Russia Did It!

Breaking News. 3Apr. Sky News
Porton Down experts confirm they are unable to confirm ‘Novichok’ nerve agent came from Russia or establish it’s country of origin!…
What a surprise!

RHuk wrote:
Breaking News. 3Apr. Sky News Porton Down experts confirm they are unable to confirm 'Novichok' nerve agent came from Russia or establish it's country of origin! What a surprise!
Yes, what a complete surprise! Of course they couldn't and we knew that here weeks ago of course. So the bottom line is that the UK plus all of NATO kicked out Russian ambassadors based on the idea that it must have been Russia because, well, that seems like the sort of thing we'd like to think Russia does. Meanwhile the story of when and how the Skripals got poisoned continues to drift along into more and more absurd propositions. Today’s most recent and whacky idea is that they were poisoned through some porridge type cereal. I kid you not, this is what they are now saying. Caitlin Johnstone put it well in a recent article:
We’ve been told that the Novichok was planted in Yulia Skripal’s suitcase. We were told that it was administered via the air vents in their car. We were told that it was delivered by a weaponized miniature drone. We were told that the Novichok was smeared on the family’s car door handle. Now it’s either the house door or Russian buckwheat cereal, depending on who you’re reading. Isn’t that interesting? Isn’t it so very, very interesting how the people investigating this attack still don’t know their asses from their elbows when it comes to any aspect of the case, but it is absolutely beyond question that the Russian government was definitely with 100 percent certainty responsible for the poisoning? (Source)
Yep. They have no idea when, where or how the poison was administered, but it must have been Russia all right! Here’s the silly news:
Police have questioned a woman who brought over a £1 bag of Sergei Skripal's favourite cereal from Russia after being asked by his daughter Yulia. Her father had asked her to bring her buckwheat back from Moscow while on her trip but Ms Skripal, 33, forgot it. She instead asked an unnamed woman who was flying back separately to bring over the Russian-style breakfast, according to The Sun. The woman, who works for a major medical company in Russia, has been 'interrogated' by Scotland yard over the presents. A source told the Sun: 'Police had suspected gifts from Yulia to her father might have contained the Novichok nerve agent.' (Source)
Okay, so the very next thing they are going to have to drop from this story is the idea of “military grade” because there’s no way you can get dosed at home via cereal and then wander about for many more hours afterwards. Next, the case of DS Bailey gets curiouser and curiouser. He got poisoned somehow. If not helping the Skripals on the bench, and then also not later at their car, but then even later maybe at their house by the front door handle, he would now have to have been poisoned in their house. I guess that would make DS Bailey…Goldilocks? He must have entered their house without a warrant and, what… tried the porridge? How and what was he doing in their house in the first moments after thier poisoning? Can anybody explain that? If he did sample the porridge, well, to be fair, it does look inviting from the packaging... Also, to belabor the obvious (which seems to be evading the UK's finest) oral administration of a nerve agent would strike within a minute…maybe two, tops. Further, how could there have been just enough “military grade” nerve agent in the porridge to sicken but not kill? This all continues to stink to high heaven, but that’s the world in which we now live. Logic, reason, and integrity no longer exist within the halls of power, same as such attributes utterly being missing from the financial “”markets.””

I too have seen at least one individual enter a state of mild panic when faced with the proposition that what his government was telling him did not agree with the facts. (I’ll spare you the details.) His only defence strategy was to repeatedly and loudly say, “I DON’T GO IN FOR CONSPIRACY THEORIES.” Another triumph for brainwashing.
We need a real crisis to alter behaviour. But even after the crisis has gone, changes in behaviour are usually temporary and people seek to return to their beloved status quo with all celerity.
A crisis is apparently being manufactured for us, and I await unhappily for its revelation.

ezixq1949 wrote:

We need a real crisis to alter behaviour.
I'm more pessimistic. I think the only crisis big enough to wake most people up will be a die-off of at least a half billion people worldwide. Even then we may not draw the right lessons from it. The wrong people will be out in the midst of the crisis/die-off putting their spin on the disaster so as to acquire more power and wealth to themselves. Look, I've seen enough spy movies to know this is a manufactured crisis! Normally, even if we had proof the Russians did it (and we may) we wouldn't want to let them know HOW we knew. So we would respond proportionately and in a similar manner: we'd assassinate someone important to them and do it in a way that no one could prove we did it, but they'd suspect us. BTW has anyone noticed how many Russian diplomats and important citizens have been suddenly dying in the last year, usually from causes we could have secretly caused ourselves (the ever present heart attack)? Maybe we're being retaliated against for one or more of those. Nevertheless, the British and US response has been calculated to be much more public and much more out of proportion than spycraft tradition would indicate. Why? Unfortuntely, we're about to find out, and I'm sure we're going to regret it. "Welcome to the Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor."

Now that Porton Down has decided to preserve its own authority at the expense of the lying pair Boris Johnson and Theresa May, things are about to get interesting.
As noted on Zerohedge this morning, the UK Foreign Office has quietly deleted this tweet:

They had to delete the Tweet because Porton Down recently said, unequivocally, that they could not determine “where the Novichok was made.”
The UK FCO has not yet deleted this tweet, but that should be expected shortly:

What’s the difference between “no doubt” and “we have no idea where it was made”?
Well, everything, especially when the largest diplomatic confrontation with a major nuclear super power in our lifetimes was the response.
This was beyond inept and was a criminal act by Theresa May, Boris Johnson, and every one of their allies.
It was outright lying to advance a dangerous political agenda. In other words; terrorism.
Hey, if we’re going to be calling everyone who does something even slightly, possibly damaging to the state a terrorist, then the same moniker has to apply to those whose deceitful actions could lead to the complete destruction of the state.
Fair is fair.
Current UK “leadership” is as embarassing as any in the world right now.

So they are just liars.
Theresa and Boris have taken the lead in a widespread and coordinated effort to create an ‘alternate reality’ in the western mind through the use of deception. Not just “spin” but with the actual fabrication of facts. Facts without supporting evidence and clear contradictions. Facts so weak and incomplete that anyone who looks at the topic for even a few moments is uncomfortable.
Participants in the lie include the governments of all of the nations that have expelled Russian diplomats, the silent intelligence agencies, all news reporters and op-ed writers who have gone with this story and failed to point out the breathtaking stupidity of this flimsy story.
Unlike the tremendously well organized false flag of 9/11, these latest deceptions are pretty lame. They don’t seem to have nearly the breadth of preparation needed to pull off the world class deception that they are attempting. Like “The dog ate my homework,” the story is conspicuously flimsy.
How are these events decided on? How do we get multiple national governments, media outlets, intelligence agencies together on a single page, even such a conspicuously stupid page as the Salisbury incident.
How is the transnational deep state organized?

Trump Tweet from ZH this morning:

"We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented the US.
So that is the mistake. "They" may have held high office in the US government but "they" did NOT represent the US people. The represented the oligarchy. They are not foolish nor incompetent, (probably many were brilliant), just that they were pursuing goals different from the ones stated.

This is a rather apt summary from an otherwise very legit and informative breakdown of the technical and logical issues behind proving the provenance of the alleged Nerve agent in the Skripal poisoning. Worth a read.

Sushi for the Saker blog wrote: In the beginning of March a man and his daughter were sitting on a park bench in Wiltshire when they were impaled by a unicorn. Theresa May claims the unicorn was Russian and was sent by “Bad Vlad.” Thirty eight years ago the U.S.S.R had a program that is rumoured to have bred unicorns but these were all destroyed when the U.S.S.R collapsed. A Mr. Mirzayanov, who claims to be the government in exile of Tatar wrote a book which contains images of unicorns. Because of the passage of time all of the original unicorns are dead. The breeding stables were dismantled and shipped to the USA in the 1990s. When evidence of these unicorns was presented to the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW it was discounted as speculative. No one has seen the unicorn that impaled the man and his daughter in the middle of Salisbury. It is believed that the unicorn may have been hidden in the air vents of their car, or dropped from a drone. The British Foreign minister has categorically stated that unicorns exist because “I asked the guy and he said yes.” The Prime Minister has nudged the world closer to WWIII by leading a global demand for sanctions against “bad Vlad” and his unicorn attacks against the UK. No other plausible explanation exists. If you wrote this up as a movie script it would be rejected as no audience would accept the premise.

“An Ambassador is an honest man sent abroad to tell lies for his country.” — Sir Henry Wotton, English author and diplomat, 1568-1639.
He also advised us to “Tell the truth, and so puzzle and confound your adversaries.” Wow! What splendid advice! Wouldn’t an outbreak of truth-telling be so baffling, confounding and amazing! Can’t you just imagine the distress of the MSM and others if the word of government representatives could actually be trusted and taken at face value?
But no. I observe that we in all our various nations are and have long been governed by those who prove themselves to be liars, the fathers of lies, and the truth is not in them.

If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn’t have a job if he was any smarter.- John Gotti

British police find Putin’s passport at scene of Salisbury poison attack (The Postillon)

Salisbury (dpo) - Last doubts over Russia's guilt in poisoning former spy Sergei Skripal have been eliminated. As the British government announced today, the passport of Russian president Vladimir Putin was found at the scene in Salisbury. According to Prime Minister Theresa May, the passport was only now found in another search of the scene, as it had been hidden under a fallen leaf. “Russia has 24 hours to extradite Vladimir Putin for questioning in London”, according to a statement issued by the British government. “Refusal will be taken as admission of guilt.”