particular sociopolitical changes are not.

While there is some element of cultural drift, the most aggressive changes are matters of deliberate policy—of push and pull and tinkering and tampering. These are the jolts and swerves of a giant runaway tractor with giddy children at the wheel—they have no idea what they’re doing, and their recklessness is already past dangerous.

In the summer of 2022, when the Powers attacked farmers in the Netherlands (and elsewhere: the EU, USA, Canada), and moronically cut off their own energy supply (esp. in Germany), we are looking at folly and tragedy of epic proportions. The fallout might not be immediate, but it will have to come—it’s a pure matter of physics and energy. Paperback copies of this book may be burned in coming winters—but it won’t be because of Nazi censorship: it will be people not wanting to freeze to death.

We’ve heard globalists like Klaus Schwab say that “total transparency”—i.e., total eradication of personal privacy via constant spying and surveillance—is “unstoppable” and the little people had better get used to it.

Yet there is nothing “inevitable” about this mess. It doesn’t have to be this way. At all. Writing on this exact theme in 1970, in an essay first published (incredibly, it seems now) in The New York Times, Eric Hoffer muses: “One cannot help but wonder how inevitable the future is that seemingly is waiting for us around the corner. Might not the common people, so cowed and silent at the moment, eventually kick up their heels, and trample the would-be elitists in the dirt? There is no earthly reason why the common people who for over a century have been doing things which in other countries are reserved for elites, should not be capable of overcoming the present crisis.” [i]

And so young David picks up his stone—and the Story changes dramatically.[ii]

Hating Those We’ve Hurt

To anyone who’s lived long enough, who has any insight into human behavior, and who is reasonably honest, the truth of following passage should be apparent:

There is perhaps no surer way of infecting ourselves with virulent hatred towards a person than by doing him a grave injustice. That others have a just grievance against us is a more potent reason for hating them than that we have a just grievance against them. We do not make people humble and meek when we show them their guilt and cause them to be ashamed of themselves. We are more likely to stir their arrogance and rouse in them a reckless aggressiveness. Self-righteousness is a loud din raised to drown the voice of guilt within us.[iii]

That observation is by Eric Hoffer, the mid-20th c. American philosopher, and author of the landmark text on mass psychology, The True Believer (1951).[iv] Needless to say, Hoffer’s insight can be applied all across the personal and political spectrum—no single side of a struggle has a monopoly on bad behavior.

No more comment is necessary—except perhaps to say that hatred fueled by guilt may help explain why autocratic regimes almost never apologize, why they double down on harmful policy—and why writers, whistleblowers, and the deep ranks of the wronged will continue to be targets of hatred and disdain.

[i] Peter Longerich, Goebbels: a Biography, p. 611)

[ii] Longerich, p. 625-626.

[iii] Eric Hoffer, The True Believer, p. 95.

[iv] For readers unacquainted with Eric Hoffer, the many references throughout these Mass Formation books indeed indicate that the idiosyncratic American is a foundational thinker on the nature of mass movements. Having lived through the tumultuous 1930s and 1940s, Hoffer published his landmark The True Believer in 1951, and that text, whose lucid style might remind readers of George Orwell or Thomas Sowell, remains a jewel of clarity, precision, and restrained wit. The same brilliance is also true of his other works.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good Insight

Very good article


Thank You

This sheds some light I needed on the situation.



My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour……> 
Detail Here——————————>>>

Lessons Learned

As my husband says: “I’ve always been a keen student of Western Europe 1920-1945. I never wanted a front seat.”


Limited Hangouts And Elon Musk As Propaganda Pointed At X-twitter Users ( Pun Intended)

I just read a series by substacker 2ndsmartestguy re: Elon Musk as not really a genius or innovator, but really a CIA asset. 2ndsmartest intimates that X, formerly Twitter, is nothing but a way to rope the conservative p, non-woke voices into the digital surveillance space. He makes a compelling argument for this, and I suspect he is correct. Truman’s post perhaps corroborates his arguments. What do you think? ( personally I avoid social media at this point since I do not trust them, rather I comment on more private places such as Peak Prosperity).


Picking Up The Stone To Stop The Goliath, Aka Do Not Comply

In a recent podcast by Man in America in which David E. Martin is interviewed, a similar reference is made by Martin about a movie, The Spartan ( I am not sure that is the exact title), in which the Spartan throws a spear at the charging rhinoceros ( they were trained as war animals by the enemy ). DEM poses the question, when was the rhinoceros dead? He posits rather astutely that the rhinoceros did not die at the Spartan’s foot or even by his spear, but when the rhinoceros capitulated to being enslaved by the overseers. The ensuing discussion is about the power of not being afraid ( exercising Christian faith for those of us who believe in our Creation by God ), for fear of all the fear mongering narratives fired at us: viruses, pandemics, climate, over-population, interaction with nature ( they don’t want any us growing our own food … ). So the first step is not to fall prey to fear propaganda and then when they ask for compliance, do not comply. And yes I agree the perps are so deep in this they will not back down until they themselves crash into their own destruction they are attempting to impose upon all of this.

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On “inevitability”

The thought that popped into my head while reading was - It’s the Spartans vs the Persians at Thermopylae all over again. “Submit or be destroyed” vs 'We choose freedom." But as was mentioned it’s actually the same old song continually re-sung throughout history. And ‘as it goes’ “How does it end?”.


Re "mr. Verdun’s Book, “mass Formation”

The official framing of the mass formation (or mass psychosis) “phenomenon” is misleading and wrong in terms of what the whole true reality is. The false hope-addicted psychologists and their acolytes want you to believe this is “just some temporary occasional” madness by the masses when it is but a spike of a CHRONIC madness going on for aeons with “civilized” people: The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room: Humans’ Invisibilized Soullessness Spectrum Disorder
One of these mainstream psychologists who have been spreading this whitewashed reality, Dr. Desmet, also fails to see that the PLANNED Covid Psyop is a TOTALLY deliberate ploy because he doesn’t think (after more than 1 year, 2 years, even 3 years, into this total PLANNED scam!) it’s ALL intentionally sinister as he stated in a prior podcast (this makes him witting or unwitting controlled opposition). It should be apparent that Desmet’s lack of truth-telling is then also present in his largely plagiarized truth-distorting mass formation theory.
In the May of 2022 podcast with James Corbett he stated that “some people tend to overestimate the degree of planning and intentions” (behind the COUNTLESS, VERIFIABLE, FULLY INTENTIONAL, FULLY PLANNED atrocities by the ruling tribe of psychopaths over the last century alone) and see all of it as being planned which Desmet called “an extreme position” … Sound logical thinking is “extreme” and therefore false and sick in his demented delusional view! As MLK pointed out…
“… normal and healthy discontent … is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist
Dr. Breggin too talked about how Dr. Desmet is protecting the ruling gang of psychopaths and that he has a history of doing so (Breggin on Desmet)!
In his overpriced misleading whitewashing old material regurgitated book the psychology of totalitarianism he too states that “There are countless … examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as the fact that the definition of ‘pandemic’ was adjusted shortly before the coronavirus crisis; that the definition of ‘herd immunity’ was changed during the crisis, implying that only vaccines can achieve it … [he continuous with several other obvious facts of an ENTIRELY PLANNED event, especially discerned through the totality of all these facts].” “SEEM to point in the direction of a plan”??? No! They most evidently, clearly, and irrefutably DO demonstrate and prove it IS a COMPLETELY AND FULLY DELIBERATE PlanDemic! A big scam. An Entirely Planned Holocaust against the non-ruling herd of people (see cited link above). A coherent 12-year old kid can figure that out. But not Mr. ‘I’m entitled to teach my deep wisdom to the world’ professor.
It clearly shows Desmet’s own complete lunacy. But because almost everyone in the culture is a member of mass formation (madness), including the “woke” people of the alternative media domain, hardly anyone recognizes Desmet’s lunacy. Not surprising that he has even become some type of popular “guru” among the adherents of the alternative media landscape and his whitewashed fake narrative strongly resonates with both mainstream people and alternative mainstream folks.
“All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord
As expected, “useful expert” Desmet has been also advocating and pushing the false misleading dogma-based non-scientific holy mantra of trust the official science … “everything and everyone should follow the scientific consensus” [Desmet is an establishment shill] — meaning trust and follow the fabricated fraudulent official consensus science/“settled science” behind the Covid jabs that the killing of over a million of people around the world is based on(!!). Are you STILL wondering whom he’s wittingly or unwittingly serving? That’s why it’s no wonder he’s been heavily popularized globally by the dominant psychopathic world instead of censored and suppressed (as lots of truth-tellers have been), yet in his crafty stylish total hypocrisy and public misdirection ploy, he wants you to buy his belief that everyone should have a voice. Everyone BUT the true truth-tellers is what the reality is.
With his SUPPORT of the Covid holocaust-driving official consensus science he OKAYS and PROMOTES the idiotic herd Covid mass formation (they way the masses “think” and act)! Yet in his absurdity, irrationality and lunacy, with his mass formation/mass psychosis notion he frames the problem as the public being a mere unaccountable non-culpable victim in this phenomenon (the gist of the circular argument is: the masses should change their thinking but they got brainwashed so they’re victims). Nothing could be further from the truth (see first referenced source above).
With his false use of language Desmet also obscures or hides the true reality instead of directly and uncompromising exposing it – aiding the obfuscation of the vital reality of what the ruling authorities really are. He speaks of ‘the elite’ (as he does in a number of podcasts) when, in reality, they are THE SCUM OF HUMANS because they are REALITY-VERIFIED PSYCHOPATHS (see referenced source above). Yet in the Corbett podcast he “teaches” us that we, the masses, need to start thinking differently. Right… how about YOU start with sane instead of insane thinking/talking/“teaching”/etc, Dr. Desmet?
How do self-styled “truth-tellers” wake up the masses to the so-called truth when they THEMSELVES use lies with their deceitful fake language???
No one is “teaching” or “waking up” the ignorant masses to the CORE truths with lies, with the official “language of lies” (see first cited source above).
This all means Desmet is ALSO a member of the masses of lunatics, an ACTIVE CARD-CARRYING MEMBER of mass formation!!! When, if at all, will he wake up from his state of mass psychosis, his “invisible” stupidity? When, if at all, will he face the TRUE and FULL reality instead of hiding behind fantasies such as his whitewashed “reality” of human civilization?
It shows we live in a global mental asylum with criminal and/or delusional mainstream psychologists, scientists, and docs as the guards, “teachers” and “therapists” … The blind/criminal/mad leading the blind/criminal/mad; the blind/criminal/mad adhere to the blind/criminal/mad = the human madhouse.
In October of 2022, once a few people finally caught onto his public-misdirecting game he took no responsibility for it but dishonestly and conveniently framed himself as the victim of frivolous attacks against him – Desmet, the lying victim
Desmet is right in that truth-activists must fight against mass formation psychosis (human madness). That also means exposing HIS deeply destructive mad part of it. This comment serves, in part, that objective.
“… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022 
If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

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Resistance Is Not Futile.

Instead, it is Necessary. The question is HOW.
This article is good, in that it opens a window of insight for us
into the minds of psychopaths
which (not being one myself) is not something I can easily relate to.
What the article does not do is to address the issue of
What can I DO about it?
That’s a whole separate thread, I reckon.
But it’s one we and other like-minded folks need to figure out.
We know “They” are going to make some mistakes.
Advantage needs to be taken.
We know “They” nourish themselves on public adulation.
Ways to discredit “Them” need to be found and employed.
We know that “They” can’t now afford to change their direction.
Therefore, they won’t. We shouldn’t expect them to.
So we should plan and act accordingly.
I sure will be glad when Chris & Evie get back.
– Chuck


Mattias Desmet tells us what we can do about it.


Thank you kindly.

You’re very welcome. Glad to have shed any helpful light. Along with all the many fertile online discussions happening (esp. PP), some key books for me have been Eric Hoffer (complete works, but esp. The True Believer); Gustave Le Bon, Psychology of Crowds; Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism; George Orwell (many, many essays + 1984 and Animal Farm); Jacques Ellul, Propaganda; Joost Meerloo, Rape of the Mind; Csezlaw Milosz, The Captive Mind. Dozens of others listed in the bibliographies of the two MF books, including naturally, Desmet’s book, which was in turn informed by Le Bon and Arendt.
I’ve generally also found that going deep into a solid classic book illuminates more about the big picture and big patterns than chasing around tweets, which are often just dust in the wind.
Yet of course the big classic books don’t have all the answers either because the authors couldn’t foresee everything–and also had to narrow down their material and finish their books. Emergent phenomena are surprising by definition, but with an eyeball on history and the fundamentals of human nature (which don’t change much), as well as the wisdom of classics and spiritual/religious practice, people can maintain something of an even keel in turbulent times.

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That’s a good quote from your husband. Reminds me a bit of the Chinese saying, “May you live in interesting times”; well, it looks like we are right there in the curl of the wave of interesting times. (Sometimes a bit too interesting, fair to say.) How we surf out of that curl is what we are collectively trying to figure out in PP and elsewhere around the web (the mainstream is useless–the mainstream is the crushing wave…)
Continuous study of history is also obviously very useful. The adage says that hindsight is 20/20–and true it is; when we learn history we also develop better foresight (sharper vision of the past translates into sharper vision for the future: why can’t foresight be at least 20/50?); it’s is no accident that ideologues and totalitarians want to either rewrite or abolish history so that the people have no sense of where they have come from, and therefore have no idea of where they should be going.
By design, ineptitude, and confluence of other forces, the history curricula in schools have been dumbed down or reduced to angry mottos for activists who are exhorted to be full of righteousness with no regard as to whether they are actually right. As usual, Orwell was there before us, depicting the “totalitarized” mass mind brilliantly in 1984.


I don’t know what to think about Elon Musk (we will have to see), but it’s fair to say that Twitter/X is a bit better than it was, but it is not the Promised Land. As became obvious, hard limits were quickly set on what was disclosed in “the Twitter Files,” and Matt Taibbi et al found themselves frozen out in fairly short order.
There have also never been many (or any) Twitter revelations–to my knowledge anyway, and I make no claims of omniscience–about the deep state steering of elections and other critical issues that have been made radioactive and taboo by censorship, calumny, propaganda, and laughable (but effective) slapping of “–denier” and “–ist” and “–phobe” and “conspiracy theorist” on anyone who even raises legitimate questions about the highly dubious orthodoxies shaped and shoved down the throats of the public by TPTB.
Nearly everything that can be engineered is being engineered dishonestly, and so part of our personal missions will need to be to become as self-reliant (and community-reliant) as possible, so that as the whole System and all its nightmare entanglements and tentacles (and backfiring “ducts” ala the film Brazil) continues to collapse, you and your family can be out of the worst of the chaos zone.
As Wendell Berry points out, during the Great Depression, families that did best tended to be families with small farms and homesteads that could keep themselves and neighbors in food and fuel (and bartering) during the time when the larger economy was in disarray.


Agree with the importance of self reliance and being in contact with those of this mind set….and of course do live that lifestyle. Uncomplicated but rewarding.

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Thanks for the comment; I think the jury is still out on whether the famously intractable rhino was ever in fact successfully tamed for use in war, but metaphorically your point is well taken.
Education, noncompliance, perseverance, good faith and pursuit of truth–all these things you are naming–all of them are critical. With knowledge, there is for certain less fear.

That was a brave and effective stand at Thermopylae in 480BC–until the defense was betrayed by Ephialtes (a Judas of Greek antiquity) who showed the Persians a flanking mountain path around the Greek chokepoint. The main body of the army retreated leaving a thousand or so soldiers including the famous “300” bodyguards of Spartan King Leonidas (who also stayed–ah, those were the days when commanders-in-chief led from the front, “instead of from behind teleprompters that the brain-dead zombies can’t even read”–end of quote).
Although the Spartans lost that engagement, they delayed the Persian thrust, and probably more importantly, they furnished a near-mythic example of glorious resistance in the face of overwhelming odds and “inevitable” defeat, and in that era when glory in battle (which included glorious death in battle) was the highest honor that a man could achieve, that heroic stand furnished abundant moral fuel for a continued Greek resistance that would eventually defeat the Persians in the naval battle at Salamis (480BC) and the land battle at Plataea (479BC).
Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, which were already classical texts to the Greeks of that era (being, say, 300+ years old), set forth the heroic code in such clear and striking terms that for almost everyone in those scattered, warring (but occasionally unified) city-states, it was very clear what was the best way to live. Skillful action, courageous risk, glorious reputation.
(On this last point, the scene that mystifies many–i.e., when Odysseus taunts the blinded Cyclops and tells the enraged giant his true name (when he could have just paddled away on the quiet, leaving behind the alias “Nobody”) makes more sense when we realize that silent anonymity would have defeated the whole purpose of epic glory–which was to be famous (whether dead or alive) and to have one’s name recited by the bards, and woven into the stories that passed over the sea–and those interlinked stories were the internet of antiquity.)


Thanks, Chuck, and you are correct–the Resistance piece is another thread–and it’s contained in just about everything on PP and other free-thinking sites, in the classics, and in common-sense doggedness. As Hans says below, Desmet also sketches out helpful approaches (including “forthright speech” and deeply immersive activities that I also describe in the “Resonance” section of the book).
Also in the book(s) I sketch out a number of things including sane thinking, home schooling, local culture, withdrawal from the electronic propaganda, mastery & apprenticeship, deep learning, understanding and maintaining traditions, samizdat. parallel structures, #sheetrock, building and defending paradise (etym. “walled garden”).
And speech, speech, speech. (And when we are wrong, to correct ourselves–something that the totalitarians never do. They never admit error but keep grinding brutally on.)
Gatherings in person (like the Honey Badger event) are fine ways to get out of the digital beehive and to connect in the flesh, around the bonfire, and to reawaken some of our slumbering and often long-buried humanity. Naturally HB is a localized event and geography will impose limits on people’s ability to travel, but we all live somewhere, and have some neighbors to build something with.
Cicero said that contentment is a library and a garden, and that’s surely part of the puzzle.
If and when there is a serious crack or collapse in the energy grid–then we will see (as JH Kunstler often discusses) the radical shrinking of the eager hubristic grasp of high-tech totalitarianism. All those servers, devices, etc., take massive amounts of energy. When it ain’t there, it ain’t there. Something to look forward to, perhaps? … an upside of the downside  ? . All the best to you in Belize.


Hi Plivuhz, while I am vouching for nobody – I saw Donnie Brasco – and make no claim to omniscience about anyone or anything, I think it is fair to say that M. Desmet wrote a timely book identifying certain tendencies within mass psychology without having claimed either total originality or to have explained everything regarding the Covid era.
It’s also fair to say even if he had made such grandiose claims (which he didn’t), his book could not have covered everything because he wrote it in late 2020 and 2021; it was published in Dutch in Jan 2022, so he probably finalized all text with his publisher by Nov 2021. Six months later the English translation appeared, a fluent and readable text in English–but a book which would have also contained no new material.
It is probably also fair to say that his book did not venture into many sensitive areas because of the newness of the facts and the wariness of swift and peremptory cancellation: a book cancelled immediately upon publication is a book no one ever reads, and without a beachhead in the public space, there is no ability to follow it up with reinforcements and new material. (The Allies had to land successfully on D-Day and get up and off the Normandy beaches before they could press the advantage on D+1, D+2, D+3, etc.).
Desmet’s newer material can be found on his substack, where he publishes periodic essays, including about the flak he has gotten at his university for writing about mass formation and criticizing the groupthink within academia. A planned forum about free speech was recently shut down in Ireland–by the establishment. In his substack, which I think is free for most readers, he has also published responses to several of the critics of his work, including, I believe, some of the people you mention. Readers can go and see for themselves.
It’s probably worth remembering that we are in “the fog of war” and that we do not always accurately know what is going on; we should also be prepared to look at all the facts before arriving at our judgments–which we also need to be able to change if and when better information surfaces that changes the apparent truth of things. (Flexibility and honesty of thought is not something we’ve seen from the doubling-down technocrats running the show since 2020…).
On a separate point, about “blaming the victim,” Eric Hoffer (unmentioned in Desmet’s book) offers the useful point that that the plasticity of human nature (i.e., its potential to be shocked and awed into dumbstruck vacancy of mind) is perhaps less of a flaw than a simple trait of the species that enables it to adapt to radical and shocking change. If that’s true, then there is no possibility of blaming anyone for a hardwired trait–it would be like blaming the cheetah for having spots. (I discuss Hoffer’s insights in my two chapters about “Hoffer curveballs”).
Interestingly, both Hoffer and Hannah Arendt published their landmark works about totalitarianism in 1951, without knowledge of each other.
The human animal is remarkable but not perfect–and never will be perfect. As we learn more about ourselves, we can learn better ways to handle our emotions and hidden understructures as we navigate through volatile times. That is the purpose of what Gustave Le Bon set out to do in 1895 with the Psychology of Crowds; what current writers seek to do (incl. Chris M. on PP); what the Greek tragedians like Sophocles did in the 5th c BCE–and what all humans everywhere have been doing for a good hundred thousand years in their mythologies and religions and rituals and various ways of making sense of the world.