Russia threatens to cut off fuel to Europe

Russia may cut off oil supplies to Europe (August 29 - MarketWatch)

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Russian oil companies are reportedly under orders from the Kremlin to prepare for a supply cut to Germany and Poland through the Druzhba pipeline, the Daily Telegraph reported Friday citing an anonymous source. The Telegraph reported that it's believed that executives from oil major Lukoil have been put on weekend alert.

"They have been told to be ready to cut off supplies as soon as Monday," an unnamed, high-level business source told the Telegraph. Any move would be timed to coincide with an emergency European Union summit in Brussels, where possible sanctions against Russia are on the agenda, the Telegraph reported. Tensions between Russia and the West have escalated sharply in recent weeks following the military conflict between Russia and Georgia that broke out earlier this month.


In the US, the most important bit of news is the selection of a VP running mate for McCain. In Europe, it happens to be that you might freeze solid this winter. I am simply stunned that this bit of news was relegated to a news blurb in the US.

The way I see this, there has been a steady acceleration of the war of words between Russia and the US over the Georgian conflict. Russia has a very strong case for feeling aggrieved by US actions in Georgia, and I am certain that most of Europe would rather not be caught in between. For example, Russia found US military equipment and claims that US advisors were on the ground assisting Georgian forces at the onset of the conflict. Further, the US airlifted 3,000 Georgian troops from Iraq directly to Georgia when the conflict broke. And so on and so forth.

I don’t claim to have any better insight to this conflict; only the observation that it has steadily grown worse diplomatically, and I think this has the chance of turning into something worse. My suspicions only grow stronger with the apparent disparity between the US and European reporting of the events.

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