Secret Service Leadership Is Deplorable

I can’t help thinking this is just one more effort to make us mistrust our institutions. How does that help the End Game? Is the plan for all hell to break loose and then usher in some kind of salvation? It seems the wrecking ball is random and poorly controlled, but that is the point, perhaps. Just throw stuff around, some people die, fuck up whatever you can, the messier the better, who cares? And it will all be just wonderful.


Feigning negligent incompetence is malevolence. It’s interesting that the secret service rejected FOIA requests of Judicial Watch into the assassination attempt. See at minute 11 in Redacted below. There’s no reason to hide the truth this late after the shooting unless there’s something to hide.


Well then, better throw ALL THAT secret service detail in jail on suspicion of treason, murder, attempted murder, and 40 other felonies.
They can post bail & go through the court process, like their asset had to.
They’ll sing like birds.



Are you sure that was the first floor? Where are you getting that information? I would argue that the Bulter County Operational Plan shows those as second story rooms.

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My preliminary sense is that I do NOT believe the WAPO reported position of the ESU person that supposedly fired Shot 9 at Crooks’ death position. Note, the video/audio Source 2 (“he’s got a gun”) was very close to the alleged ESU shooter position – which then should have confirmatory specific “reverb” signal shape and timing-signature relative to other Shots. I do not see the confirmation in the Source 2 audio.

Also, I think that some of the estimated positions for Source 2 have failed to take into account that Source 2 was already on the move (quickly) well in advance of the Shot 1 – and I believe that Source 2 was moving east (along the east/west fence).

In other words, Source 2 was on the move in the direction of the supposed ESU shooter position (I think) just as the putative ESU officer was going to take Shot 9!

The Source 2 audio soundtrack for the Shot 9 signal does not seem to have the appearance of a close proximity rifle shot recording. The signal-timing and signal-time-shifts in the Source 2 audio sound track suggest that the Shot 9 shooter was farther away to the west and west of the Source 2 position and NOT east of the Source 2 position as reported by WAPO.

WAPO is well known to be a CIA cut-out for disseminating DS propaganda and lies.

As always, thanks for your reporting and analysis.



me too

hanging for that file from stewie

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I haven’t heard any of the congress critters ask Rowe, “Why was no action taken by SS or local LEO when multiple spectators were frantically shouting and pointing out the guy with a gun on the roof?” Of course, I can’t watch all the hearings but I’m pretty sure that whatever BS bumbling nonsensical answer he would give to that question would be all over the interwebs.

I just want to say Chris, that I have downloaded EACH of these citizen’s investigation videos and saved them to an external hard drive in case the Feds eviscerate your server and scrambles Rumble/Odysee/YouTube/PP websites. It’s that important.


Listening to Ron, while it was contentious with the good senator, does suggest he’s trying to still investigate, and not just irrationally firing every person below him, just because. There may be many deserving of being fired, but some quiet patriots who do not deserve that. I thought Ron was trying to show they are still investigating, that’s not unreasonable.
It’s also not unreasonable to see that these investigations are Show Business and Theatre for those politicians making names for themselves. Just saying, but this isn’t over for anybody. In effect, Ron could actually be a good guy. He could be a bad guy too. He has a limited window of time to prove himself.
Once Trump gets elected, it wouldn’t be a shock to see firings en masse in all Lettered Agencies, from the head on down 3 levels. They have a couple months to out themselves as Patriots or Deep State scum.


and, if they are still on duty, what upcoming presidential and candidate events are they helping to “protect”?

enquiring minds want to know


No surprises with Rowe. The SS will be the same as almost any political organization - not all the apples are rotten but all the apples at the top are rotten, and to get to the top any apple must by definition be rotten. He’s just doing the job he was appointed to do.

Edit: The value of the senate testimony is in exposing the rot to the wider population -nationally and globally.

Would someone please clarify a point for me. There was a photo from day 1 that showed Trump with a bullet whizzing passed his head (shot 1 or 2 I think). Apparently taken at 1/8000 of a second. If it was in fact the bullet that was captured in the photo it seems to have travelled a foot or more over the period of the exposure. 8000 ft/sec seems super fast compared to bullet velocities often mentioned and would be a strong clue. This may have been discussed elsewhere and I’ve missed it. Can anyone clarify?


Indeed. Senator Chuck Grassley just gave a speech on July 30, National Whistleblower Day, raising the profile of whistleblowers and going over how his pro-whistleblower legislation has produced results. This is the angle from him … and a clear invitation to SS patriots. I think he will continue to put out great material.


No action taken because SS “command” and SS sniper team leader delayed and diluted solid, specific info from local LEOs meant for SS snipers.

Phase, from your last rendition of AGR and stage, can you deduce whether the ridge of AGR 6 roof is above or below Trump’s ear on the stage, if Trump’s ear is 1.75m tall?

If it is not too much to ask, would you please estimate the elevation of:

(1) the roof ridge of AGR 6 at Crooks’ position of death
(2) AGR 6’s third window from right, in the 1st floor facing the stage
(3) Trump’s ear on stage, assuming it is 1.75m above his soles
(4) the top corner of the far bleacher

The implications could be momentous, given shot 1 or 2 hit Trump’s ear and ended up at (4). If (1)>(3) then at least one of shots 1-2 could have come from (1), given the bullet having descended would then proceed to rise from (3) to (4) - it seems clear that (3)<(4) indeed.

Also, the slope of the line 2-3 could be compared to the slope of line 3-4, and they match, then it’d be circumstantial evidence that shots 1 or 2 came from (2).

Thank you for considering and any contributions toward these elevations.

The following image is suggestive that (1)>(3):

@cmartenson Out of curiosity I did a google search of “special agent in charge tim burke” and got tons of replies, including the article you posted.

Maybe ‘they’ are able to limit what you are able to Google?

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No, that was what the news reported. We will need to determine location ourselves. They might have inverted image to throw us off, or (worse)

Commenter, It would be great if Senator Grassley appealed to potential whistleblowers within NIH, FDA, and CDC.

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Hi @cmartenson if u put secret service special agent in charge tim burke in Google search he will come up I did it myself before I emailed you hope this helps


Been following, and quite seriously, studying the gun shot sound analysis videos by Dr. Chris Martensen on Obviously this whole thing stinks to high Heaven, and anyone worth their Salt knows it.

You can do ALL the analysis you want. Here is what PROVES this has ALL been a Shakspearian Play. Lead Actors in the “Play” include: “Crooks”, “Cheatle”, and “Goldigger”.

Seriously folks, you can’t make this Bull Shit up.