REPLAY AVAILABLE: November Peak Insider Live Q&A

Interesting. In regards to the royal family of England and their “ownership” of land it’s a “coalition” of 56 countries called the Commonwealth. You can read about it in the link below.

The video was very informative, thanks for the link. It sure looks like a government thing. Big pharma got their tentacles all over the world, greedy sob’s. I believe it’s a whole lot more behind the scenes and it’s all intertwined. It still amazes me how synchronized most of the world’s governments were in March 2020 when the world closed down. So there are stronger forces behind it all, I’m sure most of us can rattle off most of the two and three letter entities involved. Flatten the curve my a**.

Justice May Take A Long Time

A 97 year old women is sued in Germany (2022) because in 1943-1945 she worked as a secretary in a concentration camp (KZ) in Germany. The problem is, that you hear about this once in a while in Germany, yet only about low-level Nazis. Still: murder does not expire by limitation.
Source: (only in German)

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Imo, this isn’t justice. The sheer fact that most high-level nazi scientists, judges, and doctors were not, and won’t be sued, sickens me.
This is just “token” justice, Justitia isn’t blindfolded… In a similar fashion, I predict that in the FTX case, this guy with the goofy pompadour won’t be prosecuted.


Died Suddenly Edit

Regarding Chris’s comment about making a short edit of the film which only included the embalmers & clotting, someone has already done so. It is a 15 min clip on a substack by A Midwestern Doctor and is perfect for sending on to people.


Thx for posting. Very good commentary on the documentary.

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David Icke

Good evening. I feel that this video interview of David Icke must be watched. I am not saying you must be believed but must be watched. I would also advise it to be watched at speed 1.5 because it is a long interview and it can be comprehended at this speed.
He covers a lot of subjects that I heard over the weekend on this peak insider live   episode🦠+David+Icke+Explains+Why+China+Is+The+Blueprint+For+The+Rest+Of+The+World+🇨🇳&utm_campaign=icke_2311

Can you please summarize a couple of the points that you found most important to you?
Very few will watch a long video unless we can get some indication of what we are investing our time in before hand.
What specifically would you like to convey to us?


Well said, sand_kitty. I would love for this to be the norm among PPers going forward.


Hi Allstarone,
I am an emergency physician who has read on COVID treatments fairly widely. But I am not an infectious disease specialist nor an immunologist.
My current understanding is that none of the previously developed monoclonal antibodies are working well on today’s omicron strains. See here.
Monoclonal antibodies WERE helpful against prior strains, though. So a lecture from a year ago will be out of date.
And the FLCCC protocol is not specifically recommending monoclonal antibodies at this time. I consider these guys to be the most up-to-date on COVID treatment. The gold standard, in my opinion.
That being said, perhaps your provider is aware of something that I have not come across yet. A phone call to your provider may help: “Please give me some studies and references about the emu antibodies you recommended.”
And lastly, the omicron strains are just not anywhere as dangerous as earlier strains. Your prognosis is very good. If you have been frightened by the dangers of prior strains you can relax now. Not nearly so dangerous!

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Hey guys,
Please summarize a couple of the major points you took from the video. It would help the rest of us! Thx.

Another two pithy comments from Dr McCullough’s article above:

Fertig et al, have shown mRNA is circulatory in blood for at least two weeks with no reduction in concentration out to that time point.[iv] Likewise, Hanna et al, have found mRNA within breast milk.[v]  Less data exist on Spike protein shedding but it is not a far stretch to understand this is well within the realm of reality. 
[iv] Fertig TE, Chitoiu L, Marta DS, Ionescu VS, Cismasiu VB, Radu E, Angheluta G, Dobre M, Serbanescu A, Hinescu ME, Gherghiceanu M. Vaccine mRNA Can Be Detected in Blood at 15 Days Post-Vaccination. Biomedicines. 2022 Jun 28;10(7):1538. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10071538. PMID: 35884842; PMCID: PMC9313234.
[v] Hanna N, Heffes-Doon A, Lin X, et al. Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk. JAMA Pediatr. Published online September 26, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.3581
The 2015 FDA guidance on Gene Product Shedding Studies with gene therapies, which are defined as “all products that exert their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material and/or by integration into the host genome and that are administered in the form of nucleic acids, viruses or genetically modified microorganisms”.[i]   By this statement mRNA vaccines are indeed gene therapy products and should have been submitted to these excretion studies by DARPA funded researchers long ago.[ii] 
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Think of a video summary as “marketing”. If you really want to “sell” people on your video link, a list of “fantastic benefits” provided by the video “product” will increase click-through rates.


Well I’ll give it a try, but I’m actually trying to make a simple observation vs release Musk Twitter papers here…
Please, if you are going to make this claim, research the actual ownership structure of Vanguard’s various parts a
I can’t its its actual ownership and structure is private and not public information and that is exactly may point… nobody knows who owns it and how they structure it…and i’m pointing a flashlight on it… if those records were public we could do due diligence…
From my understanding as a former owner of shares in various Vanguard Mutual Funds, the owners of the mutual funds and ETFs which comprise the majority of Vanguard’s assets, are the investors in each fund in proportion to the value of the shares they hold – essentially a whole lot of individual investors, pension funds, whoever invests in various markets through Vanguard’s offerings. The fund managers obviously have great power because the majority of shareholders give their proxy to the fund managers with respect to voting rights that come from the various instruments that the mutual funds hold.
Perhaps though, the effect is similar.
Exactly whether they do it with 100% their money or 85% YOUR 401K money isn’t the point , they may only own 15% of Blackrock and Vanguard and we the people have 85% which is even more evil genius… they are controlling us with our own money!.. but they have all the voting rights, they control the Board the CEOs the policy’s… So when Big pharma sells poison… Vanguard allows it, When Facebook and Twitter censor and rig elections Vanguard allows it… When their corporation push vaccine mandates… FULL STOP… Because if they didn’t want any of it they could fire the CEO or the board at any time and they don’t. So they are not an innocent bystander just earning returns… they are at the very least enablers. and if They are just enables why are they letting some other influence take over their company and investments that logic doesn’t hold water
demonstrate it and it’s implications to us with actual evidence.
Ahh a private company with secret owners has the major ownership of every international company in the world and gets direct trillion $ quantitive easing from the fund through Blackrock…and the world corporations and billionaires are some how controlling governments and everything in the world is intentionally planned going shit and we are sitting here wondering who could be pulling the strings?? Since the dawn of time follow the money…? Not a long list of candidates here…all the companies, all of em acting in concert and all em…every one they end up at Blackrock and Vanguard holding the purse strings…every single thread of follow the money ends up at the same point… Who else could it be China? - nope Russia? - Nope Elon Musk?- nope the Easter Bunny?- nope… if you need it proof of nefarious activity , I believe Elon is busy releasing some of it out of Twitter now. " which by the way Vanguard and Blackrock USED to own too.
So I’m not making a claim, I’m pointing a simple fact… one private company controls the voting rights, CEO’s and Boards of all the major companies of world…and gets all the free trillions of money printing. FULL STOP… We don’t know who owns that company, its private… Some how all those companies are acting in concert together with “Someone” to “Attack/Collapse” the western world…
Therefore LOGIC says the OWNERS of said company are acting in concert to “Attack/Collapse” the western world…
But we don’t know who those owners are because its PRIVATE
And isn’t the very definition of a global monopoly by itself? How is it legal for one private company to own and control all Pharma, all energy, all media, all big tech ? its ok because its a mutual fund that everybody has 401k shares in… except you don’t have any real power do you… they have it all… and thats the loop hole, thats curtain they hide behind… and we not only let them, we defend em?.
Well here are your links I could do this all day they ~15% or more of every company when the other big funds like state street hold single digits…“see links below all on yahoo finance pick any company and check holding”… most likely with EVERY SINGLE fortune 500 company, Pharma, banking, high tech. see below together they control a major % share over any other investor in everything including blackrock which is the only company who is authorized by the FED. and Vanguard ownership suspiciously blank.
Now does this PROVE they are doing it? NO but does show they have the means… and it does show they are allowing or ignoring if not directing it and so far I can only come up with 1 suspect that has the means… so who are the men behind the curtain?
Black Rock Vanguard and Blackrock 15.5%
Pfizer  Vanguard and Blackrock 15%
Moderna Vanguard and Blackrock 13%
J@J  Vanguard and Blackrock 15%
 Disney Vanguard and Blackrock 14%
Facebook Vanguard and Blackrock 14.7%
Paypal Vanguard and Blackrock 15%
JP Morgan   Vanguard and Blackrock 16%
Intel  Vanguard and Blackrock 17%
Microsoft Vanguard and Blackrock 15.5%
Amazon  Vanguard and Blackrock 12.5%
Exxon Vanguard and Blackrock 15.5%


I am sorry. I do not post much stuff anywhere so I am not sure how to promote what I have seen. it covered pretty much everything that Chris has mentioned over the last 2 years so reinforces pretty much everything I have ever heard here all. All I can say is put it on speed 1.5, drink a few pots of coffee. Every bit of it in my opinion was worth hearing.

Chris has interviewed David Icke and the content of this video is very similar

I do not wish to sell anything. I just felt I must make the effort to spread this video around

I used “marketing” as a metaphor. Whenever I have some resource that I feel had value, I explain - in a little bit of detail - what (specifically) I found. Like you, I make no money from this.
I mean, what happens if your audience already has been exposed to this particular subject matter? Its a waste of their time to sit through and watch the same information again and again.
If you really want to spread the video, then you might consider engaging in marketing. List the most important things you learned.
Just my suggestion. I mean, people have actually ASKED you (politely) to do this. That’s a clue.

My Vengeful Side

Upgraded and going thru the back catalog. I’m to the point where I encourage the believers to get their booster; my world will be better off with out them.
Get Boosted, Win Darwin