Russia Did It!

Hello Chris,
I’m sorry to bastardise your post with concision, but needs must : -

cmartenson wrote:
I think we'd all like to believe, deep down, that something as serious as a war would not be conjured up 'just because' and then be 'justified' using completely fabricated evidence, but that view, nice as it is, does not comport with history. Sometimes you just have to fit the facts around the policy. The policy right now is "demonize Russia." What the ultimate purpose of that policy is, or what it seeks to achieve, remain open questions. However the risk such a policy entails is war, and whether that's intentionally achieved or an accidental by-product of clumsy policy aims is irrelevant.
As you are qualified and aware : -
Neurotoxins are toxins that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue. Neurotoxins are an extensive class of exogenous chemical neurological insults that can adversely affect function in both developing and mature nervous tissue. The term can also be used to classify endogenous compounds, which, when abnormally contacted, can prove neurologically toxic.
As you're also aware : -
Mother Nature is a serial killer. No one's better. More creative. But like all serial killers, she can't help the urge to want to get caught. What good are all those brilliant crimes if no one takes the credit? So she leaves crumbs. Now, the hard part, why you spend a decade in school, is seeing the crumbs for the clues they are. Sometimes the thing you thought was the most brutal aspect, turns out to be the chink in its amour. And she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths. She's a bitch.
But, suppose I just stopped right there and removed the urge to plagiarise Wikipedia and film quotes. Humour me instead by drawing upon the body politique, and how it is played out as public concensus with help from a 53 year old film script of The Spy Who Came in from the Cold : -
John Le Carre wrote:
What was my part in all this? I want to know. You were a pawn in the plot. London knew it was no good just killing Fiedler. If he'd been killed, people would've started asking by whom and why. Maybe he'd told friends he suspected Mundt. Maybe he'd left notes, incriminating notes. London had to eliminate suspicion. Public rehabilitation, that's what they organized for Mundt. I was sent to discredit him. He was sent to discredit me. And love? We made it very easy for them. They used us. They cheated us both because it was necessary. Fiedler was nearly home already. If it hadn't been for us, Mundt would have been killed. They were bloody clever. All the way down the line they were bloody clever. Clever? They were foul! How can you turn the world upside down? What rules are you playing? There's only one rule. Expediency. Mundt gives London what it needs, so Fiedler dies and Mundt lives. It was a foul, foul operation, but it paid off. Who for? What the hell do you think spies are? Moral philosophers measuring everything they do against the word of God or Karl Marx? They're not. They're just a bunch of seedy, squalid bastards like me. Little men, drunkards, queers, henpecked husbands ... civil servants playing cowboys and Indians to brighten their rotten little lives. Do you think they sit like monks in a cell, balancing right against wrong? Yesterday I would have killed Mundt because I thought him evil and an enemy. But not today. Today he's evil and my friend. London needs him. They need him so that the great, moronic masses you admire so much ... can sleep soundly in their flea-bitten beds again. They need him for the safety of ordinary, crummy people like you and me. You killed Fiedler! How big does a cause have to be before you kill your friends? What about your Party? There's a few million bodies on that path.
Art, immitating life, immitating art ?? : -
Or ?? : -
Or maybe ?? : - Bank of Credit and Commerce International With ?? : - The Sandstorm Report
In accordance with your letter of instruction of 4 March 1991 we have prepared a report on these irregularities and related matters which have come to our attention during the course of our work. This comprised work in connection with the audit of team, which included partners and staff of Price Waterhouse, review of correspondence and other files previously held by and interviews with senior management. Many of the findings summarised on this report arise from examination of documentation and interviews with former management by members of the investigation team. Whilst the findings are inevitably based on incomplete information, and certain details have not been corroborated, we believe that the enclosed report provides a fair reflection of what has occurred, although detailed analyses of specific transactions given in this report should be treated with care. Work by the investigation team is continuing and it is expected that many of the matters reported will be refined further as this work progresses.
What weapons are being used ?? Are all of us looking in the wrong direction ?? Finn

Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals by John Gray pdf

The Death of Tragedy - page 97 Hegel wrote that tragedy is the collision of right with right. It is true that there is tragedy when weighty obligations are irreconcilably at odds, for then whatever we do contains wrong. Even so, tragedy has nothing to do with morality. As a recognisable genre, tragedy begins with Homer, but tragedy was not born in the songs we read today in the Iliad . It came into the world with the masked figures, hybrids of animals and gods, who celebrated the cycle of nature in archaic festivals. Tragedy was born in the chorus that sang the mythic life and death of Dionysos. According to Gimbutas liturgical use of masked participants, the thiasotes or tragedy led ultimately to their appearance on the stage and to the birth of tragedy. Tragedy is born of myth, not morality. Prometheus and Icarus are tragic heroes. Yet none of the myths in which they appear has anything to do with moral dilemmas. Nor have the greatest Greek tragedies. If Euripides is the most tragic of the Greek playwrights, it is not because he deals with moral conflicts but because he understood that reason cannot be the guide of life. Euripides rejected the belief that; Socrates made the basis of philosophy that, as Dodds puts it, 'moral, like intellectual error, can arise only from a failure to use the reason we possess; and that when it does arise it must, like intellectual error, be curable by intellectual process.' Like Homer, Euripides was a stranger to the faith that knowledge, goodness and happiness are one and the same. For both, tragedy came from the encounter of human will with fate. Socrates destroyed that archaic view of things. Reason enabled us to avoid disaster, or else it showed that dis­aster does not matter. This is what Nietzsche meant when he wrote that Socrates caused the death of tragedy. The pith of tragedy is not the collision of right with right. There is tragedy when humans refuse to submit to circum­stances that neither courage nor intelligence can remedy. Tragedy befalls those who have wagered against the odds. The worth of their goals is irrelevant. The life of a petty criminal can be tragic, while that of a world statesman may be petty. In our time, Christians and humanists have come together to make tragedy impossible. For Christians, tragedies are only blessings in disguise: the world - as Dante put it - is a devine comedy; there is an afterlife in which all tears be wiped away. For humanists, we can look forward to a time when all people have the chance of a happy life; in the meantime, tragedy is an edifying reminder of how we can thrive misfortune. But it is only in sermons or on the stage that human beings are ennobled by extremes of suffering. Varlam Shalamo according to the gulag survivor Gustaw Herling a writer before whom all the gulag literati, Solzhenitsyn included, must bow their head, was first arrested in 1929 when he was only twenty-two and still a law student at Moscow University. He was sentenced to three years hard labour in Solovki, an island that had been converted from an Orthodox monastery into a Soviet concentration camp. In 1937 he was again arrested and sentenced to five years in Kolyma, in northeastern Siberia. At a conservative estimate, around a million people perished in these Arctic camps and one third or more of the prisoners died each year. Shalamov spent seventeen years in Kolyma. His book Kolima Tales is written in a spare, Chekhovian style, with none of the didactic tones of Solzhenitsyn works. Yet in occasional terse asides, and between the lines, there is a message: whoever thinks that he can behave differently has never touched the true bottom of life; he has never had to breathe his last in a world without heroes. Kolyma was a place which morality had ceased to exist. In what Shalamov drily called literary fairy tale, deep human bonds are forged under the pressure of tragedy and need; but in fact no tie of friendship or sympathy was strong enough to survive life in Kolyma: If tragedy and need brought people together and gave birth to their friendship, then the need was not extreme and the tragedy not great, Shalamov wrote. With meaning drained from their lives, it might seem that the prisoners had no reason to go on; but most were too weak to seize the chances that came from time to time to end their lives in a way they had chosen: There are times when a man has to hurry so as not to lose his will to die. Broken by hunger and cold, they moved insensibly to a senseless death. Shalamov wrote: There is much there that a man should not know, should not see, and if he does see it, it is better for him to die. After his return from the camps, he spent the remainder of his life refusing to forget what he had seen. Describing his journey back to Moscow, he wrote: It was as if I had just awakened from a dream that had lasted for years. And suddenly I was afraid and felt a cold sweat from on my body. I was frightened by the terrible strength of man, his desire and ability to forget. I realised I was ready to forget everything, to cross out twenty years of my life. And when I understood this, I conquered myself, I knew I would not permit my memory to forget everything that I had seen. And I regained my calm and fell asleep.

You don’t believe the Russia hacked the elections? Caused Catalonia to vote for separation? Destabilized the united states by fanning discord? Killed hundreds at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas?
OK, well they are going to attack the power grid!!! Be afraid.
UK Spy Agencies Warn Power Companies To Brace for Crippling Russian Cyberattack

Hi sand_puppy,
The EIA state that : -

As of December 31, 2016, there were about 8,084 power plants in the United States that have operational generators with nameplate electricity generation capacities of at least 1 megawatt (MW). A power plant may have one or more generators, and some generators may use more than one type of fuel.
That's an awful lot of infrastructure to protect. However : -
Stuxnet is a malicious computer worm, first uncovered in 2010 by Kaspersky Lab. Thought to have been in development since at least 2005, Stuxnet targets SCADA systems and was responsible for causing substantial damage to Iran's nuclear program. Although neither country has openly admitted responsibility, the worm is believed to be a jointly built American/Israeli cyberweapon.
Maybe it'll be a home goal then ?? : -
... and we all know who Michael Hayden is : - NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07) Finn
sand_puppy wrote:
You don't believe the Russia hacked the elections? Caused Catalonia to vote for separation? Destabilized the united states by fanning discord? Killed hundreds at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas? OK, well they are going to attack the power grid!!! Be afraid. UK Spy Agencies Warn Power Companies To Brace for Crippling Russian Cyberattack
Came here to post this link. SP is on the case...

Tick, tock, tick, tock…

Viva – Sager

I have a fair amount of New York liberals in my circles and all of them seem to be buying hook, line and sinker that Russians are pretty much behind everything bad in this world. To those I keep reminding one factual thing: the level of population control a given leader possesses. An example of this is: Kim’s control of the North Koreans > Xi’s control of the Chinese > Putin’s control of the Russians > Erdogan’s control of the Turks. None of the four are, of course, particularly nice people. But then again, very few Western leaders are particularly nice people either. Of course the Russian government wants to influence other governments and they even may have the tools and valid motives to do so, but more than that it seems to me that many Western countries - the US in particular - would strongly benefit from having a demon to destroy. Even if this never leads to physical warfare, just the relentless bashing of Russians may lead up to renegade groups within that country - that Putin, again, has very poor control over - to act out in a way that would certainly not be in the West’s interest. Just remember what happened after the Soviet Union collapsed and a lot of Russian men started drinking themselves to death, since they couldn’t fathom their loss of status. Imagine if this time, instead of drinking themselves to death, the Russians just start to indiscriminately hack Western utilities, financial infrastructure and defense systems. Safe to say, the West’s current behavior is at best very foolish indeed…

So does Russia have a Rothschild central bank?

Citing the usual “unnamed officials” ABC goes with this story citing 100% unnamed sources (again, this is my go-to identifier for a story that is complete bollocks):

U.K. officials now have a clearer picture of just how the attack was conducted, sources said. They believe the nerve agent was used in a dust-like powdered form and that it circulated through the vents of Skripal’s BMW. Three intelligence officials told ABC News that the Russian military origin and the nature of the substance, a “dusty” organophosphate, are clear to them. “It is a Cold War substance, something they claimed never to have,” one senior intelligence official said of Russia to ABC News. Sources said the substance is derived from G- and V-series agents in the 1970s, which are akin to the Novichok nerve agent. The intelligence officials told ABC News up to 38 individuals in Salisbury have been identified as having been affected by the nerve agent but the full impact is still being assessed and more victims sickened by the agent are expected to be identified (Source)
The flaws here are numerous: 1) How could the Skripals be ‘dosed’ in their cars through the air vents, meaning an aerosol route of administration (which leads to effects and/or death in mere minutes, not hours) yet wander around from 1:45 to 4:15? 2) How could Nick Bailey get exposed to enough to render him incapacitated while none of the other first responders reported any ill effects? Also, if there was enough on them to transfer to Mr Bailey, then why were they not found dead or slumped in their vehicle? 3) Why do these unnamed sources now spout off about V and G series organophosphates, which are entirely different classes from each other and neither of which are novochoks? This greatly confuses the story line about what was used. 4) Where are these 38 stricken people? The local hospital reported exactly zero beyond the three we know about. This is one terrible piece of reporting on a lot of levels. Looks like disinformation to me, but not very well crafted. I'd place my money on a cub reporter for ABC being taken in by some individual without any actual clearances or insider knowledge. This all seems rather poorly gleaned from old news reports that have since been tightened up.

I think that I recognize the style and content of the BMW-Novochok story quoted above from ABC. Just about the same as the Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting. Creative and imaginative without any attempt to be coherent.
Probably the same guy or guys.

Nothing subtle about this frame up! The always execrable Nikki Haley explicitly connecting Syria and Skripal. New false flag gas attack(s) in Syria coming right up.

Nikki Haley wrote:
Source U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley compared the Skripal attack to North Korea’s use of a nerve agent to assassinate the half-brother of dictator Kim Jong-un — a murder that resulted in the designation of North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. She linked the Salisbury incident to the increasingly-regular use of chemical weapons, especially in Syria, and urged Russia to “come clean” about the assassination attempt.
“The Russians complained recently that we criticize them too much,” she said. “If the Russian government stopped using chemical weapons to assassinate its enemies; and if the Russian government stopped helping its Syrian ally to use chemical weapons to kill Syrian children; and if Russia cooperated with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons by turning over all information related to this nerve agent, we would stop talking about them. We take no pleasure in having to constantly criticize Russia, but we need Russia to stop giving us so many reasons to do so.”
Our "leaders" running this travesty are truly evil and dangerous. Mememonkey

Crazy that one of the world’s greatest scientists and mathematicians actually wound up dying on Pi Day. I know he died over night, but wouldn’t it be amazing if he died at 1:59 am?

Was born on Pi day. Stephen Hawking died on Pi day. Nature is messing with us.

When you make a distraction it is for a purpose, what are we not to see?My distraction radar has just turn on!No more of look over here,see me,see me,now I look for what somebody else don’t want to see.

sand_puppy wrote:
You don't believe the Russia hacked the elections? Caused Catalonia to vote for separation? Destabilized the united states by fanning discord? Killed hundreds at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Vegas? OK, well they are going to attack the power grid!!! Be afraid. UK Spy Agencies Warn Power Companies To Brace for Crippling Russian Cyberattack
Alternatively, the UK Spy Agencies issued the warning as a further attempt to make Russia look like the antagonist in this drama. I can't see why Russia would want to start a war with a country that spends 10 times as much on military as they do.

What Ponies, those are comedians!

Mohammed Mast wrote:
So does Russia have a Rothschild central bank?
There is some contention. Tyler Durden at had this to say back in March 2017 : -
Will there be economic wars, or outright World War III? Nobody knows for sure, but things could get very tense very quickly. Already, loose allegations are flying at an unprecedented rate. Somebody wants to egg this thing on. Russia under Putin has seen a significant challenge to a world order that has, for some time, been ultimately controlled by the central banking elite. The Rothschild presence in Russia has been challenged; Soros-front NGOs have been kicked out, and it seems that only all out war will ever settle these power plays for the dominance or death of the U.S. petrodollar, which is ultimately controlled by the same few hands that steer and control the central banks of nearly all the world’s nations. Only by stealth and monotony have these activities remained in the shadows. Indeed, the only countries left on the map which have not yielded to yoke of the central bank are the countries that are most at threat of being drawn into war: Syria Iran North Korea Cuba
The Creature from Jeckyll Island by G. Edward Griffin pdf. Read chapter 6 - Building the New World Order - it'll give clarity, with his opening : -
The Game-Called-Bailout reexamined and shown to be far more than merely a means of getting taxpayers to foot the cost of bad loans; the final play revealed as the merger of all nations into world government; the unfolding of that strategy as applied to Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, China, Eastern Europe, and Russia.
I suspect the true leveller would begin back through an even clearer history - roughly 1890 to 1917. Caroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope pdf, read chapter 3, The Russian Empire to 1917, where I quote : -
Such ideas, as we shall see, did not die out with the passing of the Romanov autocracy in 1917, but became even more influential, merging with the Leninist revision of Marxism to provide the ideology of Soviet Russia after 1917.
Just for a giggle though, here's a quote from the Russian agency for Rothschild&co :-
Rothschild Global Advisory has had an on-the-ground presence in Russia for over a decade. We provide impartial, expert advisory and execution services to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. Our Moscow team offers local clients the full range of our advisory services and holds an in-depth understanding of local and regional dynamics, and unparalleled high-level and government access supported by our senior advisers. Wider regional coverage is supported by a long-standing partnership in Ukraine. This deep experience of Russian markets has resulted in, and is supported by, our track record in advising on many of the country's largest, most complex, and precedent-setting transactions.
Ironically, their address is : -
4, bld. 2, Romanov lane 125009 Moscow Russia Tel: +7 495 775 8221

We Are One False Flag Event Away From World War 3 (Caitlin Johnstone)

This preparation has been necessary. If in 2015 we westerners were told by our Washington overlords that a war against the loose coalition of Iran, Russia and China was now unavoidable because of some new traumatic event, the public would have said “No, fuck off, we’re not doing that.” It really would have been a case of they had a war and nobody came. The illusion would have been shattered, trust in the establishment broken, trust in the media propaganda machine never to be restored again, and a wide open door for us all to throw off the machinations of existing power structures and build something new and healthy. So they’ve needed to prep us, and they have been doing so with remarkable success. Prior to the end of 2016 the average American rarely even thought about Russia, almost never thought about Vladimir Putin, and had no idea what a Kremlin was. Now hatred for Russia is at the forefront of consciousness in mainstream America, and now infected the UK as well and is quickly metastasizing throughout Australia and Europe. The wood has been slowly dried for some major future event, and a false flag event will be like a lit match on the kindling. The media will pick it up and run with it full-throttle, and people will be herded by fear toward the war door.

Thanks, good article. But:

We need to start sowing the seeds of doubt now, though, to inoculate as many people as possible from a future military psyop. Let people know what John Bolton is, tell them about PNAC, about America’s history of using lies, propaganda and false flags to manufacture support for military operations.
Good luck. I've seen incredible resistance to people accepting that their own government did it even in the face of irrefutably blatant evidence.

Thanks, good article. But:

We need to start sowing the seeds of doubt now, though, to inoculate as many people as possible from a future military psyop. Let people know what John Bolton is, tell them about PNAC, about America’s history of using lies, propaganda and false flags to manufacture support for military operations.
Good luck. I've seen incredible resistance to people accepting that their own government did it even in the face of irrefutably blatant evidence.