Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Originally published at: Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse? – Peak Prosperity

One mystery that investigators will have to resolve is answering the question, “How did all those law enforcement assets lose track of Crooks between his picture being taken at 5:14 and the first shot being taken at 6:11:33?”

It’s an important question that needs to be answered.

A related question concerns the fact that one of the plain-clothed officers just happened to be dressed nearly identically to Crooks with a grey t-shirt, white knee-length shorts, facial hair, and dark shoes. Such ‘coincidences’ have to be laid to rest.

A further curiosity is that out of all the LEO bodycam footage that’s been released, 100% of it is from officers who were located on the east side of the AGR complex before the shooting began. Obviously, those on the west side are much more important to understanding the flow of events that allowed young Mr. Crooks to get on the roof and into a shooting position.

Finally, we absolutely demand a complete accounting of the movements and positions of the two ESU snipers who were supposed to be in the overwatch building and should have been in their positions. Their story is full of holes and demands to be explained.


As much as this saddens me… it’s all kabuki theater. We will never learn the real truth.


I wouldn’t be here pouring in time and effort if I thought it was hopeless.


On ZZ Cop, I’m pretty sure he’s not LEO, because he gets banished by the sergeant in this video.

On Bearded Volcom Shirt Guy and his partner, they seem to be with Pennsylvania State Police, and they were referred to as being a CERT/CRT/SERT/SRT (something like that) team.

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I think this I right based on how they interact with other State Police. It’s a bit easier, and more fluid.

Still have not seen anything to debunk my idea that Crooks was substituted with a professional sharpshooter before he was hoisted on the roof. Crazy theory, I know, but is it impossible? I believe Thomas Matthew Crooks is still alive. We couldn’t know, of course, because a body has been cremated… very suspicious


Am I wrong in seeing at 33:22 what might be the outline of the sniper nest or the sniper themselves in the window?

Good catch! I believe you are right. It looks like the rifle setups in the 3 photos showing the nest in the West window. Thanks for posting it.

Oh, what video was that from?

Martenson’s video (link in original post at top of thread) at the time I mentioned.

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Chris’ # 2 conclusion at the end of the video:

“There’s no accounting for Crooks between 5:45 and 6:05 and this is quite mysterious.”

The conflicting information from the FBI, the Secret Service, and local law enforcement on this crucial piece of the puzzle is absolutely maddening.

On July 30th, from FBI Deputy Director Abbate’s opening statement to the Congressional committee panel hearing on the assassination attempt:

"At around 5:32 p.m., local SWAT observed the shooter next to the AGR building using his phone, browsing news sites, and with a range finder. At approximately 5:38 p.m., the photo of the shooter taken earlier was sent to local SWAT operators in a text message group.

Subsequently, approximately 25 minutes prior to the shooting, the U.S. Secret Service command post was notified of a suspicious person.

Officers lost sight of the subject from approximately 6:02 p.m. to 6:08 p.m. but continued to communicate with each other, in an attempt to locate him."

The inference from Abbate’s opening remarks seems clear; Crooks was under continuous observation by local law enforcement personnel from 5:32 to 6:02, when “officers lost sight of the subject…”

How else is there to interpret what Abbate said, even though we now know it’s erroneous?

Why did he do that?

If the local police officers he’s referring to (they have to be the Butler and Beaver County snipers, unless Abbate is really playing games here…) had lost sight of Crooks prior to 6:02, then Abbate should have used that time, of course, and also the 6:02 time, to reflect the second time that they lost sight of him.

Worse, Abbate’s testimony conflicts dramatically with the sequence of events laid out by the Washington Post from local law enforcement radio transcripts:

“Just an FYI, we had a younger white male, long hair, lurking around the AGR building,” a local countersniper said at 5:42 p.m., according to a time-stamped transcript of encrypted radio communications obtained by The Washington Post. “He was viewed with a range finder sighting the stage. … We lost sight of him.”


The local officers lost track of Crooks, and would not see him again for 20 minutes, the transcript shows."


“Our sierra units lost visual of him,” Lenz (Sgt. Ed Lenz, Butler County Tactical Mobile Unit Commander) told the traffic-control officers at 5:54 p.m., using the code name for local tactical officers. “I believe you guys are outside of that fence, if you come upon him.”

Crooks would resurface eight minutes later, setting off an intensifying manhunt."

So the Washington Post timeline seems to indicate that Crooks first went out of sight of local law enforcement around 5:42, a full 10 minutes after he was seen on the retaining wall with the rangefinder in hand.

That leaves us three minutes shy of Chris’ 5:45 to 6:05 timeline.

And here’s where things get really interesting, because Abbate makes no mention of this in his testimony, a week after Cheatle testified.

Remember this Congressional testimony from Cheatle?

"Rep. Jake LaTurner – Republican – Kansas: Is it true that at 5:45 pm, approximately 18 minutes before President Trump took the stage, the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit noticed the shooter on the roof and photographed him?

Is that a fact or not?

Secret Service Director Cheatle: That is the information that I have from the FBI’s report, yes.

Rep. Jake LaTurner: You haven’t been willing to share whether or when this was communicated to the Secret Service, so I’d like to get into the difference between suspicious activity and threatening activity."

How has this explosive revelation been allowed to suffocate to death?

Does this account for where Crooks was for some of the time between 5:45 and 6:02?

If he was elsewhere, on the ground during that time, wouldn’t that same camera that supposedly captured him climbing on the roof at 6:06, also record him at some point before then? How about other cameras, like the one that recorded him entering the site in the first place?

My young people… son 21 electrician apprentice, daughter MBA Grad 25 year old, her boyfriend assist AG lawyer…30…they are all feeling it right now. They are physically ill and stressed and full of feelings as if something is off. They went to pool and boat party this weekend. They said they are all feeling it. All their friends don’t understand these feelings.
I don’t know if their adjustment period to the realization of what is happening is kicking in?


People don’t seem to understand what a CERT team is. CERT is a training program, sponsored by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the Department of Homeland Security to train CIVILIAN VOLUNTEERS how to effectively work with and assist local law enforcement / first responders during a natural disaster or other emergency.

CERT - https://community.fema.gov/PreparednessCommunity/s/welcome-to-cert?language=en_US

CERT teams are generally trained by the local county sheriff, though in some large cities or self-sufficient towns, the city/town Emergency Manager may train and keep a roster of CERT volunteers.

CERT volunteers go through a 16-week training program in FEMA’s ICS command structure, first aid, wilderness and urban search & rescue, effective radio communications, how to survey a crowd for potential trouble, and they usually participate in at least one “mass casualty drill” per year alongside the federal, state, county, local, and other first responders so they are “useful” as volunteers in a real disaster.

As further training and a means of keeping their CERT volunteers interested and familiar as a friendly face to law enforcement, CERT teams are OFTEN asked to volunteer as traffic control or other monitors at public events such as fairs, festivals, and political rallies. At these types of public events, CERT volunteers are usually given GMRS / FRS radios and sent out to “monitor the crowd” for potential troublemakers, medical emergencies, and people who are not following the rules (i.e., somebody climbing a fence). Their radios usually aren’t on the same frequency as the police radios (unless the Sheriff uses them a lot and trusts them), but to another CERT volunteer inside the building who usually has one “base” radio to listen to the various CERT volunteers out in the fairgrounds, and has a second radio that is plugged right into the police or sheriff who deployed the CERT team. This liason is “net control.” Many of these “net control” CERT volunteers are ARES / RACES trained in ham radio or other forms of communications.

As a county CERT volunteer in my county, I have been embedded with the town fire department to go house to house during a tropical storm to warn homeowners to evacuate ahead of a storm surge, cross-trained with the U.S. Military to set up and deploy radio communications during a mass casualty drill (MARS), been embedded with state police to do wilderness search and rescue for a lost Alzheimers patient in the woods (we found her alive), and directed more traffic and walked around more fairgrounds and events than I could list.

So calling somebody a “plain clothes officer” who the Sheriff is referring to his “CERT team” is not correct. They are trained volunteers, kind of like members of a small town volunteer fire department that doesn’t have the budget to hire lots of full-time firefighters. These are known people who undergo a security background check, they are trained, but they are NOT “plain clothes police officers.” If they were CERT, there was likely a communication lag between when they reported on their radio that they saw somebody suspicious, and that radio broadcast got passed along through the CERT net control person to the actual police in charge. It shouldn’t have been a LARGE lag – but it would slow things down.

Hope this clarifies things a bit?


Chris…your question about the second window from the left: at 10.5 secs after the last shot, someone opened the upper curtain. Then closed it a second later. Why open…then close it?

There was someone in that room.


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I think you’ve just put way too weight behind the idea that somebody called them “CERT”. We can’t tell if they meant SERT, SIRT, SRT, or something else.

“By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes…”

–Second Witch, MacBeth by William Shakespeare
–later quoted, “Something Wicked This Way Comes” by Ray Bradbury


SERT (State Emergency Response Team) is simply a state-sponsored version of CERT.

The plain clothes “police adjacent” people LOOK and ACT like CERT (or SERT) volunteers. They are trained, but not pros. And law enforcement TREATS them like non-police, which is common when CERT volunteers are embedded with their sponsoring agency (usually the sheriff) but then another agency (usually the state police) don’t have a clue why a non-police officer is running around with a police radio, trying to tell them something.

I highly doubt its a SIRT (Security Incident Response Team). Those are NOT volunteers. They are a professional team of paid engineers that tries to unravel things such as cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure.

I keep watching you guys spin your wheels about the interaction between the various types of law enforcement. Maybe somebody should simply call Butler County and ask, “Hey, was that CERT / SERT volunteers?” Stop chasing red herrings. And just because they are volunteers doesn’t mean they might not have been “in” on a conspiracy to shoot Trump. But it would explain the sluggish communications which, if you’ve ever done net control, its pretty obvious these guys aren’t all on the same radio frequency even within this Butler County PD group.


Doing stuff like, clearing buildings by barging through doors with guns drawn? Please say clearly whether you think these trained but not pro volunteers would do something like that. If not, those people are not who you think they are, because… they did barge through the front door of AGR with their guns drawn. They were among the first through the door.


Plain clothes located again when Trump took to the stage

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There were sheriff’s officers there (from TWO different counties). There were state police there. There were local police. And there were CERT volunteers. Some of these people were in uniform. Some were not. Some were police. Some were not. Some were armed. Some were not. But several of the plain clothes people who are running around, working with police to search for the patsy, are obviously NOT actual police. Its painful to watch you guys bang your heads against the wall on false leads when the Sheriff, himself, told you which guys were his CERT team.

Before you can solve a mystery, you first have to correctly identify who is who, how they are connected, and what their motivation is for being there. Discounting the plain announcement of the Sheriff as to who a particular “actor” is (“my CERT team”) is not very productive in solving this crime. Don’t come up with a conclusion, and then try to force the evidence to fit. Look at the evidence, and then let it lead you to the correct conclusion.


People are still referring to “Shaggy Capri Shorts” guy as most likely undercover PSP, but my buddy (who is undercover PSP), says no way. He said they don’t carry badges anywhere on their person and the only undercover officers with facial hair are for drug-related cases.