Ron Paul: Rejecting Authoritarian Government Is Our Greatest Priority

Dr. Ron Paul has long been a leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, civil liberty, and non-interventionist foreign policies.

His last term in the U.S. House of Representatives ended earlier this year, so we caught up with the former Congressman to get his latest perspective on how successfully our national leadership is dealing with America’s economic challenges.

In Dr. Paul’s assessment, Washington is too committed to deficit spending and the debt-based economy – both operationally and philosophically – to expect it to embrace a more fiscally-responsible model without a forcing crisis (which he believes is coming):

[T]hey believe it like a religion that spending is good no matter what the spending is on. And that the deficits don't matter; deficits are not a burden. And even though we have this national debt and we have a foreign debt, they don't consider that so bad, as long as people will spend money. And if the people won't spend any money, the government has this moral obligation to do it.

I don't expect anything else because they are reflecting what I consider “prevailing attitudes.” And the prevailing attitudes for the last 50 or 60 years, especially since the 1930s, has been spending and deficits and printing money is the way to go.

But where I am encouraged is outside of Washington. You get a better perspective from people like you who talk about this and get people to look at their investments. I think this is beneficial, because a lot of people are realizing this whole system is deeply flawed, and they are looking elsewhere. And that is why I talk a lot about free markets, and property rights, and Austrian economics, and getting rid of the Fed. All these things are now up for grabs. A lot of people, especially the young people, are looking at this. So, for this reason, I am a bit encouraged by what might come out of this.

But I think we are going to go through the wringer. I think it's going to get much, much worse. It is bad enough already, but there is no way that we can step back.

The one thing I am convinced of, after having spent so much time in Washington, is that this will not be a gradual recovery from this disaster that we have. We are not going to elect enough people and have enough courage to vote the right way; there is too much demagoguing and too much misunderstanding. The people would revolt, but the collapse will come. It is going to hit the dollar, and then we are going to have our opportunity.  

So, the more people who are protected intellectually as well as financially, the better off we will be in rebuilding what we will need to do in the near future.

Dr Paul continues to be vocal about the destructive role the Federal Reserve’s loose and interventionist monetary policies are having in enabling the mal-investment in the system:

What if the Fed could not buy government debt? What a different world it would be. Everybody said this would be a disastrous to the economy but what if people accommodated with this?

What if there was a dependency on saving? What if we did have a market rate of interest? And what if that resulted in less bubbles? All of a sudden the world would be a different place.

But no...The only thing they can even do is spend more and more money. That is the only tool they have.

So, for that reason, I am not shocked at the numbers. I guess I am more surprised that the whole thing holds together so long. Because when you look at this, and you look at the foreign debt, and the national debt it is so outrageous, and there is still confidence in the dollar, the world they do not have a good currency, so the best they can come up with is the dollar, but even the dollar is less popular than it used to be. It is being held a lot less now as reserve currency, but we can still buy oil, and we can still buy our stuff from China, and they take our currency.

But what amazes me is that it holds together. So I think monetizing debt and spending and deficit is going to get much, much worse until the world rejects the dollar. And there will be a rejection here at home, and prices will soar, and eventually interest rates will break loose and they will start rising.

He continues to view precious metals as prudent to hold in advance of this currency crisis. But in the long run, he sees civil agitation for smaller government as our best strategy:

I don't think the euro is going to replace the dollar. And that certainly looks like it is the case. You are not going to go to yen, and you are not going to go to special drawing rights…

No, when people become frightened, they look for things of real value, and I don't think they can repeal the laws of economics that says that for 6,000 years metals have been beneficial. They will go to monetary metals, gold and silver, and they will buy other things, such as buying property. But no matter what we have, whether we have our gold coins or we have our property, if we have an authoritarian government, that is our greatest threat.

So, I would like to think that there is no perfect protection, other than shrinking the size and scope and power of government, so that we can be left alone and take care of ourselves.

(Note: this interview was recorded before the NSA/PRISM developments were reported.)

Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Dr. Ron Paul (19m:37s):

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

"But no matter what we have, whether we have our gold coins or we have our property, if we have an authoritarian government, that is our greatest threat."  I think it would behoove each of us to read that several times.
In 2007 I stumbled onto a man named Dr. Ron Paul and my voyage of discovery began. I am a little embarrassed that it was later in my life than it should have been. His thoughts opened my mind and when I came across "" I was ready for that message.

My life is dramatically different now and I have made major changes in it thanks to these two men.

Thanks Dr. M for the great interview.

What a welcome surprise to see an interview with Dr. Ron Paul here on Peak Prosperity!
I've followed him over the last several years: donated money to his campaign, even voted for him in 2008 (primary) and in 2012 (write-in).

I don't agree with everything Dr. Paul supports or says. But I do support his goals of liberty and small government, living within our means, saving, and an end to the Federal Reserve. And, he is one of the few - like Bernie Sanders - who stick to their guns. He didn't sell out.

Ultimately, seeing Ron Paul in the 2008 and 2012 elections, seeing him questioning Ben Bernanke… that is important for our country.

Because he's right. There is going to be a collapse of our currency. Things are going to get worse. And no one will be able to say stupid platitudes like "We didn't know!" or "We had no idea that this would happen!" or "No one warned us!" Dr. Ron Paul, more than anyone else in the national consciousness, has done for us what Paul Revere did for the Minutemen. This nation has no excuses left.


The podcast mentions that young people are getting a worse deal than baby boomers.  Entitlements are frequently mentioned as a boon to baby boomers and drain on resources of the young.
I'd like to present a counter point.

There are baby boomers, like me, who have contributed very large sums of money into Social Security for decades.  The last time I checked, my contributions and those of my employer on my behalf, totalled North of $250,000.  

For me, Social Security is not an "entitlement" that I am counting on, but for some reason don't deserve.  It is in fact a ponzy scheme that has been knowingly forced on me by the federal government over my entire adult life.  We have known for well over a decade that we would not receive Social Security benefits over our entire retirement and yet the money continued to be deducted from our paychecks.

I could live with not getting any social security payments during retirement if I could just count on reasonable earnings on the savings I have painfully accumulated over decades.  An interest rate 1% over inflation would allow me to live frugally, but comfortably.  Now, thanks to the fed, I cannot even count on reaonable interest on savings.

I can still put in a solid days work.  However, I have reached an age where I can envision a day when I will no longer be able to do that.  We will face the coming crisis without the energy of the younger generation and with our life savings devalued to be inadequate to meet our needs.

I feel for the younger generation as well, but we are all in the same sinking ship.  I'd argue, however, that we are all getting a raw deal.

Finally, many of us baby boomers were against insane government spending and the endless war against the rest of the globe.  Our entire generation is not to blame for the problems we face today.  Our votes and letters to congress have done about as much good as the votes and letters of any other generation.


Nice to hear your electronic voice again here, Bob.  I missed you.


Ron Paul is the only american politician that ive ever liked. There are no stinklines on him like the rest.
I think he was your last hope.

Here's my favorite American today.   IMO, you won't find many as impressive in their bravery, patriotism and thoughtfulness as this guy.  He's someone I didn't know yesterday:

Chris, Adam, whoever got Dr Ron Paul on the podcast, I thank you. I've been following Dr Paul since the early 80's and have voted for or written him in for most Presidential elections since then. I think he was our only hope and I feel he could have swayed attitudes if the mainstream media agreed with his attitudes but they don't even come close. We do have John Stossel on Fox now and more Libertarian types are appearing in the media every year but it will be too little too late. Then again they appear to be able to keep this charade up forever.

I didn't know it when I posted the link to his interview above in this thread.   The more I listen to interviews with this guy, the more I'm impressed with who he is and what he's done.   The force of his act, his intelligence and who he is as a person is likely to create a significant problem for the authoritarian forces in the US government, in my opinion.

A perhaps, little known fact about Ron Paul is that he delivered thousands of babies in his district when he was an OBGYN physician. Some believe that the loyalty of those he delivered and their children and their children has kept in in office, whereas others as outspoken have met a different fate.
Like others in this thread I concur that Ron Paul is an exceptional human being and gives us a sense  of how statesmen were in ages past. He and Rand give me hope.

Except for Ron Paul I can't think of many politicians on the national level that I have confidence in to understand and be honest about our real challenges.  thanks fo rthe interview!

I would recommend reading "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larkin Rose.The use of force in human interaction is the biggest problem confronting all humanity. If you dig deep enough you will find that Ron Paul is a voluntaryist, he rejects the use of force and believes that each of us own ourselves and can do what we want as long as we leave others alone to do the same. Minding your own business is the key to freedom.

Greg,I second the recommendation on Rose's book. It is unfortunate that we are indoctrinated from infancy to "obey authority" and force is the only tool in authority's bag…

Just a few words of thanks in interviewing Dr. Paul. I should have been kicked in the rear for not believing in him a few years back. Dr. M. thanks again.

[quote=applecorona]Just a few words of thanks in interviewing Dr. Paul. I should have been kicked in the rear for not believing in him a few years back. Dr. M. thanks again.
What I admire about Ron Paul is that he never wavered in his views about the Fed, the role of government, monetary policy, fiscal policy, or wars.
Whether you agree with his positions or not, I think you have to admire a person who can spend decades in a work environment where you run counter to the culture and prevailing attitudes.  And not just a little bit, but pretty much in direct opposition sometimes, and orthogonal the rest of the time.
Persistence, conviction, and firm in his beliefs over what's right vs. what's wrong means he gets to hold his head high knowing that his principles were not compromised.
How many can say that?

The problem with RP is that he doesn't address the real issue which is the globalised corporatization.While we wring our hands about the Prism and other stasi meets reality TV style spying here, we fail to notice that the T attacks were done by those who were called to attention, yet they are quatifying 7billion people on earth. You need to ask why and the answer is the unending war is peace scenario is a cover for transnational control over sovereign states.
By not calling out the banking system and not calling out TPP the Trans Pacific Pact being drafted in secret, we are failing to understand the real dangers that get in the way of having any control over the laws in this country. RP does not take issue with rampant privatization of the public sector everywhere.
Here's my point, we have an economic model that espouses infinite growth in a world with finite resoursces and as the oil and gas get too expensive to run this show, the need for global slavery and the private ownership of the former public wealth of countries will make up for it at least in the next few years.
Since they can't stop making the guarenteed profits, they press on for more power. The wars will continue and the corps will have tribunal courts made up of corporate judges to make sure no country can sue a company for defiling it.
Please listen to :

I agree with both Chris and BeingThere. I appreciate that Paul has been very consistent in his message(s), but I also agree that he doesn't go far enough. Looking only at the US government is incredibly shortsighted. Maybe he is just picking his battle.
BeingThere, TPP is very scary. Elizabeth Warren seems to be one politician taking up where RP left off but is expanding the issues outward. This out recently:

Who knows if she'll be as consistent as RP, but she seems to be off to a good start.

…for the record, I don't align myself with any one political ideology.

I agree with Chris in appreciating Ron Paul's consistently strong counter-mainstream views on the Fed, civil rights, endless deficit-spending, absurd US war entanglements and many other issues.   As I've posted elsewhere, though, I very much disagree with RP and the general libertarian philosophy that the only problem is big government, and that we'd be okay if we just let the free market work its magic - that far from covers it, and in fact, a weak government with no power to regulate free markets and enforce laws opens the field for a major source of repression.  As per gillbilly and BeingThere, corporate dominance and cartels now are evolving to become uber-versions of the traditional crime families and feudal lords that have historically dominated crony-based, non-democratic societies.  To me, they're a key reality and concern today, and you actually need a gov't with some power to represent ordinary people to oppose them - otherwise the non-insiders, & the non-wealthy will be steamrolled.     I donated repeatedly to Elizabeth Warren's campaign, and so far I feel like I'm getting my money's worth - this link below is about her recent letter to the Fed, the SEC and the Justice Dept., basically, asking why they never prosecuted the banks during the financial crisis.   Of course, we'll only get mumbling for an answer, but putting pressure on these folks, which now too often simply act as agents of the wealthy, is important.
Like you, gillbilly, I also don't align myself with any one political ideology…

Another issue I forgot to mention before:
If there is no regulation there are no checks and balances to stop monopoly, and crony capitalism. In other words those on the right are fighting the idea of government but have failed to point out what fascism means and when the government sees the special interests as clients. (instead of we the people)
Just saying that government should not provide a safety net is easy, but in fact RP's political manager from his first run for president died of pneumonia in his 40's  at a time that he was going through  a divorce and wasn't paying into health insurance. This is a tragic death that didn't have to happen.
Imagine a first world country that has widespread diseases that anyone could get and all kinds of conditions we haven't seen in generations because we don't see ourselves as in a shared society.

The fact is we have people on the top that have profits guanteed to them. The sovereign welath funds that Morgan Chase  arranged for wealthy arabs on our hhighways and parking meters are guranteed to make a profit and yet we are not to be guarnateed on our social safety net that we pay for with every check we earn.
The libertarian thinking is too simplistic. At the same time Lloyd Blankfein was being interviewed by a gaggle of reporters on the street and he turned around and said, "The American people will have to live without their entitlements"
Who's he and why is he entitled to say that? Does he want the ss trust under his auspices? —That's my theory and I'm sticking with it.

"and in fact, a weak government with no power to regulate free markets and enforce laws opens the field for a major source of repression.  "
and in fact, a strong government with absolute power to regulate markets and enforce laws opens the field for a major source of repression.  

" regulate free markets " sounds like an oxy-moron to me.