Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

LOL. But don’t forget the orange crush(?) drinking supposed sniper going to the fence from the south.

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I agree that it doesn’t have to be complicated. But we are all different in abilities and gifts. Maybe he can do this in short time where it would make some of us crazy.

Because of the beer? No. Those guys with the beer were legit to me, just having fun. I pointed it out because I always find it funny that even when shots are going on some people don’t even drop the booze. I’ve seen videos of shots fired inside a bar, murders, etc, and some people just stand there holding their beer as nothing had happened.

But apart from those guys, yes, I believe there were people outside-the-fence that were not there to support Trump and were a bit suspicious. I’ve been getting a weird feeling about that retaining wall, especially. A 40-50 yard radius from that retaining wall is where many important answers are. Somehow, one way or another, many elements are linked to around, say, a 20 yard radius from that retaining wall…


I mean… why would Crooks even sit there? I can think of only a few alternatives

a) to find the range to Trump from the roof of AGR6 by averaging the measurements from the retaining wall and from ahead of the AC unit in front of the building.
BUT, from that retaining wall, he didn’t have a line of sight to Trump or the podium. The view was blocked by the red harvester. Even if he had a view, why not range it standing up from the side of the building away from the open windows on the 2nd floor?

b) to be seen by Nicol, thus giving him a reason to leave
If that’s the case, Crooks knew the 2nd floor had at least one sniper for those 3 open windows. But without knowing for sure how many were there, and not knowing if someone would actually leave their post to chase him or at least track him, then why would he later pick a place that could be shot at from those windows?

c) to be seen by Nicol, thus giving him an excuse to leave
Well… Nicol did leave. But wouldn’t it give Nicol trouble and suspicion for leaving? Would that be such a good excuse for a conspiracy of the sort?

d) to draw attention to himself, thus allowing someone else to act
Well, who else? Witnesses around say the shots came from the roof. There’s video of him firing the first round, there’s audio analysis saying all shots came from the same place. Who else, then?

e) to be seen by Nicol, his acquaintance, to say hello
“Hi Greg, remember me from the range? Here, I’m ranging Trump, watch out for me”. And then Nicol started thinking he was serious and left his post? Why not just radio and text that a kid who is a shooter from the club was there taunting him… I mean, if they knew each other, word would eventually come out anyway, no?

f) to check if he could access the roof from that place
Couldn’t he do it from, say, closer to the tree? And hadn’t he already used a drone to check the overall layout of the place? The guy just HAD to sit there to figure out if he could climb his way to that roof from that place, from under 3 open windows and right next to many other people? Couldn’t he have done so without drawing that much attention?


if he did either

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  1. He tested the agreement no police will engage.
  2. There was 1 hour unexpected delay. Waited for the instuctions?
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  1. got tired? What a place to wait. That retaining wall area must be the go-to resting place for the white-shorts-black-shoes-grey-tshirt crowd.

Possible. More so than testing the engagement, I believe… It would be risky: test fails and game over.

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I’m setting up an experimental server where we can publish whatever findings, results, notes, etc. we want. I haven’t used this software before, so I’m not sure if it’s good, but it seems OK in my initial tests. If you produce findings and want an account, please get in my DMs.

Edit: Go here and log in as public/public. This fancy interface provides stuff a lot of people want, like selecting multiple files and downloading them all. A different view of the same stuff is here.


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I was a tad worried somebody would think that posting this is over some line. That’s why I asked people to get the improperly redacted documents themselves and just unredact them as they saw fit.

Most of this info should not be secret, but some nutcase may abuse it.

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I agree with your concern, Brian. The one thing I don’t think we should be posting in this forum are the personal cell phone numbers of those who provided support for the rally. Assigned radio call signs are fine, but personal phone numbers are not. That is doxing, whether or not it is done with malintent. It would greatly diminish our work here if this forum were to be called out publicly for doxing.

The article below starts with the statement:

“BUTLER TOWNSHIP, Pa. — In the days since a gunman tried to assassinate Donald Trump, a township in rural Pennsylvania has received a barrage of hate mail and angry phone calls blaming its officers for failing to keep the former president safe.”

We might question the actions and competencies of a few involved, but the vast majority are very likely fellow patriotic Americans who were serving to the best of their ability. I would hate for this forum to be accused of contributing to such unwarranted harassment of those individuals.


also note that if you delete a message in this forum, you can still go to the history of that message and visualise what was deleted…

so, there is no way any information posted on this forum gets erased…

the server @brian60221 made available (thanks for this!) is a much better “clipboard” on which stuff can be shared that is not to be shared permanently…


Interesting. Good to know about the history.

Thanks for setting this up. If it’s possible to upload single video files of up to 3GB in size, you could provide me with access information.


Please get in touch with slopedroof777@proton.me. You’ll get your own area where you can publish your findings. Invitation goes out to anyone who’s producing documents about their findings, evidence, etc.


just sent

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Also quotation preserves the entire message.

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uploaded a video file, maybe you can check if it works to watch.
Could also put together other sets, just let me know if you’re interested in a specific one.

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Nice, it even plays directly off the server if I go here.

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Sweet :+1:
my internet is probably not fast enough, have a lot of buffering. But since it’s also downloadable that shouldn’t be a problem. Thx again for setting it up :muscle: