Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

It’s unclear, but I suspect they did not hit Crooks. But I bet the bullet snapped by and that got his attention mighty quick.

I’m going to guess that Crooks shimmied back and tried to lay really low, causing the “one in a million” shot to actually be a pretty damn good shot, but realistically more like “1 in 4” for someone who’s really skilled.

If lying flat, Crooks’ head might have been just an inch above the transom which at 200 yards is a pretty good, but not terribly rare shot.

Which comports with the second piece of data as to why his body was ~4 feet back from the ridge. He was shot at. Stopped firing and ducked, and shimmied back miscalculating the cover provided by the non-too-slopey roof.


Thx for the response Chris. Really appreciate your approach. This isn’t my line of country but I’m a hydrogeologist and have been applying the scientific method to projects and data for over 40 years. No way this was a single shooter that threaded the needle and pulled off 8 shoots at and near Trump. But data rules.


Even dogs know that you must have the high ground, or better vantage point. I’ve noticed this behavior in my dogs, they like being in elevated areas. From

It certainly would seem that if there is a spot to climb or a high up vantage point from which to view the world, that’s where Fido wants to be…Canine behavior is most often marked by logic and good sense, so it is highly probable that there is a solid reason for this common action we see in our dogs…If you’ve spent any time “dog watching,” you’ve likely come to the conclusion that dogs like to see things from the “upper deck”…your dog has figured out that he gets more information when he attempts to view the world from a higher position [WOW, WHO KNEW?]…As with most dog behaviors, there may also be an instinctual component at play. Viewpoint was critical for dogs in the wild. Since a large portion of their energies was spent ensuring that they did not become a predator’s next meal, it was important to have a location from which they could safely view their surroundings and any potential dangers that may be headed their way. Ideally, that vantage point would be situated on higher ground as it allowed the dog to view far further than he could from level or flat ground. It is highly likely that wild dogs sought elevated positions on which to sit or stand as a vital component of their survival strategy. The behavior itself may be deeply rooted in the dog’s need for safety and security. The wild dog who lets down his guard could put the entire pack at risk…the instinct to seek higher ground to prepare against the subterfuge of an unseen enemy is very much still alive in them.

Secret Service training should include several days in Doggie Day Camp.


I’m very glad that I have followed this conversation. I had the impression that the ESU shot #9 actually hit Crooks and stopped the shooting but when I review the video, it appears that the ESU officer shot at Crooks and did not hit him but startled him and caused Crooks to retreat and stop shooting. The SS sniper finally took him out several long seconds later with a good shot.

Crooks may not be that smart but does anyone believe he actually thought that he could actually commit this attempt and escape from the scene? This seems to far-fetched even for Hollywood. I’m sure Crooks expected to die in this attempt.

I’m also of the feeling that Crooks may have thought that he had succeeded after his first shot. He saw the President go down. When Crooks paused and retreated after the first 3 better placed shots he rose again either crouching or perhaps standing but further back from the crest of the roof and rapidly fired off 5 more shots which apparently and miraculously didn’t injure seriously anyone in the crowd or the “blob” that was at least partially covering the President.

So the ESU officer startled Crooks and perhaps that’s why Crooks stopped firing? I accept that explanation. Crooks may have come with a death wish but when a bullet whizzed by him he finally realized there was no escape?


Ronald Rowe’s congressional testimony that included the expected diversionary delay tactics along with his manufactured narcissistic indignation, was all that I personally needed to hear to know that beyond a reasonable doubt, that these deep state operatives were 100% in on the planning and then the indirect implementation of Trump’s failed assassination operation.
Ronald Rowe: “I tell you that I will not rush to judgement and people will be held accountable, and I will do so with integrity and not rush to judgement and let (my) people be unfairly persecuted,”
Josh Hawley: "Unfairly persecuted? What about the people who are dead??


If there was a bullet that snapped close to his head, and he knew it, then any notion that he was part of some scheme that he would survive would be obviously out of the realm of possibilities. He had to know he would meeting God.


I’m confused by Rowe’s comments.

It’s common practice if not SOP during investigations to keep people under investigation from interfering with the investigation. A police officer would be relieved of duty or temporarily suspended (with or without pay) until the investigation completed.

Why on earth would Rowe maintain the proper thing to do is leave these people in place?

What’s to stop them from tampering with evidence after the fact, deleting computer files etc.?


In distinguishing incompetence from malevolence, never forget:

The media that never previously turned up to Trump’s rallies but did for this.
The selective shorting of Trump’s stock the day before the shooting. Who lost the most money when Trump survived is critical.
Crooks links to the FBI and BlackRock.
The claim of timely absence of SS staff from the second storey window.
The paceman-like hole in the area of threat.
The apparent disinterest in securing the roof as a crime scene, initial photographs of the roof and numbering of casings and other evidence.
The actions of Google and other social media to suppress key information from the public about the shooting such as Bourke’s involvement.

It’s not proof in a legal sense but together it is damming.

I have had reservations about how embroiled Trump has been in the New World Order regardless of the obvious corruption in Democrats. Given what we all know from Covid, if Trump really were a threat to the NWO, I would be amazed if the deep state were not up to its eye balls trying to kill him. However, there are many ways to investigate the attempted assassination and when organisations are this big and bureaucratic the chance of something failing is enormous. Persistence is key.

Distinguishing between extreme incompetence and deliberate malevolence is why I believe Chris appropriately pursued sound recordings to discover a second shooter if there were one. It seems probable there is more video evidence of Crooks shooting and being shot. Acquiring this requires a secure system which people perceive as trustworthy, and publicising this though multiple prominent channels such as those that referred to Chris’ material early on. It’s not just video footage from rally attendees that’s helpful. If there is one SS whistle blower now, rest assured there are others who the SS hierarchy will hope to silence. Perhaps making a secure submission system the responsibility (and for the benefit) of many channels/people could reduce the risk to Chris or any individual which is of obvious concern.


Exactly, therefore this is now a deep state’s circling of the wagons, and their call out to all fellow traitors get yourself up on deck, and continue to lie and to obfuscate in every last way that you can.


There where 11 shots.

USSS will not discipline anyone publicly. That person could easily turn around and become a whistleblower about how ineffective and corrupt that agency has become. Hence no one will pay the price of their obvious or purposeful dereliction of duty. That is where the Fedgov is at.


And that video still posted towards the end of the July 30 thread suggests that the northern bleachers and the people in them blocked the line of site from the first floor windows that were below or nearly below Crooks.


Great job on this confirmation Chris. The more green buckets you get, the closer you get us to truth.

The new video clearly showing the shooter running across the AGR building also confirms that something was going on with SS. It is pretty unbelievable that ordinary people have more honed optics and percieved threat insticts than the experts.(and better comms, better tech, better cameras etc…)All b.s. Jeff Prather lays it all out with Mike Adams. Awesome insight.

Please keep up the pursuit!

Also I looked at Crooks dead face/alive face pic compared to Yearick face pic and you can green bucket it is Crooks(even though you cant see the tops of Yearicks ears) No one has weird CROOKed ears like that…imo. Definitely Crooks dead.


Yes, Kimberly Cheatle and Ron Rowe showed no transparency of the organization’s shortcomings and no urgency to fire the incompetent and malicious elements inside. I’m sure that many of the employees at the SS are fine people, maybe most. Broadly criticizing the whole organization would do no good, in fact discourage the competent from joining it.

Reforming the SS, I would think, can be helped by getting an IG with subpoena power and a Special Counsel to prosecute for treason, plus big awards for whistleblowers.

It’s ridiculous that random private citizens like ourselves have to do this investigative work without the training, the tools, the data, or any pay. But if we are doing so, we can be helpful by pinpointing some of the incompetent and malicious elements specifically. Apart from Timothy Burke, well emphasized by PP and its community, specifically

  • “command” and
  • the SS sniper team leader

at that rally, for starters, should testify under oath to Congress. Senator Ron Johnson’s latest timeline makes clear that these two parties were criminally negligent at least, and malicious most likely.


That’s why whistleblowers with solid info about those who planned negligence should get an award equal to pay and bonuses to age 65. If their careers get damaged, they are set for life financially and can start over. And proven malicious intent should be prosecuted as treason with the death penalty as punishment for conviction. It has to pay to be good, and not be worth being bad, at the SS, to incentivize the changes within. Firing Kim, the firing Ron, then firing the next head … would no nothing if it leaves the rot underneath.

I like Senator Chuck Grassley’s proposed legislation that the head of SS shall now be subject to confirmation by the Senate. How can the president, who appoints the SS director, and a few weeks ago stated that it’s “time to put Trump in a bullseye,” be given the unfettered power to appoint and keep on the job a director who is free to plant security risks for the president’s political rival?


They just admitted that there was an undocumented sniper in ground floor of the ACR building. The photo shows a weapon with a short barrel, not a typical snippers weapon. That is because they were trying to syncronise bullet times and trajectories.


The maliciousness of Mission Failure must be protected, that’s what Rowe meant.


I think the bullet hitting the railing transfered a shock into top Step of the stand. If it had been auditory everyone would have reacted similarly. If it had been a bullet then both rear and row in front would have reacted. Bot only the entire top row reacted, consistent with the object they were standing on being jolted.


Tim Kennedy on YT made a good point that extreme incompetence and/or negligence is malevolent. If incompetence and negligence are tolerated, the malevolent will use those as cover to grow.


Not sure if this was discussed. 10 police who trained at Crooks shooting range went to the trump rally despite being previously assigned elsewhere.