Sergey Young: Will Technology Save Us?

Nutritional science over the last several decades clearly links nutrition to all of our leading comorbidity issues.
That is one of the reasons I’m not concerned about immortality related issues any time soon.
Pass the butter, please.

AKGrannyWGrit: “And these pathetic folks could live 200 years instead of 80? …”
“By what right,” whispers the Voice, "does this savage, merciless, persecuting animal, to which the sufferings and writhings of others of its wretched kind furnish the most pleasurable of sensations, and the mass of which care only to eat, sleep, be clothed, and wallow in sensual pleasures, and the best of which wrangle, hate, envy, and, with few exceptions, regard their own interests alone, with what right does it endeavor to delude itself into the conviction that it is not an animal… but somewhat nobler, a spirit destined to be immortal, a spark of the Essential Light, Fire and Reason, which are God?
“What other immortality than one of selfishness could this creature enjoy? Of what other is it capable? Must not immortality commence now and is not life part of it? How shall death change the base nature of the base soul?” - Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike
Granny I haven’t thought of that quote in years but your comment brought it rushing into my head. I’m with you and Mr. Pike, the challenge is to live a life of meaning and purpose in the years given to us, not worry about living forever. Especially when the way we are living now needs so much attention.

Granny I haven't thought of that quote in years but your comment brought it rushing into my head. I'm with you and Mr. Pike, the challenge is to live a life of meaning and purpose in the years given to us, not worry about living forever. Especially when the way we are living now needs so much attention.
Thank you Will. Prophetic!  

Rather than mechanical bees - we’re already going backwards. Lots and lots of web content on by hand pollination with a paint brush. Sometimes the ‘alternative energy source’ is you.

I think the Chinese were playing around in the lab, some got out and it got mismanaged by China. Something simple. NOT Illuminati.
Except, there were / are lots of western organisations / scientists involved in this whole virus tinkering game they've been playing over the last few decades so that destroys the argument that this escapee virus was just something China was messing around with.

I agree with your point entirely. One thing I’d point out is that comorbidities have many causes. Americans are sicker, fatter, more malnourished and dying earlier. Part of this is cheap, engineered food with untested (but kinda obvious) long term side effects. Some is sick management that replaced health care. Some is poverty. Some surely can be attributed to the exponential rise in chemicals in our environment. And some definitely is our sedentary lifestyle. To dismiss Covid as a problem of the aged and to those with comorbidities is amazingly ignorant. Comorbidities are utterly rampant in our society.
I am physically active, eat and garden organic and take very good care of myself. I’m also living with three related but separate autoimmune disorders (and qualify for disability based on the neurological condition) - none well understood but all with suspected genetic or epigenetic origins. None of these were common even 20 years ago but they increasingly are now. I’m a frequent flyer in a massively sick healthcare system. I don’t think I’ve had covid but it’s affecting my life both in the obvious ways and because the clinics all closed to make room for covid folks that haven’t come which means the medical treatment that makes my life worth living has been postponed. Covid has my attention, even as I am firmly in the end the lockdown camp because the economic damage will be a far worse public health crisis that may take decades to resolve. I’m wearing a mask, washing my hands and desperate to get working to shore up our resources while we still can. And to pay for the 32 quarterly shots of Botox that mean I can see without hallucinating (mostly), walk without failing, comprehend and speak English and all the normal stuff of daily life.
ps I REALLY don’t want to live to 200.

Excellent point about relationships being hard to maintain in all of this.
I had a best friend I had known since I was 13(long long ago in a galaxy far far away) .
We were speaking about politics one time maybe 10-15 years ago. He is a far right wing republican. I am an anarchist. The discussion got pretty intense. He ended it by saying “Look man I am IN the system” The relationship did not end but it certainly cooled from then on.
That to me is exactly the issue. It is the investment people have made. That investment includes every aspect of life, career, politics, family, religion, sexual orientation etc. It all has to do with narrow identification. I read the following quote years ago and it has stuck with me ever since.
“Whether men soar to outer space or dive to the bottom of the deepest ocean they will find themselves as they are unchanged, because they will not have forgotten themselves or remembered to exercise the charity of forgiveness”
So living 200 years I guess is kinda cool, but then what?
“Like anybody, I would like to live a long lifelongevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will…. And so I’m happy tonight; I’m not worried about anything; I’m not fearing any man.” Martin Luther King

More shady dealings? Looking likely…
While technology may be potentially harnessed to enable extended life, I have no desire to live any extra innings especially under the kind of life TPTB are trying impose on us! (And they are succeeding because too many sheeple have and continue to unquestioningly, naively, ignorantly accept the poisoned mainstream narratives pushed out each day.)
Thank goodness for PP and the many great contributors who bring so much talent, experience and thoughtful commentary to discussions. I find there is otherwise a dearth of opportunities for intelligent, rational, fact based conversation on what is shaping up to be (thus far) the most life-altering event of our generation. I say thus far because the prospect of war is still very much alive and well…

I certainly feel for your plight. I agree with everything you say except Ameikaans are not dying earlier. The trajectory for decades has been lifespan increase. There are a few years here and there where it declines but overall it is increasing.
I too am a frequent flyer. I am not planning any flights for quite awhile. I have been growing organically for 65 years and agree totally on the negative effects of the SAD diet.
IMHO the lockdowns have been necessary because people are too stupid and self centered to take the measures that would protect not only themselves but others. There is an almost complete disregard for our fellow humans.
I do wish you well and hope you can get the care you need soon.
All the best.

I guess I should have clarified that thought (which is increasingly difficult to do given my 4/27 treatment was postponed until next week - I hope). Poor Americans have lower life expectancy, a class of folks that just gained 30+ million new members or more given that was just the wage earner component of households.

The info that leapt off the page for me is this: He said that testing data will only be accessible to health professionals and those contacted about a potential exposure will not be given the identity of the person who tested positive. Think about that - so you get a phone call and you are told you have been exposed and must quarantine with no corroborating details, or any proof or substantiation whatsoever. Do we trust the authorities?

Les - I agree. I remember, when a teenager, having a conversation with a sweet older retired guy who was regaling me with all the things he did to “fill up his time” - golf, bridge, etc (he was well off, obviously). He was so pleased with himself that he didn’t let himself get bored. I remember thinking at the time that I hoped with all my heart that my life would never get that empty. It never has, which is why I consider myself so fortunate to live in a community where I can continue to work, and indeed be overworked, with volunteer projects and neighbourliness and gardens.
But for the record, when I talked of drudgery, I meant the kind of jobs that flourish where wealth inequality has run amok, and large swaths of the population have few choices but to do hard physical labour long past when their bodies can take it, cleaning up after the super-entitled who despise them, homeless “camper force” people counting themselves lucky if they can make it through another day, week, month of gig work for Amazon or whoever else will throw them a crust.
If I, with so much to enjoy and love every day, and so many ways to give back, can see that an eventual end is natural and good - I wonder just what and who the techno-wizards are envisioning.

Like the world Shattering Revolutions --created by
Galileo has been called the “father of observational astronomy”, the “father of modern physics”, the “father of the scientific method”, and the “father of modern science”,
Charles Robert Darwin, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. His proposition that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors is now widely accepted, and considered a foundational concept in science
Albert Einstein theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science
Max Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame rests primarily on his role as originator of the quantum theory. This theory revolutionized our understanding of atomic and subatomic processes, just as Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time.(who is also famous for quipping – “Progress is Funeral by Funeral” – meaning when a generation dies off… their ideas…die off with them.
Each of these Revolutionary Men upended previously entrenched ideas about Reality — collectively shifting Our World Views.
Reincarnation – underlines most major religions (predominately Hindu & Buddhist – for thousands of years), including Early Christian Dessert Fathers, Plato, Pythagoras got the ability to remember past lives from Hermes. … He recalled his earlier lives and said he first had been Euphorus, secondly Aethalides, thirdly Hermotimus, fourth Pyrrhus and now he was Pythagoras.
Perhaps most well known today is 14th Dalai Lama…
Another Revolution is underway — Contemplative Observatories in Italy & Colorado – where people will commit to 3 years, 10 years , rest of their lives – under rigorously controlled conditions – monitored by various western sciences AND Tibetian/Buddhists masters — This may be the GREATEST Revolution of ALL – for whether the Earth is the center of universe, or we descended from apes , or Space-Time-Matter isn’t want it seems to be … as little or no direct effect on our individual lives – This will.
Ian Stevenson – University of Virginia – studied Reincarnation for 50 years and merticously documented 100’s of compelling cases…

B. Allan Wallace is a global unique GEM -- integrating East (50 year Tibetian Buddhist practitioner, writer/translator 40 books, Master Teacher, student/translator of Dali Lama) AND West (advanced degrees/PHD in Physics, Comparative Religions, Mind & Life Institute, etc)

As CSN&Y sang -- "We have all been here before" ....and other realms

A deep state of meditative concentration

The initial emphasis of the contemplative training at the Center will be on the achievement of shamatha, a deep state of meditative concentration in which the meditator’s psyche dissolves into a primal continuum known as the substrate consciousness. The specific methods used to reach this state will include mindfulness of breathing, observing the mind, and resting in awareness of awareness itself. Although each of these methods is drawn from Tibetan Buddhism, they are accessible to anyone, regardless of their belief systems. Nine stages of attentional development leading to the achievement of shamatha have been precisely described, based on centuries of experience by Indian and Tibetan contemplatives. As meditators in our Center progress along these stages, shifts in their neurophysiology will be monitored with EEG (electroencephalogram) and fMRI, magnetic resonance imaging used to demonstrate correlations between physical changes (as in blood flow) in the brain and mental functioning (as in performing cognitive tasks).

Access to a subtle continuum of consciousness

Throughout history, contemplatives from multiple traditions claim to have accessed a subtle continuum of consciousness from which the human mind emerges during the gestation of a human fetus. This same continuum of individual consciousness is said to continue after brain death. According to these contemplatives’ first-person experience, it is the primal flow of awareness, and not the brain, that is the actual repository of memories in this life as well as in previous lifetimes. From a scientific perspective, this is an exceptional claim, to say the least, and to be taken seriously, it must be backed up with exceptional evidence. This will be one of many hypotheses that will be put to the test of experience in our Center. Contemplatives from the past have also claimed that by experientially accessing this subtle dimension of consciousness, one experiences a deep sense of bliss, luminosity, and serene nonconceptuality. This, they report, is the true source of genuine well-being. This hypothesis, too, will be explored, with potentially deep ramifications for our understanding of human nature and reality at large.These meditations entail sophisticated means of exploring the role of the mind in nature. Such contemplative research interfaces strongly with some of the deepest insights in modern theoretical physics, specifically quantum cosmology. Advocated by such luminaries as Stephen Hawking, John Wheeler, Andrei Linde, Christopher Fuchs, and Anton Zeilinger, quantum cosmology highlights the participatory role of the mind in the emergence of multiverses, each one arising relative to the observer. While contemporary physics presents this theory on a conceptual level, contemplatives may explore it experientially. In doing so, fresh light may be shed on the unsolved “measurement problem,” that is, how the act of measurement influences the nature of phenomena that are measured. In these ways, research at the Center may provide major breakthroughs for some of the greatest mysteries of modern science: the nature of consciousness and the mind/body problem in the mind sciences, and the measurement problem in quantum physics.

Development(in broadest sense – unfolds across a variety of Lines of Development – Cognitive, moral, psycho-sexual, Values, Interpersonal, kinetic, etc – 15-20 at least) is a Blind Spot for many. As it regards Consciousness/World views – there is a philosophical term called “The Myth of the Given” – as IF there were one world/Kosmos “laying out there” for all equally to “See” , when in Reality there is a Spectrum of Evolving Consciousness (Individual/Collective) that enacts or brings forth a different reality.
Robert Kegan, Harvard’s leading Developmental Psychologist wrote a seminal book “Over Their Heads” – detailing 5 or 6 Levels/Waves (really not even fixed, but more like probability waves – where 50% is your dominate Level, 25% below, 25% above) – OVer Their Heads – refers to What is Developmentally Over Your/Their Heads – while a valid level in the spectrum/Kosmos for many DOESN’T EXIST for those at a lower level (easier to see with children – pre-rational – what Magic or Mythic beliefs/worldviews they hold, Not so easy with Adults – who just because we speak same language & have same culture-- doesn’t mean they “see” Eye to Eye!!)
For example Current “Culture Wars” are basically between 3 Main Levels:

  1. Mythic/Fundamentalist (My Country/God/Etc – “right or wrong” people willing to die or kill for their worldview).-- Vast Majority vote Conservative --About 30% of USA
  2. Modern/Rational (Scientific, Rational, Achievers ) – “its about the economy/Facts/Data” – about 40% of USA – these are Independents/Swing Voters
  3. Post-Modern/Pluralist (Larger circle of care/concern – but like All levels Pathologies at each-- thus PC culture, etc --alienating Moderns, etc ) --about 30% of USA (and there are levels/waves – above and below these 3… think of Development like Russian Dolls – The Higher contains – Transcends & Includes the lower (while Jettisoning also). – Vast Majority Liberals
    And ALL Levels(until the Next Emerging Level – Integral – comes on line – as “sees” the Entire Spiral) have ONE thing in Common –
    I’m F$cking Right … everyone else is Wrong!!! (Its about God/Country… No, Its About thew Economy stupid , No Way… Its about Earth/Ecology"
    There are a few on PP who are familiar with this particular Theory – Spiral Dynamics – but it is much richer and comprehensive. Read this short PDF and see how it sits/lands with you … happy to sent more info … just PM me.
    Here is a deeper Dive – -Integral Theory – a Theory of Everything

Thanks, Chris - interesting take from Sergey Young. I am all for innovation, but ironically his approach strikes me as risky to the future of life on this planet, and indeed to human longevity. Most of these funds, which I interacted with in a past life in Si Valley, are way too big for their britches, and often end up achieving little if anything. If we could take simple steps to reduce our environmental toxins, reduce manmade EMFs and address income inequality, by getting back to true capitalism and supporting Main Street, this would add decades to people’s lives and life to our years. We don’t need these money-wasting, overly caffeinated ventures to extend our health spans or even our lifetimes. All we need to do is get back to nature, and use the 3 bn years of free R&D we have on this planet to design biomimetic human systems that minimise entropy and maximise fairness and healthy competition. This won’t be easy, but it sure as hell ain’t rocket science. I believe it’s our best shot at a free, fair and healthy society, which is worthy of our children and our children’s children. Cheers, Jesse.

The thought of 100 more years of life is appalling to you?
You are on an amazing living planet teeming with biodiversity more complex than you are even capable of imagining. It is a gift to be here. If you are in unbearable pain, either physical or emotional, then I can understand. I just cannot comprehend anyone finding life appalling. My condolences.
But, if you are appalled and ready to exit, that does free you up to put your body on the line for what you believe, and for those you love.

If I wasn’t stuck working, I’d spend all my time studying and protecting that biodiversity. I’d love to live for a million years if I could do that. There is no end to the knowledge to learn about life and over thousands of years you could watch evolution at work.

You converse conspiritard you!

  • Now I know why I just can’t press play..,,