Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Hello Chris, let me start by saying how very much I appreciate your initiative with this Citizens Investigation and your methodology in general. I also appreciate your invitation and encouragement to challenge each others ideas. Since you have featured today all the similarly dressed gentlemen wandering around the AGR buildings, I think it is time to revisit an earlier conclusion of yours. What I am going to do here is review all the reasons you and others have given for rejecting the idea that the dead shooter on the roof was Maxwell Yearick rather than Thomas Crooks, and then introduce some other evidence that I have not yet heard you discuss.

In your video of July 19th (https://peakprosperity.com/crooks-unbelievable-path-to-the-roof/), you began your analysis of the shooter’s identity at minute 40:39. At 41:56 you put up the photo taken by sniper Greg Nicol on the day of the rally and state: “I think we have to agree this is the shooter because of the same tee-shirt, same glasses, same scruffy facial hair …” Upon reflection, I think you will agree that this statement, as such, is a non sequitur. While the shooter did have each of those three superficial things, this is far from proof of identity.

However, the individual photographed by Nicol does indeed closely resemble Thomas Crooks, as seen from the front in his high school yearbook photo that you showed, and the resemblance is even stronger in views of Crooks from the side (broad forehead, protruding chin, etc.).
So I have no doubt that Crooks was present at the Trump rally and did dress like the dead shooter, but that does not mean he was the dead shooter. As you have just stressed, there were a lot of people that day dressed quite similarly and perhaps intentionally so in order to cause maximum confusion.

In your video you next compared the right ear of Crooks with the right ear of the shooter and concluded that the small bump(s) on the rim are “distinctive” and on this basis you say you are “very, very confident” that the shooter is Crooks. Here I would remark that such bumps are called “auricular tubercles” and are perhaps not as rare or distinctive as you might think:


In any case, to your credit, you did admit that the hair of Crooks and the shooter are not such a great match, and you also cited an eye-witness who estimated the age of the shooter to be between 30 and 40, which is good match for Yearick’s 37 (but not for Crook’s 20). However, for some unspoken reason you completely dismissed the obvious difference between their two right ears, namely, the prominent scar on Yearick’s earlobe that many have identified as a sutured ear gauge hole. In the photo of Yearick that you chose (wearing a cap), his ears are not visible, but there are many other photos of him with ear gauges.

Similarly, Gary Melton at Paramount Tactical dismissed the idea that this scar was a repaired gauge hole because the ones he had seen were more vertical rather than horizontal (Trump Assassination Attempt - Is Maxwell Yearick The Real or 2nd Shooter?). But that just means he didn’t look hard enough:

Most comically, Reuters “fact check” (https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/convicted-anti-trump-protester-falsely-identified-shooter-2024-07-15/) dismissed the possibility that Yearick could be the shooter because “the photo of Yearick shared online does not resemble the suspect identified by authorities”!
The relevant question, of course, is not how closely Yearick and Crooks resemble each other, but rather which one most closely resembles the shooter. If Reuters were being honest they would have linked to this picture:
If you forget everything else you think you know and look not just at the ears but look but at the whole visage, especially the relative width of the foreheads, I think you will admit that shooter more closely resembles Yearick than it does Crooks. (Bear in mind that Yearick’s photo is a mugshot from April 2016 at age 29 when he was arrested in Pittsburgh for his misbehavior at a Trump rally: https://www.wtae.com/article/pittsburgh-donald-trump-protesters-sentenced-to-jail-time/9261199.)

There is also another close match between the shooter and Yearick. Below the shooter’s right ear are two small dark splotches, which might just be blood, but which also just happen to match the location of a (double) mole on Yearick (circled). Gary Melton dismissed this because he could only see one mole on Yearick, but the photo is poor enough that there could also be two. (Curiously, this photo of Yearick seems to be pretty well scrubbed from the internet. If anyone has a higher resolution version, please send it in.)

Moving beyond the face, it is important to note that Yearick had a prominent tattoo on his left arm (and as far as I can tell, Crooks did not have any tattoos; x.com).

Did the shooter have the same tattoo? This is an interesting question. Clear photos of his left arm do not seem to be available. Here is a long distance photo (from
https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoftcirclejerk/comments/1e2u577/r8_the_fit/) that seems to show a dark area on his left arm.
Some close-range body cam shots also show his left arm, but where there might be a tattoo, I find strange pixilated areas when I enlarge them. Why would that be? I would appreciate it someone familiar with photoshop tampering detection would examine these closely.

Thus, the most obvious physical difference between Crooks and Yearick appears to be the absence or presence of this tattoo. A clear, un-re-touched photo of the shooter’s left arm would quickly clear up this issue. And if indeed it was Crooks, there would be no reason not to clearly show his left arm!

So much for the direct photographic evidence. Let me now review how the authorities claim they eventually identified the shooter as Crooks. ABC News reported that initially FBI agent Rojek said that because he did not have any ID on him, they were using DNA and biometric data (like tattoos?) ('Loner' and 'nice': Complex portrait of gunman in Trump assassination attempt emerges - ABC News):

Officials had said during that press conference [on the evening of July 13th] that they were using the suspect’s DNA to confirm his identity, because the suspect had not been carrying anything that would have identified him.
“It’s a matter of doing biometric confirmations,” Rojek said. “So, there was no identification on the individual, for example, so we’re looking at photographs right now and we’re trying to run his DNA and get biometric confirmation.”

I remember hearing Yearick’s name on unofficial channels already within 24 hours of the rally. The day after the new conference, however, the FBI announced that they had identified the shooter as Crooks by tracing the serial number of the shooter’s gun to Crooks’ father. But the possibility that someone else might have been using this gun is never discussed! Thus the gun registration still falls far short of a positive identification of the shooter. What happened to the DNA test they were trying to run? And once they had associated the gun with Crooks’ family, the FBI should have taken DNA samples from the home or the family to confirm the connection. Did they? Can we now trust their results? Why were they in such a hurry to cremate the body? Did the family positively identify it beforehand, or were just brow-beaten to sign off on the cremation?

Another obvious way that the shooter could have been identified by the authorities – once they had linked him to specific vehicles - was by running a registration check on the vehicles. Why haven’t we heard anything about that? Well, firstly there is the awkward fact that the “lone gunman” has been linked to two vehicles. The link between the shooter and the white van parked on Lawrence Ave. was apparently established by a canine unit (Police K9 unit led cops to Thomas Crooks's explosive-laden van as video footage shows them searching and then towing would-be Trump assassin's vehicle away | Daily Mail Online). And then there is the second awkward fact that this van had an Arizona license plate (no one seems to have gotten the plate number) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSuN41_y3OA, minute 1:37). This van leads straight back to Yearick, whose parents live in Arizona and whose father, Roger Yearick, had a white 1999 GMC Safari van registered to him before he died in 2018 (x.com, x.com).

The shooter has also been linked to a Hyundai Sonata, but I don’t believe we’ve been told how they made this link (Bought a ladder and...: What shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks did before Donald Trump assassination attempt | Today News), perhaps because the dogs did not find a connection to the shooter (Yearick) and because the Sonata actually belonged to Crooks, who was indeed also at the rally. Under the circumstances, I would trust the dogs more than the FBI!

The theory that the dead shooter was actually Yearick would certainly be demolished if he were now to turn up alive somewhere. This possibility is apparently why Gary Melton is so afraid of us pursuing this line of thinking, but I don’t believe I am indulging in any wild speculation by following this trail of evidence. The fact is that despite being at the center of a swirling controversy for more than a month, Yearick has not come forward, his social media accounts have been wiped, and his family has apparently filed a missing person report in Arizona (https://www.caclubindia.com/assets/maxwell-yearick/) (however, I have not been able to confirm this filing). In addition, no one has come forward with a proof of life for Yearick in order to collect the $1,000 reward that has been offered for such proof (x.com).

If it is true that the shooter was Yearick, then of course the big mystery is what happened to Crooks?! Crooks was photographed by Nicol around 5:14 pm and then “lost sight of” (https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/services/files/4E6577F1-8AD2-4CB9-9FC7-5896C27A9647 and New Police Transcripts Show Stunning Trump Assassination Attempt Security Failures). Then again Nicol – our most reliable witness! – reports at 5:32 pm that Crooks was “looking at his phone and using a rangefinder,” and at 6:05 that he was moving “northeast towards Sheetz [convenience store] with a backpack.” As far as I understand, this is the first time his backback is mentioned, and none of the photos of Crooks show him with a backpack. We don’t really know what Crooks did between 5:32 and 6:05, or even if the 6:05 sighting really was Crooks. In other words, there was plenty of time for Crooks to leave the AGR area, or alternatively, to duck into one of the supposedly unoccupied AGR buildings and meet up with Yearick and/or other co-conspirators, and then for the more experienced Yearick to appear on the scene with a backpack and begin scaling the roof. At this point we just don’t know. But, one way or another, I suspect that both Crooks and Yearick died that day.

One last thing to bear in mind with all of this is that if the assassination attempt had been successful, the FBI might well have gone ahead and identified the shooter as Yearick – the Antifa member – precisely in order to incite maximum outrage and perhaps even civil war. When the assassination failed, however, it had to scramble and chose to conceal Yearick’s identity.

Thank you for your attention.

***Updated to correct source of block quote from ABC.


At this point the evidence is overwhelming to suspect that GN was potentially involved in the plot to assassinate Trump.
(1) GN was the last person to see Crooks before the shooting started – and reported that he saw Crooks heading towards Sheetz Gas Station – (a) this was objectively false, and (b) was likely known to GN to be false when he reported it because there is no way from GN’s vantage point in BLD3 that he could have surmised from Crooks leaving the picknick table area that he was heading towards Sheetz! This is based on GNs own statements – and therefore in view of the obvious incongruity of the same – is compelling evidence that GN was attempting to send LEOs on a wild goose chase – for the express purpose of providing assistance to Crooks.
(2) Crooks after the GN sighting – then magically disappears and does not reappear until about 6:08PM running on the roof of AGR-BLD6 in a video by Copenhaver.
(3) The FBI report that there is a video of Crooks accessing the roof – with no disclosure of the video – MUST be considered suspect – because the source is the FBI – and simply could be an attempt to steer the Citizen’s Investigation away from the real possibility that GN or someone let Crooks into the AGR BLD – and helped him avoid detection and helped him access the roof of BLD6 – just before the shooting.
A possibility is that GN let Crooks into the AGR-BLD2 – from the NW corner first floor door – and allowed Crooks to stay hidden for 2 minutes – before he climbed onto the AGR-BLD3 roof from one of the east facing windows on the second floor of BLD2. Crooks then moved to the south edge of the roof and easily crossed over on one of the breezeways to get on to the roof of BLD6.
He then is seen at about 6:08 running laterally across the roof of BLD6 (in the Copenhaver video) – I think Crooks disappears from view momentarily because he tripped on one of the roof raised ridges and fell down probably pretty hard (which would have been painful) – which explains the visible bruise on the right leg of Crooks dead body.
If GN was one of the insiders – he probably had advance knowledge and pictures of the undercover LEOs and their attire for the day that were going to be circulated the day of – and he or others instructed Crooks to wear accordingly similar clothing to one of the undercover LEOs.
All the best,


What would be the possible ways you could achieve total confusion and semi standown on LEO’s without saying it out loud? have you considered that?

It would have been mighty hard to put all the local LEOs into a deliberate stand down situation without explicitly passing one such order. Which means there should have been a fog of miscommunication or broken radio communications and/or crooks decoys used as misdirection to achieve the same. I dont know how precisely the system works in US but I am sure someone here can workout a plausible scenario where all the cops faced some form/layers of complexity that contributed to something similar as a stand down order.

Now since i hv finished the video, assuming there was a conspiracy to wear similar clothes to throw the LEO’s that are not involved in the plot from crooks/shooters trail, a good investigator should start tracing back their clothes and its purchase dates and howlong its been in their wardrobe.


BINGO… I think this is a question we need to be asking.

As of now with all the bodycam and other footages that have surfaced, there is no place where yearick is seen around the area…

Except for this one pic that started the idea it is Yearick.

Now what if this image was slightly manipulated to make us all feel the same before it was published??

It could have been easier to manipulate this pic compared to numerous bodycam videos and phone videos we have been seeing for the past many weeks.

I think this was deliberately done to throw us off from start.

not discounting the other points that Yearick is missing and all the connections. But saying the shooters body on the top of the roof seems to resemble the one Chris mentioned in todays video.

Now if this is really crooks, we dont know. But it sure aint Yearick.


This seems like a beautiful picture of Crooks, but some of the other sightings of “Crooks” before he got on the roof are very fuzzy and might be Yearick or one of the other look-alikes. However, I do have the impression that Crooks got there early and did a lot of scouting, while Yearick did not appear with the backpack until just before action time.

Managed to find someone that shows the meta data for the photo. Yes it can be changed and something to look further into

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I merged a spectators video to the Body cam located near stage. Also shows the Officer who also shoots at Crooks. If right after the ground sniper shot he throws his fist up the last shot was the ground sniper not Hercules.


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I don’t know if anyone has noticed this before, but it looks like the lights turned on in the “common” room (rightmost window) in AGR building 6 between 6 and 11 seconds after shots started.


Here some more details. Maybe you can find out if it is realy 4:26pm as the poster suggests, taking into account the shadows.
The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation ‘Errors’ Committed By The FBI - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

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Very nice, helps a lot to understand the wrong/unsynced timestamp.
A bit further into the same bodycam video you can even see when the first officers approach on the roof and (I believe) the moment they dislocate his rifle.
The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation ‘Errors’ Committed By The FBI - News & Current Events / Public News & Current Events - Peak Prosperity

@vegaspatriot @cmartenson @commenter

There is a timing issue with the new footage of Crooks walking around outside the AGR compound allegedly at 4:26 p.m.

It happens that 4:26 p.m. is the very same time that the Beaver County sniper finishing his shift (Jason Woods?) sent text messages saying that Crooks was sitting at a picnic table

UPDATE 1: The guy from the origin TikTok account says that he is sure about the 4:26 p.m. time

UPDATE 2: This is the “raw unedited” video according to the origin TikTok account:



Chris, in the Paramount Tactical video released yesterday, he said in the drone footage they filmed recently, they specifically looked for cameras on the exterior of the AGR complex and could not find any there. He got pretty good high quality video of the complex and this wasn’t the 4K version that is coming later.

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I 100% agree that GN was involved, but let’s be careful when we say “involved”.

GN needs to be interviewed. Remember, he was teamed up with the as-of-yet-unidentified Butler sniper. These people may be extremely reluctant to talk bad about each other. GN may not want to say that he was handed a certain keycard and then asked by the other guy to go downstairs with the assurance that the Butler sniper would hold the fort upstairs.

We are at a hideously awkward stage of this investigation. We pretty much understand the overall story, and we have identified numerous people of interest, and normally the case would be pretty much solved and over, because the people of interest would have been interviewed. The only reason this thing is still dragging on is that the government is deliberately failing to do basic policework, and most likely preventing local police from solving the case either.



Chris said in a video a few weeks back that if the gun the counter sniper used were to hit a human in the head there would be nothing left of said human head. Or, perhaps, not knowing much of what bullets do when they hit the target, since the counter snipers were up HIGHER than “Crooks,” if the bullet went through his head would it not be lodged in the building behind Crooks?


Thanks, everyone.


We don’t know where the round ended up. We don’t even know for sure who killed Crooks, or with what kind of round, or where in his body Crooks was hit. The prevailing theory (I think, prevailing by at least a little bit) is that Crooks was shot by the southern Hercules counter-sniper team. The shot may have hit him on the left side of his mouth and exited out the back right side of his neck. Personally I find this plausible. If the round had hit him elsewhere, I would have expected a different injury.

If it was really the southern counter-sniper that shot him, depending on the trajectory, we may find evidence of the slug lodged in some building behind Crooks. But we haven’t done very much investigation about that compared to the trajectory from Crooks to the podium. But people are doing a bunch of surveys with drones, so maybe we’ll get some nice information about that soon.

Looks like this is possibly a fit for the badge shape?


That was very respectfully presented and well documented. Kudos!

Such questioning is always welcome here.

The truth is we have no proof of anything important out here in the cheap seats.

We don’t know:

  • Who that was on the roof for sure
  • Whether or not they fired 0 rounds or 8 rounds or any other in-between number of rounds
  • Whether the roof gun was fired, its stated caliber, serial number, barrel length, twist rate, the number and type of live cartridges found in the magazine, etc.
  • The exact wounds on the body at autopsy
  • The precise number and locations of the wounds on the victims, and whether any bullets or fragments had been recovered.

This is a lot of stuff to not know at this stage of the game…


Gary’s drone footage didn’t go down close to the building. If you recall, he said Spa Guy did. This is what Spa Guy’s drone footage captured.

This is a fruitful line of inquiry.

However, regardless of the various types and forms of fog, this plot cannot work with anybody in the overwatch building doing their effing job at the most minimal level of competency and/or attention.

Those two snipers are key. Even with a .22 revolver, they could have easily stopped the plot.

It was essential that neither of them performed their role properly.

How could this be accomplished?

Several ways:

  1. Call them off over their comms for some purpose. “Bravo team, come to the front door and speak to patrol to convey what you know!”

  2. Co-opt one of them. Somehow buy off or threaten GN and then let him know his job is to assure that neither he nor junior sniper are in position once the final deception is put out, which happens to be “he’s headed toward Sheetz”. Or vice versa, the other sniper coaxes GN out of the room somehow.

  3. Co-opt both of them. Both snipers are in on it.

  4. Use the same substance you used on the Epstein jail guards that caused them to fall into a deep sleep at just the right, or wrong, time depending on your view of things.