Peak Prosperity is hiring again! We’re currently seeking an Executive Assistant and Research Assistant to maximize the efficiency of Chris and team. Ideally, we would hire one person for both roles, but would also be willing to consider them separately if needed. Regardless, the successful candidate for either role must be highly organized, detail-oriented, self-motivated, and able to keep track of multiple open initiatives at any given time. Hours are flexible, but a strong work-ethic and commitment to the mission is required.
The Executive Assistant role will work directly with the Chris Martenson and other members of the team to ensure smooth running of the business. Primary responsibilities will be to coordinate the CEO’s priorities, calendars, and communications. Candidates for this position must reside within a reasonable drive of Chester, Massachusetts, or be willing to relocate. At least 1 day per week will be required on site, with other days being worked from home.
The Research Assistant role will encompass collecting, interpreting, and summarizing data related to the topics covered by Peak Prosperity. The successful candidate will work directly with Chris Martenson to uncover new information, analyze data ranging from finance and economics to health studies, search for trends, and formulate conclusions. The duties of this role could be completed entirely from home.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at