Self-Sufficiency, Crypto Currency, Assange, Banking Crisis, Wuhan Turmoil

In the realm of self-sufficiency, Jill Glasspool Malone and her partner, Robert Malone, have carved out a fulfilling life. Drawing from their teenage years working on a farm and inspired by the “back to the earth” movement of the 1970s, they embarked on a journey of rural living. Despite economic challenges, such as the 2008-2012 recession, they persevered, establishing farms in Maryland and Georgia. Their ventures include breeding horses, developing an agro-tourism model, and cultivating a variety of crops. They also support local farmers and engage in bartering, underscoring the importance of community in their pursuit of self-sufficiency.

Meanwhile, the financial landscape is under scrutiny. Critics argue that the Federal Reserve’s plan to introduce a digital currency is a smokescreen for the failure of the financialized economy. The reliance on derivatives and false wealth, they argue, has created a fragile economic landscape prone to a major blow-up. The introduction of a digital currency is seen as a last resort solution to maintain the illusion of wealth and control over citizens’ spending.

In the political sphere, the imprisonment of Julian Assange continues to stir controversy. Critics argue that Assange, who has not been charged with a crime in the UK, is being unjustly held. They also question the use of taxpayer money to target individuals who expose government crimes. The credibility of media organizations and their handling of crime allegations is also under fire, with critics arguing that the US is an oligarchy controlled by corporations.

On the economic front, a potential banking crisis looms. The Banking and Treasury Financial Plumbing (BTFP) has spiked to over $100 billion, a trend that some argue the mainstream media is ignoring. This increase, coupled with a significant drop in the 10-year Treasury yield, suggests a high level of perceived risk in the banking system, indicating another wave of the banking crisis may be on the horizon.

Finally, in the scientific community, American researchers are under scrutiny for allegedly concealing their intention to conduct high-risk coronavirus research in Wuhan under lax safety standards. The research proposal, known as Project DEFUSE, involved engineering high-risk coronaviruses with spike proteins similar to SARS-CoV-2. The proposal suggested that some of the experiments would take place in Wuhan with fewer safety precautions to save costs. The revelations about DEFUSE raise questions about the credibility of the scientists’ assurances that the pandemic did not result from their collaboration with the Wuhan lab.

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