Prospering With Integrity: Announcing Our Powerful New Webinar Series

Thank you - it worked out perfectly!
Looking forward to this webinar!

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They will indeed be recorded for playback.

Webinar Steelmanning On Silver

Chris, please include in the forthcoming Webinar a debate on Silver investing past and present. Perhaps a chart showing the investment result of $10,000 or more in the S&P 500 and Silver for over 20 years would be welcomed to start the discussion. As you have repeatedly asked, (Paraphrasing) “Is there any other product out there that is still below their selling price in 1980? There are most likely many people that bought Silver bullion back in 1980 or 2011 at $50 an ounce and are hoping to just break even some day.

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I tried all the above, switched browsers, still cant get the coupon code toget accepted.
Could use some help pls.


Let’s goooooo!


@kronto - Can you let us know if this still isn’t working? I tried logging in as you and the discount was applied no problem.

Looks like you did something I could not as it said coupon code already applied… and it got through, so I’m gonna be in.
Still not sure what went wrong, thanks for the help!

Will Replays Be Available?

I can’t just take time off work to watch a webinar. Wondering about replays…

Yes, it will be recorded and replays will be available.

I agree. Having a “steel man” debate on topics in general is a great idea to really hash out the pros and cons, and to avoid getting stuck in an echo chamber.
The investment role of silver in particular would be a great debate topic. Possibly include gold, or make it its own debate.

Looking forward to the debate format. If it works like I think it will, I suggest using the format on a periodic basis for other topics and guests. I’ve found debates when done well can be more informative and revealing than interviews, especially if there is some amount of confirmation bias (which we are all subject to).

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IMHO, Precious Metals will not open Western investment wallets until a favorable investment return can be shown with a Gold or Silver performance chart versus the S&P 500. Investing solely for TEOTWAWKI gets old after awhile especially watching stock investors raking in an average of 7% per year. I am all for a good debate on this.

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I thought the same thing but the first webinar is on a Saturday.

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Awesome! Thank You!

Thanks for including this for your subscribers. Got my ticket.

A Headliner Ghost?

Just got ur email Chris. Noticed yesterday one of the headliners removed repost of ur announcement on X

Same issue here. Tried a different browser but unsuccessful.

Update: Contacted support for help and got it sorted out. All good.

Freeinsiderwebinar Not Valid

FreeInsiderWebinar coupon code is not working for me

Gold Or Silver Or Something Else

What are your thoughts about Bitcoin? It is a rare decentralized open source digital asset (commodity) and the ultimate in protecting your sovereignty, outperforming gold, silver and everything else. Worth educating oneself about BTC. I’m in, just in case it catches on… Thanks to you and your team for all your excellent content.

Hoping For An Open-source Alternative To Zoom In The Future

So excited about this webinar!! We will need to wait until the replays are available because we no longer use zoom, mostly due to privacy concerns and who owns and controls the company.
“…Zoom has recently been racked by a spate of security vulnerabilities that have led to private user data being exposed online in real-time during meetings. This and other issues have forced many users to look for alternatives. Though we have plenty of Zoom options to explore, we’ll be specifically talking about open-source Zoom alternatives today.
First, let’s understand what advantages you get with an open-source tool. …”
While understanding that virtually nothing on the internet is completely secure, we are hoping that in the future PeakProsperity will use a safer, more private, open source alternative to zoom.