Rats in a Cage




It occurs to me that recent inflation kills WEF plans. The recent McKinsey report estimating the zero-carbon by 2050 will cost $275T (yes, trillion with a “T”) is now obsolete given inflation. War seem more likely in our future as wars are the go-to solution for domestic unrest.
Things have gotten considerably darker.

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So insects are disappearing!! Cry me a river. Save for bees, they won’t be missed.
It gave me a chuckle reading this and then thinking of how the gremlins at the WEF (globalists) want us to eat insects instead of meat. Genocide anyone?!!!

Start with the truth. And the truth doesn’t include your opinion. Moving on from there, true journalism speaks truth to power, but that’s been replaced by access to power and affirming/repeating the official line.
The 2 things that have ruined journalism is that the powerful tend to cut off access if you annoy them and advertisers can control the message. Too much of what’s newsworthy offends the powerful and so either is ignored or lied about.

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Remember there are no Truths. Even pure science can be disproved. Fake science that we are experiencing now is scary

I love the toilet seat up analogy. The male doesn’t care where the seat is but mostly closes it. The woman always notices when the seat is up. She always thinks he leaves it up. He always thinks he closes it. But it is based on decisions. Scary thing is most of our decisions are unconscious. What are truths and what are beliefs ? Is the toilet seat up or down ?

So I see three (maybe more … make some up ?) main scenarios playing out in my hand. (Rated likely to least likely)

  1. STATUS QUO. We carry on doing the same things, making the same mistakes based on our beliefs. 95% believe in the democratic capitalist society. 5% Knowing the limits of a collapse will be like “the handmaids tale”
  2. MAD MAX. we overthrow the governments. Break all supply chains and break into chao and anarchy. Off grid is not off grid. Doomsday nuclear bunker land and the belief of surviving a shit hole.
  3. Village society. We use science to steer us back to a maintainable society. Mass de-population from not breeding. And some family village with care of the neighbours and belief in the greater good.

I know the last sounds most like fantasy land. So 1 or 2 for me. Slavery or scary shit. Why can’t we choose a peaceful existence. Greed and wanting more. We all want it. What do you really want …. ?

Believe it !

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Video of Canadian police officer gave me chills Jan. Text it to my County sheriff this morning at 5am. Couldn’t think of a better way to start his morning, then hearing the words of that MAN.

Yeah, I don’t buy the ‘just following orders’ defense. Did that work for the guards at Auschwitz? At least they had a legitimate argument they were doing it or they themselves would be killed. Cops in western countries have no such argument.

“Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage.”

This is very important to be aware of. The problem is most people are not. Speaking of student loans, I have a brilliant boy who is looking at colleges. Do people think it’s worth going to a top school these days? Or are we better off sending him to state school and keeping him out of debt? We have excellent state schools (SUNY) . He wants to be a software engineer, which should be good as long as the lights are still on.

Electrification Scam Explained

Here’s an excellent financial summary/cost analysis of the issues with electrification
It has documented a lot of problems with solar/wind documented as well.

Projects are all failures, can’t get their finances to work? No problem; Siemens demands higher subsidies. Like banks, government should rescue them from their mismanagement and greed.

I sent my kid to a local community college to do the generic requirements at little cost and now housing costs. The main problem is books significantly more than community college tuition.
I think what’s important is to know what your kid wants to do with a degree and then go to a place that has a good reputation in the field. He needs to decide exactly what type of software engineer he wants to do for a first job. Find people who have the career he wants and ask them what schools have recognized programs. He also needs to decide if he wants a technical track or wants to quickly move into supervision.
Near where I grew up, a small state college had one of only 3 mining schools in the US. Mining and civil engineers all over the US knew about the school. They would have preferred it to my Big 10 university degree.
Now if your kid wants to join the kleptocratic class, you’re stuck with expensive name schools.

Buying Jobs With Tax Breaks - Another Scam

As usual, there was a debate over whether or not to extend subsidies to Amazon to lure them to Shakopee. Amazon ultimately received less than they asked for, but the Shakopee facility still “ranked as the 11th-most subsidized Amazon facility in the last two years with close to $5.8 million being offered in the form of a TIF district to pay for road improvements around a new distribution center.”
Looks like that worked well for employment.