Shamefully Ignorant Journalists...

Is there anyplace else that the book is available? I dislike feeding the beast.

Thanks Mots…I would definitely be interested in a pier to pier information system but thought that is what the internet is so not sure I understand why we need some wifi or alternative system which might take a long time for mass adoption…I would prefer to continue to use the internet backbone. I think a good non-censorable blockchain communications tool would fit the bill so we are not constrained by centralized entities such as FB, Youtube, Google or Twitter. I think this might could be built in Etherium (and am starting to switch some of my Crypto investment toward Ether rather than just BTC to support the decentralized information movement). Also I have gotten so concerned about this cancel culture movement in these big tech companies that I am starting to write comments on FB adds that state something like: “This looks like an interesting product but I am not buying it because that would support the FB business model of censoring content they don’t agree with so I am censoring products they support.” We have to figure out how to hit these guys in the pocketbook but I am hopeful that blockchain holds the ultimate answer to this. I will check out your book “Take Back The Power” as well…thanks for the tip.

A single highly intelligent moron will write a story for a newspaper of record, like the N.Y Times. Less sagacious media pick up on the general tone and run with it, as if they are little children who can’t question the ‘adults.’
The sense that something is or isn’t bullshit then becomes firmly culturally entrenched to the point that various other New York Times reporters will echo the same mistaken conclusions over and over, not realizing that the sure sense they have is entirely self referential–media wise.
That is likely the trajectory the ivermectin story followed. Other topics are biased or straight up lies due to CIA involvement, direct or indirect.
There is folk media and what is considered legitimate media. Folk media can be superior, closer to the people, not as ivory tower. Other times, folk media lets people down because it covers itself in populism when it can be coming from very high up a different kind of food chain from an equally negative source.

There is way too much effort behind this orchestrated campaign for it to be a “moron” doing the writing. This is an ongoing disinformation/information suppression campaign which appears designed to keep Americans dying.
Fauci and the NIH continue to piss down the backs of America. It still isn’t raining.
That Ivermectin trial, once more:
Science doesn’t lie…but the NIH sure does.
If we defunded the whole organization, we’d be better off.

I share your enthusiasm for Etherium although I need to learn much more about it, maybe you can cite a website? I think that Etherium has a great future.
The internet is definitely not peer to peer. The NSA and related agencies as well as private groups can grab/intercede/substitute or merely block specific messages or paths in a very intelligent manner and can even stop cyphered communication because such has to transit hardware. Lots of hardware.
You also conclude that “alternative system which might take a long time for mass adoption…I would prefer tbo…” I am totally uninterested in mass communication. It’s over man. We are a minority and only get hurt by pushing our views on others. We need to save ourselves, not start a new communication system for the masses. The “remnant” is just that, a remnant. The only people who will win these next battles/wars are those who walk away, dont fight, but preferably find a refuge somewhere and DIY our own life. I refer to a communication system for the remnant.
I prefer to rely on the laws of nature and not on other people or their devices when I grow stuff, harvest energy or communicate. The further we get away from the basic machinations of nature by adding layers of human hardware/software/promises/services the more politics and corruption we have to endure. I prefer to rely on basic transistor circuits that I possess and exclusively control, and an ionosphere that is controlled by solar weather and not by an ISP provider, a self updating computer with backdoors, or even god forbid a smart phone, which is probably the most compromised/controlled-by-others-device ever conceived by anyone ever. I dont need confidentiality, I just need unhindered communications having true fidelity and integrity where we can communicate honestly.
You mention “[w]e have to figure out how to hit these guys in the pocketbook” but overlook the fact that “money” and “market” valuations have no meaning. We dont control any “marketplace” with “buying decisions.” We are not buyers of products. No, WE are the product being sold. Whether we have any money or not makes no real difference in the digital world we live in. Merely bitching about control and not “buying” something is a discrete unit of data having some value that itself gets an appraisal and is sold like so much verbal sausage.
I think that The Matrix had it right. We need to take the red pill and get the hell out of here…

MSM is almost entirely controlled by about 6 corporations (like Time Warner) or individuals (like Rupert Murdoch). I have seen collages of news reports aimed at squelching anyone questioning vaccines or the swamp’s political agenda. Imagine a zoom image - dozens of squares with everyone saying exactly the same thing. I assume adjusted to coordinate the time sequence so you can clearly make out what they’re saying in near unison. Del Bigtree has shown these on The Highwire. Chris Salcedo showed one about a month ago on his Newsmax show. I’m sorry I couldn’t find an example for you. As far as C19, it means getting Americans sick in ways that Big Pharma has control over how sickcare dollars are spent.

No surprise, here, but still I think it is worth posting:
I forwarded Chris’s blog post in Ivermectin and the video of Dr Kory’s testimony to a few good friends. One of them is very good friends with a senior medical staff person in the NIH. He forwarded on these materials to this person.
The reply way telling - his inquiry was taken seriously by this NIH person as a legitimate issue (not brushed off or downplayed). The NIH staff person noted that “they are working on it, but its wickedly political”.

Good Morning
Beautiful sunny morning here. Panama Guinea Pigs are all doin well- Will prepare my notes for the A Team work today resisting the reset and plan the two Christmas dinners and play some uplifting music, and feed the birds and be silent too. The “new normal” is absolutely not allowed in my yard.
At the same time, we need to keep an eye - a close eye - on this and do our part as we can. This time we need to “not just do something… but stand there” also.
Stand and stand tall. Make them send their robots to collect us if it comes to that -which it well may if unchecked by the looks of the EU Parliament Legislative Report May 2020 on AI and Robotics (LACK of for at least six more years) Governance. I will find it if anyone wants to see this, please PM me.
Anyhow, I just searched on “Goolagul”, “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. There are 380 hits on this topic which span 38 pages… I, went through all the pages and here are my observations:
One need to reach the last page …pg 38…to see anything that is not positive or that even questions. There are only three videos hits 376, 377, 378, which question/critique and these were posted only 7, 5 and 1 day ago. The last two hits are for some ambient music titled 4th Industrial Revolution, both posted one day ago.
I see that the WEF has posted a lot of repeats and their known partners have also.
At the end of page 38 of hits you see this. This alert is not on the first page, or the next 36 pages so only at the very end of the hits…
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 380 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the serch with the omitted results included.

May I venture to say that the average unaware person is largely unaware due to trusting the narrative, internal fears of waking etc, having no time, worrying about urgent things today like food, being down and tired/depressed to some degree, just wanting to quickly and simply understand things and be told what is going on from others, watch MSM for all their info, brainwashed already, are not deep and integral thinkers by nature.
These people will feel so relieved to see these pages of links all saying the 4th Ind Rev is great in this way and that… be it prenatal medicine, early childhood education, helping the poorest of the poor…and that their silly conspiracy friends are just that and that everything is fine. They will sigh --thankful that yet again the tireless, informed nd neutral volunteer fact checkers, as well as the establishment and media have assured them that everyting is as it should be.
They will have never understood the original concept of sustainable development, which even from the old UN was :
"For the greatest number of people, for the longest period of time, broaden people’s choices through the realization of human potential. "
Now they may indeed question if the globalists were to say to them that sustainable development is
“For the greatest number of people, for the least amount of time, lessen people’s choices through the realization of AI potential.”
So being the cagey SMART guy he is, Klaus and Co. will say “Sustainable Development is to hook yourself and your child up to Neuralink, biometrics and the Internet of Nanothings, to inclusively save the corals reefs and the whole world in a fair and equitable way, and empower Islamic women”.
That will sound OK to them.
OK so therefore, when the unaware go to goolagul 99%, they will scan down the first, second, third pages at most likely, then they will see Price Waterhouse Cooper saying the plan is great, Anderson Cooper saying its really cool, and some other classic big shots saying it is fine…even some little African Companies have been flung in - so then they can also see the Harrisonian BLM is respected…
What they will not see is that the concept of BLM anti-slavery fad was nothing more than the white tile, on the black and white checkered floor, the opposite, reverse and 180 degrees different to their true plan -
which is inclusive and sustainable - global human slavery.

I just did the identical search on DuckDuckGo. I found an article pointing out the dangers of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” on the first page of the results.
No further commentary is needed except to state the obvious.
I don’t trust Google and I certainly don’t use Google.

Mike Adams who started Brighteon after being kicked off youtube and spent 2.5 million dollars of his own money to create an alternative provides a daily situation update. He is a private citizen who does have some information resources but does not represent any entity other than himself.

Today’s update

  • Blockades of democratic cities may start soon

  • Hit squads from alphabet organizations are starting.

  • Much more

He may provide a piece if the puzzle you do not have. Or you might not agree or like him. But you get to choose.


Last night I got a call from old friend. He had found out about ivermectin and was calling me about it. The word is getting out despite the disinformation campaign against it.
I think in 2021 we can expect more aggressive informational lockdowns. This may include blocking some sites completely. As another old friend recently told me, “The First Amendment? It means nothing to these people. They will start shutting down internet sites and no one will lift a finger to stop them.”
I agreed. To emphasize the point, I mentioned to him that the Fourth Amendment prohibits searches and seizures without probable cause, “but,” I said, “you can bet that this phone call is being recorded as we speak and saved somewhere on an NSA server.”
These are the times in which we live.

The hiring process for main stream media will select out independent thinkers.
The media has been penetrated for years by letter agencies. The CIA and New York times are bedfellows. The CIA represents more the East Coast elite and the DIA is hand in glove with many many outlets.
Imho, The CIA is totally status quo oriented. The DIA has become the biggest problem, currently and is heavily involved in right wing propaganda. They want a military dictatorship and they will use whoever is in office to get there, if they can, while they demonize centrists as being ‘communists.’ It’s very divisive and, on the part of the DIA, seems intentionally so.
The CIA has their propaganda and the DIA has theirs. There is intent there, on the part of some of the writers. They could easily be CIA hires. But for the most part, the day to day reporting is done by reporters who get a whiff of what’s expected of them and are happy to comply. It’s not a conscious decision.

I believe Mike Adams was anti-mask so probably shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Pro-mask/Anti-mask is not a valid reason for questioning the rest of a person’s beliefs.

Pic is probably too small to read but it reads in summary: a number of Durvet products contain the anti-parasite active ingredient ivermectin. Despite media reports that Ivermectin could potentially be used to treat people with COVID-19, these products are not safe or approved for human use, which could cause severe personal injury or death.

The mere fact that such a message is being posted means that “the word is getting out.”
That has a lot of significance.
First, it means that people in significant numbers don’t believe MSM propaganda sites and are looking elsewhere for information - and finding it.
Second, the very disclaimer may produce the opposite effect from what was intended. People who have never heard about Ivermectin might see that sign and then run an internet search on it. If they run that search on any search engine but Google, they will come across studies from all over the world showing that ivermectin is an effective prophylaxis as well as an effective treatment for Covid-19. I can just imagine someone looking at the search results and saying to themselves, “Why haven’t I heard of this before? What is going on here?”

Yep… just bringing more attention to the matter. Not a bad thing.
As to disclaimers… Do we really need such disclaimers? will someone really sue a drug company because , something happened from taken meds designed for a horse? dont be silly… But , I can assure , no one will get harmed from this medicine…even if they take the amount prescribed for the horse.

The pro or anti-mask thing is a litmus test for me. Why, it’s science even an 8 year old can understand! Gotta love it. If someone can’t figure it out, I figure their opinions should be ignored altogether as they are either really dumb, or they are trying to sell me land in the Florida everglades. In other words, they think I am stupid. Either way, Nope. Not reading them.

I believe that they are partially correct in that the products intended for external use are not safe to be ingested by any mammal and those with multiple active ingredients may also be unsafe for ingestion by non-livestock mammals.
As for the other products, there is probably more risk with them that for human products given the looser manufacturing standards, but some humans seem to be choosing to take that risk given the strong research based evidence supporting it’s use to treat covid-19, the risk associated with leaving covid-19 untreated unless and until one is hospitalized, and the difficulty in obtaining the products intended for humans.
Note: language chosen carefully to report what is actually happening. No recommendations here!