The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

There you go, thinking logically again. Good point…damn good point!


correct, but if that’s true then that is a really weird way of stating that


That’s why our own investigation is so important. I do believe some reps are solid - so far Clay Higgins, Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson (who was excellent in creating his own panels of experts on the coronavirus.)


That’s exactly why I didn’t even consider it. Now I want to check the drone footage to find a camera in that area of the building.


Like the footage from the Pentagon and nearby gas stations of the supposed airplane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11, I don’t expect us to ever see any footage by the AGR security cameras - those are already in FBI hands.


@cmartenson @intolerance

Thanks for interjecting common sense into the conversation, @commenter. I think we have a security camera here.


After spending a career in the service of the US Gov as a criminal investigator, I can only say that this entire story is BS. No FBI releases since 7/14? All you need to know. Washing down the roof? Unheard of. Not having a local commander with his own comms not in the USSS command post? Please. They don’t care. That is the point. It’s in your face and obvious.


Nope, they could have notified other investigators to attend the autopsy that occurred soon after the death. They knew the next day. I call bullshit.


I wonder if the way the FBI dude worded his statement is due to some sort of agency protocol or guidelines, or if it’s an intentional attempt at misleading people. Because if everyone catches on to the fact that this AGR building had security cameras, then things get really interesting. Why would the security detail that day not use those cameras, or at least “disable” them and set up their own? Also, obviously, people would be demanding that the AGR footage gets released immediately, just like they did with the bodycameras.

But by wording it in such a way where they simply say “a local business”, then that just takes everyone’s attention away from the scene and now people are forced to look around fucking Google Maps for something that they’ll never find.

Also if there are security cameras, we will also have to know if those can record any sound. Most commonly used security cameras on most buildings won’t record sound, maybe only inside the building or by the entrance, so the rest will be muted and only record video…but if they are all capturing audio, they would have even more reason to pretend those cameras don’t even exist.

Just look at the media. NO ONE is covering this assassination attempt, or at least not covering it in a manner that they should. The news is treating it like it was some minor inconvenience that happened a few weeks ago, I haven’t seen anyone dedicating air time getting experts out and having interviews, going over details. I’ve only seen that on social media and YouTube by random independent sources and influencers. Like what a fucking time to be alive, I get better news and information on an attempted assassination from a goddamn YouTube influencer than I do from entire news organizations.


All good points, and that dawned on me also…where there’s one camera there are more! In a warehouse I worked in for about a year our cameras could be turned 360 degrees when viewing the video files, so I have no doubt that this one would have captured him actually climbing up despite being mounted on the same wall. They did not have sound.


Most coroners do not expect their autopsy results to be questioned in light of clear cause of death (gunshot) at a known time with witnesses and known perpetrators(not in the criminal way, just the men who pulled the triggers).

Although there was clearly Congressional concern and theories were running rampant through the public, the FBI and a County coroner do not have to honor those occurrences with changes to their usual practices.

However, it is highly suspicious that his body would be released without the coroner’s and the State Police’s express approval given the homicide and attempted homicide issues.

That part is weird as hell. Super sus.


The way the FBI’s Deputy Director Abbate worded it to Congress seems meant to deflect awareness of AGR cameras. What’s wrong with the FBI just saying an AGR camera caught Crooks climbing the roof? I think Abbate wants to avoid unwanted follow-on questions, such as, “Does AGR have security or quality-control cameras inside? What do they show?” That could illuminate Greg Nicol’s and his sniper buddy’s movements inside, detect other people inside we do not know about.


Rep. Higgins is exactly right on every point. What the FIB has done (and not done but should have) is an outrage. If their actions had been committed by a local police officer that officer would be facing immediate termination and possibly arrest for criminal negligence. The same kinds of investigative outrages were also committed after 9/11 but more people are onto them this time. I cannot overemphasize how many egregious investigative outrages have been committed. It is not incompetence. And don’t get me started on the USSS. They didn’t go over and pick up the radios waiting for them?! Radio communication is a HUGE force multiplier in police and all law enforcement work. Not taking radios is on a par with not taking bullets, or vehicles, or pen and paper with which to write. It’s NEVER NEVER done. First time sniper teams were assigned to Trump (or any former POTUS)? First time MSM covered a Trump rally live, and with cameras with shutter speeds capable of catching a bullet vapor trail? First time there was a shooting with an “assault rifle” and Democrats DIDN’T go into a months long tizzy demanding rifles be banned and the Second Amendment be repealed. Get out of here! I can see what’s going on, and so can millions more.

Was there one shooter or two (or more)? There’s one person who was there that day who seems to think there was one shooter: the local SWAT officer who in under six seconds located the shooter, got into position, and snapped off one round unsupported at approximately 100 yards and stopped the shooting. I’d love to interview him and give him every scrap of credit he deserves. I’d love to hear him say what he saw and heard, and why he took that one shot (and not more). I think his would be some of the most important evidence regarding who fired the shots. I’m sure HE thinks there was one shooter and that he shot that one shooter. He’s my hero!

At the risk of being annoyingly repetitive, I have skated to where the puck is going to be, not where it is today. Here’s where the puck is going to be: after all the investigating and theorizing and agonizing is done, the FIB is still going to be standing right in front of us thwarting justice asking, “So what are YOU going to do about it?” What ARE we going to do about it? Even Trump himself doesn’t seem worked up about it (though maybe he’s biting his tongue hoping when he gets elected he can do something about it - but I seriously doubt that). I seriously doubt he’s going to be elected and take office, and I seriously doubt he’ll do anything even if he is. Remember he was going to have Hillary arrested, then… Nothing. I’m fuming and trying to decide what I’M going to do about it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::thinking:


Chris, you hit every important, documented failing of investigation by FBI and SS so far, totally out of the ballpark, in a way suggestive and convincing of malfeasance.

Brutal on FBI and SS reputations - incompetence of investigation is totally implausible.

With this pressure, there is a rising chance that some elements will break and throw another under the bus. There is also a rising chance that honest, patriotic insiders in FBI and SS will realize that there is a cover-up, and become whistleblowers. Kudos!


It’s just another lie by the liars. It’s all they’re good at.


“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”

― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


lol that snake knew what he was doing

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This reminds me of another autopsy done 61 years ago.
Photos doctored, body doctored, evidence “lost”, evidence classified, etc.
The more I see, the more similarities are exposed between this assassination attempt and the Kennedy assassination.

  • A loner with a sketchy or confusing past.
  • A shooter who obtains a cheap rifle, evades all law enforcement, and
    shoots from a perfect location.
  • A shooter who is killed before he can be questioned.
    *Evidence of a second shooter.
  • A coverup by the FBI

It’s glaringly obvious to me that this was a government sponsored hit.


A local Butler cop was boosted up on to a lower roof than the one Crooks was on. He could have stayed below the line of sight that Crooks had, and laid flat on the walk-way roof out of sight of Crooks, and then popped up to take a shot at Crooks, but instead the cop ran away. Over 40 seconds passed between the coward running away, and shots being fired. Trump was shot, along with 2 others injured by gunfire, plus a man was murdered, and I don’t find this remotely acceptable. Why is it, that it seems to me that I’m the nut yelling out to passerby’s that there is an extremely dangerous systemic problem in America, when the typical cowardice of American police is on display for all to see that dare see it? Proof of my assertion is that he will receive no public reprimand by his superiors for his cowardice. Remember the Texas Uvalde school shooting? Over 100 police were there and did nothing but listen to shots being fired. Police are not civilians. Why is it that nobody dares call a coward cop a coward? Police have dangerous jobs and they put their life on the line for the public? Pure Bullshit. Workmen’s Compensation Rates are determined by how much insurance money has to be paid out for injuries by the insurers. Why do people just accept and believe such bullshit when with a little effort they can find out that almost all construction jobs, and delivery driver jobs are more dangerous? Should I have special standing in society because my life as a roofer is 3 times as dangerous as a policemens? Isn’t past the time when police are held in deference, and should, and need to be held accountable to a higher standard than the citizenry that they allegedly serve? The job the citizenry of America believe police to have is primarily that they are the predators of societies predators, but the reality is that we-the-people are the prey. It is precisely this undeserved deference to authority that has slowly inflicted the fatal corruption that has murdered the America of my youth.


The Deputy Director said a “local business.” I didn’t stop to consider AGR itself until someone raised that possibility. So I found the security camera I’m 99.9% sure he was referring to.