So It's Back To First Principles

Here’s useful way to search all of PA. Examine the URL and you’ll see how it works, even if the site itself doesn’t make it easy.

I don’t know why I didn’t see this with just “Bitts,” but this looks like the one.

The New Brighton Borough site isn’t very helpful, but there are others from that department on the ESU list.

Here’s my revised ESU table showing regular department affiliations. I’m using it to try and find blue shirt, and only having partial success in ruling some out. Others I can’t find photos for (NP).


Hello Roger

In the last 48 hours I have dramatically changed my position on a number of fundamental values, including also how to approach the problem itself.

I no longer think that we should be looking at the height of the ground at the back of the bleachers where the wheels are located. I am now of the view that the correct ground height that should be used, is that at the very front of the bleachers. That being the height of the ground that the front row of the bleachers rests upon.

I am now convinced that the way that the bleachers were set up involved raising up the back of the bleachers to match the height at the front, to achieve a uniform level. The following image seems to confirm that this is how they are indeed set up:

As can be seen, the bleachers rest upon the grassy area which is slightly higher than the road behind them. The bleachers have been raised up at the back to match the height of the ground that the front of the bleachers rest upon. This is how I believe they are configured in practice.

The upshot is, that everything we were discussing previously about the height of the ground in the area around the back of the bleachers is irrelevant.

In proceeding with the evaluation, I determined the very precise placement of both the bleachers to the left of Trump, and also Trump’s podium.

The first image (below) with a semi-transparency layer, scaled to the right proportions, shows the position of both structures:

With the transparency layer removed, the four corner points for both the bleachers and the podium remain:

As accurately as possible, I then did a ground profile for each of the structures.

Consider the bleachers first.

The full perimeter of the bleachers is: (19.33333… x 2) + (45 x 2) = 128.666666… ft.
In the image below, the ground profile graph at the bottom goes to ~0.0243 of a mile (5280 ft.), which = 128.304 ft.

Here I draw your attention to the front row of the bleachers (A – B), which would appear to rest upon a very uniform ground level, predominantly 1335.68 ft. above sea level.

It is my contention that this is the ground level height above sea level that should be used in our calculations. The full height of the bleachers resting upon this level, so to speak:

Height of Ground above sea level: 1335.68 ft.
Height of Bleachers: 11.166666… ft. (11’ 2”)
Bullet Contact from Top of Bleachers: -0.333333… ft. (4 inches)

Bleachers Position (Bullet Contact) Total = 1346.513333 ft.

Trump’s Podium Position

In like manner to the above, I think it is correct to isolate the highest ground elevation that Trump’s podium rests upon, under the assumption that this is the standard to which it was set.

A careful analysis would appear to prove this point correct.

The first thing to determine is the actual size of the platform. From a very detailed plan view image, it can be determined quite easily. We know that the bleachers are 45 feet in length. Carefully examining the podium - which is a perfect square - against the bleachers in the image (counting pixels), it is readily determined that Trump’s podium is 4 x 16 feet, giving a perimeter of 64 feet in total.

With this in hand, I scoured as many video clips as I could to find somebody that was looking at the podium side on. The critical image is shown below. An almost dead on side view of the right edge of the podium (that is to Trump’s right).

Upon careful study, upon running a multitude of comparisons via counting pixels, I determined that the ratio between the edge of the platform and the height was 4 to 1, practically dead on. This means that the height of the podium is some 16 feet divided by 4, which = 4 feet, or 48 inches.

Further confirmation to support this height can be gained from examining certain videos on You Tube from companies that specialise in supplying podiums for various venues, including the steps leading up to them. I saw one man in particular discussing this very thing in the following video:

He talks about a four step set of stairs, with each riser being 8 inches high. This equals 32 inches in total. With the stairs set against a podium, the final 8 inches above the last step are taken when one actually steps onto the podium. This equals 40 inches in total.

If one carefully examines the podium at Trump’s rally however, one can see that whereas a four step set of stairs is indeed used, the stairs themselves do not rest directly upon the ground. Rather, they are placed upon a special raised platform, adding yet another 8 inches to the overall calculation.

The full height as deduced therefore, is 48 inches (4 ft.).

Bearing this in mind then, consider the ground profile of Trump’s podium, and note in particular the side labelled B - C. This being the very side as shown in the image above (the side to the right of Trump, facing forward). The ground profile begins with the graph at point A. From corner points B to C, the 16 feet of this particular side is practically uniform at exactly 1337.23 ft. above see level. This is where the ground is the highest with respect to all four sides of the podium itself.

As a result of this, this is the ground height - 1337.23 ft. - that we should use for our calculations. The height of the podium specifically being added to this height.

Indeed, all of the other sides of the podium were raised up to ensure a level podium platform based upon the standard that was the right side of the podium, at 1337.23 ft. above sea level. This is confirmed when one considers a photograph of the left side of the podium. This is where the ground is lower, as confirmed by the ground profile detailed above.

If you look carefully at the step risers (8 inches each), and compare them to the final elevation point that gets you to the podium, you can see that the latter is significantly higher than the step risers. This is because the raised platform combined with the four steps equals a fixed 40 inches. But the podium had to be raised significantly at this side, so the final elevation value was more than just another 8 inches to the podium’s height, as was present on the right side.

This offers further confirmation that the correct way to approach this problem is to go with the highest ground point underneath Trump’s podium, and then add 48 inches to this total.

To summarise then, based upon all of the above, this is where I personally am at the moment:

Trump Position (Ear Height Bullet Contact)

Height of Ground above sea level: 1337.23 ft.
Height of Podium: 4 ft. (48 inches)

Height of Donald Trump: 6’ 3” (75 inches)
Age Shrinkage: -0.036111111… ft. (-0.433333333 inches)
Bullet Strike to Ear: -0.25 ft. (-3 inches)
Trump’s posture: -0.166666… ft. (-2 inches)
Height of Trump’s Heels: 0.0833333… ft. (1 inch)

Total = 1347.110556 ft.

Bleachers Position (Bullet Contact)

Height of Ground above sea level: 1335.68 ft.
Height of Bleachers: 11.166666… ft. (11’ 2”)
Bullet Contact from Top of Bleachers: -0.333333… ft. (4 inches)

Total = 1346.513333 ft.


Martin Joins New Brighton Borough Council; First Bids Received For Paving Program - Beaver County Radio
“Much of the agenda focused on police and patrol measures, beginning with the hiring of Alexander Bitts as a full-time patrol officer in accordance with the Civil Service rules and regulations.”


I think I found “Alex Bitts’” Facebook account.

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Guys, this may be very important, but we should also treat it with skepticism because the source and authenticity of these files is not verified.

I’m putting these here so you will immediately download them to your archive for safekeeping. Why? Because it appears these PDFs were improperly redacted.

Butler ESU Operations Order-redacted.pdf (2.0 MB)
redacted SKM_C250i24072423260.pdf (728.8 KB)

@cmartenson Please use your favorite PDF editor to delete any black boxes you deem to be obstructing justice.



Welcome to Cassandra DeRose & Alexander Bitts’ Wedding Website |

Cassandra DeRose and Alexander Bitts’ Wedding Website (



I don’t know. Without a law enforcement reference to go with the faces, tough to confirm.

Anyways, I applaud you on finding a wedding registry. You’re lucky. I forget who the married cops I found the court document for that showed the date their divorce was final. :frowning_face:

Here is the source for the unredacted FPOTUS After Action Beaver County ESU/SWAT

watch 8:57 - 9:40
Trump Assassination Attempt (

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that sounds bad :open_mouth:

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Yeah, it may be legit, it’s just that this person (I guess Goodman) didn’t seem to understand that messing around with the evidence was a bad thing to do. Getting the data was great… he should have released it unmodified.

Are you guys saving this stuff and seeing the significance? For one thing, this seems to reveal that the SAIC is actually named “Burker”, not Burke. It could be a typo, though.
Edit: I think it’s a typo. Still nice to know, though.

That is beyond weird. Have you had an account before? What was the fake reason given? I have no accounts since 2019. The internet is redirecting and censoring so much! That is even more reason to continue this. Great job guys.

After seeing his smiling face it makes you realize how totally disgusted he really was in ABC interview. Great job finding him.

The “MERCO” misspelling on the map provided to Sen. Grassley to confirm the counter-sniper lists, makes me wonder if “Oshe” was misspelled (e.g. Oshea or O’Shea).


You’re right, look at those docs.

After thinking about it, I wonder if it’s because I used my deceased mother’s iPad to set it up, and she had an Instagram account. This is the reason they gave:


No, I have strong intuition that they simply detect stuff that’s not normal. The machine learning stuff detects that your account was just an information gathering account. They told me the same kind of thing on Facebook.

They want their “platform” to be a kind of zoo where they can monitor everything. No “guests” allowed.

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OK, I have a new understanding. Goodman probably really did do a FOIA request, and got back a thumb drive. The documents on the drive were improperly redacted. I’ve uploaded two of the three here, but I can’t upload the third one because it’s a pptx, but we’ve already seen most of it.

Goodman is probably a legit source, it’s just that he’s a bad journalist, which is fine. Kudos to him for doing the FOIA request.


Here’s the second half of the deep dive I did on the Butler & Beaver County documents. The AAR is full of mistakes. I can only imagine someone trying to document the events to respond to Grassley, and not having those involved to help compile it or at least review it before it went out. It’s a “flash document” as stated on Grassley’s website, and it’s not on official letterhead. That all needs to be considered when interpreting it. The timeline maps are the worst, along with the screwed up 8:06-18:11 entry. I explain how I interpret that entry.

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