Shocked People Pick the Wrong Targets...

Doug, so many examples but you’re too lazy to pay attention. You can start with these references.

You cited FLCCC articles, one published in an open access online “journal.” I realize that most here are not familiar with the peer review process. But, “open access” means anyone can write anything they want there. IOW, not peer reviewed.
The other is a one page summary of “clinical trials” that FLCCC supposedly conducted, posted on FLCCC’s website. Also open access, also not peer reviewed.
It appears to me that FLCCC is a pop-up organization created when covid first came to our consciousness, and probably to profit from the pandemic. I would not trust them.
“Get your facts straight”

Go to and type in ivermectin and covid. See the 50+ peer reviewed articles for yourself…

I didn’t review 50 cases, but there were a couple studies showing that ivermectin may have benefits for positive cases in specific circumstances, but not others. That’s promising, but they all said further studies were necessary to establish efficacy and safety.
So that’s good for treating positive diagnoses. The question in my mind is, how is it preferable to treat people who are already sick to preventing the disease in the first place with vaccine? These tests show possible improvements, not cures.

What evidence do you have that the vaccine prevents disease? Why not try harmless antivirals as early as possible?
"Early research from the U.K. suggests that, after full vaccination, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is 88% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant. The vaccine is 96% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant. The research also showed that the vaccine is 93% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 virus caused by the alpha variant.

  • Early research from Canada suggests that, after one dose, the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is 72% effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant. One dose of the vaccine is also 96% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant.
  • The Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine is 85% effective at preventing severe disease with the COVID-19 virus caused by the delta variant, according to data released by Johnson & Johnson." I am unable to copy and paste the table at this link, but it is worth a look. You can ignore it if you wish, but you can never say you weren't informed.