Shamefully Ignorant Journalists...

A certain number of the people who “discover” Ivm on the internet are gonna down two whole syringes in one go and then their estate is gonna be looking for someone to blame.
If anyone asked me about it, Id tell them why I like it but I’d also remind them that neither of us are doctors and that “You are on your own here cowboy.”

The disclaimer is just to protect the retailer. They’re still selling it and not just from behind the counter. But note that it was provided by the manufacturer, LOL, so doesn’t mean that the retailer even believes it. Durvet must be getting a lot of grief, or else their attorneys are really nervous!

At Naked Capitalism an IM doctor reviews (or, rather, shreds) an article in the New England Journal of Medicine on the Pfizer vaccine: (Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine). Reading it I was left shaken. We are in very dangerous territory with this vaccine.
In his concluding paragraph he writes:

My profession has been captured by a cabal of corporatist MBA clones, rapacious and unethical pharmaceutical entities, and an academic elite addicted to credentialism and cronyism. They have over the years bought off and infiltrated all of our government health care regulating agencies and our public health system.
I implore all of you here to read the piece.

It sure looks top notch. I love the kind of papers where you don’t just learn about the thing, but also learn more about the broader profession or industry and this is clearly one of those.
Those who like the way Chris comes at things would do well to give this one some time. Its actually making me feel like Chris’ next update can’t come soon enough

Naked Capitalism is imho one of the best, if not the best site out there for a wide range of topics. There are so many people who are rightfully suspicious of all of the vaccines rushed to market. I don’t know a single person who is going to take any of them.
Big pharma is a curse. Mitch McConnell refuses to sign onto the next stimulus bill unless it contains a rider that excuses Big Pharma from vaccine litigation. I suppose it could be rationalized away along the lines of “emergency measures,” but as this industry is entirely compromised and untrustworthy, it is unlikely, imho.

Big Pharma has liability protection from all the vaccines that ACIP approves for our kids, among others. It has nothing to do with emergency measures. It’s how the United States runs its vaccine program. And it’s why vaccines are such an obscenely lucrative industry. All profit, no downside. The industry extorted this from Ronald Reagan in 1986 and it has carried forward. If you are injured your only recourse is to sue the federal government in the Vaccine Court, and those lawyers know how to keep you from getting any compensation.

The thing that scares me the most is the “boosterism” by NEJM in their editorial.
It is not only unprofessional but reeks of bias.
How can you call a mRNA vaccine (which has never been tried in a human population before) a “triumph” before it is even released?
It seems like they are shilling for Big Pharma.

From the Naked Capitalism Article
Now we travel from the can of worms to the sewer. And this impacts every single one of us. I want you to Google the names of the people on the FDA committee that voted 17-4-1 two days ago to proceed with the Emergency Use Declaration. Go ahead – Google it. On that list, you will find the name Eric Rubin, MD. Why yes indeed, that is the very same Eric Rubin MD who wrote this editorial. Who is the Editor-in-Chief of the NEJM. A publication that certainly takes ad dollars from Pfizer. And he was one of the 17 to vote for the Pfizer product to be immediately used in an emergency fashion. Oh yes, oh yes he was.
Am I the only one who can recognize that Pfizer and other pharma companies may have some influence on Dr. Rubin thanks continued support of his employer, the NEJM? Am I the only one concerned that Dr. Rubin’s “rah rah” editorial may have been influenced by Pfizer? Is anyone else troubled that the Editor-in-Chief of the NEJM, supported by Big Pharma advertising dollars, is sitting on an FDA board to decide the fate of any pharmaceutical product? Is this not the very definition of corruption? Or at least a severe conflict of interest? I strongly suspect that a thorough evaluation of members of that committee will reveal other problems. As my grandmother always used to say, “There is never just one roach under a refrigerator.”
You tube should be banning all video clips from mainstream media and other sources promoting the rushed to the market, conflict of interest vaccine. If their bans are in the interest of preventing harm to the greater public, Big Pharma quackery and boosterism should also get the boot.

You’re right. I double checked and it’s general liability protection, mainly for long term care industry for covid 19.
But that explanation doesn’t persuade Sam Brooks, project manager for The Consumer Voice, an advocacy organization for patients in long-term care. The GOP’s desired shield is unnecessary, he told Intelligencer, and would “have a devastating, long-lasting effect on residents and will increase harm, including death, should it pass.”

YOU ARE SUCH A BADASS! :slight_smile: Thank you for standing up for science and for everything good that we need RIGHT NOW… in a world filled with hate, lies and death, you are such a breath of fresh air and I am so glad to have joined this community. Thank you, thank you and God bless you and your family!

AP, I agree, it’s a very bad idea. More than 4 BILLION dollars has been shelled out by the federal vaccine court, and that represents a very very small part of the damage vaccines have caused. Because they have NEVER been adequately tested for safety. (Chris has been beyond hoodwinked about what the normal process is for developing vaccines - it is not a safety minded industry at all. Nothing remotely close to what other drugs must go through, and they have a lousy track record.) The mantra is Safe&Effective. Lie, lie, lie! Big Pharma is the largest lobbying force in Washington and controls MSM as well. Nothing is going to change the Big Pharma cash cow. Vaccines are mandated for children throughout much of the US. Obviously mandating vaccines for adults as well would be the golden egg. Mandating a C19 vaccine is the Trojan horse. We have to do everything we can to resist it.

This is aside from anything regarding censorship of Ivermectin or trashing its use by mainstream sources.
I wonder how safe a lot of meds are for older people as age can alter the blood brain barrier and turnover rate of cerebral spinal fluid
CSF is renewed four to five times per 24 hours in young adults. Ageing is characterised by a relative increase of the CSF compartment with respect to the brain parenchyma due to cerebral atrophy and a reduction of CSF turnover to three times a day at the age of 77 years.
This applies to the Pfizer vaccine as well. I know that many elderly patients can’t handle drugs the way younger people can and if the source material on exclusions isn’t available it is dangerous.
It might turn out that the vaccine is so harmful to the elderly, that it ends up killing them or causing severe neurological damage in greater numbers than the virus.
I don’t think it will be made mandatory in Canada. The current government would likely lose the next election if they tried that. But you never know.

It’s weird. I just read an article by NEJM about how pharma companies should not be allowed to test their own products. It should be done by independent researchers. So, that’s all good.
And yet they are heavily sponsored through advertising by big pharma, which is just as much a conflict of interest.
From the inception of a new drug’s creation, all the way up the ‘chain of command’ purity is lost. If the harm created by vaccines is protected by robbing victims of what should be their right to sue—My God.

Thank you so much for this post Chris! We needed this! Everyone applauds! Dr. Pierre Kory and his Covid Critical Care Team are my heroes. The Senate Committee testimony by Dr. Kory was truly epic!
Shamefully ignorant or worse? Very good question. There seem to be big interests at stake here.
Vaccine developers seek emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Consider the following:
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), the FDA Commissioner may allow unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. (Emphasis mine)
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) seems to be in a slightly less tight spot:
Conditional marketing authorization
Conditional marketing authorizations may be granted if the CHMP finds that all the following requirements are met: (1) the benefit-risk balance of the product is positive; (2) it is likely that the applicant will be able to provide comprehensive data; (3) unmet medical needs will be fulfilled; (4) the benefit to public health of the medicinal product’s immediate availability on the market outweighs the risks due to need for further data. (Emphasis mine)
So, what do you think, any impact on behavior?
I wish the Covid Critical Care Team and you Chris all the best and the strength to keep on going. You make the difference. The world is a better place thanks to you.

Vaccines aren’t subject to the testing of other kinds of drugs because they aren’t “drugs”. They’re biologics. They are assumed to be safe. They have to be because they have NEVER been truly tested for safety. It’s why the US Gov has paid out more than $4 billion since 1986 for vaccine damages, in a court system where it is extraordinarily difficult to win and few people even understand it’s an option.