RFK Jr. & DOGE Take on Washington Racoonery

I have been a member for a couple years and follow Chris every week but never Joint he discussion and I have a farm in ct and have a background as a health practitioner specializing in osteopathy. Anyways the thing with rfk is that food and lifestyle is super Important but the sv-40 in the covid vaccines are probably the biggest issue we have and blue light being the second biggest issue we have. Jack kruse is brain surgeon whose brilliance and investigative work has been able tie mk ultra, jfk assassination and the cias work on mind control. As is important the food issue is the blue light is a psyop which is why probably people are so suggestive. Watch the video I linked episode #263 on Danny jones podcast as well as episode 277 with cali means whom has been influential with rfk and has globalist ties which jack pints out is most likely a diversion to focus on the food and not the vaccines which Sv-40 in them. I really suggest watching these and getting jack on the podcast as he’s really an amazing person with so much insight into all this.





Good point. I was an MP at Ft. Knox in the late 70’s and took part in the many drills we ran along with the 94th Armored Brigade to respond to the vault if needed as well as the mandatory radio checks between the vault and the MP station. I tend to think it is like any other bullion vault. Sure there is gold there. But who owns it. Guaranteed it is not me and you. Just saying.


The opening chat hellos are cute. They remind me of Romper Room and the magic mirror when I was a child:). No disrespect intended. All in good fun!

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:joy: loved it when you muted the mics and had a cuss session!


Evie is spot on about the phones. When I found myself taking my phone into the bathroom with me I knew the capture was complete.


Keto is all about fat, 70%.
Many years ago my brother opened the only Keto catering business in the U.S. near Seattle.
He actually used my trailer to haul around his equipment, now own restaurants & food trucks, & was featured on Evening magazine show & others.
Also years ago I lost about 50 lbs. in 3 months.

Personally Dr. Berg’s approach, (healthy keto) is what has made the most sense to me.

I wonder if you are confusing keto with Atkins diet or something.


Did you catch the Kevin McKernan interview here on PP?

I’m going to learn from my mistakes which should be plentiful, but did grab all the bones & kidney fat to render tallow.
That doesn’t seem to be something most people want so I think I can get a deal to get all the bones and fat from the butcher from other people’s orders and make a killing.

Fat is one of the macronutrients in the diet, so yes, keto diets include fats. There seems to be some disagreement about how much so it depends on the individual. I prefer to get my health advice from doctors who use keto/carnivore diets in their practice. I don’t think Sally Fallon is a doctor, she’s a researcher, isn’t she? And I did not find Weston Price’s research very applicable just interesting.

So the pharma company has a party. A boss gives a little speech at the party urging them to donate to Bernie or Pocahontas. They make it easy for them, giving clear instructions, perhaps a link to donate from their phone. Maybe they find a way to know who donated and how much and offer some sort of perk. But all of the donations came from individuals who just so happened to be employed by the pharma company. What a strange coincidence.


My beautiful bride has gone a bit overboard on rendering tallow… But, everybody that has tried her product is loving it.

I have to undergo esophagus procedure annually, and for several days I’m on broth. Her bone broth is freaking awesome. Beef bones, MUST BE cooked in the oven first. 1-2 hours at 425F. Poultry bones, you break, and simmer for at least 24 hours. We haven’t gone to pressure cooking the bones yet, but that may be coming.


True–why I said “it’s bad enough.” But still, we should be accurate in our citations. That is different from the corporation itself giving money. Perhaps a small distinction, but one an opposition could leverage agains people who elide it.

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  1. I had a choice to make yesterday afternoon between tuning into this podcast live or using the lull in snowfall to clear the driveway and essential walkways of accumulated snow. I went outside, but I wish I’d listened live. Truly a great show, with each of you participating fully. A joy to watch despite the harsh news.

  2. After listening to Vance’s full presentation and the preadolescent responses to it from Europe’s best and brightest, I have the suspicion that the Globalist wet dream - clearly dead on a global scale - is going to hit home, and hit hard, if it hits at all, on the EU countries. With the Trump team removing the US from the trans-Atlantic cabal, that’s all that’s left to them.


Dr Paul Craig Roberts asks rather poignant questions regarding the survival of the United States

Another good Monday post this time by JHK


Both Chris’ early observation that we humans are not rational animals but rationalizing animals, and Evie’s concluding poem put me in mind of a bit of prose from G. K. Chesterton from back around 1905.

The poem Evie read:

When the truth doesn’t fill our body and mind, we think we have had enough.
When the truth fills our body and mind, we realize that something is missing.

For example, when we look at the ocean from a boat with no land in sight it seems circular and nothing else. But the ocean is neither round nor square, and its features are infinite in variety.
It is like a palace, it is like a jewel. Only to our eyes, only for the moment, does it seem circular.

All things are like this. Although there are numberless aspects to all things, we see only as far as our vision can reach. And in our vision of all things, we must appreciate that although they may look round or square, the other aspects of oceans or mountains are infinite in variety; and that universes lie all around us.

It is like this everywhere, right here in the tiniest drop of water.

Chesterton, beginning a conversation about God on common ground with cultured secularists who, in his day, had done away with the notion of sin but acknowledged the fact of insanity - the breaking of minds through the pressures of modern society - wrote:

“There is a notion adrift everywhere that imagination, especially mystical imagination, is dangerous to man’s mental balance. Poets are commonly spoken of as psychologically unreliable; and generally there is [made] a vague association between wreathing laurels in your hair and sticking straws in it.” However, he said, if one looks at who ends up occupying rooms in the mental asylum, it turns out it’s not the poets but the rationalists. Mathematicians go mad, and cashiers,” he wrote; “but creative artists very seldom”.

He said, "Men do not go mad by dreaming. Poetry is sane because it floats easily on an infinite sea; reason [however] seeks to cross the infinite sea, and so to make it finite. The poet only asks to get his head [up] into the heavens. It is the rationalist who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits.” Thus, “the madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason.”

(From: Orthodoxy, the Romance of Faith)


A keto diet is 75% fat, 15-20% protein, and 5-10% carbs.


Thanks for reminding me about baking the beef bones. Just got some from our supplier and will do that the next round!