Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

Based on the released footage the guy ran across the roof that he accessed from the 2nd story where the sniper team were. There is a witness that saw them observing the guy on the roof and doing nothing. 2nd story were the lookouts organising the shooters, then manipulating the evidence such as swapping the real gun over for Crook’s gun, and adding shell casing. The first 3 shots were taken from the 3rd window from right on ground level. We can see the window is open a fraction of a second before the 1st shot and partially photoshopped out. However the open window frame is visible, just like it appears in the new sniper position shots from FOX

The gun that was just shown of Fox has a short barrel, not something a counter-sniper would be using (from an hidden location nethertheless). I’m pretty sure its Code for “We Know!”


Are there videos of the police officer taking the shot? Hundreds of people were filming in that direction.


We did the same thing with COVID and probably dozens of “approved” medications. The FDA and CDC would not do it so private individuals had to do it. This is just more the same corrupt government and agencies that have lost the trust of the public.

It’s really strange with every single government agency goes to the dark side. I think it is end of empire behavior.


Good morning Chris and tribe. it is Kerry Bryan from the UK. I am enjoying your analysis of the trump shooting, but I have to mention that everything is kicking off here in the UK. I have just watched a very good documentary covering the corruption in the UK’s government and agencies, and the persecution of the UK’s equivalent of Chris Martinson, who is Tommy Robinson. his documentary is quite lengthy so I would say start watching it if it doesn’t keep you watching to the end turn it off. it is very in Lightning his documentary is called Silenced. here is the link:-


Dr. Martenson: I swear I heard you request more videos of the Trump Rally, but now I can’t find the email address you mentioned. I was at the rally. I have a video from the time Trump came on stage through the 9th shot (then I hit the stop button because I was planning my exit out of there!) I was about 20.feet behind the media / light box, standing in the field. The video itself is a little blurry but the audio is pretty good (no one is screaming around me). Let me know if you want it.


We definitely want this! You can post it here or in the Audio & Video of the Assassination Attempt thread. If it’s too big to upload here, you can email it to and we’ll get it over to Chris. The original source file is best.

Good move!



Thank you @kerrybryan for sharing this video. I am a huge fan of Tommy Robinson for around 25 years around the time of 9/11. I consider Tommy to be a personal hero. I will certainly watch it all and share it widely.

It seems to be going quite viral on its own, perhaps due to police overreach, with Tommy’s recent arrest and additional exposure. It has over 600k views in the past 3 days!


“I think the bullet hitting the railing transfered a shock into top Step of the stand.”

I like that theory. I am going to adopt it.

Further investigation needs a photo from the audience towards the stage that is square to the stage and Buildings 16, 15 and 14. I did not find such a photo. The further back away from the stage the better.

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We’re confirming this with a CAD reconstruction…so far the answer is that this is the case, which I can say with medium confidence.

But we have to nail down the locations of the bleachers and elevation with more precision if we want to move this to high confidence, which I do.


@cmartenson You probably already saw, but Fox News published a clip from James Copenhaver (one of the shooting victims) which shows the shooter running on the roof, before he bear crawled.

I wonder if it’s possible to get the original footage.

edit: Originally discovered this video due to the analysis done by jeffostroff


As an aside, considering he was running on the roof, I am trying to figure out how at least one person inside the building didn’t know there was a man on the roof.

Thank you for getting back to me. I have said before I don’t post that much being dyslexic I find composing text difficult. When I watched this video I thought I have to share it l watched 10 minutes and then I watched another 10 minutes and then another 10 minutes until I watched the entire video, it was so, engulfing of mind and emotions.

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This bothers me a lot.

But I have a serious question…what the heck is this thing?

It’s either not had its barrel snapped into place yet being a model that disassembles, or it’s not a gun at all but a weird spotting scope device, or it’s a “rifle” with a less than 12" barrel.

Does anybody know?


Absolutely! Thank you.

I’m curious, how are you and the people you know who were there thinking about this now? What’s your sense of what happened?


Very curious. I only see one person who looks to recklessly swing his rifle in plain view onto the ridge.

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Very good documentary! Highly recommended (it’s an hour 45 minutes long). Thanks for posting.
I follow Mahyar Tousi TV on YT, he’s been reporting on Tommy Robinson too. In addition he covers the happenings in London with the islamists and migration in the UK and Europe. He’s a truth seeker. He also covering what’s happening in the ME.


I don’t know. I thought I heard
the ESU guy was elevated and fired from 400 yards away. I usually listen multiple times to Chris’ videos. Only heard this one once but blood shooting through my eyes in anger clouded my already short attention span.


Regarding the comperatore video which shows Crooks(or whoever) running around and then settling, seems like the video is edited off. Who is holding the original? and why are they not releasing the entire video? Or did Cory comperatore stopped recording? Was there any further information on that? Coz if he did record all the way into the 1st bullet, it would be a better confirmation of where 1st shots came from. which also means since its edited off, they dont want us to know?

Why shoot without suppressor when you trying to take out trump in a public place where you know you got snipers ready to blow your head off? What stopped the kid from not getting a suppressor but the 90degree thing you have been talking about? Why draw attention? As a means of cover for a different sniper with subsonic to fire at the same time?


I think there was second accurate sniper however he didn’t fire because of all the witnesses near where he was setup, a window etc. Inept protection and an inept sniper kill the Trump mission, Crooks fired them all and missed from point blank range. Cullen is a distraction, he’s good but he lost me in his certainty and I’m smarter and better then you attitude. Seen it over and over and I teach entrepreneurial forensic analysis, finance, and engineering. Basic need for attention is the biggest bias. Must set that aside and look at the data only. Probability helps you understand the range of answers not the answer. This gets the range. Secret Service set this up to happen. I would interview in the Senate on TV CNN on why they were there, the photographers why were they there with high speed cameras, Sopena cell phone records, everybody and find Wash DC numbers that were active shortly before the shooting started, emails, etc. Keep gathering data. How about any strange government orders of contractors the would fit a mass chaos after Trump might have been killed, etc. Think and keep thinking while the data is hot. It’s going to get covered up in the litter box so to speak. Good stuff Chris.