RFK Jr. & DOGE Take on Washington Racoonery

Lot’s of interesting stories of millions and billons out of the USAID info but the constitution does not authorize even JFKs original intent, “to do good”. Charity is not the job of the government in Mozambique or Kentucky. USAID should be closed entirely along with lots if not all Gov’t “agencies”. IMHO


DEF is DEI…Change my mind

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It just keeps on coming.

USAID donated $68 million to World Economic Forum.

Well, that is just great.

Sixty- eight million dollars to an organization run by, and for, billionaires who want to strip the rest of us of all of our assets.


It’s a big club and taxpayers aren’t in it. Well, I guess they are, in some respects.


Ofcourse I did catch that one!

This is unbelievable (except that it is believable!). Not RFK Jr. but Musk motivated…


Martin Armstrong met with RFK Jr and was asked to suggest how to stop the Ukraine War. RFK Jr did not like his answer and thought it was Anti-Semitic. Armstrong did not say anything wrong. He now fears Europe will turn it’s back on the US and go to war with Russia. He thinks the Neocons are now driving the NATO Europe wagon off to a war.

“The EU is making its decision right now, which looks terrible. The European Union is collapsing, and to deflect the fiscal mismanagement and coming Sovereign Debt Crisis, it needs World War III. The EU is already scheming to start a war with Russia and reject any peace deal Trump strikes. Zelensky is telling Europe to F the USA, and Trump has no business interfering in Europe or Ukraine. I previously warned Zelensky is the equivalent of the anti-Christ here to destroy all of Europe and start World War III.”


Good afternoon Chris, could you expand on the financial repercussions from a lack of gold at Fort Knox and how you think it wpuld play out? I know our fiat currency isn’t backed by gold but am interested in the Federal Reseve / US Government relationship when it comes to gold at Fort Knox.



Bernie is popular with Pharma because Pharma has a death grip on Medicare. Seniors can’t get their teeth fixed but can get 20 meds !


That would be the end of Europe as we know it.

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I’ve been a subscriber of VivaBarnew Law for a few years. I first saw Viva when he covered the Canadian Trucker protests. Viva is entertaining, but I’ve learned a LOT from Barnes. He came from poor beginnings and now has friends in high places: JD Vance called him for advice before going public opposing the Ukraine war. He has defended Childrens Health Defense and recently RFK Jr. lawsuits against libel by MSM. He has been Amos Miller’s attorney for a couple of years.


If the EU/Politburo decides to pull the trigger on this, money will flee Europe in advance, since the Oligarchy knows how things are going to play out - in advance.

Us little people will have to watch for signs and signals in currency moves. So if EUR drops for some reason (they’ll blame Trump and his “tariffs”), I’ll start to get worried.


Just wondering… If they gonna monetize or revalue gold what it will do to price of silver and platinum…?

Why “must”? There is no must.

Baked bones carmelize and produce a darker, richer broth, but non-carmelized bones make a suitable broth for lighter dishes/uses.

I seldom bake bones for broth. In particular, I don’t bake marrow bones. Rather, I slow cook them in the slow cooker for more or less 48 hours to get the marrow into the water, along with what fat and nutrients are also on/in the bones.

I haven’t pressure cooked bones to produce broth; I’m disinclined to it. There’s something about the long, slow, low-temp cooking that I suspect produces a better, more nutrient-dense broth. But I do can the broth via pressure cooker, which likely negates some of the benefit of using the slow extraction process. It’s a matter of protecting nutrients. If tempted to anything, I’m tempted to water bath can the broth rather than pressure can it. The Amish do that successfully; I imagine I can, too.

For tallow, I haven’t been separating fats. I get all of the fat and bones I can get every time a cow is butchered for me, and I render the fat all together. Most I put aside for cooking and baking - I’m becoming a huge fan of using tallow and lard rather than butter, especially for savory crusts. But it’s good for many sweet dessert crusts, too. I have made a few tallow candles in quart jars - not too impressive; I find it hard to keep the candle lit after it burns down an inch or two. I have some ancient candle molds I haven’t started to play with, but that’s coming…

Another use for tallow, as well as lard, is for making sausages. I’m newly into that, and haven’t done much, yet. Just enough to start to know what I don’t know - and what equipment upgrades I want in order to make it efficient.



Says Trump has been flying gold in from overseas on every flight since Dec

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I watched whole webinar and even I LOVE Weston A Price work… With all due respect… statement that keto lacks fat means that you simply didn’t do enough homework.,.
I’m keto/ketovore/carnivore for 6 years and virtually every doctor from this space( maybe except Saladino who mysteriously turned and couple others) prioritize fat or at least saying it has to be in balance with protein…


You’re exactly right! :+1:

You understand it correctly😉

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When I was making my “all natural” soap, I distinguished between lard and tallow. They are both rendered fats but lad comes from pigs and tallow comes from ruminants. They act quite differently in soap.

What do you set your slow cooker to for making broth? I have two settins: low and high.

Sorry, that’s not what I meant. I do process lard and tallow differently and I agree they taste different; and they also act differently in baking. I prefer lard for pie crusts, they’re lighter.

I was referencing Phil’s comment to

I usually start on High to get the temp up, but typically in a couple hours, when the liquid is hot but not boiling (which can happen with some slow cookers), I turn it to Low and just let it go for a couple days. Sometimes I add a sliced onion and a few Bay leaves.

Pork the same way.

Chicken (and turkey) broth often, but not always, gets onion, carrot, celery, Bay leaf. Also consider fresh parsley, basil, and/or thyme sprigs. For chicken broth I usually throw in everything - bones, organs, removed skin. Even leftovers from plates.

Beef broth often gets some liver, heart and kidney added because I want the nutrients but I don’t particularly care for eating them.

After cooking, the spent meats and veggies go to either the dog or the chickens. If the chicken bones are fully softened, they go to the dog, too.