Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

Originally published at: Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable – Peak Prosperity

It seems we finally have an answer to “Who took the ninth shot and from where?”

It was an ESU agent from over somewhere between the bleachers and Building 6. While I haven’t had a chance to scour the videos to see if I can confirm this, it fits with the audio data from the Stewart film which showed a distinct double impulse that would be consistent with a shot impulse coming from behind and bouncing off of the big flat building face right in from of Mr. Stewart.

If so, this means that the ESU agent is the hero of the day as that interrupted more firing, probably saving lives. They should be hailed as a quick thinking and acting person for having managed to respond appropriately in a matter of just 5.89 seconds from the first shot…which includes having to locate the shooter, decide, take and, and squeeze.

But Kim Cheatle, the cheater, took credit for SS neutralizing Crooks. She must have known the truth, yet chose to lie. Which is typical of DC and more and more people are sick and tired of the lack of care, accountability, or concern these people have about anything other than their own careers. It’s disgusting.

And now there are other SS whistleblowers coming out speaking about how corrupt and incompetent (or both) the Secret Service leadership is and has become.

Good for them. The only way to heal the rot is for good people on the inside to step up and share what they know.




All I gotta say regarding Ronald Rowe’s testimony with Hawley…

Ro Rowe! :slight_smile:


No good deed can go unpunished in Clown World. Whistleblowers will be targetted and dealt with, no matter how truthful they are to expunging the rot and corruption.
And they know it, hence how the obvious remains to be outed. High paying careers with benefits keeps many mouths firmly shut, as does the retribution.
Arkancide is well known.


Chris. Are you considering new audio evidence from Stewart video offered by Cullen for suppressed sub sonic rounds?


Somebody needs to be granted immunity, to talk?

In the live hearing today on YT, when they were discussing the communication difficulties I wrote “Walkie talkies are $17” and included an Amazon Baofeng UV5R link.


The government can buy two and save 12 cents.


Now the fact that Crooks still had a head makes sense. It wasn’t a ,308 round but some smaller caliber weapon. Disgusting behavior by Congress, FBI, and SS.


Absolutely. The best protection that we the public can give these whistleblowers is to let it be known: Any “suicides” or other suspicious deaths of local law enforcement will be considered confirmation that 7/13 was an inside job involving the SS.


Cullen is briging up some very good questions and I wish the two could kick this around, though it doesn’t seem like that is going to happen.


the shooting would never have happened if James West and Artemis Gordon had been in charge


Both you mentioned Cullen, so I wanted to make sure you guys know of his 2+ hour interview on the Darkhorse Podcast.


Short story about accountability:

Once worked at a place where the software team was in chaos. Shortly after joining, we had a client come from China to do training on our platform and software. Apparently, we were supposed to have updates ready so when they came the training would be specific to what they needed to do. I found out the software was not ready. At the time I was a software architect, so I asked the software manager who was responsible for allowing this to happen. She told me that the team was responsible. I had to hold it in, but fire was about to shoot out my ears. As politely as I could manage, I insisted that there necessarily needs to be a single person who is ultimately responsible and it was her.

Unfortunately, that lesson didn’t seem to stick as we had a few months later, clients from India who experienced the same thing.


Agreed. A team can do work but there’s a single belly button responsible. I’ve too many times seen corporate deflect blame to organizations. The “leadership team” or “committee” rather than individuals.

On new assignments i always want to know who is responsible for what. It’s amazing how often on day one they can’t answer that. Or a year later.


In Cullen’s analysis at 51:15, I believe Cullen confuses the natural auditory response of the shot with a “kinetic event” interacting with the shot. Thus he concludes the line of fire of the first shot to be along the top row. I think that is incorrect and that Chris Martenson is correct.


"Let me be clear.

*The integrity of Mission Assurance must be maintained. *
Rest assure that eventually the facts of the mission will be revealed.
Mission Assurance is of the utmost importance, and that mission assuredly is the #1 mission, and we must collectively allow Mission Assurance to unfold."

  • Kamala Obama

& -VE


Yes, that interview is how I found him. That said, as time goes bye and different information becomes available, he is slowly altering the view.


The loss of accountability & weasel nature of the US system … I worked for a US multinational for 30+ years (1984-2020), one of the wealthiest families in the US, and I personally observed and was HORRIFIED and SADDENED by a loss of accountability and a trend from responsible to WEASEL world starting around 2000-2005 and then continuing until I left in 2020. This change was personally deeply troubling and I could never understand except in the following way - it may have been caused by the super growth and expansion from a tight knit corporation into a megalithic monster. I just find it fascinating that I observed this change in a corporate space some 20 years ago. I suspected some trend at a wider level but never came to, and still have not, understood the root cause.


Dan Bongino, former secret service agent, is calling out the BS at the hearings daily on his podcast. He knows how things are supposed to work and recognizes the BS answers given by Rowe.

With every day that goes by, and with the multiple failures, I don’t see how anyone can trust the Secret Service for a good long while. And they don’t seem to care.


I am unclear. Did the local ESU officer who was standing on the ground fire a round and hit the suspected shooter in the head? There was no more firing of any kind after that shot?


No, I’m not presently. It feels like a manufactured goose chase.

I’m waiting to receive the raw files from Dave Stewart before I commit to anything that involves those lower windows. But based on what we have, they are all closed and so that’s my position until different data comes along.

But I know this. I can find you dozens of parts of various audio files that sound surprisingly like a suppressor coughing. Of course, the subsonic rounds themselves make no noise, that’s the point.

So one has to be remarkably close to a .300 blackout for it to be noticeable.

Again, Cullen is not using data, he’s using what he believes to be evidence.

People flinching is evidence, but of what? Unfortunately, that’s a matter of subjective interpretation. An audio file that “sounds like” a suppressed round isn’t data, it’s barely evidence. It’s a bright orangy-red color because there are so many artifacts that can mimic the sounds.

Running a spectral fingerprint of that sound and comparing it to a 300 blackout shot from the same location would be interesting.

Instead, we have certain pieces of data that are quite useful to follow and that’s always where we start.

Even though John proved to be enormously unpleasant to me for committing the unpardonable sin of opting not to engage with him, that’s not my biggest problem with him. It’s the trolls and bots that swarm around his. A whole lot of that energy is not organic. It’s part of the disinformation landscape and they tend to swarm most vigorously around the bad ideas.

The water tower is one example. His ‘call’ that multiple people had been shot by the same round traversing down the back row was also not correct. I took the time to find the longer tapes and tracked all of those people in the after moments and only two were injured in the upper right back stands and by separate bullets - a placement that is 100% consistent with the Building 6 shooting location.

I get far fewer bots amplifying my work because I take care to be as precise as possible, use data and then self-correct publicly and immediately when a new or better interpretation is possible.

We’re in an information war at the moment, and time spent chasing the wrong leads are very expensive to momentum and the overall victories that can be attained. And they know that.

So this is a general caution to everyone…there’s a bunch of nonsense out there and much of it has been inserted on purpose by who knows who for who knows what reasons.