So It's Back To First Principles

I just overflew but didn’t find a statement on this. Can you provide a quote for that?

In general the FBI didn’t really say anything we didn’t know already. Confirming a few things and focusing on the shooters motive but who the f**ck cares.
We want to know why was it that a 20yrs old can get in a prime position within 150yd of the FPOTUS and release 8 shots. Who was responsible and in which degree. Were decisions or actions taken/made that are legally relevant.

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according my machine transcript of the 20 min presser, the FBI special agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh field office Kevin Rojak (or similar) stated this at 00:19:57 into the press conference audio:

“We know that there were 10 rounds fired that day, eight from our subject, one from a local law enforcement officer, and one from the secret service sniper.”

Interestingly, at 00:19:27 he also waltzed over a journalist’s question if medications were looked for apart from the routine alcohol and drug scan in the toxicological findings:

“And regarding the second question, we need to get back to you on whether there were any prescription drugs in the system.”

If Rojak doesn’t even know the toxicological report, what he thinks to be his role at a press conference?

But Rojak knows something else at 00:08:14:

“it is not the FBI’s role to investigate the actions, the security posture, or the responsibilities of the Secret Service or local law enforcement related to the campaign rally.”

Only to contradict that at 00:16:01:

“Next, regarding questions surrounding the release of first responders from the shooting scene on the night of July 13. The FBI had no reason or intention to hold or detain any first responders. As the law enforcement community assembled in Butler was actively responding to public safety risks and assisting with investigative activity throughout the night. The FBI appreciates the monumental law enforcement response that lasted hours […]”

And look at this lame excuse at 00:00:41:

“We continue to do these press briefings by phone because we found that it allows us to reach as many of you as possible. Right. We could do this in person, but that’s going to limit the amount of people could be in the room. And so we just continue to do this by phone.”

Sadly I can’t upload a text file here, but I’ll later add a pdf version.

edit: add machine transcript as pdf as attachment.

2024-08-20-third-fbi-presser-on-Jul-13th.pdf (93.5 KB)


“We refuse to investigate the case. We’ve decided that it’s not our ‘role’ to actually understand what happened here.”

Fine, then get the F out of the way and let the local homicide detectives do genuine investigations.


Thanks for that detailed reply. My fault I didn’t watch the video and just read the article. It’s telling how they can completely contradict themselfs within just a few minutes.

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And that is one of the reasons why questions could only be asked by phone.


Many of us were scratching our heads trying to figure out the Butler County Detail Plan, Counter-Sniper Positions, and Beaver County After Action Report. I did a detailed review of the commonly confusing aspects and the inaccuracies of those documents. It’s provided as a resource for whenever you’re doing any analysis related to that evidence, so you don’t get tripped up by them.


Maybe these journos are not even speeking with a human anymore, AI is everywhere.
Like when you call a helpline of a telco or so, after ending the call you’re left helplessly confused with even more questions than you had beforehand.

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Great wrap-up, thanks for sharing.
For slide 16: The car parked is not BWC2-122111’s car. He just filmed the car coming into the parking lot, check his bodycam 18:09:18 - 18:09:27
The cop who pulled up with the car is Patrolman David Tedeski

For slides 5-8
I wondered myself why they released the 3 sniper pictures from inside building 2. Should it give the impression “hey look, here are our three different sniper positions in building 2”
When I looked a bit closer, I quickly realised they just pictured 1 sniper position (west window) and made it look like it’s three different views (with the angle and zoom level the picture were taken).

P.S. At one point you had something like: confirmed sniper positions on the south facing windows, highlighted with a yellow frame. Can’t find it right now, could you help out?


Thank you. The graphic is a bit confusing I’ll admit. The screenshot is taken from BWC2-122110’s bodycam, who earlier in that video parking his car, the Butler Township marked vehicle (“propped up” guy). The unmarked car is captured pulling up by BWC2-122111. I am not stating that the unmarked car belongs to BWC2-122111.

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no big thing. There’s always different ways to display something and all of them may do the job. To me it just made the impression you connect the car with the BWC number Officer.

Trust me, I confused myself with it and first had the bodycam numbers jumbled up. I changed it to make it clearer.

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much less confusing for sure :+1:

The other thing
At one point you had something like: confirmed sniper positions in building 2 (south facing). I think screenshot of the facade with the 2 very left windows highlighted with a yellow frame. Was that from a report or testimony, can’t find it now. Before I have to scroll through all the posts, maybe you have a hint?

I don’t recall the graphic you’re describing, I’ve had so many iterations. If it’s just confirmation you need, this should suffice. I’ll grab you the link and post it in a little while.

Here is the link to Grassley’s letter.


exactly this was it bottom right in your slide, thanks a lot!
I just wonder why they say it’s the 2 windows on the very left. I ask myself because the 1st window wasn’t open, but the 2nd and the 3rd. Or is the 1st in a room that also covers the southern west facing window (pictures of sniper spot) and they were just too lazy to point that out in detail?

Interesting, the time offset of the bodycam is BWC2-122110 is +102 seconds compared to the device that I understand to be a GPS navigation system mounted between the front seats. Could that be? The screenshot was taken when the digital clock visible at the top of the small screen just transited to 18:01. The car is the cruiser parked in front of AGR Bldg. 6, with dashcam M500-010482. I really don’t know if the GPS also feeds the clock of the video documentation system and thus its clock bar display, but that could be established when comparing the clocks of BWC2-122110 video with that of the car at significant points along the way.

edit: correct BWC2-12110 → BWC2-122110

edit: BWC2-122110 and dashcam M500-010482 are almost in sync (dt < 1 s), but way off from the mid console display … The two stills are taken when the driver stops when having missed the dirt road leading up to the water tower.

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I sure wish we had a floor plan.

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Yeah, this unsynced timestamps driving me nuts as well.
We know BWC2-122104 is 12s ahead of time and the dashcam M500-010482 (the car BWC2-122110 is driving) 1s behind of time.
I’m working myself into some video editing software and try to determine the real time of the body-/dashcams.


Overall a good summary of the facts at hand, there are internal inconsistencies in the report itself, but I think you captured most of them.

Just noting that the detail plan is from Butler, but the after action report is from Beaver. Not sure how separate these two are from each other.

I know this is a bit on the speculative side, but I personally suspect that there exists a possibility that the detail plan was changed after the events of J13. And it has to do with Slide 2.

When looking at any document, and you can even see it in your own slides, every person has their own style when making a document. If you add graphics to a map for example, a person tends to use the same font, color, methodology, etc. In your case you have screenshots of documents, many titles and sometimes a paragraph to explain the slide. The point I trying to make is that in slide 2, the two maps differ in style.

At the minimum two different people worked on the document, probably on two different times. If it was just this then I would let it go, but there is, in my opinion, a significant inconsistency. It has to do with the Counter Sniper Positions document released by Grassley. Page 4 to be exact.

They had printed maps at the start of the day, supposedly the exact positions of the snipers. If so, why was there a satellite map, with hand drawn position of the beaver sniper taped to the wall instead? If the snipers had the positions map in the detail plan, why wasn’t it taped to the wall?

A niggling thought also gets into mind. Would Secret Service give the LEO’s their call signs, Hercules, beforehand? Wouldn’t they give those names right at the last minute? Perhaps a former SS agent would give some perspective on this.

This is why I keep the possibility open that the detail plan was changed afterwards to form a narrative. Pure speculation of cause. :smiley:


Boy, do I feel stupid. Fixed!

You might be right about changes and CYA after the fact. When it comes to the Beaver County ESU interviews, it was all about making their actions sound heroic, some of Nicol’s statements, if not altered by CNN, twist the facts so much they broke They were clearly in a CYA mode, and they were used by ABC and CNN to support the official (i.e. Deep State) narrative.

The AAR had so many errors on the maps, you could hardly make sense of the timeline. It was either a rush document that wasn’t reviewed for accuracy by those involved, or it was intentionally misleading. I actually found errors while doing that analysis I hadn’t seen before.

Anyways, thanks for pointing out the glaring error in counties. that is always appreciated.


I’m thinking they didn’t deny the rifle was HIT, they said it was fully functional. The rifle does appear to have a chunk taken out of the stock.

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