So It's Back To First Principles

Unfortunately I don’t have the sophisticated tool you are using. So I just put stills from 3 different cameras (BWC2-122110, BWC2-122111, M500-010482) at the same timestamp beside each other and checked if it all matches up motion- and positionwise. As far as I can see it all fits but I’m always happy to have a second opinion. If I’m right then the 2 bodycams are, like the dashcam as you showed in your post, -1.267 seconds as well?

In other words you aligned the cruiser dashcam (M500-010482), the bodycam of the hoisting-cop (BWC2-122110) and the bodycam of an hitherto unnamed LEO (BWC2-122111), who casually covered the lens of his bodycam from 18:11:24 until 18:11:32 when looking into the direction of @howdoiknowthisinfo favorite shooter position.

When based on similar frames, an offset like -1.267 s is certainly too precise, since there is no audio to sync with first shot and even then the last digit should be taken with a larger grain of salt.

But I think the BWC-12211 clock is off by >=1 seconds when compared to the cruiser dashcam, because the guy who is seen by the bodycam BWC2-122110 (unknown LEO) is actually the hoisted cop, who was coming from the grassy area, was then seen running parallel to the footwalk and left the dashcam field of view at 18:10:28.

kdenlive is part of the KDE desktop environment on GNU/Linux systems, but it’s open source and there is a windows version too. Greg_n used a similar but apparently more evolved software. Someone on the audio thread just recommended Open Shot, of which there are windows/mac versions too.

One small thing: the video streams of these two bodycams were encoded with variable framerates, which AFAIK implies frames of different length or distance. kdenlive therefore suggests to transcode these to the 30 fps rate of the dashcam video.

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Yep, that’s what I tried to at least. I agree, the 3 digit accuracy behind the dot isn’t needed. Unless somebody with talent in video editing wants to dive in, I’m good enough with the dashcam/bodycam being 1-2 seconds ahead of time.

Thanks as well for the input concerning video editing software.

Latest version of the Timeline document.

Timeline - 2024-08-28.pdf (919.4 KB)

Not many changes in this document. Mostly correcting mistakes, adding small details, adding additional timeline items and adding names to relevant persons.

Quick questions for all of you:

  • Should I add images to this document relevant to some timelines or keep it clean?
  • Should I add a section where footage timelines are synchronized to a main timeline?
  • If I add a synchronized list, what will be the time of the first shot? 11:33 or 11:32?
  • Do you all want this document in PDF or Word?

As for the timing of the first shot, give this a read. I’ve been using 18:11:32, which aligns with what like you said about 18:11:31 to being close to 18:12:32. But, for what I do I don’t need to be precise about the milliseconds.

I was playing around with the timeline last night to see the time elapsed since GN’s Crooks photo was taken and distributed and comparing it to the time remaining to shot 1. If GN would have sent it out when he claimed to have sent it ("’The first thing I did, I sent those pictures out "[24 minutes later]), other LEOs would have had almost an hour to find Crooks instead of 20 minutes.

Yet GN stated: ““I assumed that there would be somebody coming out to – you know, to speak with this individual or, you know, find out what’s going on,” he added.” Gee, Greg, I wonder why nobody came out for 37 minutes. But you go ahead with your sanctimonious BS. “What you do speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.”

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At one point I also used RSBN to get 11:33, but many people kept referencing to 11:32. I will keep 18:11:33 as the time the first shot fired as per the section you referred me to.

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In case we’d go to be like 3 digit after the dot precise (what I don’t think is needed here), pk2019 would have needed to deduct from his result the travel time of the bullet. So the time between the moment the bullet leaves its cartridge case (shot fired) and the moment this bullet passes Trump’s microphone (bullet arrives target). I guess that would be somewhere around 0.17sec in this case.

Long talk short: we can agree on 18:11:33


They probably referencing to 32 because the car dashcam timestamp is 1sec behind of time.

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That is a good idea. I propose a table of the following form:

| ID |  Time | Offset [s]  | Type | Author| Geolocation | Author | Accessed [tstamp] | Length [bytes] | Checksum [sha-256]| Source [short URL]| ref'd to full URL |  Status |


 "Type"   in "cell phone|bodycam|dashcam|survcam|tv|..."
 "Status" in "unknown|modified|acceptable|affidavit|..." 

(how to suppress syntax coloring within preformatted text?)

I’d prefer pdf. Put in some sort of fair use copyright, keep it versioned and single sourced.

edit: “Type” field added, “Status” modified

Copyright is a good idea. The FBI is releasing a few pictures with basicly no further information and this an amazing six and a half weeks after an assassination attempt on a former President.
I have the feeling the FBI is sipping drinks at the beach and when the Senators start to make pressure about their report (60 days they said), the boys quickly switch from shorts to ties, grab whatever they need from this citizens investigation and voilà, here is your report.


There might be certain ways to motivate them.

  1. One for all, all for one. But this pattern also appears in Dirty Dosen film. If anyone makes a mistake, all of them to be under penalty. Is it fair? Of course not. But it is useful, when soft methods ceases to work.

  2. The gray suit guy was in charge. Period.
    (A retired colonel told me a story about a soldier who did not wear his cap, MP asked him what his decision was. He replied: due to the serious event he was sentenced to be shot dead in front of the entire regiment.)

Fox News has the FBI’s phone press conference (or at least part of it).

  • FBI test fired the weapon. It was and remains fully operational
  • FBI matched 8 shell casing with the rifle
  • Regarding the round fired by local officer, there is no forensic evidence that that round either struck the subject or the subject’s rifle.
  • No reason to believe there was ever a 2nd shooter
  • 10 rounds fired (8 + 1 local + 1 SS sniper)
  • no reason to detain any first responder
  • Negative results for drugs or alcohol abuse.
  • Overseas encrypted email accounts were no more sophisticated than any widespread email webservice
  • Parents have been and are cooperating fully
  • Internet searches:
    September 2019 until this summer: Detonating cord, blasting cap, how to make a bomb from fertilizer, how do remote detonators work, ammonium nitrate and other things
    jul5 when drc, rnc
    jul8 agr international
    jul9 ballistic calculator
    jul10 weather in Butler

discipline one, educate hundreds.

Was this in war times?
If not, that’s how times change. Today the colonel gets sacked and the soldier gets a medal for being a rebel and critical thinker. It’s sissie time and you have to be understanding and sympathetic. It’s ok, but everything has to have its limits, otherwise it’s anarchy soon.

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No. We had peace here within 50 years. Except some agressive military parade without a single gunshot.

But the colonel had to report to the general staff and explain his answer.
Actually he was very upset, because the MP officer had referred to the constitution in his letter. What the hell the constitution to do with a missing cap, he repled. And he added, shouldn’t I have to report to the president himself too?
I laugh loudly on this story again and again.

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I just overflew but didn’t find a statement on this. Can you provide a quote for that?

In general the FBI didn’t really say anything we didn’t know already. Confirming a few things and focusing on the shooters motive but who the f**ck cares.
We want to know why was it that a 20yrs old can get in a prime position within 150yd of the FPOTUS and release 8 shots. Who was responsible and in which degree. Were decisions or actions taken/made that are legally relevant.

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according my machine transcript of the 20 min presser, the FBI special agent in charge of the FBI Pittsburgh field office Kevin Rojak (or similar) stated this at 00:19:57 into the press conference audio:

“We know that there were 10 rounds fired that day, eight from our subject, one from a local law enforcement officer, and one from the secret service sniper.”

Interestingly, at 00:19:27 he also waltzed over a journalist’s question if medications were looked for apart from the routine alcohol and drug scan in the toxicological findings:

“And regarding the second question, we need to get back to you on whether there were any prescription drugs in the system.”

If Rojak doesn’t even know the toxicological report, what he thinks to be his role at a press conference?

But Rojak knows something else at 00:08:14:

“it is not the FBI’s role to investigate the actions, the security posture, or the responsibilities of the Secret Service or local law enforcement related to the campaign rally.”

Only to contradict that at 00:16:01:

“Next, regarding questions surrounding the release of first responders from the shooting scene on the night of July 13. The FBI had no reason or intention to hold or detain any first responders. As the law enforcement community assembled in Butler was actively responding to public safety risks and assisting with investigative activity throughout the night. The FBI appreciates the monumental law enforcement response that lasted hours […]”

And look at this lame excuse at 00:00:41:

“We continue to do these press briefings by phone because we found that it allows us to reach as many of you as possible. Right. We could do this in person, but that’s going to limit the amount of people could be in the room. And so we just continue to do this by phone.”

Sadly I can’t upload a text file here, but I’ll later add a pdf version.

edit: add machine transcript as pdf as attachment.

2024-08-20-third-fbi-presser-on-Jul-13th.pdf (93.5 KB)


“We refuse to investigate the case. We’ve decided that it’s not our ‘role’ to actually understand what happened here.”

Fine, then get the F out of the way and let the local homicide detectives do genuine investigations.


Thanks for that detailed reply. My fault I didn’t watch the video and just read the article. It’s telling how they can completely contradict themselfs within just a few minutes.

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And that is one of the reasons why questions could only be asked by phone.


Many of us were scratching our heads trying to figure out the Butler County Detail Plan, Counter-Sniper Positions, and Beaver County After Action Report. I did a detailed review of the commonly confusing aspects and the inaccuracies of those documents. It’s provided as a resource for whenever you’re doing any analysis related to that evidence, so you don’t get tripped up by them.