Relax. Take a Deep Breath. Prepare.

The Olympics are over, and so is the faux show of international harmony, at least for everyone but China and Russia. Their partnership is real.

In case you missed it, those two nations recently signed new agreements strengthening their alliance. In the announcement, they challenged the notion of a U.S./Western-led world order. As if telegraphing their intentions, each backed their friend’s individual claims. China supported Russia’s complaints about an expanding NATO. Russia endorsed China’s claim to Taiwan.

Now there is war in Europe. Would it surprise anyone that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan could be next?

Exponential and Possibly Existential Problems

If you've watched the news these last few days, and you’re like me, there have been moments when you were short of breath contemplating all the possible threats to life as we know it if we went to war with Russia, and possibly China.

I’ve reviewed perhaps 100 preparedness and resilient life social media groups in the last 48 hours, and like-minded people everywhere are stressed about all the negative possibilities if the current situation goes bad. The potential threat matrix is staggering, as are the number of ways these things could end our way of life.

[caption id=“attachment_157899” align=“aligncenter” width=“449”] An example threat matrix: Imagine all the problems that could be created by a war with Russia and China.[/caption]

If you think supply chains, inflation, fuel shortages and healthcare issues are bad now, just wait for a Russian/Chinese situation to get out of hand. Consider the following likelihoods:

  • Banking – Defending against cyber-attacks are a daily fact of life for banks (and utilities) today. If Russia and China want to retaliate against the West, they can do so with the push of a button. You should expect access to money will be limited or completely cut off for some time.
  • Electricity – If this war escalates out of control, cyber-attacks on the grid are expected…and so are very long power outages.
  • Energy – Europe's energy crisis was well under way before the Ukraine invasion. Unfortunately, President Biden shut down major sectors of America’s energy production last year. We import Russian fuels today. So, if the world decided to truly "punish" Russia with significant sanctions on its ability to supply the West with the oil and natural gas we actually need, we’d be in some trouble. The U.S. cannot ramp up fast enough to fill the gap any time soon. The price of gasoline will rise, and the supplies may become very scarce.
  • Fertilizer – The pressure on fertilizer production and delivery is already in full swing. With Russia as a major supplier, new sanctions possibly would hurt the West more than Putin. Food production would take a clear hit, as would your victory garden.
  • Savings – The stock market dived 800 points yesterday before recovering. Will positive reversals like that continue if the news gets worse? How would this impact your savings?
  • Supplies – Everything hard to get today will become even harder to get tomorrow. Russia's actions alone could stress an already stressed supply chain. If China attacks Taiwan, I would expect severe disruptions.
[caption id="attachment_720634" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Gas lines in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy.[/caption]

What to do? Let’s explore some steps we can take to Resilience.

Serenity and Action

At this point, you have one job: do not let panic creep into your mental state. Do not freeze in front of the wall-to-wall news coverage. There is nothing you can do about the big stuff. Instead, use every opportunity to take baby steps in an effort to gain resilience. It’s the only way you can secure some sense of control.

In moments like these, I always start with the famous “Serenity Prayer.”

God, grant me the Serenity To accept the things I cannot change... Courage to change the things I can, And Wisdom to know the difference.
Live by this prayer today, and accept what you can and cannot control. Then take some immediate actions to bring some calm and relief to your life.

I then make lists.

Let’s build on items Chris has pointed out over the last few weeks:

  • Food – It's storm season: winter and war all rolled into one. Make sure you stock up today on can goods, dry beans, pasta, etc. Any food you like that would last if the power or banking systems go down. (Might as well get that toilet paper too.)
  • Water – In most homes, water is delivered via electricity. If this Russia and potential China thing goes bad, power outages are a near certainty. Water and sewerage will be a problem. Those who live in the southeast, and are old enough to remember old school hurricane preps, know that as a storm approaches you fill water bottles, gallon jugs and bathtubs. We are doing that in our home today.
  • Prepare your grill – Hurricane veterans also know this rule. If your electric and/or gas systems go down, make a plan to cook your refrigerated and frozen food within a day or two on your BBQ grill. Freezers will keep things iced for up to 48 hours, maybe a little longer. But at some point, you will need to cook that food. If things go really south – like EMP south – get the food cooked sooner than later. Since most families only have a few days’ worth of food on hand, you don’t want the glorious smell of a grilling steak wafting over a town of hungry people.
  • Medicine – Like everything else, if supply chains are hit, electricity is down, and banks closed, obtaining your medicine will become difficult at best. (Also, many meds are made in China.) Stock up if you can. Beg your doctor to give you an extra supply of meds or be prepared to pay cash as your insurance company likely won’t cover extras. (Hurricane Katrina survivors like me know how important this is. When the pharmacies close, there isn't much you can do.)
  • Self-Defense – Desperate people will do their worst with the best intentions. The survival of their own families will allow them to do unsavory things with a clear conscious. Chris is talking to his neighbors about home invasions. This is a legitimate concern. In desperate situations, hungry people will look for targets of opportunity. Don't let your home be one of those. Keep your doors and windows locked. Pre-set some defensive measures around the house (by this I mean, make sure that if you are surprised by an attacker breaking down your door, you have "help" within reach).
  • Fuel – Fill up your gas tanks. Buy an extra 5-gallon gas can or two. At the very least, you can hedge against rising fuel costs.
  • Cash – Don’t expect ATMs and electronic cash registers to work everywhere. Keep extra cash on hand, along with gold and silver if possible.
By taking these baby steps, you will reduce your stress levels. And, if you act today, you will beat the panic shoppers. It’s a win-win.


The Long Game

Once you’ve made progress on your basic preparations for the potential of sudden but hopefully short-lived system(s) breakdowns (or attacks), then you need to consider the “long game”. What happens if the systems are down for weeks, months or longer?

Not to be a homer, but I highly recommend Peak Prosperity’s Crash Course. Just taking the time to watch the videos or read the book will help you advance your efforts to build Resilience in a positive way from a position of knowledge.

That said, here are some immediate considerations I think are important for your long-term survival.

Food and Water – Ideally, you want to be in a position to grow your own food, can it for storage, and access fresh water from a well or spring. Easier said than done for most people. If you’re not living on land with room for a garden or your own water source, storage may be your only option. Long-term food and water storage are items to consider, as well as a good water filter in case treated water isn’t available. I’m a fan of suppliers like the Game Plan Experts, Mountain House and Emergency Essentials for these products. Also, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is an excellent food storage resource, with very competitive prices and good quality. Preparedness is a tenet of their faith, I’ve trusted them for years. They also have physical locations open to the public all over the country.

The City – If you live in a city or highly populated region, it’s good and bad news. The good news is that government and corporate aid (supplies and the restoration of power) will likely focus on highly populated areas first. Their reasoning will be to help the most people with the least amount of effort. It’s the strategy utility companies follow when restoring power after a major storm. You’re even better off if you live near “critical infrastructure” like hospitals, police stations or retirement homes. They are first in line for power restoration and other aid.

Make the effort to find out where resources may be available/distributed in a long crisis. Many communities have emergency plans that are public documents. The local Red Cross should have a plan too. Go ask. When help comes (if it comes) can you get there? Of course, cities will be tougher for survival in a very long emergency. Access to water and food chief among the issues.

The truly bad part of the city scenario is that lawlessness will likely kick in quicker as supplies run out and desperation ramps up. I personally predict a max of three days before all hell breaks loose in most communities. (Remember, most families have only a few days of food on hand.)

As a former city dweller, my advice is to stock up, then lay low. If your neighbors know you are more resilient than they are, you will have a target on your back.

Also, in general, regardless of where you live, during a long crisis be careful with traditional social norms in desperate times. Opening your door when someone knocks opens your home to an attacker. Crooks, and the desperate, will use your humanity to get close to you or in your home. I strongly believe in charity, but it can be a double-edged sword. Sharing food with someone in need tells them you have more than they do. The term “no good deed goes unpunished” can apply here. Don’t be heartless, but be careful.

I’m a big fan of prudence over paranoia…but sometimes paranoia is a good call too.

Small Towns – If you reside in a small town or very rural area, it’s both bad and good. In this scenario, you are at the “end of the line.” Utilities won’t worry about restoring power to a few or a few hundred people until the masses are handled. Same goes for resources from groups like the Red Cross or the government (if they come at all). The other “bad” is that the poor in rural areas are often worse off than in cities because they have fewer (charitable) resources nearby. On the flip side, they can be more self-reliant too. So, while your local meth lab may go on the attack when SHTF, others may not. Either way, expect home invasions or unexpected visitors. If you live in a place where city folks have a lot of vacation homes that are unoccupied during the year, expect those to get hit first, then occupied homes in isolated areas.

The “good” is that rural populations are generally more self-sufficient. Your neighbors probably have food and tools for living off-grid (in some form) even if for a short while. Farmers and tradesmen are rich in skills and knowledge. This is where your “social capital” really comes into play.

Rural areas are obviously more conducive to growing food and accessing natural water sources. If you have the land, start a garden now, it’s not as easy as it seems. Get to know your local extension office and feed stores. The employees should be great resources for garden information. Get to know nearby farmers or at least the local farmer’s market vendors. If a long crisis occurs, they may want to sell excess food rather than throw it away. (Remember this was an issue at the beginning of the pandemic.) If a nearby stream is on someone else’s property, time to make friends.

Social capital – This is the sixth form of capital in “Prosper!” and it’s critical to your survival in a catastrophe. The lone wolf never survives long. Period. Packs exist and thrive for a reason. We humans are social beings (pack animals), and communities help each other in stressful situations by filling experience gaps and offering additional labor. So, shouldn’t we make friends with our neighbors and create a team? The short answer is yes, but you have to be careful, particularly at this stage of the game.

If you joined the pandemic rush to leave the cities, you just may be another outsider to folks in your new small town. If you have not gotten involved in the local Rotary or church groups, or if you’re not actively helping your neighbors with work around their properties, you’re an unknown to them. Rural residents may look at the city dwellers “gone country” as a drain on their own local resources.

After a long crisis hits, if you think you’re going to walk around other people’s properties (or even local national forests) to hunt for food where these people have hunted for generations, think again. Be smart. Social capital will go a long way to alleviate these challenges (no matter where you live).

When it comes to creating relationships with like-minded people, start the conversations now, but choose your words and friends wisely. Longtime neighbors could be a good start. But don’t show your hand right away (again you don’t want the target on your back). Ask a good leading question like “You worried about this Russia thing and what might happen if we attack them?” Their answer will tell you everything. If they are like-minded, it will be obvious, and you have the start of a personal Mutual Assistance Group.

Here at Peak Prosperity, we think social capital is critical. Chris recently talked about it in his video “Build Community Now!”.

Action Beats Hope and Stress

We all hope this Russia/Ukraine and potential China/Taiwan stress turns out to be a nothing burger. But hope isn’t a plan. All the little efforts taken today will work as a dry run for future problems, and you will be one step ahead in your efforts for long-term resilience.

Shopping is the easiest and quickest (assuming you have the resources). Short term actions like stocking up on food will help you sleep tonight, and if nothing happens, your “larder” will be filled before the prices get higher and supplies get lower.

Social capital is the longer-term effort, so start working a plan today. Find a local charity-focused organization and join it. Service clubs, church ministries, soup kitchens, even political organizations help you know your neighbors. When you become a resource for them and the community, they become a resource for you

Now What?

Relax. Turn off the news. Put one foot in front of the other. Take baby steps to Resilience. Control what you can. Accept that you can't control everything. Seek serenity in action, in Faith and/or with family and friends. We'll get through this together, one step at a time.
We know there are a million ways to prepare for a crisis. What are you doing today to be more Resilient?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

All those pretty glass sealers on a shelf; here on the coast earthquake risk is ‘the deal’ and all those preparations are soon shattered on the floor. A bar in front of the glass jars would add resilience.


Good thinking!

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“Don’t be heartless, but be careful”
I really like that ^ in keeping with the idea of actually “building” community we will require that to grow. It’s a good point to keep in mind.
JH Kunstler’s book " A world made by hand" is full of examples on how that idea can take shape.


I just visited their website to view the “Doomsday Clock.” I was wondering if they had changed it yet after a major superpower had threatened nuclear war. Nope.
Last time they considered it looks like last month. Since this is the first time that has ever happened, and now it seems Finland and Norway are included in the threats, if the clock means anything, they should be moving it up closer to midnight.
PS There is a current Netflix series about Russia invading Norway: Occupied. Not bad, no nukes so far.

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Stewart! Welcome and glad you are here.
Great first post.
An added suggestion towards what cN we do today: Foraging.
A walk in the woods in spring turns into a treasure hunt with just a bit of familiarity of wild edibles.
The Edible wild greens don’t replace food storage from a calorie standpoint, but they add nutritional powerhouses to stored white rice and beans.
Many plants also have medicinal traits that in a broken supply chain, may become important.


When we first moved to this acreage in MO, we had an herbalist come and do a spring wild edibles walk for our small group. It was a great activity to wake us up to all of the useful wild plants that are here. We often add wild greens to salads in the spring. Also, every year, I make quart tinctures of lemon balm (antiviral), oregano (antiviral, antibacterial) and elderberry (great immune support) among others. Tinctures are incredibly easy to make, and when made with alcohol, will last for many years.


This Ukrainian invasion by Russia has a strange “Hunger Games” feel to it. I know this channel deals with data but something just feels wrong. It seems to me that a blow by blow televised war to elicit an emotional response which is showing us everything wrong with the treaties set up after WWII, is paving the way for a new treaty and a new system. Don’t forget Putin went to the young global leader school too. Dr. Malone posted a list on his Substack. I have a bad feeling.
We should be prepared for anything.


Chris’ talked about the investments he and Evie are making to their farm which included some solar. I think that’s a huge convenience/necessity for a lot of rural people, and one that takes a lot of planning and logistics to get going.
We’ve been dragging our feet on buying the components for a back-up solar system for a while. The plan is to have battery storage so that we can run the bare minimum, including having the ability to pump water from our well during an extended loss of grid power. This has a fairly high probability. Our land was originally off-grid but a power line was brought in a little over a year ago. It only serves 2 houses and has already been knocked our several times during storms. Anything big happens and our little rural line would be so far down the repair list it would take a minute.
We’ve finally decided on the plan and the components and have faced several supply issues. The inverter unit we wanted is unavailable. Found a replacement and ordered it but don’t count anything as a done deal until it’s in our hands. Our battery order was accepted but several days later we got an email saying they actually weren’t available and did we want some crappy batteries they had on hand as a replacement? Obviously said no, so we’re looking for batteries again. The panels were supposed to be backordered, but came in unexpectedly early. Were able to pick those up and we have those in hand.
I realize we can buy a hand pump that will work with our 113’ well and may do that as insurance. But having even a few conveniences from electricity makes life so much easier. Learned the details of this during Sandy.
If this is something you’re thinking about, I’d recommend starting soon. Parts are a bit of a challenge to get already, the planning stage is not super easy, and if Taiwan is/becomes in play all electronics are going to get really scarce really fast.


This is bugging me too! It all has the “look over here!” feel of a deliberate distraction. Was Putin offered something? I keep asking myself “why now?” I’ve read the history and understand Russia’s more obvious objectives in what’s happening but the timing has me puzzled.
Any data folks able to shed more light on this?


Is it a coincidence that covid-mandates-shutdowns were ending and then, instantly, we get a new crisis? The trucker revolt and other things signaled that they werent going to get anymore mileage out of covid so they instantly switched to war.
Its so blatantly obvious. None of this is happening organically. This is like “quid pro quo” 3 days after the investigation found nothing. Same people, same MO. When you recognize the patterns and tactics it becomes very obvious.
‘We’ve gone as far as we can with covid, cue the next crisis’


we're looking for batteries again.
Consider Nickel:Iron batteries. From a distopia POV, they literally last forever and 100 YO versions can still be made to work. They don't have the energy density of more modern Li-based batteries, but they are much more rugged. One and done. History: Nickel Iron Batteries Have a 100+ Year Track Record Thomas Edison patented and produced Nickel Iron batteries in the early 1900’s, designing them to be “far superior to batteries using lead plates and acid”. Nickel Iron batteries were used in the very first electric car in the early 1910’s. Even though they were not adopted as the starting battery for internal combustion engines during the birth of the automobile, they found their niche in numerous railroad, forklift, and standby power applications throughout the 20th century. Nickel Iron batteries are experiencing a rebirth in the 21st century for renewable energy applications due to their incredibly long life and robust, durable qualities. Iron Edison is proud to be the leading supplier of Nickel Iron batteries in North America! Best Investment in Energy Storage: 10% – 35% the Cost of Other Battery Options! Nickel Iron batteries have the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership of ANY battery chemistry available today! Amortized over the life of the battery, Nickel Iron batteries cost as low as 9 cents per usable kWh! That’s lower than most electric utility rates! Most lead acid batteries cost 25 to 80 cents per usable kWh. [Purchase Price ÷ (Usable Capacity × Cycle Life)] Longest Lasting: 30+ Years of Reliable Service 30+ Year Life Expectancy is actually an understatement for Nickel Iron batteries. Because Nickel Iron batteries use Nickel plates and an alkaline electrolyte, they don’t experience the plate degradation and short life of a lead plate in acid. It is common to see 50+ year old Nickel Iron batteries still in service today, with some dating back to the 1940s! 10 Year Warranty is standard on all Iron Edison Nickel Iron Batteries. Largest Usable Capacity: 80% Depth of Discharge Unlike most other battery chemistries, Nickel Iron batteries’ life expectancy is NOT impacted by the battery’s depth of discharge. This is why you can discharge a Nickel Iron battery up to 80% DAILY, and still get 30+ years of life from this battery! Most Rugged: Over Charge/Discharge Capability and Extreme Temperature Tolerances It’s common knowledge that over discharging a lead acid battery just once will catastrophically shortened its life expectancy. This is the case with most battery chemistries actually, but not Nickel Iron batteries! Discharging a Nickel Iron battery 80% or more will not negatively impact its life expectancy, which is why they can be discharged like this on a daily basis and still provide decades of worry free service. Nickel Iron batteries can handle over charging as well, without impacting their life expectancy. Nickel Iron batteries perform best when they are aggressively charged (C/4 charge rate or better), which makes them optimal for solar applications because they can be fully charged in 4 hours! Most batteries don’t like extreme temperature conditions… except Nickel Iron batteries. With an operating temperature range of -22 to +140F (-30 to +60C), Nickel Iron provides worry free service in extreme cold and hot conditions. From the jungles of Central America to the Arctic Circle, Nickel Iron batteries are providing customers with reliable energy storage where other batteries struggle. Compatibility: Nickel Iron batteries are compatible with most quality battery inverters and solar chargers on the market today. Using industry standard 12 volt, 24 volt and 48 volt configurations, Nickel Iron batteries work well with products from MidNite Solar, Magnum Energy, Schneider Electric, Outback Power, and SMA just to name a few. If your solar charger or battery inverter support custom charge parameters, it will likely work well with a Nickel Iron battery. Chargers and battery inverters designed exclusively for lead acid batteries will work as well, but may struggle to fully charge a Nickel Iron battery. Please contact one of Iron Edison’s knowledgeable System Designers to confirm compatibility and sizing. Support: Iron Edison’s team of US based industry experts is at your disposal both before the sale and throughout the life of your battery to make sure you get the absolute best performance from your battery investment. We’re happy to answer questions and offer advice about operation and optimization of not just your battery bank, but your entire energy system. Architecture: A Nickel Iron battery is a single cell, 1.2 volt nominal battery (1.0 – 1.65 volt operating range). These cells are wired in series to produce the needed voltage. Iron Edison provides pre-packaged Nickel Iron battery solutions in 12 volt (10 cells), 24 volt (20 cells), and 48 volt (40 cells) configurations. (Custom high voltage solutions are also available for commercial and utility scale applications). Iron Edison’s Nickel Iron batteries are available in sizes from 100 Ah to 1,000 Ah, in 100Ah increments. Included with your Nickel Iron battery package are the appropriate number of batteries, busbars for inter-battery series connections and other safety accessories. Iron Edison strongly recommends a battery rack, battery enclosure and vent fan to complete the last battery bank you’ll ever buy! Maintenance: Nickel Iron batteries are a flooded battery, which means there’s minimal maintenance they will need throughout their life. Watering your batteries every 1-3 months is the biggest maintenance requirement. Electrolysis takes place inside the battery during charging, resulting in the loss of pure water in the form of hydrogen and oxygen off gassing. This water must be replaced periodically by adding distilled water to the batteries. Iron Edison has several battery watering products to make this process faster and easier, including a watering cart and gun, a HydroPure Deionizer to make your own water, and the Spider Single Point Watering system that simultaneously fills up to 20 batteries. Equalizing… NOPE! Unlike lead acid batteries, Nickel Iron batteries do not need to be equalized on a regular basis (although you won’t hurt them if you do). One less thing to worry about if you’re upgrading from a lead acid battery bank. Checking Specific Gravity… DON’T BOTHER! The alkaline electrolyte of Nickel Iron batteries does not change based on the battery’s state of charge, so that’s one less maintenance task former lead acid owners need to do. Battery Enclosure is needed for Nickel Iron batteries. While charging Nickel Iron batteries will off gas hydrogen, a combustible gas that can be dangerous of not properly addressed. LIke other battery chemistries, a Nickel Iron battery bank should be installed in an enclosure that will properly capture and vent this hydrogen outside. Nickel Iron batteries also should not share an airspace with other electronics or possible ignition sources. Iron Edison recommends an electrolyte replacement every 10 years for optimal performance and energy capacity. Nickel Iron batteries will experience a slight degradation of electrical capacity over time due to carbonate buildup in the electrolyte (typically 1% loss per year). Replacing the electrolyte can recover this capacity loss.

Stock up on Coal. Train cars full if you can. Bitumenous, because it burns into a coke stage, which provides stong heat without an oxidizing fire. Hoard all the iron and metal stock and scraps as you can too. Get blacksmithing equipment. If we’re back to the pre-industrial age, being able to make tools will be the most valuable thing in the land once all the “new” stuff breaks. Our infrastructure for mining and refining ores and coal by hand is totally gone, so better get the next generation or two’s supplies now.


So covid, as a vehicle for the great reset, was beaten back. Who/what do the creeps blame? Misinformation.
I expect Act II of the great reset [ The Rise of Putin ]to be focused on censorship and removing ALL dissenting voices from the internet. Now, during wartime, they have a whole new box of tools and justifications. Anyone who criticizes the march toward authoritarianism will be deemed a “russian asset” or “russian disinformation” and removed.
This time they’ll have the backing of not only the covidian leftists, but they’ll have the Sean Hannity/Bush war mongering neo-conservatives too. Three predictions;

  1. Mass censorship [ censorship = patriotism. dissention = treason ]
  2. The tool they are putting in front of the public is freezing bank accounts/separating people from their money. I expect to see more of this used against regular citizens.
  3. False flag coming soon. It will be a cyber-attack either on the grid or the internet.
    It all seems very obvious and predictable.

Marvin Motsenbocker’s 12 volt??


This whole week has been one giant palindrome, so, for symbolic timing, it wins, so why not.


Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve suspected PP has more than its fair share of engineers among the tribe.
Part of the delays are because my husband thinks like an engineer and lets the perfect become the enemy of the good. The 100 year batteries sound fabulous but I doubt any inverter we get will last 100 years, nor the panels. So in an EOTWAWKI, it probably won’t matter if the batteries are still good. I hesitate to put him on a different path because I’d rather have a “good enough” system that can operate than an optimal, or close to optimal, one that’s still on the drawing board.
Which brings me to my point. IMO, it’s time to execute your plans if you can. Probably won’t be easier or more available in the near future. Probably will be increasingly expensive. I’m extremely financially conservative so would never recommend jumping into some preps in a reactionary manner. But if there’s something that’s already been put on the to-do list, it’s probably a good time to get it done.


For what it’s worth, I really like lithium iron phosphate batteries. They’re pretty durable and less explodey than other battery types. The prices have also come down considerably. Another option is to use a solar-direct DC pump in order to pump water using your solar panels without an inverter. That way at least you’d have water in a grid down scenario. A great resource for solar/battery info is Will Prowse’s YouTube channel. Just search for Will Prowse solar and you’ll find a wealth of info. Good Luck!


Hope your group are a part of the remnant…

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