Shamefully Ignorant Journalists...

It would be nice to get rid of this ‘left-right’ thing. The people on the left in the US today are full-blown crazy, and they’re unethical too.

You can’t cure stupid. And stupid should be painful. :frowning:

It didn’t happen yesterday either. Good old Bill Keller, Judith Miller, Nicholas Kristof … ?

Agree. Newsmax has a 24/7 web feed. It’d be nice if OAN did the same. (Why don’t they?)

I think being able to hand out peer-reviewed papers from reputable journals will be more effective than videos. And especially when the papers are based on treatments within the US. I’m so hopeful that Science accepts Kory et al’s paper, that would be awesome. My doctor wasn’t going to watch a video, but I had three very good papers to hand her to review, ones that have been cited to here. You can forward them to your friends by email to print out for their doctors. Because “science” is what might eventually get someone’s attention. As Kory explained, frontline doctors had to do an end run around CDC/RDA/NIH/NIAID’s refusal to do the studies. HCQ got away from us because the HCQ studies were done, but fraudulently and intentionally carelessly. We already have good support for ivermectin so we’re a stage ahead of those who would not want to find IVM effective. And as soon as some of the vaccines get their unwarranted emergency use approvals there will be less drive to discredit IVM.
But I’m not knocking videos! For those who want to understand the mechanism of action, they can be invaluable. Especially when presented by someone like Chris. An assemblage of both.

Chris, you should link to the pages of the NYTimes and MSNBC to avoid getting traffic to their websites. The less traffic to the presstitutes, the better.

On Thursday, Naked Capitalism (Naked Capitalism - Wikipedia) included links to studies on Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is having a moment, due to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearings: Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + IotaCarrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel Journal of Biomedical Research and Clinical Investigation. Submission to publication was one week; I conclude no peer review. n=220 health care workers. The statistics are above my pay-grade; here is the narrative:
In the present two clinical trias, the ethnic and age characteristics, previous health, personal protection measures, performance areas, work hours, and type of patients assisted were the same in each arm. If we consider the following facts: 1) Drops and sprays are a major source of human-to-human transmission. 2) The sources mentioned above depend on different sizes of saliva droplets. 3) The contagion comes from symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. 4) The proportion of asymptomatic patients exceeds 30% of all cases. 5) The concentration of ivermectin and carrageenan is adequate in the nasal mucus and salivary glands. 6) The combined oral solution can offer double protection: on the one hand, it reduces the spread and, on the other hand, it reduces the viral load. 7) Both (ivermectin and carrageenan) are present in the international pharmacopoeia, and their use is widely accepted. 8) Their respective “off label” applications do not involve any risk. 9) Health Personnel are constantly at risk of contagion, thus locking down all their co-workers, and preventing the community from the access to appropriate health care. We conclude that by using ivermectin in oral solution and carrageenan in nasal spray form, we are providing an inexpensive, safe and effective means to protect people from contagion and serious forms of the disease.
The Therapeutic Potential of Ivermectin For Covid-19: A Systematic Review of Mechanisms and Evidence (preprint) medRxiv. A review of the literature. Results: “Search keywords- “COVID-19 (and synonyms) AND ivermectin”- generated 86 articles on PubMed, 48 on medRvix and 37 on at the time of writing. Twelve of these were listed as completed clinical trials and of these, 8 were included as investigators had released results. Positive mortality benefit, reduced time to clinical recovery, reduced incidence of disease progression and decreased duration of hospital admission were reported in patients across all stages of clinical severity.” The effect of early treatment with ivermectin on viral load, symptoms and humoral response in patients with mild COVID-19: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial (preprint) Research Square. From the Abstract: “Ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro at concentrations not readily achievable with currently approved doses. There is limited evidence to support its clinical use in COVID-19 patients. We conducted a Pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to determine the efficacy of a single dose of ivermectin to reduce the proportion of PCR positives, viral load at day 7 post treatment….Among patients with mild COVID-19 and no risk factors for severe disease receiving a single 400 mcg/kg dose of ivermectin within 48 hours of fever or cough onset there was no difference in the proportion of PCR positives. There was however a marked reduction of anosmia/hyposmia, a reduction of cough and a tendency to lower viral loads and lower IgG titers which warrants assessment in larger trials.” A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness International Journal of Infectious Diseases. December 2. From the Abstract: “A 5-day course of ivermectin was found to be safe and effective in treating mild COVID-19 adult patients. Larger trials will be needed to confirm these preliminary findings.” Placebo-controlled study in hospital, n=72, Bangladesh. White paper on Ivermectin as a potential therapy for COVID-19 Indian Journal of Tuberculosis. The Abstract: “A group of senior doctors with vast clinical experience met on 19th July’20 under the aegis of Academy of Advanced Medical Education. The panel looked at Ivermectin, one of the old molecule and evaluated it’s use in COVID 19 (Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019) management. After critical panel discussion, all the attending doctors came to a conclusion that Ivermectin can be a potential molecule for prophylaxis and treatment of people infected with Coronavirus, owing to its anti-viral properties coupled with effective cost, availability and good tolerability and safety.” Treating Covid-19: When enthusiasm trumps evidence Ojo Publico. Good overview. What’s Up With Ivermectin? Derek Lowe, “In The Pipeline,” Science. Another good overview; from May, still germane.
While Naked Capitalism (, would not be considered "mainstream media," the blog has a solid readership. It's heartening to see positive mention of Ivermectin in sites other than Peak Prosperity.

I think David Brooks has discovered what your problem is Chris: you live a deprived life in rural America where you don’t have contact with the expert class, like himself. That’s how your ignorance and conspiracy theories form and grow. But be of good cheer: experts like David Brooks are coming to enlighten you and help you be a better person.

New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks ignited a wave of backlash after insulting rural Americans who have no contact with the “expert class.”

The political commentator’s pompous contention, during an appearance on MSNBC, that the right feeds on conspiracy theories and have been “left behind” while those in blue cities are “thriving,” sparked much head-scratching and criticism on social media.

A video clip of Brooks speaking to MSNBC’s Katy Tur last week was posted on Twitter by Rashad Robinson, president of the progressive racial justice organization, Color of Change.

While Robinson’s views may not typically align with those of Republicans and supporters of President Donald Trump, his reaction to Brooks’ comments on those thriving in “blue cities” was echoed by many others on Twitter.

“Look at how much more Republicans are affected by conspiracy theories than the Democrats, so it can’t just be the internet, there must be some demand,” Brooks said, pointing out the “two core problems.”

“A lot of people in the expert class live in blue cities who are thriving,” he claimed. “And a lot of people left behind in the rural parts of America, they feel threatened economically, culturally, socially and they have no contact with the expert class.”

He went on to contend that “those of us in the expert class – journalism and academia – have to do a better job of reaching out in post-Trump, establishing relationships and showing some respect,” he said.

Brooks added that there also has to be economic policies “so people don’t feel threatened,” suggesting that the way to “cure distress” is by “keeping promises to people who are unlike yourself.”

Reacting to the remarks, Robinson tweeted his confusion and asked, “Who exactly is thriving in ‘blue cities’?”

“Maybe you are ‘thriving’ but millions of people of color around you, who make your thriving life possible, are most definitely not,” Robinson tweeted, calling out the network for “letting this misinformation go unchallenged.”

Wondering if there is a direct RCT study for ivermectin on covid 19? I want to believe - please help me with some data . I have already gone through the metadata paper and Baghdad ivermectin RCT trail but it had only 70 patients. @sandpuppy ?? Thanks in advance
Group I & II: Mild/Moderate
Group III & IV: Severe

Thanks Dave - About as clear as you can get, IVM rocks!

Well if the trials for vaccines’s which are really gene engineering are using the useless PCR testing kit all their data and effectiveness percentages go down the drain. And it should.

This is all psyops. It is not individuals doing this. They may not even have written the article themselves (what under-40-year-old even knows the word ‘phalanx’? it’s almost a give away). It’s organized government psyops to repress any opposition to the public’s acceptance of vaccines for reasons of national security (e.g. in the UK it is explicit), and it’s Big Pharma psyops to boost their profits.
Years ago I lived in Stockholm and did film narrations part time for recording studios. One regular job I had was to narrate the quarterly in-house videos of a certain giant Swedish Pharmaceutical company. I was never sent the scripts in advance (very unusual), I had to read them cold in the studio, and I could not take them home. The videos were only for in-company use. I vividly remember one sentence I had to read, in the context of “our quarterly profits are down”. The sentence was: “We have to persuade people to take more drugs.” More than a whiff of Big Tobacco there. So these are Very Big Forces to stand up against.

Chris, you misunderstood my point. I’ve been sending information to friends and family, including links to your public posts. Several have pushed back. I quoted one as an example. The paper is what he cited to me in his response. My point is that he found that on his own (I assume it’s one of the first hits in a Google search, I didn’t check). Since it wasn’t mentioned or debunked in anything I had sent him his conclusion was that the 23 study summary used cherry picked results. I responded citing many of the flaws in the study he cited but I doubt it convinced him that the original survey article wasn’t biased.
As for the original post, I don’t recall it sounding like a troll. I can’t re-examine that judgement since you pulled the post.
As for the issue of style, I don’t believe the joking style comes off well to a significant chunk of the public. I think it limits your reach. I see it in the body language and hear it in the comments of my wife when I convince her to watch one of them, and she has at least some receptivity after having attended last years seminar. Trust in the main stream media and the political party line runs deep in many people. I have lots of family wired like that. I see the psychology of it up close.
I appreciate the work you put into these and look forward to each new video, but I’m already part of the tribe.

We very much support you as you courageously bring you well researched perspective to the public, Chris.
You are taking a stand on something that we both believe in. Thank you for doing this.
I wonder when this one will be censored.

Here is my recent FB post which talks about how this censorship is being conducted and some of the forces behind it…this is worthy of future research by the PP community as it has far-reaching consequences:
For those of you interested in how this censorship at Facebook is being conducted, check out this latest Mike Huckabee interview of Candace Owens: After watching this I just contributed $1000 towards Candace’s lawsuit against FB and US Today which you can read about at: Of course I am fully aware of the irony that I am notifying you, my FB friends, about the censorship going on at FB through the FB platform itself…unfortunately until we get some true alternative communication options FB and Youtube have a stranglehold on the social media communication outlets which makes this censorship so much more concerning (imagine if our telephone system had certain words or thoughts you were not allowed to say over the phone). I am also researching Alan Duke who is a 26 yr ex CNN reporter and cofounder of Lead Stories LLC which are both referenced in the Huckabee interview…its easy to see why so many are suspicious of media & social media employees role in election rigging (then blaming it on “Russia” or some other foreign bogeyman). I am now in favor of some type of block-chain based communication tool that cannot be censored or hacked as these centrally controlled platforms have shown they are incapable of keeping their liberal/progressive biases out of their platforms.

We have been discussing the open bias shown by the media in the last four years. It is not clear if we can regain the ground lost for journalism as even journalism professors call for the rejection of objectivity in favor of advocacy. This has included shielding Joe Biden from any challenging questionsduring the recent election. That includes the news blackout on reporting on the Hunter Biden scandal, the subject of my column today in the Hill. CNN’s April Ryan personifies this trend. Even as the media is facing widespread criticism for burying the Hunter Biden story (and is now doing the same with the Swalwell scandal), Ryan lashed out at confidential sources responsible for leaking a recording of Joe Biden making embarrassing comments about the “defund the police” movement. Ryan is demanding to know who is responsible for allowing the embarrassing comments to be made public despite her past enthusiastic discussion of such leaks against President Donald Trump...

The fact is that Ryan was just stating what has become the approach of many in the media. As we recently discussed, we are moving dangerously close to a de facto state media with the cooperation of Big Tech companies. Ryan believes that it is outrageous to rely on unapproved material if it is critical of Joe Biden (despite her use of such material for the last four years against Trump).

This week, CNN anchor Kate Bolduan was criticized for wearing a sweater stating “Facts First” as CNN was being criticized for its suppression of the Hunter Biden story and its lack of coverage of the Swalwell scandal. Now one of its most prominent CNN analysts is declaring that journalists should not rely on unapproved material on Biden and that the confidential source for another media organization should be uncovered. CNN has not expressed any disagreement with Ryan’s view of the new journalism.

It is precisely the realization of the call for journalists to dispense with objectivityin favor of open advocacy. What is clear is that, once reporters like Ryan dispense with objectivity, they also substitute it with open hypocrisy.


Hi Mots and thank you for your reply. I apologize for my delayed response.
I think what you propose would be helpful, but gathering factual metrics to populate said charts/graphs would be excruciatingly time consuming. I am busy re-skilling at the moment which eats most of my day. I can only convey my experiences to you and why I feel the way I do. Trust me, there is more where that came from :slight_smile:
As for the legitimacy of the “expert” class as referenced in a post here, that would be difficult to lay out in a cut-and-dry fashion. Many “experts” (cough Fauci cough) have had a red carpet laid out for them from their onset and refuting the many studies they have funded takes resources most do not have. It is beyond me how someone can obtain an undergrad education in “Classics” then move on to be accepted in a prestigious and limited med program with no science background whatsoever. Funny how his wife is in charge of bioethics at the NIH too…
Anyhoo, science will never truly be dead as long as we always have inquisitive minds and wish to adhere to standardized measurements. I suppose it would be more accurate to state that only the ethics has died in science, but ethics is the keystone to establishing a foundation of trust.
There is much illusion in the modern world at this current point in time. Many are being woefully misled. If you can begin to see the magnitude of effort being made in usurping your free will and your critical thinking/logic, then you are on the right track to finding truth. This proposal of determinism and moral relativity has caught on with younger generations, but is dismissed as complete nonsense from their elders. These same young people are the ones who have grown up with social media and big tech - coincidence? Why such a deceitful effort to subdue your voice if what you profess is the truth? Why no debates surrounding inconsistencies? Why the censorship?
Where there is smoke, there is fire, friend.

Your notion of “in favor of some type of block-chain based communication tool” is right on because we are just at the tip of the fascism and the ability to communicate via this website will be blocked within a few years (unless the owners change this into a kitten tricks sharing site or something like that).
I advocate getting off the elite-controllable internet and using direct peer-to-peer communication wherein we send electromagnetic energy directly between each other in a manner that allows others to listen in and record erudite conversations between people who have insights worth sharing (which, admittedly presents its own challenges).
We can do this world wide (if we pick our frequencies and times carefully) in text mode using only 100 watts. Listeners would need 25$ of equipment although senders would need a few hundred dollars of hardware… I wonder if anyone is interested in getting started on this infrastructure.
You have chosen the name "CheanEnergyFan, Maybe you would be interested in my new book on this topic entitled “Take Back The Power!” available on book section. If you want to build something I can send you a free circuit board. Soldering is easy to learn and building your own infrastructure outside the corporate world is fairly easy. This is described in the book, which is meant for a narrow audience of DIY resilience enthusiasts, and is not advertised to the general public.