RFK Jr. & DOGE Take on Washington Racoonery

Hi Andy, do you have a link to this? I don’t recognize the platform. I am familiar with Viva, but not Barnes…he looks like the spawn of JD Vance and Alex Jones :rofl:

Just had to come in & comment on this YT episode.
I really enjoyed this.
I don’t often listen to these as my data stream is jam-packed, but needed some confirmation bias today, aka FACT bias.
Really nice to take a day away from consuming things that make a billygoat puke.
And grateful that liberty-oriented officials are making positivity commonplace.
Trump, RFK, Rand & Ron, JD, Hegseth, Elon, our medical heroes…

Thanks @cmartenson & Evie, great way to wrap up @ the end!


Thank you, Evie & Chris. Re: conventional psychiatric treatments. I’m reading a book called “Change Your Diet Change Your Mind” by Georgia Ede MD which has convinced me to go keto. At 70 I figure this will be my last kick at the can to reduce mild depression and poor sleep. Of course we must not forget the Dynamic Duo doctors Berry & Westman.


I would also strongly encourage yu to begin with pure carnivore. Dr Kn Berry has me sold on the idea that the best way to start is pure meat, and then add things back in carefully.

A lot of people have reported surprising changes in mood, sleep, etc.


I’m a work in progress. Baby steps and all that!

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We can participate via text:

@#$$# $#)$!!@$?$ the sorry ¢¥§∆¢¢@#*$


For some more confirmation, check this out.

This chick’s channel, and her delivery/personality & personability, I think, are going to capsize the lie-boat that monopolizes mental health treatment.
Sun, Omega-3’s, K2,elemental zinc, manganese, NAC, parasite cleanse, and ketosis.
Jack Kruse touched on this as well.

If you are able to set aside to review this study, as only a PHD from Duke can do… :wink:
I don’t want to get too excited that a button’s not gonna get pushed, but it sure FEELS like the world is about to change.

Yes on meat too.
Mikhaila Peterson shared her journey quite well, the “lion diet”, & her struggles of tapering & identifying the micro-nuances involved in her condition & diet.
I had my first grass-fed grass-finished cow butchered Friday for p/u hopefully this week, solely to treat the nightmare that has been my daughter’s “medically”-induced condition.


I think that for many the depression and demoralization could be avoided if the individuals realized much of what bothers them is optional.

Keeping up with the Jones is optional. Being up to eyeballs in credit card debt etc. Eating poorly is optional. Drinking, smoking, not sleeping. In most cases the sources of misery in the USA are chosen.

Most of the relationship troubles are also optional. We can mitigate, re-evaluated, re-negotiate, and even eliminate most problematic relationships.

It is easier to take a pill however.

This is not to belittle the seriousness of mental illness, but I don’t believe for a minute that 47 million people in the USA, as quoted by that nurse in the video, are really mentally ill, but rather that many are miserable and suffering the holistic consequences of their lifestyle choices and circumstances of culturally driven decisions making.


grateful for all you offer in hope and strategy! you make America proud again. God Bless


Senator Tina needs a pat on the head and a “That’s Nice dear”, a bit of return belittling. (Also for those familiar with Mrs Brown’s Boys you’ll see the double meaning.) Senator Crow needs a few minutes up against Christine Anderson of the AFD, he’ll have to have someone hold his hand once she finishes with him.

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Watch the two videos by Sally Fallon Morell in the PP food webinar. Keto is not good because it leaves out the fat. She makes the case that fat is even more important than protein. There’s lots more to it than that. You need to watch the videos. If you haven’t paid for the webinar you can find the same content on the Weston Price foundation web site.


How is that possible? My understanding is that the keto diet is 70% fat.


Keto is all about the fats, as far as I understand it…no?


If it’s not too late, make sure you get the fat, preferably ground, and if at all possible separated into suet other fat to make tallow. Beef bones make wonderful broth which can be pressure canned and stored for years.

Wife has been going crazy make soap and lotions from tallow… it’s her new hobby. Suet fat has awesome health benefits, which if we could get it separated, would exclusively go into lotions.

Tallow for cooking in general, and especially deep fryer.


The Fort Knox audit needs to include drilling tiny holes in random bars to check for titanium centers. It was reported that during the Clinton years that the US Government bought many thousands of titanium bars from China which were a few mm smaller than standard gold bar size. The assumption was that they were going to be used as the centers of fake bars. If I recall a few such bars appeared on the market a few years later.


Is drilling a hole the only way to check for titanium?

Titanium is about 1/4 specific gravity of gold, so weight should be easy to test for composition

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Sorry, I should have written tungsten.


Lol just figured that out too sir

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400 tons flew in from London? Since GATA and others suspect that gold in the market has more than 200 owners, how can one be certain that the gold in
US storage in FN is really owned by the US?